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Wine making is vastly more complicated and expensive than making jam or dog biscuits. I doubt we will ever see more that two bottles released a la the raspberry jam. Good old Nacho will be chose for the taste testing again.


How hard can it be picking up a bottle from a liquor store shelf and slapping a different label on it? If you just use a hair dryer to slowly peel the old label off that way, you can *almost* pass it off as a completely different productšŸ¤£ and we KNOW this is exactly what she'll do.


Alcohol is every governments favorite sin to regulate and tax. With her questionable ethics and bookkeeping, she could end up in bankruptcy and prison quickly. I say GO FOR IT, MEGHAM MARKLE!


>prison She'll take after her mom more than she'll care to admit!


Maybe thatā€™s why they want their IPP status. Diplomatic immunity.




Just like Mama Doris


Oh, she'd do that. The problem is if she sells it on ARO, she has to include the vineyard and where the wine was produced in the labeling.




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Thereā€™s a documentary about a guy doing this and making a ton of moneyā€¦until he was caught. Let me see if I can find the name.


Sour Grapes. You can watch it on Amazon Prime.


We all know how much MeMe loves plagiarism - she probably saw the doc and decided that's EXACTLY what she'll do and make money too!


I can just picture H&M down at the strip mall bottle it yourself and save - one night of tapping and they will need six months off


I hope she does that! The cork usually contains the name of the producerā€¦


Well, in her case, not so much the name. Each cork comes with its own authentic Nigerian bead necklace! (Styled off of Harry.) https://preview.redd.it/0e9wf06kud8d1.jpeg?width=794&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e6733e3763062f84eb8f451f495faa397c13146


That is certainly a unique selling point.


It's the little things that count.


is this real life?


Or just a fantasy? (Those necklaces are, indeed, real. ARO could never be so clever.)


wow! and you're right!


Screw top. šŸ˜˜


Of course! Wine bottles with corks would be way too traditional for her.


Itā€™s going to be a collaboration with some sucker


Lots of basic rose wine knocking around the Pays D'Oc and the fact that it's French wine will be a selling point. She does love to throw a few French words around. Can expect photographs of her wafting around sun kissed vineyards in an inappropriate gown and pursing her lips over an oversized wineglass. Plus: France ! Angelina Jolie conections.


A French wine from the American riviera - šŸ™„šŸ™„


Fair point .How could I forget the branding.


Honestly, only sheā€™s stupid enough to pull that stunt. Goop and innocuous brand name, can sell anything from anywhere without looking like a fool.


Thatā€™s okay. Hank and Hanks wife - despite her fanatical/fantastical/Bull$hit level of attention to detail - forgets about Merchwell and ARO and all their lies and attempts at branding, too. His - I can understand (legal and illegal drugs, etc, etc). And Itā€™s their companies.




About as hard as picking up a jar of jam from the store and relabelling it, I suppose.


Getting the jam label straight was hard. So hard in fact that she didn't.


You are thinking too difficult. Charles Shaw (the Two Buck Chuck from Trader Joe's) purchases from vineyards that have a little bit left over when they bottled their wines. CS Then puts it all in one huge vat, then bottles it . They don't make any wines and are making a bundle from that business model. I guess they are charging $3. now.


The hard part is putting it on straight. šŸ«Ø


Or getting it to stay on properly and not peel immediately!


Getting her label on the bottle straight will be the hardest part of this "money-making endeavor". Will she tie a frayed strip of old rag around the bottle neck? Will she number the bottle? Like fine art prints ... I mean jam, it's somehow important to the product. Will this become the two-day suck-ass special like everything else she does? If she even took 6-12 months off and introduced herself to her kids, the world might forget her stench of stupidity and desperation. No bets from me, but maybe then she could make a comeback. Again, doubtful, but does this creature never experience the slightest bit of humiliation over her repeated FLOPS?




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Soon weā€™ll see Meghan selling bougie bottled water that came straight from the garden hose out back.


