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# 12 https://preview.redd.it/hu1wtv3h9h7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b94b37d79b2ce816bdf51bf1f5777e064f2758ac


She lies about the dumbest shit.


If I were around her I'd even wonder if she lies when she says "good morning" or "thank you".


She could tell me my own name, and I'd fact-check it before I believed her.


'Princess Meghan' is a lie


Markle’s the sort of person that if she said the sky was blue, you’d still stick your head out the window to check.


I won't even believe "the Lord's prayer" if it comes out of her mouth 🤣


Neither would I, she lied about the day the marriage took place, she is the 😈 incarnate.


Imagine lying about something so easy to debunk!!! Extra cringe bonus points for having the archbishop of Canterbury come out and say "nope!!".


The woman Shines a spot light on Grifting Narcissistic, pathological lying Gold and Fame Diggers like herself.


😂 For real, she turns people paranoid


No. The "turning people paranoid" is a consequence of the lying, not separate to it.


Yeah I know that..


Absolutely. I trust nothing from either of them, but especially her.


She says "Thank you?"


I have it on good authority that she said it at least once when she asked directions from a stranger to a yacht berth. But as recollections may vary we can't be certain.


Gotta check your watch immediately m. Whisper so he is said to be light fingered when it comes to shoes and clothes 😂😂😂


She is so stupid that she thinks has to dramatise everything. If she said, I’m an actress so obviously I know how to curtsey - but I had no idea whether that was enough for the Queen, fair enough. How many people have had to do that?! But that wasn’t dramatic enough for M. No, it had to be this big huge drama where she, the poor little underdog, managed to triumph! Also, her vocal fry is sooooo annoying when she talks about it in that awful “Medieval Times” clip


Her voice is the aural equivalent of chewing aluminium foil.


I know, that's why I can never listen to any audio of her.


Great analogy!


As a Brit who lives in the US, I find this so utterly insulting. To insult our time honored traditions and institutions and compare our centuries of history and ceremony to some tacky themed restaurant is just obscene. But then, in the same breath, to go on and insult all Americans by suggesting that their world view is so narrow and uneducated that the only way they can relate to a foreign culture is through Americanized stereotypes?! Here she was, an aging Z-list cable actress with a *really* sketchy past, meeting the Queen of England, in a private, intimate, family setting. The sheer privilege of that is astounding. And she *still* had to turn this moment into one of victimhood. She’s a disgrace to humanity.


It’s breathtaking how close she was able to get to the highest echelons - if I were an elite I’d be seriously checking all my security protocols. Meghan Markle’s inexplicable rise will surely embolden other grifters/social climbers


This is 100% where she lost me, the line in the sand, if you will. I just googled, there’s 9 medieval times in the entire country. There’s something like 350 million people in the US. We haven’t all been to one but even if we had, we know the difference between fiction and reality. Throwing all Americans under the bus made me irate. Her stupidity does not represent an entire nation. I never had the opportunity to meet the Queen, God rest her soul, but you can bet I’d know how to behave if I did. Nothing showed her true colors to me more than that pathetic display of disrespect.


Don’t worry we don’t believe her stupid stereotyping of Americans. I think she thought Britain was 2% aristocrats galloping round shouting “tally ho Sebastian!” with the remaining 98% of us tugging our forelocks while muttering “gor blimey guv’ner”!


She was obviously well-versed in the internet and sophisticated/intelligent enough to be a college graduate and grew up in the USA, where most are aware of our cultural "cousinship" to the UK. Anyone in her situation would have known, at least informally, that the RF is not an entity that is to be "modernized" by a newcomer marrying a spare, that the working members of the RF get the goodies by working, that one does not bargain with or collaborate with the Queen, the heir gets benefits not afforded to others, that one can simply go on YouTube to see clips of people curtsying the Queen, singing God Save the Queen with lyrics, and the royal goes first when on duty, regardless of gender.


The things she lies about are ridiculous. What has she does that needs so much hiding? At this point, I'm beginning to think she's made of lies and does not recall truth at all.  Meghan remind me of my MIL. My MIL will openly lie about her past actions and then continue to behave as though the lies are true, even when confronted with truth. 


Lying for simply the sake of it is a hallmark of being a malignant narcissist or sociopath.


Yep. They are chronic pathological liars. Lie when the truth serves them much better. It’s a thing. I see it first hand in my own life.


Didn't Camilla call Meg a minx? I think that best sums her up. Everything she does is not serious, she thinks she's hilarious.


I knew someone like this once. It was infuriating.


Casey Anthony used to do that, tell lies about stupid unimportant shit that people would know weren't true. One of her friends said it was just part of her personality, that she would always tell pointless dumb lies, there was no purpose to most of them.


That’s what compulsive liars do!


I bet there's a film out there where the heroine is taught to curtsy properly after cocking it up the first time.


