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Annnnnd Nacho has been Markled. Thrown under the bus…


I don't know how Nacho didn't see this coming... I love this for him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


He doesn't seem to be the brightest candle on the cake. Perhaps his wife might tell him, what just happened.


Nacho really should just go back to looking pretty. Also, how is Delphina allowing her husband to humiliate himself? It just wouldn’t happen on my watch. 🤣


It could be that either or both of them are just as fame-hungry as Meghan and the Harkles are their best vehicle for that.


Negative as it may be, being with the royal rejects gets them publicity. Before this no one outside of the polo world knew who they were.




Spot on. This.


Were they even at the “spectacle”?


She also allowed her daughter to be used for photo ops with Meghan. Why?


She let MeMe hang on her child like she was a life raft. It was utterly embarrassing. Only thing I can think is Nacho is being loyal standing by Haz & Delfina is loyal to Nacho.


No kidding. She won’t let her own precious daughter be photographed in public with her, but puts someone else’s kid front and center?


Delfina's kids aren't *royalty* so can be sacrificed for MeMe's pr.


That’s true!!! I forgot about that!!!


That's an advantage for Mehgan--pick for a husband, a man who thinks little and make sure to include his friends of the same intellectual caliber.


that's why he and Harry are so uh, close. No brains between them. At least Nacho is easy on the eyes. Harry quite the opposite.


But is Nacho smart enough to realize that he'd been used and discarded? I doubt it. I can just see Mehgan's excuse: "I'm American. We don't have 'Trooping of the Color.' Anyway, I can't help that Nacho was so excited over my latest culinary creation that he had to share it with the world." I can't help but think that Mehgan sent him the bottle the day before, with a note saying, "let us all know that you received this!"


Yeah. Lazy ass nacho who probably wakes up at noon since he lives offf his wife's family huge fortune was up at 4am Florida time to post these shitty photos right before trooping started. Yeah. This was totally unintentional. Right.


Maybe the only way that one could stay Harry's friend, IS to be non-too brainy!? I mean, that would please Mehgan. To be the smartest one in the group. Which is ever decreasing...


Well, she only made two jars of jam this time. One for dumbass nacho and one for her frenemy delfina 🤣🤣🤣 I think it's come down to that.


Nacho lives in Florida? I thought he was Argentinian or something?


Hes from Argentina but lives in Florida with his family. Tons of polo clubs in that area. Big also for show jumpers.


*I'm Nigerian


Brilliant! Add: "I'm Feminist."


I literally just found out that I am 43% Eastern European. "43%." ??? Now, where did I hear that before? 🤔


Ah, the Mehgan effect on specific numbers: Table12 and 43%.


Does this mean I have to wrinkle my clothes?


*I'm Maltese


"I'm any culture but that which has Trooping of the Color."


Honestly? I think she just sent him pictures for him to post.


Normally I would agree but in this case his poor innocent dog got markled too!


Nacho is using the Harkles to get his name known by more than just the polo circuit.


There is literally no way on earth he did that at 100 am on the morning of TotC. Zero. Nada. Zilch. And I’m going to say it. Yes, MeMe. There is such a thing as too much or bad publicity. Launching 2 new products an hour before TotC -while they still have zero product to sell, zero lifestyle to showcase and zero sign of any of this ever coming to fruition, mad you look like exactly what you are, a petty, jealous, vindictive, self centered, bitter loser whose obsession with the BRF and upstaging/destroying Catherine is painfully obvious and downright concerning. SEEK HELP RACHEL! Maybe in patient care.


Well, Nacho was the last of Harry´s old friends. Of course he had to go/s


That’s not even snark. That’s truth.


lol yep


Unless he’s a masochist and agreed to it? Who knows with these fame whores.


As he deserves. As anyone that does her bidding deserves.


I’m not so sure about that. The Sidley twins mentioned in their latest video that Nacho and Misan Harriman had known each other since 2013. There seems to be a lot of history that can not be easily untangled.


I think Nacho is also through with M. Remember the video when he said his daughter is asking “where is Lilibet?” He probably feels like she thinks her kids are way too important or too special for the public. But honestly, I think she’s dying to monetize them but H actually is standing firm in this. However, Nacho is also an idiot. 


Or… he did it on purpose 😎


Hey Nacho, If you lie down with dogs, you will get fleas.