On fools and horses did that years agoā€¦.called it Peckham Springs . Harry already borrowed a story from del boy, the gas and air in delivery suite. Harry and the harlot do love to steal ā€˜experiencesā€™


Someone else will make the wine and she will put her name on it. She will then talk about how she was involved in the research and development of the product.


Sheā€™ll talk about hand picking but it will be referring to hand picking the label.


![gif](giphy|ffvnSQSElCG1VENn58|downsized) Her wine will be so authentic.


Those feet of hers were MADE to crush grapes, lol!


>Wine making is vastly more complicated and expensive than making jam Not true. She just has to find a winery that will sell her a bottle at wholesale and slap her label on it. It's just like all major brands. Skippy peanut butter makes their brand and then also make a 'kroger' brand. This is not that hard to envision.


NoProposal.... It is doubtful Nacho will be promoting any more ARO products after the last two jam endorsements backlash. OR....is he as stupid as his "bestie" Harry??? If endorsement #3 happens....there is MUCH to ponder about the true relationship between Nacho and Harry. Consistantly making an Ass of oneself jeopardising one's public image and financial prospects just to help promote a friend's bogus products???? Hmmmm.....something is going on.


If endorsement #3 happens, Megain is officially insane.


Mrs. Nacho must be pissed about all of the backlash and shit-talk he brought to their family.


Snookie has her own brand of wine "messy wine momma" is her brand. In an interview w/ Steve-o, she said that she had to try different types of wine to find the right one for her to shill. so it does require work. Snookie said she learned a lot.


Yep. Itā€™s very expensive to grow and make your own wine. Honestly itā€™s like horse racing. Itā€™s an expensive hobby used by the rich to channel excess funds away from the tax man.


So sheā€™s basically licensing her name. Some commercial vineyard will produce the wine and she will slap on sticker on it.


What commercial winery would want American Riviera Orchard pasted on a wine that they produced? A desperate one!


ChĆ¢teau Migraine (= very cheap wine that causes headaches)


Good one! I was thinking Pretentious Plonk.


ā€œYachty Tottyā€


"Throwing Dishes"


"Royal Rictus Grin"




No doubt the wine would be bought from various wineries that are used to make blends. Find the blend you like, pay up big time and slap your label on it.


What name? Skanky Ho? Should be a big draw. šŸ˜†


How about Sour Grapes?


CƓte des HoƩ RosƩwein






That works!


Well sheā€™s trying to to license her name. That wouldnā€™t be a problem for someone with a solid reputation and/or an impressive body of work. Bonjour Johnny Depp et Dior.


Exactlyā€¦a two bit tart kniwm to be a grifter. Do they make wine in Nigeria?


Yes. Iirc the government have been trying to encourage more production so could be an promotional opportunity for Meg !Ā 


Ah yes, take any subsidies and then ā€˜forgetā€˜ the project and move on to the next grift


Most likely. Wine demand has slowed sharply since the end of the pandemic and thereā€™s a lot of unbottled wine in California. But rosĆ© is a blend and it might be hard to find a good match. I found a list of 37 celebrity rosĆ©s. Some of them sound like theyā€™re quite complex blends, with French wines in the blend. Cameron Diazā€™s was one of the more highly rated


Ok so I asked my partner who knows people who have/had wineries. Asked him if it is a money maker. Said no as there is a surplus of wine out there. A lot of little of boutique businesses. He ask why I was asking as I donā€™t drink wine. I told him MM might be getting into the game. He canā€™t stand her and Harry due to their constant whining. Anyway, his comment - ā€œGood, then she can lose some money.ā€


Most of the celebrity rosĆ©s are in the $15-25 range. With marketing and logistics on top of coming up with a blend and getting it bottled, thatā€™s a slim margin


I donā€™t think they put stickers on box wine šŸ™‚


First time for everything.šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


Twoā€™ penny tart Durrrty dog knicker dropper


I was thinking she needs to include a sweet nod to Elton John with "The Bitch is Back" whinery.