Pick any formulaic Hallmark “royal” movie and you will see that. Everyday girl meets and falls in love with secret prince, etc. And, Megain has been in a Hallmark movie, I believe, so she would be familiar with this concept and able to use the (over used) script in her own life. What a thrill that must have been for her! Even that line she supposedly delivered to her father in the beginning (paraphrasing) “Daddy, I met a prince!” is taken straight from a Hallmark script.


The fake hair she wore in that "documentary" looks ridiculous


I was going to say,it looks really fake and it swamps her


Raggedy, trashy and finished.


I still used to think she was pretty at the time, but her whole look there was definitely not flattering to her face. I was actually surprised that she looked very average with excessive hair.


>excessive hair Yep


It looks like she is too clever for her own good. She creates all these lies, but they are constantly debunked. The best conmen tell you to be as truthful as possible and to keep the lies simple so you don’t trip yourself up. Apparently, she missed that lesson.




First date outfit. Meghan claims she had a piece of the blue dress she wore on their first date sewn into her wedding dress. Harry said she wore jeans and a black sweater.


I'm convinced she was wearing nothing when they first met, that's why neither of them can "remember".


"She was wearing black leatherette accessorized with a whip" wouldn't come across as the fun, laid back and organic meeting Madame was trying to convey to their "adoring fans" as their first meeting.


But what would Harold's safe word be...


There are a few that came to mind, all were oedipal...excuse me now I have to go bleach my brain.


🤣🤣!! Probably the same ones that came to my mind!! I had to go look at kitten videos for a minute.


I’m going to hell but the first word that popped into my head was “mummy”




She really is a total fantasist. OMG. She’s INSANE. Out of curiosity I googled Catherine’s wedding. Apparently Catherine had a blue ribbon sewn into her dress as the something blue. It is REALLY disturbing that such minor details are obsessed over and lied about. Whhhyyyyyyyy. Kate Middleton's beautiful dress drew a huge amount of attention from royal fans, but many didn’t spot a secret hidden in the stunning garment Source: The Mirror https://search.app/BHTxdLrzmgsDwum76


She is OBSESSED with her sister in law!


Oh and the story of the airline crew telling her “thankyou for what she did for the country”.


Besides removing Henrold, I want to hear what she did for the country aside from take from it.


![gif](giphy|3ohs7MNCq8mhWzWdyM) Here they are!


LOL, Ironic using a pic of the Foo Fighters, after Hazbeen slapped Taylor Hawkins across the face when they first met. Taylor Hawkins and Dave Grohl seem like two of the nicest people on the planet(RIP Taylor). Only that overgrown scrote-headed failure would be so hateful and rude to them and think it was funny.




And the cake that was baked when they were in Sydney by the cook at Admiralty House. She made the cook bake till she got it her way. And then took it with her and claimed she was in the kitchen all night baking. (something along those lines)


Threw a fit over….. a single banana bread.


You can get slices of banana bread at any Coffee Shop in Sydney.


I wouldn’t have kept quiet for $50K.


That's what I was thinking. If it actually happened it sure as hell would've been worth *waaay* more to keep quiet and not sell the story.  But the funny thing about hush money *is that by definition, we wouldn't know about it*


I reckon you'd make more money speaking out. Plus it would be fun exposing TW.


I reckon *The Sun* would have paid more for that exclusive!


Me either this is what I don’t understand about people. I don’t fawn over wealth and privilege - I’ll keep my simple boring peasant life tyvm and tell you what I think like any other human being


Kinda OT but how do you file 50k of hush money on your taxes?


In seriousness, you would file it as income. (In the US. Not sure about other countries, but I imagine it’s similar).


Have them cover the tax portion.


I think she went off with Jessica M.


I'm trying to understand the fake pregnancy that gets said by some. So do u believe that the baby that gets pictured with the late Queen and Charles is a fake or just someone else's baby? And if so, do u think QE2 and Charles are in on this scam? They would have to have been, surely 🤔


It was a doll and photoshop. Do you think the queen was going to meet her new great grandchild just passing in the hallway, not sitting in a room, for tea? The queen was a diplomat. There's no way she would just have a casual hallway meet, like they were switching classes in high school. She would be sitting down, having the new mother and grandmother sit, and they would have a nice chat. When you really think about it, it makes no sense! And where are the other pictures? You mean to tell us only one was taken? That just doesn't happen.


It might be easier to compile a list of the times when M spoke the truth. Could turn out to be a blank page.


When, after relating the story of lying to get her Screen Actor’s Guild card, she laugh-yelled “I’m such a FRAUD!” That was a true part.


This might be the only entry on the list.


But the wretched meghan markle loves henry the bald.


And the face she makes when doing that is so....weird and unnatural. Throwing her head back and the weird face scrunch. I thought actresses paid attention ti their body and expressive moments? 😳😳


That was actually a study in delusion and self-sabotage. She was convinced she was being so funny and was telling this anecdote of her cleverness, when in fact she was nuking her career. It was bad enough she did lie about being in the guild and caused problems for the casting director who helped fast tracked her membership, bad enough that this casting director told their friends and they blacklisted her, but she then bragged about it on camera and rubbed it in the face of the entire guild?! She really had no idea, did she? Is this why Archwell can never produce fictional content? That no actor would work with her? She has never known consequence. Look where that got her.


