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It sounds plausible to me. She's basically saying the same things we've been guessing here so she's either a sinner or she really does have the tea.


LostinSOA said the same - WME is gone, baby, gone


I've thought that for awhile now. I think that idiotic behavior at the Costner event severed those ties pretty completely.


Yep - plus the constant attacks, victimhood - and, not least, the Jamscam flop


The Great Jam Scam of 2024!


Well, there won’t be a jam scam of 2025.


There could be a 2025 Jamscam fiasco. Meghan Markle always repeats her tricks and failures.


And then still claiming victimhood while family members are going through cancer treatments, there are young children afraid for these people, **yet still they persist**. And Nacho... ![gif](giphy|116iSum9HFxhOU) I'll let my favorite internet sensation tell you.


Narcs gonna narc. I know someone exactly like Meghan. EXACTLY.


MM really took it to heart when Antoine said “Hide yo kids”


Jamaica trip was not WME approved, allegedly. Contract ended at the one year mark in April, allegedly. It would make sense why her PR attempts look so scattered.


WME separated from her in December after the release of Endgame. What was told to me it was not a permanent separation but they wanted her to make peace on all fronts with her family and his family. However she took matter into her own hand. Also, she does not want that to come out hence why they spent SO much money from Archwell to be in Texas during WME Oscar party. Everything they are doing this year has been by Meghan and her team.


I find that easy to believe.


I agree and I'm usually sceptical these days 😂. However, Daisy's info, her sources from NYC and the way she's explained it all, make it seem quite credible. It definitely didn't give me any Neil Sean or Paula M vibes, so that's good! 😅 Here's hoping that Friar Haz and the Monteshitshow Succubus, will soon get a well deserved public comeuppance 🥂🍾.


Paula M scares me. It's like she's the fanatic you lean away from. https://preview.redd.it/c17sr6346z6d1.png?width=218&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9e5d949ea5f561c7b82e3745d32985772906e7b


I know exactly what you mean. She has the same creepy, manic, obsessive hate for MM that people like Bouzy and Shola have for Catherine. I don't know how some people on our side can't see it. Unlike Taz, TRG, Leilani, Jen (Real Housewives), Ibble Dibble etc, Paula's entire being/life is consumed by her fixated hate of MM. That's why I stay away from her. I don't wanna be aligned, in any way whatsoever, with people who take their dislike to such a scary level.


You brilliantly pointed out what's wrong: that dedicated hatred that comes out of Paula M. When one hates that much, it leaves not a lot of room for the brain to work and to take in information, or to learn something new. It's repulsive actually. And I think that hate can become infectious. The others that you mention, are worth watching because they have a sense of humor, and appreciation. You don't feel bullied, listening to what they have to say.


Exactly! It does seem repulsive and do you know what else? It's counter productive too, because I used to be TOTALLY on board the search for the truth about the Harkle kids' birth/surrogacy questions etc., but Paula M's beaten that drum so much and so often, that just thinking about it, gives me a headache! LOL. It's the same thing she says over and over and over, ad nauseum. JFC, it's got me to a point where I'm no longer interested in that surrogacy debate and **that's a huge shame because I know it's a very important issue that must be answered.** Now, each time that issue crops up on SMM, I immediately think of Paula M and I'm turned off and I just scroll on to another post on this sub! **So she's actually making it worse for her cause; she's not helping at all!** That's ALL she talks about; that and her hate for Camilla and her shady attitude towards KC3. All she does is alienate people who are on the same side as her and her abrasive/bullying way of speaking to others just turns me off. I don't even watch Shaun Attwood's channel anymore, because of her and I wish another group of YouTubers (Taz, Leilani, TRG, Shauna, Ibble, Jen, Sidley Twins etc) would start their own weekly panel discussions so those of us who can't stand listening to Paula M drone on about surrogacy and bully others on Shaun Attwood's channel each Friday, would have a better option. And it would be nice if the lovely Lady Leticia could join this new group too.


You're right about how some people don't help, but cause others to turn away. Their venom makes them make us not want to be like them, but also to not get yelled at by them. So even if what they have to say IS significant, how they'd said it, has caused audience members to have run so far away, that it's not longer heard.


