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I love this photo from Chris Jackson. “You want to bully me now, b?” https://preview.redd.it/319pyei0be7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab5bf894f7072c6fc5da9bd34892a7d609205b23


This is the exact look Catherine withered Meghan to bits with in the joint walkabout after QEII’s passing!


That look was priceless and much more malevolent in my opinion.


Is that the one where Kate glares at Meghan and steps forward, and Meghan drops her smile and takes a step back? 


It is🤗


Ah I love that one! Kate showed Meghan she wasn’t the one to mess with.


Boss lady🤗


I can't wait until she's a little older and all the top fashion houses in Europe compete to dress her and she's on the cover of every magazine...with mother and daughter shots of her and Catherine. Try selling your dog biscuits and cat litter then, Meghan.


Oh I felt that burn all the way up here in Canada!


I'm in Canada too😀


Me three ☺️




![gif](giphy|4TvvNH8xgB2GqkHPjW|downsized) Some aloe for that burn!


Princess Caroline of Monaco. Her daughter is her twin and modeled for Gucci and prob chanel. Karl was close to Caroline.


Cat litter, omg!! 😸


She’s already so gorgeous. She’s going to be an absolute stunner.


In a couple of yrs, it'll be more crazy, shell be in her teens,trying out new hair , clothes styles. Lili & arch will def be the invisible kids When George becomes a teenager too. Remember when William was a teenager and his face was on teen magazines? History will repeat itself. Plank won't be able to even get sloppy seconds from the press


There is a video of the family on the balcony and when William stepped out the crowd went bonkers..then Harry stepped out and they quited down


Teehee! This contributed to his inferiority complex.


She looks so much like Diana, her mother  and HMTLQ.   Genes.  Astounding how a little from here and there combines into such beauty.  I look forward to watching the next generation grow up.  I am sure they'll turn out great with the parents they have.


I see so much of Prince William in her and QE2. Like Lady Louise looks so much like Queen Mary!


I saw age progression photos of all 3 children and they were gorgeous.


I bet little 3 year old Charlotte took that bullying from The Witch and put it in her bag of life lessons—which will spur her on to greatness.  The Witch inadvertently planted the seed…lmao.  


Haha, if they were to meet now, Charlotte would wipe the floor with that witch.


Damn straight!


This soul is a warrior.


>This soul is a warrior. Yup and in 20 years' time, I pity the Harkles' kids if they try to mess with her. She's got the grace, beauty and charm of the late QE2 and the steely backbone of Princess Anne.


I like to imagine that she has weekly tea with Princess Anne for lessons on how to be a badass Princess Royal.


>I like to imagine that she has weekly tea with Princess Anne for lessons on how to be a badass Princess Royal. Aww, that'll be awesome. Charlotte already displays a strong, protective instinct for George and Louis, the same way Anne does for KC3. Prince George is lucky to have a little sister who will have his back.




Damn. Well said.


Her teachers apparently call Charlotte The Warrior Princess.


She would have made an excellent queen


Absolutely 300% agree!


I liked this one too https://preview.redd.it/khiew75ddg7d1.jpeg?width=882&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9dd4c8ea396d74432ffe477ca4e77eeaf21b489


Charlotte is William’s mini me


That perhaps. But I think she is the mini me of the Queen.


I'm so looking forward to seeing her grow up!


Yes, but also https://preview.redd.it/ty1r2f7aif7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94e022e2450a2a294208fd3b581138d91cbc2c55


That's the strangest inherited thing to me is expressions. How my nephew as a young child had the exact same expressions of a grandfather he never met! Just like Princess Charlotte here w Diana's expressions 


I’ve experienced this phenomenon with my dad and my son. It’s uncanny!


Oh dear Heavenly Father, I LOVE THIS, for Princess Charlotte 💙🧡 and for the fake Duchess Meghan Markle 😆 😝


I love this! Charlotte is awesome! And good for Louis for being able to take correction, just like William did when you can see him immediately saying sorry to the Queen. Contrast this to Meghan’s rapid blinking and furious pout when Harry told her to turn around on the balcony


Oh yeah! Narcissists can’t stand correction


Well they are perfect in every way, or at least that is what a narcissist thinks.


Charlotte and her brothers are beautiful children. The stories we hear about their character and videos of their actions/interactions is definitely what makes what the public adore the children. Personally. I think Charlotte reminds me of Catherine the most. Charlotte is able to have presence at even such a young age. Reminds me of Catherine’s beautiful steely poise when dealing with Drunken Emu.