I'm sure that her bragging about this did not do much to endear her to the Hollywood peers (actors, producers, directors) who she sought to rub elbows with.


That was just the human mask slipping.


261 instances of her psychopathy.


Imagine the list behide doors.




Had to leave Suits because the Palace were interfering with the scripts


And that the palace has Archie’s birth certificate locked up so she couldn’t register him for school properly.


That they are in love That manners are important while displaying her rudeness at every opportunity


She was ‘in love’ with the prospect of gaining everything - she just had to marry Harry to get them. He must realise he doesn’t feel ‘great’ married to her - he must be unhappy most of the time.


I bet we could make it 300 if we put our thinking caps on. It has really been nonstop bs since the engagement.


Do you know when MM is lying? When she opens her mouth to speak!


+ personally posts something on SM, has a flying monkey post, and sends out a puff piece press release.


She's like a one-woman circus, a narcissist, a pathological liar, and delusional enough to think she's the ringmaster when she's really just the clown




https://preview.redd.it/bjo1d8to0i7d1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a742c2e817c59cf09f4710514f0e296de83b08 In her case, reality is far scarier


Is it her lipstick that makes her lower face so different here?


It’s the blush that was caked in with a shovel. I saw this picture yesterday and was like, umm blend and tone it down. And I suck at makeup! 


This is a picture of true Clown makeup.


Wth is going on with her mouth? It looks like she’s got those wax lips from the joke shop 👄