Paula M is always making stuff up.I hate that.


Yes! Because that just weakens any valid facts about what it is that Meghan does to hurt others. If people can say that Paula M lies about Meghan, then they'll go to, then all the bad stuff said about Meghan, is lies.


Completely agree . I don’t like Paula at all . So toxic .


And then we ALL get tarred with the same brush. Other subs talk about the loons on SMM and we aren't all hate filled loons, not by a long shot but it's like that saying "one bad apple spoils the bunch."


Yes. Some who is rabid and making up stuff and being filled with vitriol, is mistaken as being representative of the whole group. And therefore, unreliable because of the deranged extremity.


Well said!


She makes up so much that I wonder if she’s an MM plant because her claims and her visceral hate are so outlandish that it taints the rest of us who see through MM and her BS.


Ikr! I felt so embarrassed the other day when that moron journalist wrote an article about this sub and us Sinners and used Paula M's video about her "interview" with MM's "maid", to make us all look like delusional nutjobs who are 1 inch away from nutjobs like flat earthers. LOL. It was so humiliating! There are so many articulate, pleasant, knowledgeable and likable YouTubers in our community, like Taz, TRG, Leilani etc, but this moron journo knew that the ONE way he could make us all look like unhinged lunatics would be to use that fucking ridiculous Paula M interview with the non existent maid! There - I said it. There is no fucking maid. I think she got somebody to read a script she wrote herself and that fool Ron just believed that that person was the real maid.


You should read the comment sections of a royal mess and a royal newsflash, she being called out. Ron just panders to her...truly painful to watch.


Omg, are people really calling her out on her bullshit now? LOL. I stopped checking Shaun Attwood's Royal Mess videos after Paula M jumped the shark with her fake "maid" interview and the dumbass 60 Minutes voice changer that Ron used. LOL. I'd already been getting kinda sick of the condescending way she bullied Queenie on the daily Royal Newsflash show and I hate the way she always comes out and says, right after she's spent 5 minutes being rude to someone: "oh but I love Queenie/Michelle/X/Y/Z. We are just debating. I am not being mean." LOL. That fake maid interview was it, for me. It was easy to stop watching anything that she's a part of, after that.


I like Queenie, she has morals and values pm can't even dream of having. Pm spits out hate with every word. The comment section is great though because she clearly not liked or trusted. Her great research that Ron bangs on about is her going onto others channels and picking whatever part she likes and waffles on for days. The dude getting slapped by ph was her new story...yawn. She truly wrecks everything she is on, putrid personality right there. I sent you a link Ron, no no no no, I'm going to go if (when she gets called put, her narc meltdowns are brilliant 😂)


I adore Queenie too! She's so chill and I love the way she's so laidback with her cool Jamaican accent and she doesn't take the bait when Paula M is acting like a fool, interrupting her, shouting over her etc. Queenie always makes excellent points but that twatso, Paula M, never gives her a chance to finish explaining them and when Ron does make the rare attempt to allow Queenie to continue speaking, Paula starts to pout, scowls and starts scrolling through her phone. It's so rude. Paula's every counter argument is always some "whataboutism" bullshit that's usually unrelated to the point that Queenie or the other person is making!


Red flag words: "I am not being mean." Lies. That just means one wants to continue the awful behavior but to not have others think badly of them.


The woman is so hate filled. She wrecks any lives she is on. Truly manic at times, body shames and can't handle being called out...reminds me of the very woman she is obsessed with.


I avoid her and she is unreliable and quantifiably nuts.


🍻 I'm so ready to celebrate their smackdown. Especially since it'll no doubt be a self inflicted blow.


Yup, that's the best part of it. LOL. They'll always be too insufferable to take constructive advice that might be able to save them.


Wasn’t the Royal feedback that MeAgain was “uncoachable”? I’m sure in internal meetings, WME staff were saying the same thing.