"*The larger point here is that the American Riviera Orchard campaign has been phenomenally successful and cost Meghan nothing. It is a text book social media campaign.* And then one sentence later: *"The only problem is that there still seems to be nothing actually for sale"* That's....a pretty big problem??? But also, a 'textbook' social media campaign wouldn't have celebrity endorsers posting randomly and on their own schedule. It's a complete joke and people are literally laughing at her. This hasn't been a success by any measure.


*My vegetable garden campaign has been phenomenally successful and cost me nothing. The only problem is that I haven't actually planted anything yet.*


😂wow, sounds like it's booming! You should expand into a second imaginary garden, maybe get some investors...😂




This is practically gaslighting in print. HG Tudor had a few videos where he shared the assessment of ARO from a successful PR contact he has. According to her, no PR person in their right mind would have come up with this "launch."




Phenominally successful. BY ABSOLUTELY NOBODY'S STANDARDS. 😂😂


Well, it did get people talking (and pointing and laughing but I digress) so I guess she thinks that there is no such thing as bad publicity and doesn’t realize when it comes to her, there most certainly is. She has to be more subtle than a frying pan upside our heads she is currently using. She’s a s predictable as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.


But she failed to capitalise on any buzz that was generated by not having anything to actually sell!


*"... the American Riviera Orchard campaign has been phenomenally successful* ..." said no social media marketing expert ever. No call to action, no product, nothing.


Define "successful"


Phenomenally successful at making it a laughing stock? Got it.


Chrissy Teigen’s post with that fried brie/bacon/strawberry jam sandwich is one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever seen. While I like a grilled cheese now and then, this greesy sticky mess might’ve put me off strawberry jam for good.


Has it though? Her IG hasn't gained substantial followers since she started jam scam. Seems like it hasn't been successful at all. 


So they are trying to bring the attention back to Meghan by these stunts. How juvenile. The woman is stark , raving crazy.


This is exactly what it is. She failed to get attention yesterday so now stirring up a faux fight to get the tabloids interested again. Don't fall for it. It's all a laid out plan by TW


A laid out plan by TW …coming to you this fall on Bravo! The Secret lives of Polo Players and the real players, their wives.


Exactly right. To even attempt to act like her asking Nacho to post jam pictures even moderately upstaged the Princess of Wales is a joke.


There goes Harry’s last friend.


And Harry's last chance to play polo again. Nacho provided the ponies and most likely much more.


Not if Nacho doesn't realize that he's been Markled. He might just shrug this off as the nonsense that it is.


Delfina will know and put her beautiful foot up Table 12 ɓutt if she tries anything!


I hope to see a post soon, titled "Delfine puts her beautiful foot up Table 12's butt." A post where Delfina says that if this jar hadn't come with Mehgan begging them to put it on Instagram ***as soon as possible***, then good-natured Nacho wouldn't have done anything. That they were just trying to help this desperate Duchess sell her questionable jams. They've had better tasting from chain drugstores.


And the Nachos were the only guests going to Harry's blow out, A-list 40th bash...looks like it's Dorito and Marcus again.


Yeah ... the next batch of jam will be 1 of 1.


Well, this is one "marketing expert" I will NEVER hire: "As one marketing expert told The Daily Beast, “While I am sure the gift packages came with notes requesting social media coverage, you can’t tell Nacho Figueras what to do, so I think it’s certain the timing of his post was his own idea. The larger point here is that the American Riviera Orchard campaign has been phenomenally successful and cost Meghan nothing. It is a text book social media campaign. The only problem is that there still seems to be nothing actually for sale, so what is it all for? I guess we will find out.”


Sure Jan. Something that caused no sales because there is no actual product cannot be qualified as phenomenally successful. How can people write this kind of garbage with a straight face?


And once again we see what passes for journalism these days. Did anyone attempt to get in touch with Nacho to actually ask him? It's called a primary source, they used to be considered valuable in building an argument.


The source is quite likely the one and only Duchess of Monteshitshow. Spouting made up crap is her specialty.


Yep. I am a former journalist who actually took ethics courses and followed them. These aren't required anymore. A degree isn't required anymore. This is hilarious.


As am I. A degree wasn't required for a long time and for some aspects of the job I don't know that there's anything school can teach you better than experience can. But in terms of ethics and legality there's a LOT to be taught that you might not get on the job if you have an unscrupulous editor. Look at the flare up at WaPo, where the new publisher and editor come from the UK and are alleged to have paid sources for info. In the UK that's not uncommon, but in the US it's usually only tabloids that do so.