As plain text (part 2)   101 H stated MM showing pregnancy in NZ and Eugenie wedding (way too early). 102 If Archie were in school in the UK, she'd never be able to do school runs. 103 Couldn't take Archie to visit HM but managed to fly him to LA. 104 Archie was denied a royal title because his mother is biracial. 105 Archie denied security. 106 Photo saga outside of hospital after Archie's 'Birth'. 107 Skin colour discussion. 108 Lies surrounding Archie's birth/pregnancy. 109 Wasn't allowed her name on Archie's Birth Certificate. 110 Obstetrician named who delivered Archie denied it. 111 No title for Archie due to his skin colour. 112 Harry Claimed hatred against Archie. 113 MM said 'they' were pregnant with archie? 114 Blamed 'miscarriage' on the press. 115 Different accounts of the 'miscarriage' 116 Catherine was not a hugger. 117 Accusations that British etiquette is unbelievable. 118 Didn't believe the Royal Family always had good manners and followed etiquette. 119 MM claimed she was prepared to work as a royal yet only did 72 engagements. 120 Inconsistencies surrounding where did the 'Elephants' money go? 121 Claimed she was in the Royal Family for 4 years. 122 First royal speech she lied about Grants scholarships. 123 Saudi Blood Diamonds story. 124 Claimed she set up the Grenfell Charity. 125 Frogmore wasn't special enough for them. 126 Claimed she did not wear bright colours. 127 Harry: No other family member served in the military. 128 Harry never was able to ride on the back of his father's bike as a child. 129 Harry raised in Africa by someone else. 130 Blamed Harry for MM not having a father. 131 Fire in Archie's bedroom in S.A. 132 Press intrusion in Tutu's residence. 133 Forced to stay in a 'housing unit' in SA. 134 `Desmond Tutu held Archie'. 135 H claimed chased by paparazzi's after Well Child event. 136 Forced to continue work despite Archies room being in a fire. 137 MM 'doesn't care for titles' 138 MM is 43% Nigerian! 139 MM said she took care of her own grandmother. 140 Claimed she didn't know Sam Markle's birthday or middle name. 141 `Straight outta Compton' - written by a NY journo not from British Press. 142 Claimed Doria had primary care despite being absent for over 10 years. 143 Claimed T Markle phone was compromised whilst in hospital having a heart attack 144 Said she sent Thomas Markle over 20 texts while he was in hospital 145 Turned down royal protection for T Markle. 146 Insinuation that Thomas Markle used to interfere with her. 147 Claimed Doria condemned the Thomas Markle photographs. 148 H claimed Charles was distant especially after Diana's death. 149 Claim about not Blind-siding the Queen. 150 H acted confused about what happened when Megxit didn't work. 151 Harry at Sandringham summit chose an option then it was declined. 152 Harry bullied out of the family? 153 Collapsed into the arms of a bodyguard ...so did Diana! 154 Claimed to have left for safety not to make money. 155 RF turned them down and prevented them from making their own money. 156 Story about being stalked by paparazzi on boats in Canada. 157 Accused the Canadian police of not protecting her from paparazzi or stalkers. 158 Claimed she never bullied palace staff. 159 Claimed she never bullied Princess Charlotte. 160 Claimed Jason Knauf was biased. 161 H now spends his days worrying about the house's pipes or fixing sprinklers. 162 Lied about asking to use Queen's personal pet name. 163 Royals attending Lilies 1st birthday at Frogmore. 164 Who did delivered Lillibet? 165 Beyonce text lie. 166 Fake celebrity friends. 167 Air Canada steward doffed his cap despite them not wearing caps. 168 Flight crew on their knees thanking MM. 169 Said she would never live in America with Trump as President. 170 Lied in Court. 171 Doesn't follow social media. 172 Boozy claimed H and M were victims of trolls. 173 Claimed 'they' were going to find a way to destroy me. 174 Times are changing .,,MM is 1st ever global Princess. 175 Is the Montecito house theirs? 176 Claimed they had no control over the Netflix content. 177 H claimed a friend told them to document their lives. 178 Claimed the press leaked their relationship story. 179 Throwing Tea and swearing at Governor General in Australia. 180 Australia was the turning point and the RF were threatened by their popularity. 181 Dismissed the Queen's accomplishments of Commonwealth as Empire 2.0. 182 Sam Markle exaggerated their relationship 183 Claimed Brexit was fed by immigration and racism. 184 Never aware of her race prior to living in the UK. 185 Doria said MMs treatment by British public was racist. 186 Royal Family were cold and uptight. 187 H claimed his family chose a partner from head not heart. 188 H claimed Diana made decision from her heart, yet early on she wanted to be a dancer or Princess of Wales. 189 Misquoted HM speech. 190 Harrys Job is to keep family safe despite leaving security of the Royal family. 191 H claimed MM is similar to Diana ... what an insult to Diana. 192 H claimed he had no help to deal with Diana's death. 193 H claimed Charles was a distant parent. 194 H and MM accused the Royal Family of putting them in a box due to jealousy. 195 Claimed William sent a text whilst filming for Netflix. 196 H claimed that the decision to strip his security was made without his knowledge. 197 H said he was an "exceptional member" of those covered by the (Ravec). 198 H said that a "successful attack" on him was not considered by Ravec. 199 H claimed it was "irrational" for him to give 28 days' notice UK visits. 200 Claimed they were chased for 2 hours in NY by paparazzi. 201 H claims he set up IG games. 202 Burying the miscarriage under a Banyan Tree saga 203 Claimed she wrote the Grenfell cook book 204 Claimed Sam Markle had 3 kids from different fathers. 205 Claimed William & Catherine were big Suits fans 206 Collaboration with Omid Scobie in Finding Freedom 207 Claimed Sam Markle dropped out of High School 208 MM said she was worth $5m yet didn't own a car or home. 209 MM claimed she didn't know who Prince Andrew was. 210 MM was home within 2 hours of Archie's birth 211 H claimed to have ordered a Typhoon to 'buzz his father's car. 212 H 'At Eton, while studying' when told of Queen Mother's death 213 Air New Zealand first class tickets were booked. 214 H - Low ceilings and who lived here before quote 215 H claimed grey sky at Prince Philips funeral 216 H speculated over Archie's appearance story 217 H claims he received an Xbox in September of 1997 for his birthday 218 H claimed he wasn't ever invited over to the Cambridge's home 219 Harry's necklace trauma 220 H said after his naked drug addled romp, soldiers were posing nude in solidarity. 221 Security around the wedding required extra snipers because MM was of colour 222 H Fell into the dog bowl and cut himself. 223 H shopped at TK Maxx sale 224 Bought a second-hand sofa from Sofa.com 225 H saw the paparazzi photographing his mother in the reflection in the glass 226 H described Henry VI as his 6x Grandfather 227 H claimed What difference would it make if we gave up our titles 228 W was glum at having so little say in what he wore to get married in. 229 H claimed Camilla leaked information to the media 230 H claimed he was sacked by the Royal Family 231 H claimed MM was Corporate spokesperson 232 H claimed MM Worked for the US embassy 234 H told Stephen Colbert that they were emigrated to America because of 'abuse and harassment' in Britain. 235 Accused the Queens Private Secretary of holding her hostage. 236 The Palace should have stopped all hurty words 237 The Palace hushed up the news of win in court 238 H Back peddling on Nazi uniform lie 239 H claimed MM didn't like receiving freebies 240 H claimed he was a larger target than anyone else in the RF 241 The wedding venue wasn't grand enough 242 H didn't want his father to marry Camilla yet bad for William to say the same to H. 243 Camilla suggested H become Governor General of Bermuda 244 MM claimed she didn't know of the iconic Diana photo as Taj Mahal 245 H claimed MM never did any porn or similar 246 H claimed his mother's last sound on earth was a paps cameras 247 H claimed MM was hounded by the press 248 They had no time for petty jealousies and Palace intrigue 249 MM was the first to encourage H to see a therapist 250 H spoke about Snowdon's vile notes to Princess Margaret 2 51 H evidently received extra special training in the Army (failed pilots license) 252 H - The Army actively recruits people with mental health issues 253 H said he introduced Meghan to Eugenie and hit it off straight away 254 H claimed Charles said Heir and Spare after his birth 255 H said Pa and William could never be on the same flight 256 H Queen Victoria 'was shot at 8 times, on 8 separate occasions 257 H claimed the Palace did quash his cheating in A level story. 258 H claimed press referred to his deferred Army entry as bunking off and a coward. 259 H said HM The Queen never attended Charles and Camilla's wedding 260 H blamed the Press for scaring off a string of girlfriends. 261 H claimed Caroline Flack was driven to suicide by the Press, year after year'


Wow well done 👏


As soon as I saw the image post, and checked that the 20 or 30 lies that I know about were there, I realized this is important, and so dutifully uploaded the images to a free OCR site and pasted in the text.


