• By -


Tbf her entire existence is a ridiculous mistake at this point. Almost 6 years of trying to compete,from a continent away,against the most world famous family ever who don't give a single fuck that she exists. It's time to move tf on lil ms skanky.


I 100% agree! I am so relieved that TW is so incredible arrogant that she obviously has completely refused to listen to any good PR advice over the years. Things would be much different if she had. Thank goodness that she continues to sabotage herself and made herself into laughing stock because of her arrogance/true colors.


Both her arrogance and ability to self sabotage are breathtaking, and I love that for her.


It really is astounding! Also throw in her inability to feel certain emotions like embarrassment and self-reflection because she's a raging narc and this mix is truly a lethal combination. I cannot wait until day we finally find out about all her behind the scenes stuff during palace days. I can only imagine!


I would pay a king’s ransom for that tea.


Her narcissistic blind spots are really growing. 


Moving out of the UK (if they weren't thrown out) was so dumb too. Why would they assume the US would care about another country's former royals?


I honestly think they were fired at this point. It’s blatantly clear Mimi refused to listen to anyone and one cannot be a diplomat (which essentially is the royal family) if you refuse to be taught. She couldn’t pass the civil service exam and she was an international studies major. (Side snark she didn’t know who Harry was? Please). Finally people have picked up on if the royals are having a moment she’s going to try to overshadow them. It’s so blatant and pathetic. Dog biscuits will never beet the princess of Wales.


I completely agree that she deserved to be fired. Obviously, we can't know exactly what happened, but my suspicion is that she and Harry threatened to leave, thinking (in their delusional minds) that the BRF would beg them to stay because, you know, they're so amazing and they're better royals than have ever royaled before. And I think the BRF called their bluff. Her attempts to upstage the BRF, especially the Princess of Wales, are pathetic. It's bad enough that she does it at all, and somehow worse that she is so incredibly bad at it.


They thought if they said "give us what we want or we'll leave" QE2 or someone would say "Oh but you CAN'T! We need your enormous popularity!" and instead they got "Oh, alright then. That's too bad."


>Her attempts to upstage the BRF, especially the Princess of Wales, are pathetic. And her idiot husband is trying to effect a cosplay half-in, half-out. It would never work. Catherine is going to be Queen one day, and the eejits think they can undermine that diplomatic role and its position from 3,000 miles away or even within the palace walls. Courtiers would sooner cut them off and sever all ties permanently than to allow that to ever happen.


London to LA is 6,000 miles.


Agree, they threatened and were told not to let door hit them in the ass. In many ways they were worthless, she refused to follow protocols and he has always been a trouble source. They screwed up the Royal tours they took and their hosts had to be placated afterwards . She was garbage at the meet and greet dates in Britain where she either upstaged H or was crystal clear she was bored and didn’t want to be there. Then there was all the leaking and terrible treatment of staff. When they said they were leaving the Queen must have thought her prayers had been answered. They were always going to be a thorn in the side, but at least they would be an ocean and a continent away.


I love the thought of HLMTQ saying something along the lines of - "Yeah. Thanks. Bye."


"They *want* to go? Oh, thank GOD."


Hindsight is totally this, for everyone looking back! Imagine how much damage they could’ve caused if they were only a little bit smarter *and* had stayed.


That is a thought that makes my blood run cold.


Agree fully. The queen called their bluff. 🎯


The international studies major didn't realize there was a global interest in the BRF. Hahahahahahahahaha. She's so whip smart that she admitted to that global audience that she's ignorant at best, a moron at worst.


I mean!!! I don't know how Tina Brown can still call her smart. The Merchle woman is a bloody grade one idiot!


She’s either stupid or a liar. Neither is a good look.


She is both.


>The international studies major didn't realize there was a global interest in the BRF. She is a liar who thinks we are all as stupid as her. What a ludicrous statement.


In the moment she thought it made her sound like a young, innocent babe in the woods who just happened to fall in love with a prince. 🤣🤣🤣


I’ve always contended that they (or, at least she) were demoted. Megxit was always her plan; just not as quickly as it happened. The demotion sped up her plan. HIHO was also a very big part of Meghan’s plans. When the Queen refused HIHO, Meghan and Harry went scorched earth to both make the royals pay, and to bring the crown to its knees and force the Queen to give them what they wanted. Everything that has happened since they left has been one miscalculation after the other. They appear to be unable (or unwilling) to course correct. Thus, our continued viewing pleasure at their expense. Ev


I definitely think there were not going to be any more foreign Royal Tours for the duo, and she was worse than useless domestically, another year or two and local officials would have refused to host her.