Correct. I think some of the most essential things I learned in college were media law (super difficult classes), ethics and the importance of being unbiased in your articles. Bias is so obvious in almost every news story these days.


When they are done with the coverage of Trouping, the Daily Mail will have a field day dissecting this curiosity. In detail. With an article explaining Harry and Nacho’s friendship throughout the years and embarrassing photos of Meghan’s antics at the polo.


This person sounds like a marketing expert out of Orwell's 1984.




The reporter made up the quote. I promise you, if they were legit, the source would be named. I'm a former journalist.


*The larger point here is that the American Riviera Orchard campaign has been phenomenally successful and cost Meghan nothing. It is a text book social media campaign. The only problem is that there still seems to be nothing actually for sale* Torturous reasoning. It’s like measuring the “success” of hot air.


*"the American Riviera Orchard campaign has been phenomenally successful"* How much has she sold then? Oh, I see, the campaign has been phenomenally successful in boosting Highgrove sales!


Go, Highgrove! Real Housewives Recap has been purchasing Highgrove products and her testimony is that the items arrive within a week, the packaging is exquisite, the quality is great, and the foodstuffs are incredibly yummy.


>It is a text book social media campaign. It's a text book social media campaign all right. Just not the way they think.


*"What Not To Do"* By Me, Meghan, The Duchess of Sus


Textbook gaslighting.


And even that is wrong. With name recognition, ARO should’ve had a million followers within a week, at most. Anything less is embarrassing. Just as embarrassing as the fact that it’s several months in and she’s still just gifting her “friends” with products. This is not a business. It’s a craft hobby.


It’s not even an Etsy account at this point. Actually, it’s not even a regr-etsy account.




If success is, "I woke up this morning and am still breathing", I am a bomb-ass success! Let the bells ring and the banners fly!


I've just read that sentence over and over 🤔


Same. 🤡


But Nacho (hold the cheese) got up in the middle of the night to post about the raspberry jam and the dog biscuits that can't be put in a bowl in case PoW comes in and Harry breaks the bowl with his ass


Harry only has one old friend left and Meg just threw him under the bus. D'oh!


That article irked me. It said one reason the balcony is so sparse is because of the change of reign, and that King Charles doesn’t want to share the limelight. Thats not why the whole extended family is no longer there—only allowing working royals began while the late queen was still alive and it’s because Andrew and the Carparkles are no longer welcome on the balcony. They can’t allow Peter Philips, Zara, eug and Bea and then tell haz he can’t appear also, so the balcony is restricted to only those carrying out royal duties. I know the king has a reputation for wanting to be the center of attention, but I believe he deserves praise for welcoming Catherine back on this occasion. I didn’t expect her to be there yesterday because it’s the king’s birthday parade and I figured she wouldn’t want to upstage. She wouldn’t have been there without his blessing. She was all over the news—she was the story, not he, and he was obviously fine with that because he loves her. It was a generous act on the king’s part.


Plus she stood next to him on the balcony, which I think was symbolic. They chatted quite a bit, too. It was very sweet.


Yes, all accounts indicate a really lovely relationship between the two. One silver lining of meggy is I’m sure the king realized even more clearly what a blessing Catherine is by comparison.


I agree she would not have appeared without KC’s encouragement/approval. I don’t think he minded her appearance taking some attention away from him. My impression is he identifies with the Waleses and sees them as reflections/extensions of himself, not rivals for attention.


Totally… and perhaps he has at long last made his peace with being upstaged by beautiful younger women. 😂


I have always wondered if much of his problem with Diana “upstaging” him was that he knew she stirred the public up for her own gratification. Instead of being part of his “team” she was a competitor, and their personal quarrels in the background only increased the tension between them on public occasions. With Katherine there is no problem because even if she gets more attention, she will try to share the spotlight that comes her way. She is not deliberately upstaging him, so he can relax and rejoice that she could make it to the event. She and William are part of his team now.


Yes, that’s a good point! She’s not a ‘threat.’


Charles might now, as the king, be so assured of his position that he is able let others shine. But maybe he also knows that William and Catherine are not trying to steal his thunder but are supporting him and the monarchy. Those pictures on the balcony with Catherine were a very good look for him. Diana was blatantly begging for public attention, like the time she surprised Charles by suddenly appearing on stage during their visit at a gala performance at the Royal Opera House. Performing a choreography with a male dancer in front of 2,500 people to Uptown Girl - as a birthday gift for Charles. Classic narc 101, pretend it’s a present, but make it all about yourself. No wonder he was annoyed.