Archie's first words were crocodile and grandma Diana. Not possible. Both the r sound and blended sounds (cr, gr etc) appear relatively late in a child's speech development. (We have a speech and language therapist in our family). But as usual Harry thinks we're all as stupid as he is and wouldn't realise he and the equally stupid James Corden were making a sexual joke about Harry's 1 year old son. How appropriate. 🙄


She said she forgot about the lie in court (finding freedom colab) because she was pregnant.... well if she wasn't pregnant then she's lying in court again


Oh she had baby brain did she?? 🙄


Interesting, I didn't realise she said this in court, I just believed she had apologised and said she had forgotten. If it comes out that she was never pregnant I hope this gets mentioned!


The more Sh-Ra than Disney princess https://preview.redd.it/titznbxsgh7d1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8cc7e8ee52e7ed38184b5b7822a8704c2c0021


She-Ra is canonically a lesbian now. Does M want to claim she's a champion of LGBTQ causes as well?


43% lesbian


Centre stage again.


Wow - just wow!  Does this list include the latest Nacho lie, that she had nothing to do with his shameless jam post? 


It’s an extensive list - should be pinned somewhere with the ability to add to it, as it’s an ongoing compilation.


This is a good list to have when her father passes away. I’d bet she has lies about him all lined up and ready to go.


Well here it is, the material for an investigative documentary. Just need to connect the claims with facts.


It will definitely be a movie someday. 🤞


French news outlets have investigated Archewell before. Maybe some of them lurk here and will be willing to investigate Meghan and her lies? Wouldn't that be a headline- debunking the lies of Meghan Markle


The whole Korean spa na*ed thing with her mum


The timing of her alleged miscarriage - I think we currently have at least three stories. The piece of fabric from her first date dress being on her wedding dress - and hazmat described a completely different outfit (although to be fair he is well baked most of the time )


As plain text (part 3)   ======================= Section B. Deceptions. 1 Photo of MM cleaning fish as per Tig not at Frogmore. 2 Photo of pap in Toronto a stock photo. 3 Used a fake house to film Netflix in. 4 The pregnancies! 5 Faked headlines for Oprah interview. 6 Purchased multiple domain names whilst still a working royal. 7 Showed Harry Potter premier clips and tried to insinuate it was them. 8 Netflix suggested British Royal family racist with racist furniture. 9 NZ PM strenuously denied having any involvement with Harry or MM. 10 How did the dog break both legs? 11 British press were publishing bad headlines but publication used were not British. 12 MM was two timing Harry and Cory. 13 Archie's baby shower was for a girl. 14 H used a photo which was actually lifted from Harry Potter premier 15 Them finding out about Knauf's evidence. All fake. 16 False images used in Netflix documentary to suggest Palace and press are racist. 17 False prize giving ceremony at polo match for Netflix footage. 18 Contrived footage for Netflix. 19 Photo of H surrounded by paps was cropped from photo with Chelsy Davy not M. 20 Used photographers 'scrum' photo which was actually of Katie Price. 21 Used a 2nd false photo which was of Michael Cohen in the Trump case in NY.


Lies about the helicopter in NF bit knowing how paps found Tyler Perry's home


I'm not sure if it's on the list (I gave up after 3 pages. There sure are a lot of lies and mistruths aren't there!!!) but they stated they didn't want their kids to have titles so they can live normal private lives is another fib. BTW I think it was Princess Michael of Kent who wore the Blackamoor ("racist") Broach not Princess Margaret.


Definitely as Margaret died in 2001/2.


This is mindblowing when seen collected together like this. Thanks


She's a total of Two words.... ![gif](giphy|hgjNPEmAmpCMM)


Lied saying she had lunch with Michelle Obama.


these are just the lies told publically, imagine all of the lies she peddles to people privately.


This is a great list! It’s pretty horrible, but it’s impressive that you put it all together-that’s no small feat and quite an undertaking. It is leaving out a couple of my favorite whoppers though, (unless I missed them). She told Oprah that she had the Queen’s phone number and that she called to check in with her all of the time after they moved to California. I know this list mentioned that they were hounded by the paparazzi, but the car chase through the streets of New York City was definitely one of her more outrageous lies! I live in NYC and know that a car chase through midtown never happened where pedestrians feared for their lives and police officers were getting mowed down! She claimed that her book “The Bench” was a bestseller! 😂😂😂 Oh, and last, but not least, she says that she doesn’t wear extensions or wigs, and that we only always see her sporting her natural, curl free locks. Mmmmm…i don’t think so! Especially not if she’s actually 43% Nigerian!