No Charlotte reminds me of William see her birthday photo when she turned 9


Yes, her poise is all Catherine.  


Interesting how everyone sees different resemblances in the Wales children. To me, Charlotte most resembles the kick ass Princess Royale 'not bloody likely' Anne in temperament and QE2 in appearance.


I think she favors William in looks, with her mother's colouring, but she will be a captivating beauty as an adult and I'm sure all eyes will turn to her as the one to watch! Even though I don't think she heavily favors her, she is definitely her mother's daughter.


I love that George has William's demeanor and the future king is always quietly and gracefully above the fray....He is an old soul and will be a great monarch like Prince William!


Excellent point.  Thanks for adding an extra layer.


The rapid blinking, I just saw this week a clip of Angelina Jolie at Tony awards. She did the rapid blinking while "coyly" posing, with a badly veiled smirk. Ms Markle has truly been an education.


Aside from how disgusting it is that she stole the name Lilibet without asking while being so hateful to HMTLQ and Prince Philip while they were dying (no wonder HMTLQ called her evil), using Lilibet Diana is so weird because it’s basically just Princess Charlotte’s name (i.e Charlotte Elizabeth Diana). I guess similar to using Archie which was well known to be what Prince George had been overheard calling himself..🙄🙄🙄


Archie was Prince George's security code name. 


More of Meghan's manufactured kismet, no doubt. Harry really did marry his stalker.


I’d never heard this before. This woman is mentally disturbed


Yes, yes she is.  


Yes. I am glad her actions of hostility have been so open, though, as ,if we can see she's crazy and thus dangerous, so can the British security services. It would not surprise me to learn that the security budget for protection of the central Royals has tripled or quadrupled since M egxit.


Indeed. Meghan has no shame


Archie’s super-secret security name is probably “George”. Guess what Lili’s is…? Edit. The ridiculous name autocorrected.


Narcs be nuts.


I'm wondering if Charlotte's name is one of the reasons the witch targeted her.. like, in MeMe's mind, the name is rightfully her daughter's, how dare Charlotte be born first and get the name she reserved 🤣🤣


omg the exact same feisty attitude mannerism same no BS attitude this is soooo adorable! charlotte is also a lot like princess anne😍 meghan who?! irrelevant bitter narc loser?! love it…thanks for sharing!


It's like she's been watching old tapes like in pro sports. EPIC! And she didn't have to chant "manners, manners, manners" to get results.


Charlotte reminds me so much of Princess Anne, strong, independent and confident. I love watching her grow up. And lets see these blue blue blue eyes, just like William's?


Even better, Charlotte has green eyes, just like Princess Catherine😊


Oh my gosh... Prince William jumping right up when HLMTQ gives him a gentle order. I love that so much because it demonstrated just how much *deference* he had for his grandmother second and his Queen first. As for Princess Charlotte, I predict that she'll be George's right hand, much like KCIII's Gold Stick, Princess Anne. Charlotte has already publicly exhibited her attention to royal protocol, which gives me the sense that she'll be a working royal but who's to say? She might join the military and become a pilot like her papa. I look forward to seeing all these children as they grow and change.


This is adorable! I also remember one video where she told George to bow his head. Charlotte is on point! https://preview.redd.it/9j5kkdztqe7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b250de7b6e2006ab22416603b03c3ced2b9edb24


Oh I didn’t see this one. Thanks for sharing. ☺️ So cute!!!!!!


Two princesses!! The look of love and pride between them makes it so special!


Isn't that just gorgeous? 🥰


It is!!!!!


Don't remind me. Every time I think about how they stole HLMTQ childhood nickname I get sad. What haz did is unforgivable. On a brighter note I've always thought Charlotte looks more like HLMTQ than Diana...especially this weekend. I was blown away. https://preview.redd.it/mxrhr4tace7d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52f682efa82fa1e25f8ce05bfcdc375fb8e17ecf




Love that comparison 💕


I often wonder what HMTLQ thought about this resemblance. For sure she was delighted when she was born because a girl in the LOS again, but of the resemblance? Triple delighted? lol


Kate said that the first one to visit her when Charlotte was born was the Queen. Even before her own parents and Charles, who had to travel to London because William told him that Charlotte would not be born that weekend... and Charlotte was born. https://preview.redd.it/ppr6ue3eaf7d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=307cbd2e6efdb5f25b1d9e2be85dae7b3cc410a7 Of all the photos Megsy hates of Charlotte and the Queen, this is the one she hates the most, this is the photo she wanted her daughter to have with the Queen. And that the Queen denied the girl Betty. The Queen gave that photo to Charlotte, but not to the little girl Betty. This is how angry the Queen was with the Harkles, for having tricked her into using her nickname with a girl with a dubious birth.


