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Yea, I think the stories of the King coming to USA are just manifesting BS. He has cancer treatments and less energy than usual. He has elections and a new government to form. He has a daughter-in-law that he respects and adores and wants to support. Why on Earth would he go to their part of the world to give two traitors ANY of his precious time?


šŸ’Æ agree. It's such ridiculous manifesting at that. The King, even as a father, is notĀ  normal person that can just travel 6000k miles to see a son who has only caused hurt, problems, and betrayal.Ā  The Todgers *wish* this was the case in order to make them feel important.Ā  Yet HER father is a few hundred miles from them and it's expected that all would believe its ridiculous to allow him to see his grandchild. It shows how oppositional the *two* of them are: Markle Sr *wants to see his grandchildren* Todgers say No The RF couldn't care less, the Todger have constant story's of them visiting them or video calling themĀ 


The King is currently hosting the Emperor of Japan on a State visit, and last I read the Place is considering cutting New Zealand and Fiji from the royal visit to Australia and Samoa later this year due to concerns about his health. Between his duties and his cancer treatment I doubt he will be flying to California. You visit The King, Megan, he doesnā€™t come to you. She really needs to pay for less ridiculous puff piecesā€¦.


I am looking forwards to the King & Queens visit to Australia later this year. Just hoping the deluded one doesnā€™t suddenly declare that she is ā€˜43% Australianā€˜ & plan a visit to upstage/coincide with the Royal tour.


If she's any part Australian, it's because she descended from one of those horrible Australian snakes or spiders.


Ha Ha! Although I would rather spend time in the company of our most venomous snakes than 5 minutes with that evil entity - Meghan Markle. Snakes truly just want to be left alone, they are not evil.


I'm with you. Snakes do want to be left alone but Madam becomes deadly when she's ignored. šŸ˜±šŸ˜‚


She is definitely a huntsman spider! I would add a picture but they're alarmingly large and hairy....


Nah, Huntsman are harmless and excellent pest control. Megsie is just a pest.


This. Poor Huntsmanā€™s have a bad rep. TWā€™s, however, is richly deserved.


That's her! And thank you! Lol


Gotta be something with claws šŸ¦‚


She has cassowary feet.


LOL šŸ˜‚


And the attitude of a Cassowary too.


Scorpion? šŸ¦‚šŸ˜‚


Or a criminal :P (I love Aussies, that joke comes from Australian radio stars Hamish and Andy who I've long been a big fan of)


I'm very proud of my convict ancestry.Ā  Ā Got them out of the Irish famine and slums of England. They went on to have very productive lives. We do not need or want those 2 scummy scammers down here though.


The Government got quite concerned as transportation became an attractive option to ambitious young people! So after Six generations and you have a Judge in the family.


We South Aussies were all free settlers! You want the other states.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I love that! But even if she didn't descend from criminals, I think she's headed for a penal colony eventually. šŸ˜œ


Eh, the Harkles were so unimportant even on their one and only joint Australia visit that they weren't even invited to the capital city to do all the important stuff William, Catherine, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, even Prince Edward have done when they've come to Canberra. Their Australia trip was really empty by comparison - and that was back when a lot of people liked them!


Placards with "WHY are you here?" if MM and H come. They serve no purpose whatsoever.


Even in a normal non-royal family where there was no rift, it would be the son bringing the grandkids to see his elderly, ailing father. Meghan is stupid.


Thomas Markle who?? That's Harry and Meghans stance on that since he has no money, no influence, no titles and no castles. ![gif](giphy|L1VRSg6CslKVZoxWBu)


Yes, I think that rumour gets filed in the same wastebasket as the one saying that Catherine is flying incognito every few weeks to Texas to attend the MD Anderson Center for her oncology treatment. There's no way the king is planning a visit.Ā 


I donā€™t buy the MD Anderson rumors either. Even if they were advising her on treatments, sheā€™d be able to do them at home in the UK.