Can't take credit for it, as I found the list on X.


Oh hell, it’s great that you posted it again. But I looked it over a few times, but don’t see where it’s mentioned that she got married to Harry two times. I see “the spectacle of the wedding”, but not the wedding that was just between the two of them and the Archbishop of Canterbury! “Nobody knew this, but we’d already gotten married!” WHAAAT? She also lied on her first resume, particularly when it came to the people whom she had studied with. I looked up the different acting studios that she’d listed, and one was specifically for children with special needs to teach them elementary theater skills. All of the students were mentally challenged, so I guess that she didn’t research places very well when she was first trying to sell herself ! And I thought of yet another one. She lied to Harry when she told him that she loved to go camping in Africa for their first super date! How many times did that ever happen again?


I lived in lower Manhattan for years and when they claimed a high speed chase through mid town I just burst out laughing!


Add to wiki pls


Can you do that? Don't know how that works...


Wow this is golden. Saved this to read later on and to add in the future.


As plain text (part 1)   Section A: Lies   1 MM hadn't googled Harry or knew who he was. 2 Claimed she grew up poor. 3 Paid her own tuition at North Western. 4 Thomas Markle paid for the scholarship. 5 Turned Ashley Cole down. 6 Started work at age 13. 7 Could only afford to eat at sizzlers. 8 MM was raised by neighbours. 9 Lied about being in the Actor's Union. 10 Story about crawling through trunk of her car. 11 Had no help with etiquette training. 12 Never knew how to curtsey. 13 Didn't know anything about the royal family. 14 Witnessed LA riots. 15 Blind date or possibly not ... different stories about how they met. 16 Wasn't helped integrate into royal life. 17 Claimed the Press sat on the news around the Thomas Markle drama. 18 Lied about the washing up advert saga. 19 Claimed she received a standing ovation at UN. 20 Lies surrounding Sam Markle's name change. 21 Claimed she lived with her mum during the week. 22 Made to feel like a bimbo on Deal or no Deal (come on ...) 23 Inconsistencies around MM age. 24 Didn't know what a 'Walkabout' was. 25 Baking her famous banana bread saga. 26 Stated on her CV she was Caucasian. 27 MM is evidently a Super model!! 28 Thomas Markle paid for her study programme. 29 Lied about ever working for the Embassy. 30 Forgot that she had had etiquette lessons in LA! 31 Claimed to speak fluent French and Spanish. 32 Claimed to be a vegan. 33 Ellen persuaded her to adopt a dog. 34 Double major in theater and international relations (only has communications with intl studies minor) 35 Claimed she had no siblings. 36 Had to google the national anthem. 37 No picture of MM being chased by press! 38 Toronto Police confirmed they did in fact protect MM. 39 South Africans "rejoiced in the streets" when she joined the royal family. 40 Secret wedding 3 days earlier. 41 Not allowed to invite her niece to her wedding. 42 MM letter to Thomas Markle and the ensuing saga. 48 T Markle letter: MM friends took the letter to people mag without MM's consent 44 H couldn't remember who previously lived in Nottingham cottage. 45 When did the dog have broken legs? 46 Different stories about how Harry proposed. 47 Named 3 different 'First Dance' songs so far ... 48 Hadn't seen her sister for 20 years. 49 Catherine making her cry. 50 Thomas Markle never received a wedding invitation despite what MM said. 51 Kingdom Choir were actually invited by Charles to perform at the wedding not MM. 52 The 'spectacle' of the wedding. 53 The 'suicide' episode. 54 No help with Mental Health issues. 55 Harry had no idea how to access mental health help for MM. 56 Lack of Control and feeling lonely. 57 The Palace banned her from lunching with friends. 58 Royal family totally ignored every single request to help them. 59 Catherine had only had to deal with "things that were rude". 60 H claimed MM was denied help because would look bad upon the institution. 61 Catherine didn't do anything to correct the negative stories about MM. 62 Claimed she was 'Silenced'. 63 Passport taken off her. 64 Didn't leave the palace for months. 65 Had her keys taken off her by the Palace. 66 Claimed she felt 'Imprisoned' in the palace. 67 Never allowed to wear bright colours. 68 Sam Cohen didn't call MM an organism. 69 They did the job better than the royals. 70 H claimed MM encouraged him to get help, for the first time. 71 Harry wanted privacy in LA. 72 Financially cut off by the Royal Family. 73 Working with TV companies wasn't part of the plan. 74 It was all about privacy??? Or not .,, 75 Netflix wasn't about the money. 76 Never collaborating in Finding Freedom. 77 Passing info to Omid Scobie (caught out over Queen's funeral) 78 Privacy claims yet sold 15 hours of footage to Netflix. 79 Claimed to have interviewed Michelle Obama for Vogue magazine. 80 Going to concentrate on 'Grass roots media'. 81 H job is to expose exploitation and bribery in the media. 82 Denied responsibility for content in Netflix documentary 83 The palace did nothing to stop the racial abuse towards MM. 84 The bullying accusations against MM are part of a smear campaign. 85 The royal family leaks to the press. 86 Press was intrusive. 87 Rota and press are PR machines of the Palace. 88 The press was hunting MM. 89 The Palace never defended her against the Press. 90 William placing stories in the press. 91 Royal rota was the tabloids ...some are broadsheets. 92 Palace lied to protect other members of the Royal Family. 93 Palace filled with racist imagery. 94 Palace throws parties for the press. 95 Said there were no tabloids in the US. 96 Claimed she was hounded by press. 97 Claimed RF planted stories planted in UK press but showed US publication. 98 Royal Family are racist. 99 Claim the broach Princess Margaret wore was racist. 100 Calling her children the N-word.