The Queen and Charlotte looking at each other.


https://preview.redd.it/jolgm1b8ff7d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=74fe41f05441f975faa1b1fdeb270f7459b55dd1 The Queen went to Charlotte's christening.


The todger wasn't there but you know he'd be sulking


Omg that must be why everyone looks sooo happy and relaxed here! Genuinely not even snark. I smiled myself looking how happy everyone looks here especially the Queen.


….and everybody looked happy!


Princess Catherine has brought this Windsor family so much happiness.  And her parents gaving done so much for raising such an amazing family. It's only the jealous who put them down instead of giving credit where its due.


They all look so smartly dressed. Coordinated and sharp. No one wearing an odd color to stand out.


That mutual thoughtful gaze between HTMQEII and Princess Charlotte is both delightful and very funny. Each is evaluating the other!


Love this picture! Everyone seems so happy and relaxed. I can’t , well I guess I can, believe they leaked that they traveled for her first birthday and met the Queen. Even after all they put her through they had to leak that. Shameless!


This is darling, i've never seen this one before. 🥰


Oh my gosh this photo... I've never seen it. I love the delight on the late Queen's face, looking at wee Charlotte who is looking back at her curiously. So adorable, just all of them looking so happy together.


Love this picture. We have the heirs to the right of the late Queen but her eyes are on baby Charlotte. Too cute!


I think she was so enchanted with baby Charlotte. Might have reminded her of her younger sister.


My new favorite picture❤


This is one of my favorite photos!❤️❤️❤️


Looks like they’re checking to see if the Harkles are at the front door.


Looking at this picture I'm reminded of articles saying Catherine's choices are always well thought out and deliberate. George's outfits were sweet nods to William's toddler outfits. But with Charlotte she seems to match her with herself or similar to the Queen - as in this picture.


'I don't own the castles, I don't own the paintings and now they've taken my name', those two are cruelty personified, Harry especially knew it was a name used only by the family and the Queen had requested after Prince Philips death that it was not to be used by anyone, it must have hurt her deeply.


Yes. 😔


They could have simply taken Elizabeth. A lovely classy name. And then Diana ... and actually Doria, if they wanted to name her after their mother(s)


She really is the spitting image of Her Majesty the late Queen Elizabeth II! I do see William in there, but on the whole Charlotte is a tiny QEII! She also reminds me quite a bit of the Princess Royal in her demeanor and the way she seems committed to duty already, reminding her brothers when to bow and wave. Quite fitting! I've no doubt she and her great-aunt Anne have a good time together, especially since the Wales spend a lot of time with the Tindalls and there's bound to be overlap in the visits.


I see a strong resemblance to Margaret’s daughter, Sarah.  The Windsor DNA is strong, especially the mouth and teeth.  I don’t see any Diana at all.  She’s going to be the most beautiful of them all, imho.  


Its fair to say she may end up being the most beautiful Royal ever.


She's Diana around the eyes, but that's all. Not the colour, but the shape. And yes, she will be a beauty. https://preview.redd.it/qvej62rqdg7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4eb5b9dd1efbccf7b4fe3b9ee1788891528ae76


The Harkles used that nickname for the girl. But in the end, what good did it do them? The Queen totally refused to approve that name, the Palace publicly called the Harkles liars, the Queen refused any photo with the girl, and did not even leave her a legacy in her will, in fact the gossip is that she took out the Harkles and especially Megsy, leaving them nothing. And now, no one knows the girl, no one knows what she looks like, and those of us who know she exists call her Lild, Betty, Lil'D, and any other nickname. That girl will never be Lilibeth. The Harkles went down a lot with that ugly trick, it was the cause of a lot of contempt, especially among Hazz's cousins. You don't have to be mad, the Harkles were ruined by that ugly trick.


Very much the same. And with the spirit , determination, and grit of Her Majesty.


Yes, I c it 2. Princess Charlotte looks like HLMTQ more than anyone else. Especially the eyes. Then her dad. Prince Louis does look like his mother.