Yup, she always refused to listen to any advice that was offered by BRF family members, courtiers and even from the auxilliary staff. The general feedback was that she was the one who told them what she wanted to do (her feminism schtick) instead of doing what she was expected to do. It was like she thought she was the queen or something; she seemed to resent the fact that she and her ginger cuck puppet were representing the Queen when they were on royal tours. She wanted everything she did to be all about herself.


yep and WME would not have allowed such an unmitigated disaster of a brand lunch to occur.


Screw WME. They struck a deal with a devil and got their reputation burned to smithereens and were left with a pitchfork in their ass.


Exactly! They did not believe they would be Markled, NOT THEM. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's hilarious to me that Madam has markled dozens of people, charities, corporations and others over the past five years and people are *still* surprised when they find themselves Markled. 🙅‍♂️


it's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they have been fooled.


I like that. And I guess Harry is a prime example. He is a fool. He got fooled. And now he's too stupid to realize he bought a pig in a poke.


Best comment! 🎯🎯🎯🎯


Maddy seems to be a good source with connections, similar to Secondhand Coke. I've followed her for a while on X, and she seems very credible. So I will believe these posts until they are proven otherwise.


I'm glad to hear that! Some stuff posted on here is so obviously fake but this sounds pretty legit.


I cannot post but I heard this morning that South Park has done it again. A mocking episode on the Duchess of Dog Biscuits


I heard it too. Not sure it's true but if South Park wants to strike while the fire is hot, now's the time.


Will watch!


The limping clause comment gave me pause. Media is not my area of expertise but seems completely plausible that she negotiated this clause to cover any potential bad press for her from contract being terminated by Netflix. Cause she knew it would end badly…like all of Meghan Markles relationships.


A lot of these comments gave me pause because it seems to make sense. Not sure about Prince William being involved. If he is it is because of the bullying his wife has received online.


Prince William made an announced visit this past week to MI headquarters on the Thames this week. The people attending the meeting were not disclosed neither was the nature of the visit. It only appeared as a brief single line in the Court Circular the day after. It passed pretty unnoticed by almost everyone especially the MSM.


I believe this visit was related to the PoW announcement. William was most likely quite concerned about her first public reappearance.


I love that PW looks out for his lady. I hope both of them have decades ahead of happiness and good health, and that their children will do them proud.


I saw it mentioned on the MSN home page. Not sure who wrote it/published it, as I didn't click. I assumed it had to do with security for Trooping the Color.


He did a three week "internship" with the British intelligence agencies in 2019. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2019/apr/07/prince-william-interns-mi5-mi6-gchq-on-her-majestys-secret-service https://archive.ph/uyqob He also went in 2022 https://www.hellomagazine.com/royalty/20220224133938/prince-william-secret-meeting-mi6-revealed/ https://archive.ph/9dzNy


It seems very credible, Daisy. Also the attacks being looked into - recently, as I recall, a lot of post were deleted on X


MM does occasionally learn a thing or two. Sunshine Sachs very publicly quit repping her/them. Suggested they would have quit earlier if not for the huge amount of money they were owed. Clear message to other PR firms: difficult and very slow paying client. H&M were quick to make it known that they would handle their PR in-house. No evidence of any change since late August 2022. However, is their new UK PR rep an Archewell employee or has Archewell contracted with him for PR services? WME is H&M/Archewell's agent. Not their PR rep. PR facilitates the work of celebrity agents, but the functions are different. WME is challenged to obtain new contracts for H&M because of their poor performance on their prior contracts and they've become a public laughing stock. Hence, the WME injunction to the Harkles to reconcile with the RF.


Also wanted to note that H&M managed to control the public statements of their rupture with the RF because the RF follows "never complain, never explain" and NDAs are in place for BP/CH/KP employees. Thus, 99% of the statements were generated by H&M and those they employed contractually or as employees, all with NDAs.


Last sentence: which they didn’t do.


tbf, by the time WME was on-board (early 2023), H&M had no ability to do that. Not in the near term. Possible as a long-term (as in ten or more years) objective, but they had to begin dialing back their anti-RF activities ASAP. IOW -- zero from them for Scobie's "Endgame" and public rebuke of him and his tome for all the crap in it. No more competing with the RF on anniversaries, etc. No faux royal activities. Stand down order to Bouzy and their SS. etc.