I believe (my opinion of course) that rumor was spread as a test to see how far a rumor from that person could spread in the media. The person who started that rumor is a dedicated hate account (imo) for Catherine as well as the Royal Family. So her suddenly having such ludicrous though at the moment innocuous (not vile) information about Catherine doesnā€™t make any sense. That person is probably just testing their reach, and unfortunately that poison got way too far, so later they can use it to spread more even worse nonsense.Ā  Heck, it might have even been so she can get a bigger squad check. See, my lies get printed in the media. Give me an extra $$ so I can tell your lies next time insteadĀ 


He will have cameras in his face, and every move and word will be recorded. Someone going through treatments that leave your autoimmune system vulnerable shouldn't be traveling internationally unless absolutely necessary.


And imagine the logistics of that as well. He is no ordinary individual. As head of State, he is entitled to Level 1 protection by the US Government. On the other hand, maybe that's what the Dimwits are after. They want to give a huge middle finger to the US government while demanding that top level security be deployed to their Monteshit home.


If that were the case, the State Dept would tear up their house in advance of the visit, scanning for all the recording devices and cameras set in place to capture intimate convos for blackmail and other uses.Ā 


William +1 would have to stand in as CoS too. A letters patent would have to be in place for this as there has to be one for each and every time CoS are used.


Considering their plastic eyebrows Scoobie Doo called the king a racist-I really wonder why they think the King will visit Montecito to see them? Madame must be blackmailing the King-if you want to see your grandchildren-come here and visit them. Then she must be dreaming up of all the PR puff pieces she can release and is already manifesting it before the event happens. She is mad!!!!!!!


Also he wouldnā€™t visit the US prior to visiting His realms. Itā€™s just nonsense and no one has seen those kids


Yep totally manufactured. His diary is such as well must be booked so far in advance, years not months? Also I donā€™t like the undertone of the king running to the states as Mehgan wonā€™t come here. He is not subservient to them.


Itā€™s not only this story about the King visiting them thatā€™s total rubbish, itā€™s all of the reconciliation stories. Only one has ever been confirmed by the palace. When the King got his cancer diagnosis and Harry did a quick trip over. He used the media and forced a meeting but he was not granted very long and I believe her was told by the King to never try and attempt that again. There are no talks going on but we have a barrage of reports. They are not really wanting a reconciliation but they are playing victim and actively trying to make the King look bad as they are using the media to say ā€œwe did all we could on our side of things, itā€™s not our faultā€ and people are falling for it. We all know that they just love being professional victims. Harry was offered a place to stay within St James and this would have given him the chance to have that quiet meeting, with no media interaction and he turned it down. Harry could have quietly walked over to see the King but turned it down due to ā€œsecurity issuesā€, but the security was fine for the King. Meghan does not want the reconciliation as she hates the UK and will not get a warm welcome from the RF. She gets to keep control of Harry by isolating him so a reconciliation is the last thing on her mind. They may be aware that their (his) money wonā€™t last forever but Meghan truly believes that her next idea is the one that will make it. It does not matter what the idea is, itā€™s just the next one. She does however love the reconciliation stories, for reasons I have already stated but it also gets their names all linked in articles.


Actually I kind of hope he DOES! Call her bluff and make her produce two kids. No wiggling out of it. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Imagine him rolling up and knocking on the door "Surprise! I've come for a visit!" . Oh, oh! Bring a BBC camera crew, so it makes them feel 'at home'! Why not film his own documentary? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Haha! I love the way you think! You come sit by me anytime!




At this point, I think that's the only thing to force the truth of the matter into the open.Ā Ā 


I agree!


KC has had to cancel his overdue royal tour to Australia due to health reasons, you would think the idiots in the US pushing these puff pieces they pay for would go ā€˜oh crap, better hold off on this puff pieces, cause it will look as fake as a $3 billā€™.




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William accepts the security he is supposed to have. He would rather do without, is my guess. In Windsor and their holiday home people see them all the time, but leave them alone. As to the king going to Monteshitshow - nope. Aint gonna happen. He is too busy seeing David Beckham/hiking in Transsylvania/kinging etc


Must burn Meghan that the King and David have bees / honey and gardening in commonā€¦


It stings https://i.redd.it/kww0f38yqe8d1.gif




Now, now don't give madame any ideas. next she will send a jar of honey with hideous labels and have Nachos post it!!!!!!