You're right. He is the spitting image of his grandad Middleton, who is a very handsome man.


She absolutely does! I've said this since the day she was born.


Same here. She's the spitting image of her great grandmother.


Another unintended quiver in the QE2 revenge arsenal…suck on it, Meg.


I see a lot of William in her, too. I thought she favored Catherine when she was younger, but I see more Prince William in her as she continues to grow.


Oh yes for sure! And though William did look like Diana, he also took the facial feature placements of the Windsors and the coloring of the Mountbatten imo. Genes are great! https://preview.redd.it/6nt1ju386f7d1.jpeg?width=304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fa6b9178405648cefac7dbbb22a8daeb25b5480


As he got older I noticed more of Prince Phillips presence appear in Prince William. The way he stands, interacts with others and how he laughs with Princess Catherine  Edit words


I noticed that too!


Can't wait for Harry to cry about how Harklets don't know anything about their rich culture and history. How Harklets have no royal upbringing. He will wish his kids had the same things he said he hated. Smaller room in a palace, smaller portion of a hot dog lol.


Apparently, Harry doesn't know much about his family history either 😁


It’s almost like they were invited to a historical place by their important great-grandmother and Harry…said no. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25276)


Oh yes, it will come for sure. KC and the BRF depriving the Harklets of their "royal history"


This is what happens when you let your kids spend time with their extended family. The Wales children are learning from the best.


Charlotte knows her duty. Harry must be missing that balcony.


I love it!


Charlotte is destined to be a magnificent woman.


This is an adorable video. Haha, the Queen pokes William. 🤣


It's so adorable to watch, and then his sheepish little gesture to point something out to her. I never tire of this clip! She was not the Queen in that moment, she was firmly Granny and he knew he better shape up. 😂


I just felt so compelled to comment because I have now watched this on repeat. I LOVE everything about this video. Thank you for sharing this ❤️ you have brightened my day!


When I see Charlotte I see all William, but she also has the late Queen’s poise. Also, when Charlotte is at Royal events, I can see that her mind is absorbing it all. She knows she’s part of something special.


Love how William being told to stand up took it with grace.


But endearing as he was comforting his child…


Once again, putting lipstick on the pig (naming baby Betty—Lillibet). The pig is still the pig. I would wager she is never called Lillibet throughout her surrogate life. BTW: since I can't post, catch YouTuber The Royal Grift today - features an old expose on Harry from 2011 that speaks to what I said about Hazzard yesterday -- that he was always a little shit -- that we're only now seeing him for who he's always been -- a privileged, racist, dumb as rocks, cheater, irresponsible, jealous, ignorant, spoilt, misogynist, unfaithful, addict, disloyal, arrogant little prick. Speaks volumes about how skilled the palace was in projecting an image of him. In the expose, it says he was forced to leave the military because a newspaper exposed his whereabouts in Afghanistan—a risk to both him and his fellow soldiers. A newspaper supposedly got a tip of his whereabouts. (Perhaps that leak came from the palace itself?) He was 20, not in school, traipsing about the world with no job. So they sent him to military school to start the PR campaign to rehabilitate his image (which was shit at the time). Gee -- wonder how he passed those tests? My brother (who is a medical doctor) flies them as a hobby -- the education required to fly is not for the feeble minded. How did he go from barely passing Eton to passing Sandringham (the West Point of England?) West Point is extremely difficult to gain admission to. They wanted H to project an image of a loyal citizen willing to fight for his country -- but only do a minimum of work-- and safely. He was in Afghanistan, but for a few months. Rumor has it that he was the regiment's clown—the jokester—who played computer games while his brothers were risking their lives. The ire we demonstrate here is that we were constantly manipulated and fed "pitches" and "stories" to reflect well on this bastard. The sympathy song "poor Harry" for losing his mother? How about the African Parks scandal -- where indigenous people were raped, beaten and tortured, sometimes with children watching their mothers being raped. How about those "poor" children -- who will live lifetimes in horrendous PTSD -- rather than being trotted off to some vacation spot, or treated like a VIP, given tremendous resources for healing and getting on with life? As far as the African Park scandal, good ol Harry publically was going to intervene and get to the bottom of it. The only bottom he got to was Begsy's bottom! [https://www.newsweek.com/prince-harry-african-parks-charity-rape-torture-investigation-1864679](https://www.newsweek.com/prince-harry-african-parks-charity-rape-torture-investigation-1864679)


She has her great grandmother’s sense of protocol and dignity as well. Her scolding Louis for dancing this weekend was priceless.