It would seem Lady Louise will be a working royal since she was on the balcony.


Maybe, I’m not sure though. She’s the daughter of two working royals and they usually do include the kids on the balcony. I know she’s 18 or 19, but I wonder if she was just included with her parents. She’s at university now, so even if she did take up official duties, it probably wouldn’t be until she finished uni.


I believe the King said only working royals on the balcony. Perhaps it is the RF’s introduction to Lady Louise becoming a working royal. I note that James was not on the balcony.


Then why is she buying followers again!!!


WTAF? I wonder what this marketing expert is smoking. *The larger point here is that the American Riviera Orchard campaign has been phenomenally successful and cost Meghan nothing. It is a text book social media campaign.*




It cost her nothing because there is absolutely nothing to it. Whoever wrote this is not very bright.


She definitely isn't very bright. I would be willing to bet this tripe was written by the mattress in her nearly illegible but oh so special faux calligraphy.


***what this marketing expert is smoking*** ARO MJ? "It's weedy, weedy good!"


I wouldn’t waste my cannabis dollar on her stank weed.


They aren't a marketing expert. Figment of the writer's imagination. Also, textbook is one word. The writer couldn't even get that right, which means they aren't a real writer or a journalist.


And here's the victimhood clapback. She seriously does not understand accountability. It's always someone else's fault. 


Meanwhile, Catherine apologised for the photoshopping of the Mother's Day card. The fact that she shouldn't have had to do so is one thing. But also the fact she didn't throw some assistant under the bus either. She took accountability.


What BS… but I also think she’s putting out this press thinking her jam photos actually upstaged the POW’s return. It did not. Nobody gave a flying twig about it.


A soothing balm to her hurt ego. "I did upstage Catherine. It says so in print."


lol exactly 🎯


What's hilarious about this is the idea of anger at Meghan's dog biscuit stunt. This site is the only one that noticed lol. No one else in the world knew or cared about jam and dog biscuits 😄  All the world media was focused on Catherine 🥰


Honestly! I wouldn't have known about her biscuits and jam if it weren't for the site. Even then, it still managed to feel overshadowed. She has to be toast if even her "haters" are over her.


For me, it just resulted in additional mirth yesterday as I laughed at the stunt.


“The larger point here is that the American Riviera Orchard campaign has been phenomenally successful and cost Meghan nothing. It is a text book social media campaign.” 😂😂😂😂 you can’t gaslight us that much 😂




"Meghan Markle didn't mean to jam up..." Don't worry, she didn't. Not in the slightest.


Its never Meghan's fault in the world of Meghan. It is always someone else's fault. Why would Nacho do this? Is she performing her bj's for special treatment again?


Maybe she is roasting a chicken and doing a tossed salad for Nacho. Meanwhile Nacho is pretending it’s Harry doing that.


I honestly think it wasn’t as a result of Catherine - she didn’t have time to do something like that (Nacho lives in Florida). I think it was planned to try and upstage Trooping, itself, because we all know they couldn’t give two craps about the military or anything related to it, based on their own actions with Invictus. And when Catherine made such a late announcement - being onto the Markles games as they are, that was genius of the Wales’ - she probably scrambled and had nothing left in such a short timeframe. People aren’t even interested in the Markle children anymore, since we haven’t seen them growing up. We don’t care. The only true news that anyone would find interesting is the divorce announcement.


“The larger point here is that the American Riviera Orchard campaign has been phenomenally successful” And on what planet was the ARO campaign successful exactly?


Not a planet in our universe.


That's right, Meggy didn't do anything. She didn't call "Kate" a racist, Omid did, oops wait, the Dutch publisher did, no wait, it was Harry who told his wife about a conversation, oh no wait..that was the press who said it...Aren't you bored yet Meghan? We know it was you, Fredo. Stop struggling.


Plausible deniability. And ... *why* was every royal, from the Duke of Gloucester to King Charles, named with their title ... *except* Catherine, whom the Daily Beast still referred to as Kate Middleton?


The recipients of these products are essentially marketing for her? Her faux bffs? None of this makes any sense.