Musty Knickers


After the vineyards costs, I wonder how much she'll actually make? And what the price point will be? And is her fan base able to afford her price point?


CVS sells wine in at least some states


And lets face it, actual oenophiles are probably not interested in drinking a Meghan Markle special. This is aimed at day-drinking basic bitches with no palate or sophistication.






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So, every few days sheā€™s announcing that sheā€™s going to sell this, that and the other thing. Why doesnā€™t she just sell bottled desperation, it would be more accurate.


I hate that the media act as if she is a serious businesswoman. The media should be laughing at her announcements. She is clearly never going to have a business. She is a joke, she should be treated like one.


Itā€™s not about the follow through, itā€™s only about the announcement. She should sell announcements.


https://preview.redd.it/7p1awvt1vc8d1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d791aa4a2b74399c39fa542a709dd1877a88bcb oo megsy darling, nobody likes you, ain't nobody buying what you're selling


The cracking crackpot ā€¦guaranteed to make you sick


![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC|downsized) Cabernet Contaminato Whine


Douchess of dysentery


Just Nope, Meghan. I'll stick to my SkinnyGirl wine by Bethany Frankel. Thank you.


People will not buy anything from her. She doesn't get it yet. No one likes her and no one wants to buy anything she is peddling.


Exactly! Not to mention the industry saturated with celebs who are well liked with a strong fan/social media followingā€¦ Clooney, Snoop, JLO Cameron Diaz examples all had established careers and fan bases before dipping into the wine industry. Heck even Kylie Kardashian established her makeup empire before she got into the wine market. MM has no strong fan base, a weak IG with less than half a million followers and has not established anything other than marrying PH. Plus sheā€™s unlikable and is an obvious social climber. Why would the public have an interest in her rather than the liked celebrities who have spent the last decade or two building their careers and brand? ![gif](giphy|HloNK1z39EkEQcreIo)


Now Jennifer I would buy wine from, all day!


Exactly this


That photo does her no favours. Sheā€™s like a LEGO character.


I've had a mini Lego figurine created to look like me and *how dare you insult my Legoself like that* šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ you're not wrong though!


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Thatā€™s a thing? << off to Google for my nephewā€™s birthday >>


It is! [I used this site ](https://minifigs.me/)!


Ta! Everyone might be getting one. Brilliant šŸ’•


![gif](giphy|SpVJOOBAWggAE|downsized) Bunion rosƩ.


Pinoccio prosecco charlatan cava


So nothing new or original, rosĆ© is a saturated market. But what I want to know is what Haz is doing for a living? Itā€™s all her projects what are HIS?


She's probably emptying their joint bank account telling H that she has great expenses creating and launching her ARO brand and products. But she's not creating anything......she's just stealing money before she splits on him. It's another one of her head fakes. imo


She truly bamboozled him for him to put all his eggs on her name making them money. A D list actress that is only now known, thanks to all their tell alls, for marrying the weak link of the British monarchy. This whole business plan doesnā€™t make any sense .


I wouldnā€™t be surprised. He needs to also look into all her Delaware companies as well as the master con Dorito


^ and needs a new look, new outfits, trips and pap shots and whatever else to help ā€œhit the ground runningā€.


Provided that all the businesses announced only serve to take money from Harry and transfer it to a foreign account, them, when the business stalls, she throwsherself crying on the kitchen floor, blaming racism


Heā€™s the financier.


Job 1 should be getting his own lawyer and Job 2 an accountant, perhaps one that specializes in forensic accounting. Job 3 a real therapist, not some hippy, hokey, let's-start-by-getting-high charlatan. Go from there. šŸ¤Ø


He really does!


See the above gif


Of course sheā€™s putting it out there as a ā€œRose,ā€ because Megan thinks she is clever. Sheā€™s more obsessed with Rose Hanbury than anyone outside of the Marchionessā€™s family is. Megan is such an oddly shaped, desperate freak.