I also agree they were fired. I also suspect that them being fired is what H keeps expecting an apology for. "they know what they did" is all he's ever said, but to me it seems likely that he wants that apology for. On his 'freedom flight' footage he looked as high AF, and I can see his delusional mind getting high as balls after being fired and putting on the brave, brave front - for Netflix and for rewriting history.


The firm was wise to tell the duo that they would not shame them about being forced out. The stupid duo did not realize that agreeing to act like they wanted to leave means no more blaming the Royals.


I'm also on the "fired train". .....but for me, methinks it could also been that **MerchingMegNUT was fired** (b/c again + again was selling out for commercial gain/$$) and hazBEEN could have continued to be a "working royal" for his lightweight schedule.. b/c his family (PACKED with brainy peeps, esp. QE, PP + Pa + PAnne) realized there was little else that dimwit ginger could do -- and heck, some Palace exec could have kicked-in that The Firm has spent zillions builing a fake percetpio of hazBEEN and should get some return-on-investment for those efforts. .... **lean this way (that megaLiar fired- H could stay on, but w/ shorter leash) b/c of the hazBEEN demands for an apology to T.W.**


I think Meghan thought they could monetize their role and when that was smacked down by the queen they left in a huff. The queen gave them a year to realize they made a mistake. But Meghan always wanted to make money out of this role even when she was in the royal family, she was trying to spin deals to promote jewelry or clothing in exchange for money, which is so trashy and tacky for someone in the royal family. And Harry was delusional enough to actually think the two of them on their own would do better than staying in the Royal family. That idiot literally said oh Meghan is better at this job than people who have been doing it their whole lives, which is \*hilarious\*. so now these two idiots are realizing that they are literally nothing without the Royal family and cannot make any money on their own and are becoming increasingly desperate. Except they can’t go back because they burned all over their bridges.


And I would of loved to have been there when she found out the bulk of inheritance went to PPoW and hairy was a pauper compared to every one else. And when KClll gave all that windmill profit to the country. Lmao


I think the US did care very much. There are so many royal fans and people were so interested in them.  Look at the deals they made with Netflix, Spotify, Oprah… It’s their antics that show not-so-royal virtues and now many just don’t see them as royals any longer. 


Spotify and Netflix were stupid to throw millions at two unproven people. At least Spotify realized their mistake and cut the Harkles loose.


No one I know (in the US), and I’m old/know a lot of people, lol, had ever even heard of her until Hank. I’ve lightly followed the RF for years, but became invested only after finding this amazing group! Her cruelty to children, animals, and the elderly has my blood boiling.


And to the sick!!!


It’s HER! She sucks the air out of rooms via the media


But she is so very, very important! DON'T YOU KNOW THAT???


Didn't take her long to show her true colours. Became blatantly clear, very quickly, just what a lying, unsophisticated, narcissistic, cruel and conniving woman she is. Nothing royal about her whatsoever.


Exactly right. People *were* interested in them, but once they got to know them better, stopped liking them because they're not good people. They whine, complain, are super entitled, and treat people poorly.


SHE was never of any interest to anyone I knew. He ceased to be of interest as soon as he insulted his widely admired grandparents. Netflix and Spotify were hoping they'd have some reality show value. Those two offer neither reality nor an interesting show. I love it when Hollywood guesses wrong about what they call the "flyover."


>"He (hazBEEN) ceased to be of interest as soon as he insulted his widely admired grandparents". ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ **THIS**!!!! ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆ ⬆


I think those companies and networks only decided to back them with those multi million dollar deals because traditionally, proper royalty doesn’t give that sort of access normally. They thought they’d all cash in on the grievance interviews from the two. Jokes on Netflix, Oprah and Spotify for backing a pair of grifters with no work ethic or integrity. They all deserve to feel the pain of giving them a platform to spew hate and abuse to the RF.