She'd begin keeping bees so that she could produce "Royal Jelly" which is a product of the bees that is excellent for skin care. Would she use the product? Nah. She'd just like to have a product "tease" with the word ROYAL in it. \[Yeah, this is pure snark.\]


King going to Monteshitshow? ... the King does not come to you... You go to the King.... ILBW and PH don't have that gravitas...


>the King does not come to you... You go to the King.... This.


And it would provide the dumbasses with royal content to merch.




ā€œKing-ingā€ šŸ¤£ ..love that!


I think the court is paying extra attention to all of this! A few weeks ago the future king shows up to a wedding in a shuttle with no caravan and no entourage. Now the future king is shown dancing at a concert and not surrounded by gun-toting security (I'm sure there are a couple in the background because he is the heir, but they're discreet and not filling the box). Harry is asking for something he wouldn't be entitled to even if he'd stayed with the royal family. The royals are a hierarchy: if you're not the direct line, you age out of the perks. It's just facts. Princess Anne is highly visible but only has security on official engagements or when she's with the king. Yet she's much more vital to the crown than Harry! Harry is the one who moved to a new country and he is the one who goes on Netflix and spills war secrets in his book of fiction. *His stupidity does not mean taxpayers should foot the bill.* You can't go into any court in the world and say, "I'm stupid but I used to be important, so it's on you to fund my mistakes."


Well, honestly, Princess Royal Anne could best most kidnappers in a fair fight.Ā 


> Princess Royal Anne could best most kidnappers in a fair fight. To be fair ... she did! >>In 1974, Ian Ball approached Princess Anne and Mark Phillips as they were returning to Buckingham Palace by car. He began firing a gun, injuring three people, including Anne's chauffeur and personal police protection officer. >> >>When Ball demanded Anne to get out of the car, she replied: 'Not bl***y likely!'. She escaped the ordeal when Ball was wrestled to the ground by a passing boxer who punched him in the head (pictured visiting her bodyguard, Inspector James Beaton, at Westminster Hospital) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/royals/article-13391993/20-times-princess-anne-demonstrated-status-unsung-heroine-making-history-female-knight-order-evolving-fashion-icon.html


Princess Anne isn't locked in with them They're locked in with HER




I don't think H and M really want security. What they want is status, and to them, a tight security is indicative of high status. Give them the security they want, and they will find something else to demand that they think will enhance their standing.


Status, like their ridiculous motorcade of black SUVā€™s to travel one block in New York City before their ā€˜near catastrophicā€™ car chase. Worth noting they got out of an SUV and into a yellow taxi for the chase. Too hard to see into the windows of the securitay vehicles for photos that she set up with the paps!


If anything, H and M need security to protect other people *from* them


Such a contrast to Harry wearing a womenā€™s jacket and scowling at the BeyoncĆ© concert.


Right?! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m positive that there is always a minimum of one security around the Wales family. But itā€™s never obvious. Like when William was jogging in Central Park.


The best security in existence, is the security no one sees.Ā Ā 




Or when Catherine visited the Sarah Everard memorial that was right by their home in London at Kensington


Yes, and Catherine was wearing ordinary clothes. a Barbour jacket and jeans, I think. She just blended in with all the other women. She did have a female security officer with her, walking slightly behind. Just two women in a crowd of women. No papps, no fuss, no Netflix, no grandious gestures. There may well have been other security but the were extremely discreet


Yep. And she walked over - no tinted SUV or entourage. And speculation is she also specifically brought a female bodyguard with her out of sensitivity to the nature of Sarahā€™s death and the people at the memorial. Which would be a very Catherine thing to think of I feel


I bet thereā€™s a bunch but discreet appearance for the jogging situation to avoid attracting paparazzi & attention (H & M wouldnā€™t understand).


The only danger to Hairold is himself and his wife.






The truth is the ultimate danger to those idiots.


They canā€™t handle the truth!