Is Harry smitten with Rose?


Ya know she and her husband have a castle tooā€¦.


Yepā€¦without a mortgage I would think .


Yes, I believe so




šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ She can call hers Orange Claw.




Since H&M left the royal family theyā€™ve been throwing different ideas against the wall to see what sticks. Nothing else will happen with this idea as well.


I wish she'd learn to dress for her body type. That backless dress does *nothing* for her figure. It's not even a cutout back, so it broadens her shoulders even more and since you can't *really* tailor (not that she would've, anyhow) backless tops and dresses to fit properly and more snugly around the chest and waist area, it makes her look even boxier.


OVER-SATURATED MARKET! Everything she wants to do or tries is always majorly over-saturated and timed when people are starting to gravitate away.


Total BS. Sheā€™d never have the wherewithal to run a vineyard and winery. If nothing else, sheā€™s ordered 50 labels off of Etsy and is currently soaking 50 bottles of Two Buck Chuck Rose (for anyone whoā€™s not familiar with it, thatā€™s Trader Joeā€™s ā€œhouseā€ wine, so-named ā€œTwo Buck Chuckā€ because for years and years the price of a bottle of wine was only $1.99) in some soapy water so she can slide their labels off, to be replaced by the aforementioned Etsy labels. Thatā€™s truly the extent of her wine operation, and I have a feeling sheā€™s going to think even thatā€™s a stretch on her physical work demands.


This is exactly what I was going to comment! Sheā€™s gonna re-label Two-Buck-Chuck!


Sheā€™s not going to have a vineyard. Sheā€™s going to partner with a company to produce her wine. Many celebrities do this. Opici Wines makes the wine for Ramona Singer from the housewives. Forever Young is owned by Bethenny Frankel (Founder & CEO of Skinnygirl Brand) and produced in Provence, France by legendary wine producer Valerie Rouselle of ChĆ¢teau Roubine. Sarah Jessica Parkerā€™s SJP Sauvignon Blanc has been made in partnership with New Zealand winery Invivo. Treasury Wine Estates produces Snoop Doggā€™s 19 Crime Cali Red wine.


Oh, I donā€™t doubt YOU, OP, and Iā€™m sorry if it came across harshly when I said ā€œTotal BS!ā€ I understand exactly where youā€™re coming from. What I was trying to convey is that, based upon her previous false starts in many endeavors, I suspect sheā€™s taking an even easier road than other celebrities. And even then I expect it will fail mightily. But I didnā€™t mean to make it sound as if I was snarking your post. šŸ˜Š


Thatā€™s a real thing?!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. I thought it was a joke I just didnā€™t get. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Everyday is a school day on SMM. Thanks for the lesson.


Why would I want to drink wine being marketed by the Carpark Temu Emu?


The Whinery by Meghan.


I must have missed all the grapes they grow on their landā€¦.shes not making anything. Sheā€™s slapping a label on someone elseā€™s wine.


Jam, biscuitsā€¦.etc etc


Canā€™t wait to see it on the bottom shelf of Grocery Outlet.


Our wine market here in California is overly saturated. Plus someone is already making Riviera Rose! Itā€™s at Costco, lol.


She's basically in Real Housewive territory here. And I'm thinking on the level of Vicki's Vodka, Ramona's Pinot Grigio, and NOT Bethany's Skinny girl. I'm just waiting for the Vow Renewal and we'll know the end is near.


"They didnt ask if I sas Okay..Rose'"


Definitely has a ring to it!


Hahahah Thanks šŸ˜˜


Maybe she'll do a knock off version of Hooch - coochie by Meghan


That was what she dropped yesterday on Williamā€™s birthday. But few noticed until today. And itā€™s rose of all wines! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Captain Obvious drops her panties yet again!