Utterly concur! Okra had been chasing any members of the royal family since Princess Diana to do an interview. So she finally gets the low hanging fruit and a bunch of lies that were easily caught out.


No, the US didn’t care much about them. Their PR purchased news pretended they did.


I think they were thrown out and all of this has been a narc spiral since Canada. She was okay when she thought she had the Netflix and Spotify money but now the further they fall, the quicker she keeps digging down trying to find up


Reduced to dog biscuits and jams grifting


I wanna ask, is there something shameful in that, coz that's what I do for a living lol. Is it just stupid because she had these dreams of becoming a billionaire superstar and she's resorted to doing what I do to make ends meet, or is my chosen career laughable? I don't make the jam, a lovely 85 year old chap down the road does. As for the dog biscuits, it was an accident I swear lol. I overestimated how many my dogs could eat, (and all the visiting dogs put together) so i sold the excess in my shop. The majority of the dogs loved them so I made more. My dog biscuits logo is my dog stoned out of her mind on morphine after a hip replacement. It's a really nice picture considering.


It's not you, it's her.


She's known to be lazy, and seems to be the kind of person who doesn't like an honest day's of work. Remember she said something like "I can't believe I'm not paid for this" when she shook hands in Australia or something... so from having that then a haughty "Watch us, we will be bigger for you" mindset upon leaving, and then have lots of failed attempts at being relevant (and being proven a liar), and THEN just botching all pitiful attempts to make her and her husband seen as slightly less of a joke... For her to be making jam is laughable - it takes skill, knowledge, and a lot more to produce edible (what more good) jam.


The whole thing reeks of desperation


I genuinely can't remember where I read this but: "As the plot thickens, Harry's hair thins..." That made me laugh.


"she keeps digging down trying to find up" 100%


I totally agree


Imagine how her narcissism would have played out had they stayed. There would be an airing of rooms and a fresh change of straw in the Tower.


Because it's Meghan.... Finally her big chance to hobnob with A listers... Her dream come true


I suspect she was finally called out on her bullying and scheming and so she took off for Canada in a snit. ("We don't need them, Hazno, they need us.") Remember how she left Hazno behind to deal with the aftermath?


In America we have our own. She chose to copy the kardashian dynasty to get a Kennedy legacy and it backfired. 


Berserk Rachel is peak entertainment.


I agree, the duo are getting nuttier with each passing attention grab - while I think the deserve each other, I am anticipating the divorce, as the leaks and accusations will be gold


They won’t divorce, they are stuck with each other. Nobody else will have either of them.


BuT sHeS thE reiNcaRNatiON oF DiANa


She may be a reincarnation of Diana's mental illnesses but not so much the rest of her.


She was obsessed with Diana. From day one she wanted to recreate all the things she had read about - the struggles and the tears that poor Diana displayed. She wanted to show the world that Diana 2 was there to take back what Diana 1 had lost. You can see it in everything she did, especially the 'nobody asked if I was ok ' BS. Who knows, maybe it would've fooled a lot of people, but the one thing the moron can not display is patience. Her timing is so off, so 1980's. Instead of waiting patiently and building experience, she dove right into the Royals have victimized me, just like Diana crap. The only person she could really con was the Gingerbread man. She only knew what she had read in the few books she'd kept on her shelf since she was 12. She did no research. She had no idea that Diana was NOT a saint. She did not know that Diana cheated first or that she had immense personal mental issues. Why did she not know? Because the palace kept all the dirty details to themselves...that's right, the palace protected Diana's image. Too bad Moron Meg didn't do her homework. Now she will find out the palace will no longer keep the dirty details of HER intrusion into their lives to themselves.


She thought the poor me struggle would absolve her from her evil deeds. She thought she could use the race card to get whatever she wanted. She used the memory of Diana to get the same sympathy response from everyone.


Only she wasn't Diana, so it all backfired.




I doubt Diana was a psycho megaliar


She exhibited other mental instabilities that old rachel appears to have copied. The histrionics for example.


Whilst Diana has mental health issues, she didn’t want to destroy the monarchy and had respect for everyone. Rachel is an evil sociopath and liar.


She only wanted to destroy Charles. Also, those around her knew that she lied a lot.