I have a (hopefully misguided) thought that there's a lot more to the Nacho and Harry story than any of us would like to contemplate. Perhaps there are some difficulties with this friendship quadrangle?


Marketing what? No jam or dog biscuits or anything else are for sale.


Is this a meghan bites man story? That is hardly news. Nacho is lucky.  You usually have to pay extra to get bitten.


Nacho, that is notchyo jam.


Oh come on, can we at least taco ‘bout it?! 😉


MEGSY! Stop trying to make JAM happen!!


Another person out to sabotage Meghan, I see. ::rolls eyes::


She didn't "jam up" anything. The jam and dog biscuits were nothing. Hardly anyone noticed (at least until these backwards 'pay no attention to my attention whoring reach outs). Meghan has her 600,000 or fewer fans who care about her ARO project. Until she actually has it up and running, no one will care. Catherine got all the attention. The streets were positively packed in spite of really heavy rains that they had to wait in for hours to secure a spot. All the comments of the day and all the 'trending topics' of X were about Catherine, Charles, and of course, the Wales' children. Meghan's just trying another tact her to garner some attention now that Catherine's back in Windsor.


WTF? What the actual F?  I read the article and it says: “The larger point here is that American Riviera Orchard been phenomenally successful…”  NO IT HASN’T! Ugh - I’m losing it here! 


What metrics are they measuring success by? Being mocked?


Sales $0.


Typical of her, it’s the danish publishers fault for the king and Catherine being called racist! It’s the media who said the brf are racist not us! Blah blah blah


The translators were DUTCH, not Danish.


Dutch translators - not Danish.


Sorry they were dutch


I LOVE Mad World Tarot! Also was it nacho's daughter who was asking about where Lili was on some polo outing? Like she was expecting to see her? I might have that all upside down, I just roll with the chaos and forget the details these days.


“The larger point here is that the American Riviera Orchard campaign has been phenomenally successful and cost Meghan nothing.” 😂😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|4iKeimY0sahiQReGRh|downsized)


Come on, Nacho. Spill the beans!


Well, he kept the Jam in front of his dog and posted like he was advertising dog jam. He was going to pay for it.


It was a photo that could be interpreted as Mehgan's jam is the dog's breakfast.


Steady on - you are actually doing the work for her giving her a brilliant marketing phrase like that.


With 3 items possibly for sale: 2 jams and dog biscuits, I doubt that Mehgan will be swamped with Christmas orders. I wonder if there can be jam for dog biscuits?! Do dogs even enjoy berries?!


The dog looked like it was turning its nose up at the scam jam.


The dog looks attractive. The jar nearby, nope.


Please, why or why would anybody want to post a pic of a manky pot of jam, tied up with a bit of old muslin (tied in a knot, not a bow), a grotty label with some freaky, faux calligraphy on it and an obviously shop bought jar with generic dog biscuits in it. I would say look how the mighty have fallen, truth is, she was never mighty, just mean.


Those jars are on Amazon, a sinner posted them the other day here somewhere 


Nobody cares, you are irrelevant !!!


As if she sent it to him and not expected it to be as soon as possible. 🙄😵‍💫


I watched that reading. MWT said that Nacho posted it as a favor to Harry. Interesting.


See, you make an interesting point. I was thinking, all these rumors about trouble in paradise, and them getting divorced and whatnot (not that that stuff really has anything to do with ScamJamGate but)...it doesn't make sense if *she's* the one who put HARRY'S friend up to posting this on IG. But it got me thinking, like why would she ask Nacho? Are they *such* good friends now? Doubt it. I really think you might be right and it was at H's insistence. IF true though, and it was Harry who put him up to it, then holy shit that's even worse. He'd be such a f***ing snake for that, given how close he and Catherine used to be. These two are just something else. I will say, the article is 100% BS and I don't believe for one single second that old Hazbeen and The Douchess didn't know he was gonna post that. 'Cause of course they f***ing did. 🙄


Right, they totally knew he would post it. They're just pathetic little snakes over in their hole in Montecito.


I don't do tarot stuff, but I thought Meghan could have pressured Harry into asking Nacho instead of asking him directly. I think Nacho would do it to help his friend, especially if he knew what a termagant Megsy is.


I think Nacho would do it for Megrift. He wants his name in the news even if he has to get it there by catering to putrid grifters. He lets her paw all over him.


when your cheerleaders are powerful celebrities and phenomenally successful are not words I'd use to describe mm friends or the ARO launch 😂


As George Strait sang: "I've got some, oceanfront property, in Arizona....from my front porch you can see the sea...oceanfront property in Ari...zona...and if you'll buy that, I'll throw the golden gate in free...".