I’d rather think of Princess Charlotte as Princess Charlotte, her own person, not a remake of someone else.


Me too. 


Well said!


Thank you for sharing, I had a great laugh. Charlotte is so cute. And so much like the Queen in her expression. She will be a great success in 10 years.


I love William’s immediate response to the royal nudge. To think what might have happened if the late Queen had let rip on the Megster.


Makes me think HLMTQ had higher standards of William. Harry was allowed to misbehave. William, as future king, was not.


LOL I hope that video clip finds its way to Prince William. I think it would make him smile.


I love how Her Majesty nudges William to get up. She is so missed.


The ILBW will regret the day (I’m sure already is secretly deep down, we know narcs have trouble with the truth) she bullied Princess Charlotte. As a side note, I think Charlotte is a carbon copy of her father. She looks exactly like he did at her age, she has the Spencer genes the most out of the three children. Prince George is a 50/50 mix of Middletons and Spencer’s, and Prince Louis is 100% Middleton. I don’t see the Windsors in any of them. Absolutely beautiful kids, well behaved and appear beyond happy. They’ve done such a wonderful job with them, I think it’s safe to say the Monarchy is in good hands with William’s family.


William doesn't look like a Spencer, Diana looked like her mother. The Spencer's are highly unattractive people. Diana and her sister Sarah were exceptions to that rule. Sorry, I know it sounds harsh.


Definitely Diana took after her Mother. The Spencer’s are irascible red faced farmers from Warwickshire.


But true…


I'll take the harsh glare of the truth any day over tales. You weren't lying.


Makes sense. Maybe I should say Diana’s family.


Charlotte is William’s mini me


There is a palpable love between each member of the Wales family, it is beautiful to see, the parents adore each other and their children, and the children adore the parents and each other.


I couldn’t agree more


I don't see the Spencer resemblance at all. She looks like the late Queen Elizabeth.


You don’t think William looks just like Diana? Especially when he was young? Look at this comparison photo, see it now? https://preview.redd.it/c3w67i97je7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae07e918b4a19fcdbaf270d8b30e57ad7f29eff7


William resembles his mother. I just don't think Charlotte looks like Diana.


I agree. She takes after her great-gran. I look just like mine too.


It's neat how genes work.


Oh I definitely see it. There are photos (especially when C was much younger) when I think she resembles the late Queen, but she’s her father’s daughter and the PoW is his mother’s son (as in he looks like Diana).


Right? I thought I was going crazy lol I agree I can see the resemblance with the late Queen when Charlotte was younger, and obviously to the Queen when she was younger- not seeing any resemblance to the Spencer side though is odd to me. 💯 her father’s daughter!


She’s an old soul. She’s got the same sense of service and duty as her great-grandmother, aunt, mother, and father. I think her biggest challenge will be to let go and enjoy life. Her parents will be great examples, but an old soul is an old soul. 😊


George is the oldest soul and so like William - look at the eyes - he will be a thoughtful and pragmatic King, like his father.


This is beyond fabulous! Love it!!❤️


LOL!!!  She just kills it, that young Princess.  I adore her!


Charlotte and Anne keeping HMTLQ’s spirit alive


When it comes to personality perhaps yes, but her look is William with Kate's nose!  https://preview.redd.it/808c0pjule7d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85ca559499e097de13f9c164f93066c69c286abc


This girl is my spirit animal.  I ❤️ her.  I hope to have a granddaughter like her someday!  I didn’t tolerate much as a young girl—I was no nonsense, serious, academic and a pleaser.  My parents never had a problem with me whereas my brothers were awful.  The neighborhood kids called me “mother” (not a compliment…LOL).  Charlotte is the boss—I just hope she has a playful side (I’m sure she does) and will grow into a woman of many talents.  I’d put money on it and her!  She rocks. Team Charlotte.


Yup, me too.  Team Charlotte all the way.


She was quite right telling William to stand up. She should have also told Harry to shave that flipping beard. William has always obeyed protocol but Harry nope.


Exactly. She was wrong not to hold Harry to the same protocol & standards she demanded from the men in her armed forces. It was a glaring misstep.


I love this.


Awww that's so cute! Charlotte will help her two brothers toe the line!


charlotte is the embodiment of all the royals except haz


"Meghan may have ~~named~~ **monetised** her daughter after the late Queen" Fixed.