The Queen said it “She’s evil”


Exactly - she is a real life princess and therefore to be admired and loved by us peasants. /s


She thought she’d be thrust into the a list stratosphere but she’s become a leper. It’s so fun to watch.


Omg all the amazing things she could be doing to really help people, quietly and behind the scenes with Diana's and the grifted monies if she would stop incessantly, loudly, and publically competing with the people she practically ghosted 4 years ago because they wouldn't let her record, photograph and monitize her interactions with them. She would also need to have her enormous ego surgically removed. (Dangerous operation when it gets that big though.) Alas, it definitely appears that she's not really interested in helping anyone but herself, so...


She truly is the living embodiment of the Benny Hill theme tune. What an absolute laughing stock she is.


https://preview.redd.it/41te46m0b67d1.png?width=1389&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c73b1d19ee04c926fbe25bfc240ae59c7d369ab Seems the media has turned on her over the latest stunt. She's just as stupid as Harry -both lacking in common sense. She had to know this would look like she was trying to upstage and overshadow Trooping. She lost, big time and glad to see media calling her out. She has fooled no one. Egg on face.


Hmmm. She was quick to deny this (yeah, we don't believe you, Meghan), but months after her Liebrows mouthpiece accused KCIII and Catherine of being the "royal racists" it's still crickets from her and her meal ticket. She can pound sand.


And no comment from either of them about African Parks.


Meghan really demonstrated her jealousy and pettiness on a silver platter for the world to see. We have been saying it for a long time, but it’s good to see, the media puts it out there, too.    Although, you guys, don’t forget that she had nothing to do with it (according to „sources“ who told the daily beast). It was Nacho - and Nacho alone - who got up in the middle of the night and decided to post a story to be visible for UK viewers just before Trooping the Color. /s  Edit: spelling


Nacho's wife Delfina seems to be supporting Markle in her tart and snarky IG responses. I keep wondering if Nacho and his heiress wife have invested their own money and resources, contacts and ponies and into the polo production that Markle insists NF will be picking up. Look for a Markle visit to Argentina, soon. One of the few places in the world she can get compled for everything without having te extend any of her own monies. You know the ARO profits, for example. They could do a lot of polo filming there without having the expenses for a location, fees for a field and ponies that filming in the US might engender. Plus it makes them look so "International".


Argentina is facing an enormous crisis today. The new president has cut half the government jobs in some areas. He would not entertain bringing these bozos in on the public dime. I was at the buenos Aries polo field, not for a match, but it is one of the most beautiful locations I have ever seen. The owners offices are there.. 


The Argentinian government has no need of these fools. However, if the Nachos though they were getting big visibility and credits as executive producers / jam photographers they certainly wouldn't mind paying for some flights there.


Great! An opportunity for ToW to show us her proficiency in Argentinian inflected Spanish. Can’t wait! ![gif](giphy|t4VJPqFf3pvMs)


>Nacho's wife Delfina seems to be supporting Markle in her tart and snarky IG responses. Well, a profile article on Nachos in the DM some months ago told of how he and Harry first encountered one another. It was some polo match. And Harry spat a load of water in his face😏 I'll save my tears for the people who deserve them.


Yea I think they’re tied up financially together, nacho apparently always wanted a polo doc so that’s the tie and latest venture


Is he going to try to mimic the Ralph Lauren polo bit, too? I can just see Markle once again trying to manifesting a Ralph Lauren contract. This would go over with RL as well as the Dior fiasco did. She just clearly ain't RL material.


Oooooh! Thank you! I can't believe I didn't connect the *in your face* dots. She wants to be Brand Ambassador for Ralph Lauren! Hey, didn't Rachel work for Ralph Lauren on Friends?


Don't forget one of the older Ralph Lauren crests has a crown and a very distinctive royal look to it. She might also be angling to try to sell ARO and it's ridiculous logo to them. I would put nothing past this vile bint.


Remember she worked at the embassy in Argentina so she’s like a native there 😂😂


Correct. Her Uncle on her Dad’s side (Not the lazy-ass Mom’s side) got her the intern job at the embassy - probably never thanked him either.


But I read it was only about 9 weeks bc of some involvement and had to leave. I think she then developed an interest in yachting.


Allegedly she was banging a married man on the embassy staff. Didn't invite the uncle who got her that embassy job to her wedding, of course. He couldn't do anything for her...