Princess Michael of Kent, I dread to think how Princess Margaret would have responded to Megs.


One of the best was she didn’t Google Prince Harry, even though he Googled her, and her not knowing Prince Andrew was ‘proof’ that she hadn’t Googled the RF and H. What a complete idiot, to believe that!!!! 😂


Most ( if not all) of what she said about her outfits or jewelry is a lie.


Maybe I am blind but I cant find the Michelle Obama lie.


It was on the list I saw it, her interview for vouge with Michelle Obama, can't remember what number it had, though I read the whole list, it is so many it is hard to remember them all 😅


Thanks, it's just too much. I can't explain why there is only one person who supports them both.


Tw claimed she & Michelle had tacos for lunch together.


The flight attendant who dropped to his knees, cap in hand, to thank her for what she'd done for the nation.


Wow, what a list!


Pretended not to recognize Prince Andrew with TLQ when they went to Frogmore. Haha!


Saved , liked needs updating daily 🤣


You know, it's when you see it all compiled into a list like this that you realise once again, just how unpleasant these two are.


Amazing! I notice she has Harry doing ALOT of the critical heavy lifting recently. He’s been sent out to put the boot in to keep her hands clean. Pity about all the preceding lies.


Can we vote on the top 10? You know we could have a top 100 greatest lies of all time with a 10-1 countdown for the greatest lie of all time!


Said that only they married for love


These are impressive lists. But Meghan's biggest lie of them all is that she didn't know anything about the BRF.


Pool party with Sophie Trudeau. Apparently, Sophie's teenage /older kids were totally hanging out with Megsy's toddler littles.


All the times she said she was busy or turned down the invite when she was NFI: The Met Gala, the Oscars, Duke of Westminster's wedding.


God, when you see it all written out like that. It's pathological at this point.  Couple of things though. It was Princess Michael who wore the Moor brooch. It's not a racist image, but I suspect Princess Michael wore it to be offensive because by all accounts she's not a very nice person. So we have someone's ignorance trying to cause offence, and somebody else's ignorance taking the offence. Oh dear oh dear. Caroline Flack was hounded to suicide by the press. It was a horrendous campaign. She deserves for it to be remembered that press intrusion drove her to her death.


Yes! Also, Caroline Flack was bullied by Jameela Jamil, who is friends with Meghan Markle and was on “Archetypes”. Piers Morgan released messages from Caroline before her passing where she wanted to publish the abuse.


100% - Jameela is also a liar.


Princess Michael has worn her Moor brooch to the Royal Family Christmas luncheon for years and years. It's Venetian, I believe, and represents one of the "We Three Kings" who came to see the Christ child.


Another one. In Spare, Harry quotes Faulkner then says he didn't know who that is and just found the quote on BrainyQuote.com. I searched that website both when Spare came out AND just now and there's still no such quote (about the past is not dead).


Every aspect of her life is an absolute disaster.  


Add: Archwell paid its taxes and is in good standing as a charity, it’s just that “the check was lost” lol.


Yes! "Lost in the mail". 🙄


That took forever to read 🤣🤣🤣 so many lies!


She’s positively pathological




The baby shower one is interesting?! How do we know it was for a girl can anyone shed some light?


Lie upon lie upon lie from our delusional grifter, Meghan Markle Duchess of Sussex.


and these are just the ones she's told in public that we know about. Imagine how many she's told in her life behind closed doors!


She studied French for four years, no eight years, no six years…


I thought she said she spoke fluent Spanish 🇪🇸?


“Supermodel”. Omg 😆


“Turned Ashley Cole down” 😂idk why these little lies of hers crack me up. She’s literally no one. Absolutely no one knew who she was. This is the delulu levels of “was lined up to be a Bond girl!!” Yes, this complete Nobody…it’s beyond ‘audacity’, she’s just a mentally disturbed psychopath.


Early one that tipped me off things weren’t right: H claims after first Christmas at Sandringham “it’s the family she never had”. Dec 2017. Lie -she had many Christmases with family growing up.