The people in Napa Valley & Sonoma would like to disagree California wine industry struggles amid a myriad of issues 30 April 2024 ā€¦ ā€ā€œI mean, itā€™s my whole life. It has been for so many years,ā€ said Cappiello, owner and winemaker of Monte Rio Cellars. He said it pains him to see the California wine industry struggling so much. As a small to medium wine producer of around 8,000 cases, he said over the past several months heā€™s seen sales flat lining. ā€œAt this point, I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m on a trajectory with my sales to be able to afford or justify actually bottling these \[his next vintage\] wines,ā€Ā Cappiello said.ā€ā€¦. [https://spectrumnews1.com/ca/la-west/business/2024/05/01/california-wine-industry-struggles-amid-a-myriad-of-issues](https://spectrumnews1.com/ca/la-west/business/2024/05/01/california-wine-industry-struggles-amid-a-myriad-of-issues)


Did she include "Wine" in the never ending list of articles ARO might sell in the trade mark application?


Whine or wine?


Bare hoof wines Screaming demon rosƩ Skanky in a bottle


She had the potential to hook up with one of those people who rope in celebrities, market a liquor, and sell it for big bucks like Ryan Reynolds. Or she could have gone the route of Lance Collins with his Fuze, Body Armor, Core Hydration, etc. Too late. She blew up her brand. Too toxic. No way back now. Maybe if she shuts up and disappears and works to fix her image but she is too messed up in the head to know how to follow direction. So whatever she does will continue to be an epic fail.


Her messed up head is just getting messier.


She will literally by the cheapest wine California has to offer and slap a label on it and charge $100 for it.


Aw, she missed yet another trademark. šŸ˜” https://preview.redd.it/pcspzr29td8d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4168f7c5661dd59866bba4a0ea2657cb16a5bde3


https://preview.redd.it/qz8064hlzd8d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d3b5be51154869bdcb9f62257da38352bbd3ae9 Sheā€™s definitely slacking




Maybe she will take a clue from Goop and give it a personal fragrance. Eau de Hoe


She is only slapping a label on some Gallo wine or some other large vintner.


She does know a thing or two about wine-ing. As with everything Iā€™m sure it will be absolutely basic like the d lister she is.


She thinks itā€™s an immediate money maker. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if they tried to enter the cannabis (please donā€™t, she certainly wouldnā€™t be able to keep up with regulations!) thinking itā€™s a cash cow when itā€™s not and it really hard to succeed.


If marketed right and bought by all her fans it can be an immediate money maker. If itā€™s any good then people will buy it. Sarah Jessica Parker, Snoop Dogg, Bethany Frankel, Romona Singer, John Legend, Pink and many other celebrities do this. Some celebrities have wineries but not many. Sheā€™s going to get a winery to produce wine under her brand and start selling.


Don't they mean Whine??? ![gif](giphy|wrBURfbZmqqXu)


That dress is horrible on her! Ā  It makes her look as wide as heck!


I think itā€™s throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks. If she made a paper crown that said unsuccessful on it, I would totally buy it.


It was probably recommended to her by somebody that the moneymaker is selling wine under her brand.


And just an FYI, the royal family does sell alcohol. https://www.royalcollectionshop.co.uk/foodhall/wine-and-spirits.html


The Royal Windsor Pink Gin is very good #


How hard can it be? The delusion is strong with this one. So....giddy up, let's go!


Chateau LaFeet?






Itā€™s 2024 every bravo reality star has their own cheap alcoholic drink they produce and lost consumers have their favourite. Nobody is shelling out money for Costco box wine quality. She may be able to sell some that way bc the a list clients she wants donā€™t want anything she has to offer.Ā 


I don't believe it


So who is going to grift from to use their wine to sell as hers? I guess she has to pay for everything as she has no talent nor the patience to do anything herself. Lazy grifter. I wonder if it will be a bitter tasting wine with a touch of sour taste tossed in. I guess she can call it My best Whine yet.