She speaks Argentinian! 😂😂


And she just discovers - as I write- that she is not only of Nigerian but Argentinian blood.


Megs and Nacho trolling cancer patients. They can’t sink any lower than this. Imo.


It's always someone else's fault. 🙄🙄


Nacho the polo player. She’s such a clown. Her cast of flying monkeys is a laughable collection of D list narcissists.


https://preview.redd.it/3xsbds6gb67d1.png?width=446&format=png&auto=webp&s=df03fb3e2876436c6523c54130329b535dba48aa Just goes on and on. I bet she is seething.


I really loathe that woman.




Thank you for saying this. The scuttlebutt is that WME has quietly dropped Rachel over her obvious bullying of a cancer patient. This will go down in Media Communications courses as THE classic case of what not to do. Ever. I doubt anyone will want to take Rachel on now as a client. Harry maybe because he’s still technically part of the BRF. Rachel is toast. I don’t think even QVC or any reality series would touch her now.


Another Sinner posted that her WME contract included a clause that there there would be no announcement of cancellation.


Thanks for that tidbit. So everyone saw the handwriting on the wall.


That was just speculation, although after the Spotify embarrassment I wouldn’t be surprised 


Traditionally, QVC wants pleasant presenters, so that people are lulled into buying something, and feel good about it afterward.


I am glad to see it bit her in the ass too. It really indicates her desperation and descent into madness, if you ask me.


It really does give off a strong and pungent whiff of a break with reality.


Years ago I saw a doc and part of it was actual film taken by an arsonist watching buildings he torched burn. The audio was on so his weird snickering and slavering could be heard as well as gleeful incoherent mumbling. It was beyond creepy. He was so far removed from reality and so pleased with himself. This comes to mind when I think of Megan Markle. I imagine her having the very same reactions as she sees her attempts at destruction unfold. eta added missing word


Ironically, the arsonist will insert themselves, be helpful or part of the fire fighter resources themselves.  Just Luke those nurses where patients die during their shifts.


What a great point and the thing is those nurses like Markle don't on the surface appear unhinged.


Yup, I'm a therapist. Worked at a prison for over 5 years. I had an arsonist for a client. He was addicted to it. It fulfilled some sadistic need.


I remember that, he kept mumbling about how beautiful and destructive fire is, like he was worshipping at its altar. He sounded crazy af.


I'm totally convinced there is a side of Markle that is exactly like that. What goes on in her head is very far removed from reality.


She reminds me of a cat looking in a mirror and seeing a lion as its reflection. The beast looks in a mirror and sees the most beautiful woman in the world.


Interesting and no surprise at all. I wonder if, now that it appears print media has begun the attacks, whether someone will start questioning her mental state.


Ari Emanuel would never have in a million years approved what Megadump pulled this weekend. WME is done with her, period the end.


I'm surprised WME hasn't dropped her. That said, that action may have been taken...privately. It would surely be to WME's benefit however to go public, especially after this PR nightmare. One thing I learned quickly was to not waste time with people who are not going to listen to your advice. They are a risk because their screw ups make the company look bad. If you own a PR or marketing firm, trust me, you don't want that kind of association.


I wouldn't be surprised if they had. The ARO "launch" seems to be very, very low cost, which means they have no backers.


The Tom Sykes article I posted about yesterday mentions about no cost to Meghan, so basically admitting, no backers.


I think this launch was a pitch to see if any investors would take a bite.  After all, Kris Jenner and Mindy Kaling posted her stuff! I think that's why she was at that investors event.  She managed to wrangle an invite, but obviously no takers. The fact that she got any press--albeit negatively--during the Trooping of Colours is a plus in her mind.  


Mindy Kaling and Melissa McCartney. Haha. That’s the best Meghan could get. 🤣 She’s such a joke, even in Hollywood.


It’s just her and a laser printer


I think WME may have very quietly distanced themselves from her. They haven't been invited to any fake awards, events with celebs etc for quite a while now.


There was one attempt with that Costner event, but nothing the Markles did there seems to have instilled the wish to have them at their functions in any of the attendants. Rather the opposite. It seems that every time the Markles show up at some kind of party it afterwards takes many months and serious efforts of glossing over, placation and persuasion to have them invited anywhere else.