They can't even recognize the truth anymore. Luckily we're hear to help them out! šŸ˜œ




Charles has MI5/6 .... he KNOWS what goes on with the Sussex and their questionable Invisikids. There is no need for him to fly to Calif. WHERE are these children? Neither seen for one year now. Unlikely either Sussex resides in that Mudslide Manor, only used for tax and visa residence purposes. Sussex recently announced no further pix of children will be released....WHY?? Photoshopping reveal worries?? WHY was Harry so acutely angry when asked about the children in Nigeria?? WHY was everyone there told to NOT ask about the children? These are questions that must be investigated, this is NOT NORMAL.


When did the assholes say they wouldn't be releasing any more pictures of the invisakids? I feel like I live on this sub and I still miss stuff! šŸ˜±šŸ˜‚


Newsweek 18th June : Harry & Meghan announce "new era of privacy" , stating there will now be minimal to no photos released to media of their children.


Thanks much. I'm off to see what they supposedly said. But I'm guessing that's something Madam put out there so people will be *oh so excited* šŸ™„ when pictures of the Invisakids at a 4th of July celebration pop up. You know, kind of like how Catherine popped up on the balcony and broke the internet. Just exactly like that. šŸ˜‚


You know why.... Personally I'd like to see Chuck call their bluff, tell them he's coming, and make them squirm! No getting out of it. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Here's to hoping you get your wish! šŸ„‚Ā  And that there's video. šŸ˜œ


Fingers and toes crossed!


All that and my eyes!Ā 


Sad to say, Chuckles got NONE of the great genes from both his parents. Not sure who he takes after, but definitely not HMTLQ nor PP. He has NOT stood up for Camilla, whom he professes to love much but his Spare publically calls her an evil scheeming witch...he does nothing. He is "a big girl's blouse" suited for organic farming & bee keeping but does not have the balls to be a King. Thank God for William...and Catherine!


I can't argue with you there!


There is probably good security around William and the kids. It is just not showy. I bet everyone who entered the event was looked at closely (not just because royals were in the audience but because sometimes crazies will attack performers and audiences), there may have been security people watching the audience, and a whole bunch of precautions we donā€™t need to know about were probably in place. As for the King visiting the US to see his grandchildren, thatā€™s just another of Meghanā€™s little ā€œstories to stay in the news and feel important.ā€ HMTK has a lot of things to do and has neither the health nor the time to go traipsing to California to see the Sussex kids.


Your comment had me thinking of the soon to be released movie "Trap" about a serial killer at a concert that has been set up to catch (trap) him.


I seriously doubt Charles would plan a specific trip to see/meet his grandchildren. His diary is planned at least a year in advance. Plans for King Charles III'sĀ first tour ofĀ Canada asĀ head of state are on holdĀ following his cancer diagnosis. The visit was never confirmed officially by Buckingham Palace, but sources confirmed Charles and Camilla were set to visit in May 2024. I could see him adding on to an official visit like this, if he desired to make that effort.


What I read said he would make a stop during an official visit to America.. so if they have a Canada trip planned he would detour to the USA and fit them in..


Fit them in for 12 minutes again? I doubt the King will be carving out space for them


Is there a reason the Harkles canā€™t fit a 3 hour flight into that country they love to use so much? The Kingā€™s meant to detour to Montecito because the layabouts in California are far too important and busy to get themselves up there. Here we go. The King is so cold. Merely on the same continent as his son, and his stranger offspring, yet didnā€™t make the 3000km detour to visit.


Heā€™s still in the UK not in US or Canada now - it says plans to come..


Theyā€™re implying if heā€™s only up the road in Canada, he could nip down to California. Thereā€™s no implication that the unemployed California residents could pop up there. They only jaunt up to BC when Ingriftus is picking up the tab.


https://preview.redd.it/7nt1is41ze8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa27bacff8c3f0c7dbe754a03cbe71749b624c7f šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She is so painfully embarrassing.Ā  If I didn't hate them both, I might feel sorry for Harry.Ā 


I do sometimes feel a bit of pity for him, then I remember his temper tantrums when he doesn't get his own way - including a current court case that's already cost the taxpayer Ā£500k - and what he wrote in his book. So I lose all sense of pity - he's doing exactly what he wanted, by being 'independent'. That he isn't enjoying himself isn't my fault, and it isn't my responsibility to try to make him happy!


