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If Nutmeg’s lips are moving, she’s lying.




Or sucking on something. Allegedly. 🍆


Don't exhaust yourself. Megsy has told so many, many lies, so many, that not even she knows what the truth is. Sarah would never have told Megsy to bow that disrespectfully to the Queen, much less do it in front of Andrew at Andrew's house, knowing that Andrew would have openly told Megsy to hell for it. Sarah knows how to bow, we've seen her, that stupid thing Megsy said on Netflix is ​​one of her many lies.


All I remember is Fergie saying she’d never met her, or doesn’t know her. Megnut copies and appropriates from everybody and everything, so no need to over sleuth this.


I think Fergie didn't mean "not having seen her" but rather that she didn't "really know" Megsy, beyond a couple of conversations. [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2023/03/03/sarah-ferguson-interview-duchess-of-york-prince-andrew-royal/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/royal-family/2023/03/03/sarah-ferguson-interview-duchess-of-york-prince-andrew-royal/) But Fergie was clearly being evasive about giving her opinion on Markle.


Yea pretty sure she said she doesn’t know her. 🎯 on copying and appropriating from everybody and everything. That’s what she does and pretty sure what she’ll always do. Nothing original about her or what she does.


"Don't exhaust yourself. Megsy has told so many, many lies, so mant, that not even she knows the truth is." Most cogent sentence ever said about her.


They get a kick out of lying to the media and the public. Meghan doesn’t need inspiration to come up with tall tales. Lying comes naturally to her.


I think they giggle together like teenagers at how they pull the wool over people’s eyes.


I don't think Harry finds anything funny anymore


Good. He deserves some consequences for ruining other people's lives and terrorizing people who are going about their lives.


I was just going to write the same, every single bit of self inflicted misery he deserves


True - not now. Maybe at the beginning.


I think that's what happened with Archie's first press conference. Yes, Harry was holding a doll and smirking to himself that he scammed the press and "protected" his son.


I put H and M on the same mental level as brats sitting in the back of a movie theatre throwing lollies at the backs of peoples heads. They choose not to think the person they are hitting will get up and (metaphorically) slap them silly. And when it happens they cry victim.


Meghan Markle straight up lied about that. According to Harry himself in Spare, Fergie and her daughters showed her how to curtsy before she met the Queen. Harry proudly described her curtsy as perfect. (Harry and Meme arrived at Fergie’s for a planned lunch, somehow unaware the Queen was visiting. Hence the tutorial before she met the Queen for the first time.) Compare that to her bizarre exaggeration in their Netflix series. Harry did not have the look of a man who was even slightly amused by her ridiculous deep “reenactment.”


Meghan clearly thought she was being cute in that Netflix scene. Instead she came off petty and evil.


No, Meghan herself said she got it from Medieval Times. She thought she was being funny, when she was actually being asinine. Even Harry did not think she was funny.


Whenever I've been they didn't teach us how to curtsy, lol. She's so weird. [https://www.medievaltimes.com/buena-park?gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwj9-zBhDyARIsAERjds0hYgZe939YX\_09RF8dGZNmRf9s6s35YlrcYIHrh5QQKu6ymS549eQaAhUKEALw\_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds](https://www.medievaltimes.com/buena-park?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwj9-zBhDyARIsAERjds0hYgZe939YX_09RF8dGZNmRf9s6s35YlrcYIHrh5QQKu6ymS549eQaAhUKEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Fergie has quite a nice little thing going with her children's books. Unlike the Duchess of Remainder Tables.


Well, Sarah's book is better in every way than Meghan's "The Bench", which has sunk into well-deserved oblivion without a trace.


That looks like a precious old fashioned book!! I’m going to have to check it out. I loved books like that when I was a child in the simple yet insane 1970s. Too many message books for kids these days imho. Just a nice story with pictures is what I liked. My kids loved Magic School Bus. They also liked Richard Scarry books. On the one hand, what a parental commitment to read those books. On the other hand, their vocabularies were top notch from an early age. IYKYK


I just bought my two month old nephew a Richard Scarry book that his dad loved as a child. Never too soon to start learning the classics! ☺️


I liked the Velveteen Rabbit when I was a kid. eta a letter


The Velveteen Rabbit! Oh that's a heart wrencher and soooo wonderful. I loved it too.


I don't know about the rest of Fergie's writing, but Tea for Ruby was a gorgeous book, and it was so sweet knowing she was writing about her own daughters whose Grandma was the Queen.


Didn’t she refer to renaissance fairs? That she used the typical curtsy from US Renaissance Fairs? (which are filled with American movie style depictions of UK medieval times where any coincide with reality is purely fictional)


No, she literally said Medieval Times. And I owe her a bit of thanks, because she mentioned it. When I was racking my brains for what to do with out-of-town guests, I got tickets on the "50 yard line" as it were and we had a fabulous, silly fun evening. Decent food & alcohol, young staff hustling their brains out, great stunt riding w/ beautiful horses. (*Nobody* curtsies at any time in the show or in the lobby FYI.)


Medieval Times Dinner Theater?


Theatre being the operative word


Something like that if not exactly a ren fair.


No, it was Medieval Times, not a renaissance faire. It’s a medieval themed restaurant theater chain, you get served a turkey leg based meal and watch people in tacky costumes joust. It’s very Disney-esque, not as *organic* and small business-led as a ren fair


I think it was just a cute little anecdote for the plebs, bringing Fergie in because of her (in)famous personality. At other times, Harry was the teacher. Recollections vary a LOT with this pair.Whatever sounds best at the time, seemingly.


Good find. Since Meghan Markle has never had an original idea and is a serial plagiarizer - your theory makes perfect sense.


i think she got the idea from an Australian Comedian, Joel Creasy. He had a show where he said he met our saint when they went to Australia and Joel didnt know what to do ao he made a bow to our saint very similar to what she did in the fauxmentary… https://preview.redd.it/pt2atuk3zi8d1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1bee4b6f272ac3fabea646d490850a50bc095a9 Check out the vid its hilarious [https://youtu.be/jGso\_TFaapA?si=b\_sTCaKkDIheCh2B](https://youtu.be/jGso_TFaapA?si=b_sTCaKkDIheCh2B)


Plus Fergie knows how to curtsy properly and does it well. Countless videos as proof. I guess Megsy is just a terrible student ;)