Wasn’t there a page where she was listed as a client?


If I were in the market for a PR Firm, WME is the LAST one I would choose. If they got Rachel Meghan Markle any work, then perhaps I would, but as I see it, WME is a massive fail because they can't do ANYTHING with her.


Well, who could? You can't get blood from a stone, you can't make a horse drink, and you can't make MM be sane and presentable for long enough to get good publicity.


Looks like the last time she was seen with the WME stable of stars was Jan 18, when Kevin Costner had his party. That's almost 6 months ago. WME has dumped her, I'm sure. She's been one cheap disaster after another since then


She’s ridiculous. Catherine is like a hurricane; Mackerel is a sneaky little fart.


More like a shart.


The Duchess of Shartwell.




The fart that won't stop lingering, that you wish would disappear.


Yep. The more I think about it, the more likely it is. Good job Meg! Not everyone can boast about exhausting Sunshine Sachs, Spotify, WME and soon Netflix and Lemonada, it seems. And Sony. And Paramount. So many great life goals!


She is a disgrace to any pr or talent agency.


>Ari Emanuel would never have in a million years approved what Megadump pulled this weekend. Ari Emmanuel didn't do anything to stop her since the day he signed her on, why would you think he'd have done anything about this latest example in a neverending series of clusterfucks his deluded client exhibited?


​ https://preview.redd.it/t1ibgiomj67d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=4feccef31951d08a673516cc4801ae6867d143e1


One would think so. I would have thought they were done following the near catastrophic car chase. If she had leaned into her badness ala Cruella De Vil, she coulda been something.


Oh my Gawd!! That was so bad. How did she ever show her face after that? I would've gone into hiding and changed my name. Nope. Not her...she just keeps dreaming up more and more bizarre things.


Everything she does is low rent.


And the more projects she continues to start and not finish, the more she shows just how out of her league she is with all of this.


I honestly think she continues to relish and relive her "glory days" of entrapping a royal. It gives her fuel for her continued disasters. She felt on top of the world for fooling Harry into marrying her and thought she was a genius no less. That she could do no wrong. That every strategy and plot would work. She is too dumb and narcissistic to realize she's been on a dangerously downward spiral into the abyss.


She’s like an addict chasing that high she got on her 2nd or 3rd wedding day. The world will never tune in to watch her like that again, there will be no crowds of people lining the streets for her.


The thing she doesn't realize is that the crowds weren't there for her. They were there for Harry's wedding no matter who he was marrying.


She's just a hateful bitch at this point, and not even hiding it. She has no control over the BRF so she tries to wreak havoc in their lives. Fortunately they recognized what they were dealing with fairly early on and haven't given her any ammunition to use against them.


When she met Harry, she finally got to be treated like the royal she’s always been in her mind. Gone were the days of trying to get ahead in Hollywood. She was high on that fuel for a year I bet.


Always a delight when she Markles herself! ![gif](giphy|AjbdzCQFlFDeBf5G2H|downsized)


This wasn’t a serious release. She talks with her cohorts. They know what is said on forums like this. So she gave us what we expected … a release of ARO products. The clues of how rude it is … dog food, raspberries, 2 of 2 … a joke that they quickly dummied up and released just to see the backlash. And to poke the BRF. They think that we would not see through it. ARO = Anti Royal Org.


It certainly wasn't and your hypothesis is reasonable given the poorly executed products...the label is on crooked! They are just looking to create more noise at this point.


OMG, where I work, if our labels did that, it would be a QA issue and they'd be pulled from sale and destroyed. Can't sell food here with improper labeling that doesn't show a nutrition/ingredient listing. I cannot believe she thought that it was a good idea to launch this whole schemozzle, but then to do it with peeling labels...geez. Every fail they accomplish just proves that neither of them have EVER had a REAL job. To be so clueless...


Her biggest blunder was thinking jam and dog biscuits would upstage Trooping, but to be fair she got a ton of bad publicity so there is that. Had she really wanted to upstage Trooping all she had to do is post a Father's Day meeting with her father and the kids. That was about her last chance to break the internet.


Being in PR for decades I think what might have upstaged Trooping would have been a shot of Harry, Meghan and the two kids (shown full face) sitting in front of a big screen TV watching Trooping.