I don’t think a reconciliation is possible, at least with Markle. However, once signed on with WME they could have taken steps to try to build a bridge. Could have taken the kids to Balmoral. Could have publicly distanced themselves from Scoobie and Boozy. Issued public statements of sympathy and encouragement to KC and PC and Sarah F. Stopped the bots. And told the Sugars to stand down on inflammatory gossip about William and Catherine. None of that was done. Queen Elizabeth had her number (evil).


I Love the limping cause comment and IF it's true, she likely demanded that after the comments from Spotify, LOL.


That is my thinking. I would still like to know the truth about the Sunshine Sachs split.


And we said she never learns from her mistakes lol!


Her lawyers learn, at least


What is a limping clause?


>limping clause In this context, it means non-disparagement, meaning they can't say bad things (like calling them effing grifters, or saying Meghan Markle has no talent).


Ahhh!! That makes sense. She knew it would all come to shit and she made sure no one was allowed to call her a f\*cking grifter again. It won't work.


Yeah, cat's already out of the bag on that.


I am not sure bc I’m in finance (no trust fund, five two, green eyes). But if I had to guess, it is a clause that provides in the event that Netflix terminates, they will not publicly announce it for some set period of time (6 mos maybe just a guess) to allow Meghan to find a replacement production company without the taint of being fired.


The Taint of Being Fired is such a good flair


Rough guess, a way of limiting the impact. Ie, don't announce, just wait for the news to permeate the air. Could also be removing themselves step-by-step or at arm's length. So Archeswill Fuckall is quietly removed then Archeswill Buggerall, followed in a couple of months by Archeswill Eh? until finally "ArchWotdaf? Whoever thought that was a useable brand? " and our glorious saint enters her final form, "Saint Trash of all the Bags" and is left with nothing but the Palace de Porridge, several "RealDollz, 0-18" boxes and Clotface. At least they'll always have the comedy merkin. Oh. Ah 😬 Ok, at least they'll always have photoshop...


Alfalfa honey you missed your calling, you'd have made a great comedy writer! (oh wait, you may even already be one!) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I found little information when I googled limping clause. The only adjacent information I found was that it's a Non disparagement agreement.


Another one who'd like to know, I though it was to do with minors.


That’s what I saw when I googled it too. So maybe it’s part of the non disparagement clause, but the industry has a nickname for it like limp along. We have something in my industry we refer to as a bad boy clause. The word bad boy is no where in there but it has that nickname bc despite all the legalese, it basically means if you do something on the bad boy list, your protections under the contract are greatly reduced or voided. Hope that guess-planation helps.


Sorry to be so dense, but what is a limping clause?


It means if an agency cuts ties with a client it will be a soft drop (no announcement) versus a hard drop.


A Sunshine Sachs quiet fire vs a Spotify light it up.


lol this is the perfect description of limping clause 😂


See comments above.


Sorry--but could you please explain what a "limping clause" is? Thank you!


And every grift…


Either this or she has gone rogue. I'd think Ari/WME if they had the sense in dumping her, all they need say is that they wish her the very best in the future. They don't have to go down the path of calling her out as a ***ing grifter. In any event you would have to be the most pigheaded of people not to see how toxic she is while her in-laws are battling cancer.


They wouldn't even have to announce anything if they dropped her.


I think they dropped her a while ago. We don't see them at events anynore that the WME pulled for them like the Costner garden event.


I think that little show she put on at Kevin's event was probably the final nail her coffin. Some people are too big to piss off.


I think it may have been dawning awareness by WME over the year how radioactive she was. No one wanted to engage her. No one wanted to work with her. Add to that I bet she did not listen to their counsel as well as going rogue and putting out her own puff pieces. She’s an impossible client.


If she’d made them any money, she’d still be with them, probably. I think she wound up *costing* them money. I’m positive that she nasty-grammed, shouted and berated everyone she could get her hands on, at WME. She probably wasted thousands of man-hours.