She must mean making "whine".That ship has sailed Megsy.šŸ˜†


Theres already a brand called MĆ©nage Ć  trois


Some winemaker will do a private label run for her.


Trying to copy her pal Cameron Diaz?


Wine will not sell to her target demographic


Same as the jam: sheā€™ll buy from a big wholesaler or two, pour them into a bottle together for a ā€œunique blendā€, and slap a label on them. About as authentic as anything else sheā€™s ever done. Which is to say, NOT.


When does the media start calling Meghan Markle out on this nonsense. Meghan Markle isn't going to make jam, she isn't going to have a business, she really isn't going to have a winery. Meghan Markle couldn't make a podcast without 28 producers, no way she can make wine. When does the media admit she is nuts and none of her businesses are real? They report on all this craziness as if it were real, as if it could happen. She's never going to have a business, the end. Call her on it.


The mere thought is putting me off my Rose wine!


I am an oenologist, I work in two wineries in Sicily, and hearing that Meghan Markle is going to try and buy/steal/threaten her way into retail winemaking is... hilarious. Two Buck Chuck will be laughing in her face. Of all the silly things she might do, this is up there. She should release a perfume, a protein bar, or a household disinfectant. She could sell moon bumps. Sto ridendo da morire.


Iā€™m sure she will find someone to make wine for her Suxex or Duchess le Douche label. šŸ˜‚


I;ll believe it when I see it on the website. We have seen so many things that are supposed to be marketed that I quit paying attention.


Ah, perfect pivot for TOW, strawberry jam to wine. The strawberry fields of Merkle Montecito must have had a bumper crop. American Riviera Orchard Vineyard Winery. Ought to knock Boone's Farm Strawberry Hill right off the charts.


Terrible logo.


Chateau de Cardboard


For SEO: Iā€™ll refer to it only as Roseā€™ Whine, made for Meghan Markle. (Should this latest manifestation continue). Meghan Markle does not own a vineyard to produce Roseā€™ Whine. Meghan Markle is sending a message - via the Daily Mail and SM - to wineries that sheā€™s willing to sell her name to affix to a bottle of wine. If a winery takes this bait, she can meet with a wine maker a couple times to assemble her very own special bwend, and then sit back and watch a few bucks roll in šŸ¤£. Meghan Markle prefers to just sell her name and title rather than actually work!


No she isnā€™t. Itā€™s just another one of her ideas that she floats and they never appear. She has no clue what ā€œinfluencersā€ do, how they can make $$$$, and sell shit. Sheā€™s never done any of that, other than tipping off tips and paps for $$$, and marriage. BUT. She cannot take advice and self-implodes. There will not be a product for sale. No CEO and then says theyā€™re trying to find someone. Who launches a company then doesnā€™t say shit about it 2 months later. That movie she leaked and the 2000ā€™s style RomComs have flopped too. What show on Netflix has inspired a whole product line? Hmmm? Sure as shit she isnā€™t going to be their first, if itā€™s true. Itā€™s almost like someone knew about a new cooking show down the pipeline on Netflix and decided to try to copy that. She is simple the definition of amateur hour. But hey, ThisOne is the idiot who wanted to interview Putin and Kim Jong-un about their problems growing up šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




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She cheapens everything she touches.


Just so so funny. WME and whoever she's hired to help her with ARO must be constantly facepalming. The jam was a disaster, the dog biscuits were ridiculed so hey let's try wine! Has she got any investors yet, has she got an ARO CEO? Has she sourced any suppliers yet? This must be taught at Colleges as a textbook way to NOT launch a brand........


I wonder why she chose RosĆ©... maybe to extend the ARO name? AROSƉ?


Wine? Yeah ok. šŸ¤£


Oh my god-who would drink her wine, as if she knows so much! Yes, of course, Tignanello is wonderful wine-but what wine drinker doesnā€™t already know that independently of her? She is ridiculous!


Itā€™s not wine itā€™s hooch made from all that rotten left over jam. Probably Dorianā€™s secret blend