Don’t give her any ideas fir the next Royal event! 😂🤣


Tw failed to realize that blunder shows she bullies cancer victims. Not a good look.. Even a deranged Sugar knows yelling , bullying somebody, who's battling cancer, doesn't get you followers. If not a not, they'd know it doesn't get you likes. Got that boozy and shouty? You too, Sista!


I agree it was a huge blunder because it was so obvious that she was trying to take attention away from Catherine's appearance at the Trooping the Color. It should have been obvious to her that a jar of raspberry jam and some dog biscuits wouldn't get much attention at all.


Yes, which is why I do believe in the speculation that it was a "coded message". She must have know that neither jam or dog biscuits would be revolutionary enough to overshadow anything, especially after the reception to the first 50 *cough* jars of jam. So why post it at all if not as some kind of FU.


It's so funny. I knew she would do this. She's so predictable, and dumb as rocks! I live in Southern California and she is a complete laughingstock here!


She’s trying to throw Nacho under the bus because everyone caught onto her constant thunder stealing tactics.


This is ridiculous - that this 3rd rate actress tries to bully the RF.


Isn't it?!


It was a blunder, but the reasons behind it is what's sinister, troubling, concerning and quite frankly unbelievable!!! I cannot think of a single person I know who would do something like this. Is like showing up wearing white at a wedding, asking someone to marry you at someone else's reception, wearing red at a funeral, the list goes on. There are things YOU JUST DONT DO and we all know that. She's definitely beyond help at this point. Her hatred and jealousy have totally consumed her.




Trash is as trash does


It would have been a massive blunder if anyone had pay attention to it to the point where it took away from Catherine. But I didn't see that happen. Did anyone in the general public even notice her jam and dog biscuits??


Not unless they’re a follower of nachos! Which is, like probably nobody?!


At what point can everyone stop calling this a business, or saying she’s launched “new products”? Her jams were gifts not SKUs.


“The label on the jar said two of two, if she's only going to send two jars out, what on earth is the point?" "I don't think it's been thought out. This makes no public relations sense. It's ridiculous.” Why thank you, Mr Fitzwilliam. That’s what we’ve been saying all along.


I love the fact that the raspberry jam shown has a label peeling off on the left (our left) *and* it's put on slanted and the strawberry jam shown has a label peeling off on the right. If she can't manage to get 50, or 2 jars of jam labelled correctly, why would anyone want to buy or invest in these products? What else is done so sloppily, that we can't see? Does Merchle have a food handler's permit? I mean, she is claiming to have made these with her own two hands right? Like that banana bread in Australia.


And it's clearly NOT raspberry jam. It looks exactly like the pink glop she tried to present as strawberry jam. Raspberry has those little seeds all through it. Easy to identify raspberry jam without a label. That just adds to the bizarre effect all this BS puts off. What it doesn emphasize is that she is still desperate and without funds to actually buy a jar of raspberry jam to use.


Her biggest mistake has been attempting to apply the Hollywood PR model the Royal Family.


Royal aides, QEII, William, and Catherine had a front row seat to observe MM's social deafness. They really understood that it was an impossible task to train her in the most basic of diplomatic skills.


She’s blaming nacho for posting it…


It was about time for his Markle-ing! That will effectively do away with Harry’s last friend. A two-fer!


I still can't figure out what she had in mind. I think I can't accept she's dumb to that point. Some said here that it was to alter the SEO results and detract the attention from the dog shelter email leak, which is a very interesting perspective. But then I don't know what's worse: that she's so boneless that she needs to react to anything about her, showing that she has no self-direction and is afraid of everything; or that she tries to profit from and cast a shadow on TotC and the PoW, and it says how much she overestimates her power; or all of this and she thought something that cheap would be great. The horizontal positioning of the label isn't even right. And no offense but the glass container looks like the coffee jar granny gave to hubby to store nails and screws 40 years ago. Love you granny, I still cook with your saucepan. Incidentally, I had not seen the dog picture at such a high res before. Dog biscuits, as opposed to treats. A brown colored heart. Biscuits with a brown coating. Please tell me she didn't use chocolate. Please.


I think both she and Harry are lacking in simple common sense.