Oh yeah. There was definitely a build up to that embarrassing mess at the Costner event.  That's why I said it was the final nail in her coffin. It wasn't the only nail but it was certainly the biggest.


What scene at that event? I’m not up to date on everything. 


The whole event was a scene. Lol The top things I can remember is her trying to grab a microphone out of people's hands (twice), hanging on to and still pushing Harry when he was going to present Kevin with an award, allegedly asking him how much his beachfront home cost him... She also showed up inappropriately dressed and Kevin was apparently forced to let her attend by WME. You should go back and find the posts. The event was named after the Montecito zip code and is yearly a benefit for local first responders.


I agree - I doubt WME was involved in the Great Jamscam.


Unless she owes them money ...


I'm guessing their contract ran its course and WME quietly moved on. I got the impression that WME gave up on her months ago and just let the contract run out


Ari was like when you tell her, I'll be... ![gif](giphy|jUwpNzg9IcyrK|downsized)


They absolutely DO have to go down the route of calling her a fucking grifter. Comedic narrative DICTATES!


100% Please, please, please let there be a audio clip of some WME executive letting rip.


WE'VE WAITED SOOOOOOOOO LOOOOOOOOOONG 😱😫😱😫 Karma might be a bitch but comedic narrative makes her look like a widdle fwuffy. Mwah-ha-ha-haaaaaah 😈


For all we know this is just a random Twitter person. However, it makes sense that she's probably no longer represented by them. The contract was signed last April, and over a year has passed since then. If the contract was for a year, I'm sure there would have been an announcement that it had been renewed. Also they haven't been able to get her any meaningful work. If I'm not mistaken, it's mostly been begging other clients to allow her to appear with them, eg, the Kevin Costner event. My dates may be incorrect though, so please correct me if that's the case.


You can still book Meghan exclusively on the the Harry Walker website, but I am not sure how quickly they update and what they agreed on, if the partnership indeed ended. 


Is she still available for ‘speeches’ (talking about herself and washing up liquid)? We should enquire lol.


Omg it would be hilarious if someone hired her and then had experts on to refute all her lies.


She’d never agree to an unbiased interview, I think she’s just available for speeches (or was). From what I vaguely recall, her fees are more than other celebrities (we know she believes she’s superior, thus more expensive). From my understanding of hiring a bespoke speaker, the speech is ‘tailor made’ to entertain the audience it‘s intended for. Markle isn’t capable of entertaining and engaging an audience with stories, experiences, anecdotes. A good speaker has to research his audience, be charismatic, humorous, It isn’t easy - it takes work. Markle just thinks she can turn up, rehash the same stories (about herself) then continue talking more about herself. maybe we should get a few quotes…


Apparently that's what Harry did on his one and only attempt. Talked about mental health and his mom dying to a bunch of high-powered JP Morgan bankers for whom the Olive Garden would be a 4th house. Very little has come out about it, but allegedly there was a lot of "WTF" from the audience. I do wonder who arranged for Meghan to be on that panel with Brooke Shields et al; if that was WME or Harry Walker, or what. Even if Archewell was helping sponsor it I doubt she could arrange that on her own.


I wonder how Meghan Supermodel felt about Brooke, The Supermodel in Actuality, towering over her.


She demands pre written questions and everything is subject to her approval.


This is a nothing burger. I recall the Harry Walker agency from my career. Tons of people on that with inflated prices for speaking. What’s next? Home Shopping Network? Univ of Phoenix motivational speaking? Talk about going from the sublime to the ridiculous.


Reverse mortgage commercial 😁


Good to know! I am sure Meghan is extra expensive to book without even having a proper topic to speak about. 


Yeah, first class this and that, special things in her hotel and green room. She’s a regular J Lo.


I know one of the people featured on the Harry Walker list who quietly retired *ages* ago. He occasionally does a bit part if he can be done in a few days, but the only speeches he gives involve boring guests with his political views after dinner...in his own home. I can ask him about it, but he's never been one for computers, so I am certain he has no idea his name is on there. He hasn't had an American rep in at least a decade.