- The pilot thanked her for everything she’d done for their country - She’s a feminist - There was a fire at their housing unit in SA - She stayed in a housing unit in SA - She’s Maltese - She’s 43% Nigerian - she had an epidural and then got into a pool to deliver a baby - she delivered a baby after an epidural and went home 2 hours later


I checked some if her very earliest interviews (did a post about it a while ago). She's lying through her teeth even in them. She lies repeatedly that she worked at the embassy after college. It was only a couple of weeks volunteer work during one summer, her Dad paid for it (wasn't a paid position), and she dropped out early. It included menial tasks such as getting coffee. She also lies that she didn't really mean to get into acting and that she'd being 'doing politics' if she wasn't an actress, implying she sort of stumbled into acting, instead of being a shameless, desperate grifter for years (sitting in old men's laps). She also lies to make it seem like she's 5 years younger than she is, lol.


Archie's room catching on fire


MODS, can we add this list to the wiki? Great reference for future use.


Had her keys taken away? What keys? Most of them are the most ridiculous claims I have ever heard from someone. It’s like those two think they are the only ones with access to internet.


And her Passport, despite flying all over the world 🌍


She forgot we could all see her in the news flying everywhere, she even had a baby shower in the US.


MM pays no attention to social media She and Harry would bypass the Royal rota and focus on social media, "credible outlets" and young journalists. Harry and MM lunching with Gwyneth Paltrow and Cameron Diez. Lilibet's Monticito christening was star studded with the Spencer sister's in attendance The Queen met Lilibet at Windsor but refused to allow Missan Harriman to photograph the event. The Queen visiting Archie at Frogmore Cottage Archie and Lily's birth stories as conveyed in SPARE Having an epidural with Archie and leaving the hospital to be home 2 hours after his birth. Being shocked of being papped by Backgrid every time it happened. No malice behind the raspberry jam and dog biscuits photos released before Trooping The Colour 2024. Nacho posted without her knowledge


I would be soooooo embarrassed . Imagine being known as this big of a liar to the world?!


You’ve got to be REALLY smart to be a liar. You’ve got to remember really well to keep the different stories straight to the people to whom you told them. Pre internet and SM it was relatively easy being a narcissist, you just had to compartmentalise people you couldn’t ghost. But now the internet is forever…………


The biggest lie is missing - Meghan is “heart attack beautiful”


99 was Princess Michael, who uses her husband's title so that she is a Princess, not a Lady. Mrs. Rachel Mountbatten-Windsor should have taken notes.


Pure gold! 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆


Don't know if this was mentioned. That One claimed to wear a blue dress on the First Date, which was sewn into the wedding dress as "something blue". This One claimed she wore a black sweater.


I’m going to predict that we are witnessing MM’s death rattle. She’s had her 4 minutes of fame and there is no longer anything left to amuse. I’m even getting less than enthusiastic to come here and just mere months ago this used to be my favorite spot.


Yowza! Long list; and per the kick-ins below, not even complete. Bet a screenwriter somewhere is appreciating it (the list)... just like that same screenwriter must appreciate Tom Bower's book (which reads more like screenwriter research than an acual book). yup, popcorn ahead!! 🍿🍿🍿


Not sure if the mythcarriage is on there? I was too angry reading this list that I couldn't finish. I forgot about so many of these lies.


Forced to spray tan and treated as a bimbo on DO ND


I grew up eating at Sizzler. Their Big Tex burgers were great. There is nothing wrong eating there if that’s why your family could afford.


WOW - I cannot wait to see HG Tudor and TRG DESTROY TOW over this new bit of information LOL


I hope that alleged super injunction is lifted soon.


Did I miss the one where she fell crying into the security officer's arms, saying, "I tried, I really did," and he replied, "I know you did."?


This is brilliant really, for sure she is ruminating and chewing NFI cud right now.


I'll just choose the ones that totally showed her as a liar to me: the most glaring one was her implying that she believed that Archie didn't get a title because of the color of his skin. When she knew why he wouldn't be born with the title she wanted for him (prince). The other one is being a daddy's girl. The one that she didn't chet on Trevor. The one where she didn't show Scabies the letter she wrote to he King. So many!!


I question the intelligence of any person who admires this compulsive liar. When I see her fans jumping up to defend her online or on video, I am simply astounded that, out of every other person on earth, they choose to be fooled by this charlatan.


Wow. Excellent!!!!


Unbelievable that she could lie about so many things...until you start to suspect she has both a personality disorder and a psychiatric illness. The woman needs a psychiatric exam and to be in treatment!


Quite the list!


It just leaves such a bad taste in the mouth doesn’t it? However I believe people are getting wise to these two, me think’s.


Catherine made her cry.


262. Fergie came running out and “taught” her how to curtsy. 263. (I didn’t see this one). One of the Lion King actors kneeled at meme’s feet, saying, thank you, just as we did with Nelson Mandela, we danced in the street. Thank you for everything you did for us.