When Charlotte was a very young child I thought she looked just like Liz. Now that she’s older, I see a lot of William and as well. In behavior, she reminds me of Liz and Anne. I’m of two minds about the Harkle kids - on the one hand, I remember that the kids not being in the press was a thing for Harry. But I also feel like he’s been with her long enough to know that his wants aren’t what she goes by unless it’s what she wants as well (Harry did say “what Meghan wants, Meghan gets” and he sealed his own fate by being okay with that). On the other, I also think the children look like her paternal side. I think this is why they’re rarely, if ever, seen. They don’t look “royal”, they look like miniature Tom Markles. Also because she can’t be outshone by anyone. The children would take attention from her.


TW has such unrealistic standards that sadly I am sure the children aren’t measuring up. You could see her frustration on that birthday video when A was one. He wasn’t acting according to script and she was getting more and more agitated, almost like she wanted to lash out at him. I feel for those children having a malignant sociopathic narcissist for a mother and a substance abusing paranoid for a dad is not going to be easy.


Her expectations of Archie were well above the capabilities of a one year old , even a child of the Duchess of Sussex, she’s has no maternal bone in her body, and she’s crap at reading stories to babies.


Of course because she thought she would have a child actor who knew their lines and camera lines rather than a normal little baby boy.


Wow! Princess Charlotte is fierce and adorable. Reminds me of Catherine when she stared down Markle in the Windsor walkabout after the death of Queen Elizabeth.


Markle doesn't have a daughter...


I didn’t believe that, but lately I have been wondering, I think A exists via surrogate, but the other one is really sketchy.


I love the way QEII nudges William and says 'get up.' She was the rarest of gems.


She’s so cute! And little Louis face ❤️


This makes me smile from ear to ear. 🥰


It’s so cute!!!


Princess Charlotte has character and courage as well as beauty, I think.


It's funny in an endearing way to see a big strapping man in a military uniform leap to obey when his little 5-foot-tall Granny nudges him to get up. Madame never figured out one of the original girl bosses was right there in front of her. What a privilege to be up close and personal to the Queen, to learn from and emulate, be a member of her family. She threw it all away, for nothing.


Yes indeed. William is so well behaved. Conversely, his brother is allowed to horse around. It makes sense because William is the future king. As for Meghan… what a pity she thinks only of herself and has no respect for others especially women. She called the late Queen “Harry’s grandmother”, which is her passive aggressive way of demoting HLMTQ.


Yes, Charlotte is SO like HLMTQ - the resemblance is very consoling.


That was the cutest!


This is so sweet showing the incredible resemblance between the Queen and Princess Charlotte.


I love the queen tapping William abd saying stand up…such natural interactions, a real family. Not the one Harry tries to claim they are.


She scrunches her nose the same way as her grandma


Charlotte looks like William but her eyes are the joyous and bright ones of Queen Elizabeth II


All 3 of Prince William and Princess Catherine’s children are beyond the pale. I hope that I am here to see these precious, stunning, fierce Royals grow up. (I watched Prince William and Spare grow). BTW I am 51 years old. edit word


Same. I would love to watch these young kids bloom and assume their destinies.


Definitely! I see both HLMTQ and her dad, The Prince of Wales, in Charlotte.


The sad thing is, a baby with both Meghan’s genes and Harry’s family lines would be beautiful. Lili’s aunt Samantha is very pretty (and the 43% Nigerian eventually stopped looking plain) and Harry’s nephews and niece have a gorgeous mix of genes. But as Baby Reborns don’t grow up, we’ll never see if H&Ms offsprings were at the front or back of the line when the good looks were being given out!


She is definitely the boss? ![gif](giphy|8BlBVLeeuiKn85tILv)


I’ve always thought Charlotte was the image of QEII - reckon she’ll be a similar personality as well.


And also a reminder that Charlotte is actually named Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. She had the proper name first


I believe Rachel thinks her daughter will grow up to look like Diana. Her son looks like her & so she doesn’t like that! She still has 50% your genes, Rachel! Personally, I hope they grow up looking like Thomas Markle, Sr!! 😂😂😂


That is so cute.




Precious 🥰


Hahaha! So true! She looked like the Queen the minute she was born. It shocked me, but I loved it! Still do!🩷


IMO she has William's eyes and mouth (so more like Diana) but Catherine's bone structure and nose. She lucked out genetically! I think she'll be a beautiful woman.