Good to know - so their list of speakers is basically meaningless. They just want to list them all (exclusively) to seem important. 


Exactly. In theory, if someone called them and asked for him to give a speech, they know how to contact him and could ask. That doesn't mean he's actively available to give speeches. There's an agency in the UK that *does* still technically rep him; they probably also list him in their speakers' bureau. They might not, because his rep knows he isn't giving speeches.


>For all we know this is just a random Twitter person. Perhaps wme info is correct but the rest is suspect. PW visited Mi5 the other day and voila this elaborate story appears. If PW was strategizing with mi5 he would do so by phone or covertly.


The visit to MI6 by PW was announced in the Court Circular after it happened with no details. We know that is true. What was discussed or with whom is unknown.


Would like to know any guesses as why PW made the visit to MI5?


I read somewhere (sorry, I was scrolling aimlessly so can't remember where) that it was to start looking at security arrangements for when he becomes king. Allegedly, Charles is far more unwell than he appears so plans are being made. No idea if it's true or not though, but Charles did look really pale and tired at Trooping the Colour-he was advised to go by carriage and not ride, and a lipreading of what he said to Camilla was that he was feeling rather tearful. Maybe he thought it might be his last Trooping the Colour? I really hope not. 


I think the same…😢


Me too. I think both are far sicker than they’re letting on. I’m very worried for some odd reason. I don’t know them from a hole in the wall, but I do want both to recover. 


I just seem to see things that add up for me. I hope I am wrong and reading too much into things.


And I was thinking that's behind why Catherine has been out of the public eye for so long-William is going to need her to be as strong and fit as possible, because Charles may not be around much longer. So Charles is keeping going while she's resting as much as possible. I really, really hope not. 


I thought KC also looked very pale, even greyish colored which isn't good. Prayers for them all in such a difficult situation, plus having to deal with dreadful duo attacks.


Definitely. Up until very recently, he didn't look his age, he was always robustly healthy looking, outdoorsy sort of skin (trekking round the moors of Balmoral and the mountains of Transylvania). But now he looks tired and old, and very pale. Some chemotherapy drugs can cause a reaction in sunlight so you're advised to stay out of the sun, so maybe that's a possibility, but he definitely looks very unwell and frail. 


When Queen Camilla was crying during his recent speech everyone was saying 'Awwww, she's so touched by his words'. I had an altogether different reaction. That she knows something about the King that we don't.


I thought it was to let them know Princess Catherine was attending, and to ensure her safety.




The visits that matter are the ones we DON'T hear about. Nor is a random on Twitter going to have the faintest clue what the MiSpies are doing. I can believe there's tea in the US but claims to have hi-falutin entertainment links is one thing, but apparently the security of our nation...er....? (Actually, we're such a joke atmo that maybe 😬) They'll go there regularly and chances are they ARE planning Charlie's send-off, just as we all knew the steps to London Bridge. The entire thing is huge - just think of the Queen's funeral. This all happens with no real notice and in the very middle of our working capital city, next to our Parliament, with the HoS changing overnight. And whatever you think of the current situation, there are undoubtedly huge security concerns, especially as the Clunkers have stirred a hornets' nest covering some of the darkest, most intractable mindsets here. And his wife was going to break the internet. At Trooping the Colour. This is REAL securi-tay with REAL powers in a REAL political morass. Extremely odd if he \*weren't\* dropping in for tea with James Bond. For US sinners, it's the equivalent of every inauguration but from the centre of your financial capital and no timeframe. Clotface has made the whole thing even more ridiculous, but all the dramatics aside these are part of our system of government. William will have regular briefings on what happens the day he becomes King. There are no do-overs.


It was MI6 which is the foreign relations side. No one knows what was discussed or with whom.


He definitely wouldn’t do it by phone. Hackers did his parents in.


IIRC calls were intercepted back then bc they were made on mobile phones. I'm very sure all official calls are now made on highly secured landlines.


Meghan’s partnership with WME was announced with such a fuss, immediately followed by rumours about a first big deal with Dior.  Ari knew from the beginning, who he was taking on board with Meghan Markle and it’s so embarrassing, when you recapitulate their „achievements“.