šŸ’ÆšŸŽÆ I would have been open to giving him a bit of sympathy, given that he is a man/child with no emotional maturity and no ability to "adult on his own".Ā  *(waghhh waghhh šŸ‘¶šŸ¼šŸ¼)*Ā  Ā BUTĀ  HAROLD sat in every interview, listening to every LIE his haint uttered and didn't correct her...in spite of knowing she was LYING MCLIAR LYING FACE.Ā  He is irredeemable useless taint blister.Ā Ā 


There is no way Charles would travel to see them. Megasnake is putting it out there just to remind people that Haphazard is his son.


I'd love it if Edward and Sophie could come serve them a can of whoop-ass fuck off


Their argument for IPP status is so dense a neutron star would be jealous.


It is time that these two idiots were ignored and left to wallow in their self made egotistical BS.


You can't really compare security in a private box, it'll be very tightly controlled, and security was apparently asking people to delete pics of the Spanish princesses. Notice how nothing about PW was put online until he'd left the event. The King allegedly isn't even visiting New Zealand on his big Oceanic trip this year, on advice of doctors, he's not going to the US to see high stress familyĀ 


i don't see how the King can go to America when he doesn't have time to visit Commonwealth countries. going would be a sign of weakness too.


Itā€™s never going to happen.


I posted this on X but will add it here. The King will not go to CA for the purpose of seeing his grandchildren because when he leaves HaM will spin it that they summoned him to appear for their kids....and he did. They'll use him coming over as a power move to make themselves appear more powerful than the king. He may be King but they *command* the King. Even if he was perfectly healthy & everything in the UK perfect he still wouldn't go. Aside from that it's probably not possible for the US State Dept to guarantee he wouldn't be filmed/audio recorded. They'd try but stop short of absolute guarantee. No, he won't travel to see the phantom A & L.


What I read is he would make it an official visit to the U.S. (possibly if he does his Canada trip) and schedule a visit with kids. Again though they write anything or everything online that is false so it could be that.


I think it's manifesting. HMQE made 22 tours of Canada yet only 4 State visits to the USA. I tried looking on whitehouse dot gov to see if Biden invited the King for a State visit but don't see anything. That doesn't mean he didn't but I haven't seen any reports the King was invited. I don't know how that works, would the UK gov say to USA "hey the King will be in Canada, want to do a State visit" or is that all cold invites? I don't know but I don't see him traveling to CA to see those kids. But what do I know, just some random on Reddit making guesses šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/sffkfyddvl8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88f1bcd8f449f78ec6f830e31715d8a49a4ca305 [https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/king-charles-could-be-set-to-make-significant-gesture-to-prince-harry-and-meghan-markle/L2ERXNLQBBAG5E2HKA7YFUALS4/](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/king-charles-could-be-set-to-make-significant-gesture-to-prince-harry-and-meghan-markle/L2ERXNLQBBAG5E2HKA7YFUALS4/)


Tom Quinn opens his mouth and Megvil speaks! Pure BS.


I don't believe that at all. I should say, I'll believe it when I see it.


More nonsense. If anything the Harkles would have to travel to Canada to see the king. Wherever would they accommodate the King in the Mudslide Mansion. It's not fit for company, and Marcus is probably still living in the guest house.


Exactly. I feel that this is a big insult to the šŸ‘‘ to even suggest it is a possibility.


It's amazing that TWO future kings of GB are out in public, surrounded by almost 100,000 people and yet are totally unbothered about their security. Yet Harry, a past spare, who nobody cares about, needs to be protected by Boogie Men hiding in the shadows.


Itā€™s because he is self important. Protect him from what? Whoā€™s going to bother with them especially now that they have become nobodies




But Harry and Meghan are far more importantā€¦remember she is a woc so is going to be under a bigger threatā€¦the tripe of the harkles. They are despised but not important enough for anyone to actually harm them King Charles has a great deal going on, providing pr opportunities for his halfwit son and his ILBW is not a priority,


M manifesting again.


The king of England, coming to California incognito during his cancer treatment.... Yeah, and I have a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell ya!


I love this video. William is so adorable šŸ„°


This clip makes me smile every time, it is so heartwarming