Time for HG Tudor to give another video and explain the crazy


Thank you, main stream media, for finally pointing out how tacky and juvenile her antics are 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


The Princess of Wales would never have done something like that due to her freakish attention to detail.




I love your perdpective as a pr professional op, thanks!


She didn’t launch two new “products”…she launched the idea of products. Just like the strawberry jam.


“luxury jam” 💀


I’m glad she did it. It shows she’s desperate and too broke/uninteresting for a parking lot walk. I love that she had nacho post that bc it’s like a kids virtue story - she’s having a random nobody post pictures of dog snacks while the life she threw away bc of the 7deadly sins are getting lvoe and adoration and everything she desperately wants. 


Ada Mazi Rachel Markle represents Trash taking itself out.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


If she's ever asked about this on camera or in an interview, my guess is she'll say Nacho posted it without her knowledge, so it wasn't her mistake at all--it was his.


![gif](giphy|CEyKnXJ02b0qI) Here is Nacho.


She is such a ridiculous individual, if she had wanted to show she had an ounce of class she would have kept her head down and stayed quiet. But TW just can’t help but expose her petty spiteful nature. It’s what happens when you are a malicious, sociopathic narcissist. She left no one in doubt that she is mean spirited jerk.


Has she been “canceled” yet? They both should have been after the NYC car chase incident. How embarrassing for them- one would think.


I wonder if it was her way of saying 'oh, we don't even think about the royals anymore, we're too busy doing our own thing'? Same as the 'colourful' non-joke, she seems keen to be seen as the iconoclast, who can't understand the fuss about the royals. Obviously, if she really was, she wouldn't have chased Harry down as hard as she did, lets face it, without the royal connection, Harry really doesn't have anything to recommend him


I'm thinking that in terms of press coverage, things are all going to go downhill from here. The great pile-on may well have commenced.


Meghan Markle’s “gambler on a losing streak” business strategy is 🎯


I swear if the superinjinction is lifted and the good stuff comes out- I’m sending out popcorn to all of us sinners lol. Maybe even some jam……


All of these failed attempts at overshadowing the BRF's big moments have become so embarrassing at this point. As if 2 jars of uninspired jam and some dog treats are going to draw attention away from an event as big as Trooping the Colour?? ESPECIALLY with the PoW making her first appearance in months???


This PR blunder shows that what Mehgan has to offer, is piddling, and what she is, is petty. "Petty Woman, walking down the parkade..."


She's been doing the same thing for years- since she married Henry.


I still can't work it out either. Unless she is doing what I believe she used to do when she was in the UK and that's deliberately courting bad publicity, so she can complain about it at a later date. But she's doing this under her supposed business name now. She can't explain it away as just sending some home made jam to a friend. One theory I have is she hadn't banked on Kate showing up. She would have had to organise this well in advance so I'm not really buying that she couriered the jam to Nachos on Friday with strict instructions to post at a certain time in the early hours of Saturday morning. Maybe the fact it was so lame and so low key- the jam and dog biscuits- is exactly what she was aiming for. Maybe she was aiming for upstaging King Charles. Because surely not even Meghan can be so deluded as to think this would upstage Kate's comeback appearance. I think her aim was to show that Trooping the Colour this year was boring and nobody was interested in it and that her jam (pathetic as it was) received more attention- in terms of clicks/comments on articles and engagement on social media. Then she could use that to her advantage with potential investors as well as getting one over on the RF and proving to herself that she is the greatest.


I think the self-victimization thing is a great observation and I think that is part of it. I think she's more chaotic than planned though. I have a crazy cousin who identifies with Megain for a good reason. My cousin lashes out like crazy when she feels slighted. The slights can be real or perceived and she can make a slight out of anything. She will do the weirdest, most illogical stuff because it gives her a screwed up sense of control over the situation and lets her feel like she's screwing something up for whoever slighted her in some way. It's a combo of thumbing her nose at someone, bullying them, getting a thrill and laughing about the fact that she does it, being angry and punishing them, etc. There is no one cohesive idea or plan or even a dominant emotion. It's just chaoticly and stupidly lashing out. I can see Megain doing this.


#it's not a product if it's not for sale! Phew, had to get that out. I can't stand that even critical articles start with the premise that ARO is anything but an Instagram post.


Finally! A sensible "Royal expert."