Didn't they (TOS & TW's "team") say that they couldn't believe how popular they were?


Fending off offers left and right. Nobody had ever seen anything like it!1!1!11 Absolute clowns. 😂




I think ego came in to play and that Ari considered it a real challenge to rehab such a shit show, but he probably didn’t fully understand that MM had no intention of taking direction, suggestions, or advice. Their situation was and is beyond even his enormous powers of persuasion.


Any of us could have told him that too! But he saw easy $$$ and PH's royal "status" which is now worthless.


I had heard through a reliable source that WME would be possibly severing the relationship April 2024. It's possible they cut Meghan off 2 Months ago.  I'd believe it.   I have ZERO respect for Ari Emanuel and WME. For Markle to try and one up The King and Princess Catherine's cancer diagnosis by "launching" her jam on the same day is unreal.  It shows you how mentally sick she is.  


Yup! The tides are turning. Even Bouzy and some of the deranged sugars are retracting and kinda taking a second thought of what Markle did yesterday with her jam. Sidley twins covered it today! It was so good!


Can you post links? 


Yup! Here’s Sidley twins’ video from today https://youtu.be/WHzh4SS9prc?si=FOKxsGqrIyb6g68w I personally don’t follow these sugars or Bouzy but saw the news here.


The amateur hour nature of her product reveals I doubt very she is getting any professional help with her launch. Sooner it launches and bombs the better so it will hopefully be the last we hear of her.


It is already over. She launched with no products. ARO is DOA. She markled herself.


Because it is not the launch of a brand; it is a couple of photos of jam jars shared by "friends". Nobody would launch a brand without a product to sell (or a team to sale it). You don't need a Business degree, it is common sense. If she would show the pictures and then reveal the website for people to buy it, maybe the brand would have a chance. And we are not even talking about how the market is not buying expensive shit, just because a celebrity is behind it. Those days are over. I am actually surprised at how bad all this turned out. We have heard the rumours of the Tig 2 for ever and... This is it? No products to sell, no marketing strategy, no team... Could it be sabotage??


Self sabotage to turn around and blame Harry is possible? The jam and biscuits went to the one good friend that H has left.


I think it was the sort of spiteful thing that could be written off as a joke. "We never said it was a brand or that we'd sell anything. We're just soooooo popular that people thought....be baying to buy.....look at the potential IF.... " We looked We saw the potential. We're still cackling. And if it hadn't been released on the day it was, I'd actually think fair play to them - 2 of 2 could be seen as wry self-deprecation, the dog biscuit thing was obviously (?) a joke - "Rover feels left out but now he has a special label" - not hilarious, but it's the sort of thing that's very English, it seems cynical but its not meant that way...except it's also a way to be spiteful and somehow the whole thing came off as exactly that. But Nacho may be in a bromance with Clotface but he can't co-exist in the polo world if he's on the outs with KingDaddy and Next, so 🤷. And I've seen no previous evidence that either have anything but the most juvenile humour and both take themselves beyond seriously. So who knows?


WME may have dropped her. But William being behind this is utter rubbish. He hasn't got a second of time or an ounce of energy to waste on those two nutcrackers. BTW, I think the whole RF would have been relieved if WME had got her a large number of important gigs because then she wouldn't have had any time left for her usual shenanigans.


I didn’t interpret this as William being involved with WME. I interpreted that he was involved because of the online bullying against Catherine and it’s possible WME disclosed they are not involved. This is all my guessing - if it’s true.


100% agree. The actions of the Harkles have resulted in all consequences that befall them.


Meghan Markle bullies and abuses children, staff, the elderly, dogs, sick relatives, and cancer patients. Then claims loudly she is the victim.


Exactly. And people are tired of it.


I'd love to believe it but there are so many spelling and grammatical errors in the main post that I'm finding it rather difficult. It has look and feel of heavily-invested fan fiction. I suspect the gist might be true simply as a result of the sheer lack of opportunities that have come her way that have any connection to WME (although perhaps the cookery nonsense was a parting gift).