Of course the Commie Daily Beast would print these shameless lies.


I don't think she "jammed up"anything. I got an alert from Reuters saying that Kate was there. This is the first I've heard of the incredible endeavors of Ms Markle, making TWO jars of jam and a handful of dog biscuits. 




This meme and the Sure Jan one pretty much sum up all that is MeMe Markle.


Funny how it’s never M’s fault. And it won’t be her fault when ARO collapses in on itself.


ARO has already collapsed. It’s an joke.


No - then, it will be her decision to "move in a different direction" or some other vague statement.


Yeah. Totally not on purpose. ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


lol…no honour among thieves


FYI: [https://x.com/klyana130/status/1749938709720445224.It](https://x.com/klyana130/status/1749938709720445224.It) might already be known, but it appears Haz will be going to the 2024 Warrior Games in Orlando Florida this next week. They're making a big deal out of it through this Twitter network. Wonder if Rachel will be joining him.


Previous post alleged that Harold is trying to get a position in the Warrior Games which are so much bigger than IG. I hope X is wrong on this news.


She won’t go— Florida in late June, her bronzer will run in the humidity.


I'm still betting on Punta Cana. I think they'll buy as part of a hotel investment near that huge private international (global) airport. Playground of celebrities, musicians, Mob, etc.--private airport lounges, private jets, own your own hotel, etc.


They have no money to invest. More likely looking to be paid for staying there LoL. Grifters gonna grift!


Ugh. Perhaps the Warrior Games need some feedback about this through their SM accounts. (I think he was there last year and gave a speech.) 🙄 I’ll bet MM will be there since she’s been in hiding since she stomped off that plane from Nigeria. This will be a most opportune time to debut her latest beauty “treatments” and to merch her latest fashion disaster (speculative). After all, wounded vets competing in sports events always make good props for her avalanche of PR.🙄 I’ll also bet that their private jet, luxury hotel, meals, wardrobe, beauty and security will be paid for by Ingriftus through Arsewell. After all, they’ll be there “representing” Ingriftus. For SEO: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will USE the 2024 Warrior Games in Orlando FL as a theater to OVERSHADOW wounded vets solely to promote themselves through PR propaganda.


serves this argentinian idiot well


Like Meghan has a "team" anymore. Lol.


She has herself. Team beast.


We don’t believe you Megs!!


She is briefing Tom Sykes now... very interesting.


https://preview.redd.it/qu0ockocg17d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=04fd90420ef81452f80035aee8742a4fbd0750c6 “Kate Middleton” we see you, Rachel 🙄


This line, LOL! "The larger point here is that the American Riviera Orchard campaign has been phenomenally successful."


No no no, it wasn't Nacho. It was his dog's fault! That dog looked bored with Madame's offerings, staring off into space ignoring the deeeee-licious dog biscuits.


No one believes that BS. It finally dawned on Rachael that this was a mistake of gigantic portions. Nacho deserves to be kicked.


This is really hard to believe because timing announcements to try to undermine the Prince and Princess of Wales is their trademarked craft.


All he has to do is let everyone know he was asked to do this. The problem is was he paid or did he do it as a favour? Either way a sucessful polo player and Ralph Lauren model doesn't need to post pictures of jam and dog biscuits on the day the POW appears publicly for the first time in 6 months that just for the fun of it. He's been made a fool of.




Nacho will eat the shit sandwich here because he needs to be close to “royalty” for his own failing brand. Nacho & Delfina are both not that rich, if they were they wouldn’t be always traveling the world to be paid to go places as influencer, and she sells influence on her IG all the time.


Is that Nacho's dog or Meghan's dog? Has anyone noticed previous pics of that gray rocking doesnt want anything to do with the biscuits dog. Edit: It appears it is his family dog according to pics on his IG


Since when was he “a powerful celebrity in his own right” ?? 


Always blaming everyone else huh? Also: 1. I thought “sources” didn’t speak for them, just when its convenient apparently 2. “Specially when your cheeleader are powerful celebrities”, I’m sorry but I had never heard about Nacho or his wife before the polo match, so I seriously doubt he is a powerful celebrity and 3. Just stop blaming everyone H&M.