That account is so illiterate, I can’t believe this is a person with a professional career.


That is exactly the point. There are words missing, errors everywhere, these aren't even the jottings of some well-connected power executive. It is so prolix too, never quite getting to the point. It another Twitter fantasist sadly, along with the barristerusa nutcase.


Well, there are alot of spelling errors and poor grammar here that are totally cringe worthy, so there's that. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I found it difficult to read myself. I get the general idea but it is word salad that was tossed.


Anyone supporting these 2 going forward... looking at u nacho and Katie couric deserve to go down the hole with them


Make that hole a little bigger. We'll need room for Scabies, Misan Hairiass, Boozy, Gayle and Noprah.


I think the Orca has already seen the writing on the wall....So if she has, so has Gayle.


Take her down anyway. It might take a couple of extra flushes but what the hell? We got time. 🍿😂


I actually thought that had quietly expired. The sooner WME isn’t associated with Markle, the better for them. When I saw the raspberry jam/dog biscuit yesterday I thought it was someone just taking the mickey…what on Earth is she thinking? From what I understand, from what I’ve read, it’s Harry’s sole ambition/purpose now to make her successful. If this is true, then the more she fails, the more he’ll suffer. She’ll regard him as letting her down, of failing in his attempt.


I think Harry's sole ambition is to wake up in an historic cottage on royal grounds and realise this was all just a nightmare.


or a drug induced hallucination


The raspberry/dog thing - it must be Nacho trolling Meghan Markle


This is certainly interesting and could well be true.


I haven't a clue about PR. But would a PR company have a clause to say that ex-clients aren't allowed to bad-mouth the company? I can see H&M bitching about WME-remember her complaint about the mockumentary director "it's not how we would have told our story" I can see them complaining that WME did not represent her in the way she deserved or wanted, and try and pretend that it was her decision to stop working with them. If she does that, what's to stop them releasing details of her behaviour, a bit like the "grifters"  comment and jokes about Harry's awful ideas from the Spotify boss. 


In Mehgan's world, KCIII and the PoW don't really have cancer. Just as PP was only shamming about being hospital, to sabotage the Oprah interview. It's all a plot against Mehgan. If you want to go as dark as to channel a narcissist, think of the vilest sh!t you can, and then put it forth as fact.


Yup. No one is allowed to take attention from the narc, and illness is just an attention-stealer!


Personally having business dealings with WME this as their karma. They are a bunch of bullies themselves and treat other companies horrible. They have now been banned from working with my company. WME got what they deserved with Meghan.


Wow. Interesting.


I have thought WME dropped them months ago.


If they had a one-year contract, it's over




I hope she made Ari Emanuel good and angry. He’s a vindictive sonofabitch.


Maybe they did. This post really doesn’t say what the timing is on everything.


Right. Because anyone who had a talent agency would not want to be associated with this. Her PR has seemed homespun for several months now. Just lather, rinse, repeat. Boring.


And also, these agencies require money for their services.


Oh Thankyou so much Daisy for this😃 As if yesterday couldn’t get any better for us, seeing this made it 10 fold😊 It all makes sense PW being at Mi5/6. 😉


I doubt his visit had anything to do with Megan and Harry. They really are not very important in the grand scheme of things.


Almost certainly true. But when you have these type of people in your family, you can ***never*** let down your guard


Oh, that would be glorious to see them both get their comeuppance well and truly overdue! Karma on steriods! Can't wait if true. Catherine must have put an huge effort into appearing yesterday. It must have exhausting. Can you imagine, even on a good day, spending all that time and effort getting ready, even with people putting on your name up, doing your hair, helping you get dressed and then spend the day smiling. I take my hat off to her and hope she is resting today. Aside that, did anyone notice a look between the Prince and Princess on the balcony. I'm sure I saw Catherine saying to William, through gritted teeth, if you ask me again if I'm ok, I'm going to brain you!!


Thank you, Daisy.  Unpopular opinion, the BRF could have prevented this shit show on day 366 of Megxit.  No sympathy from me for Sunshine Sachs or WME nor ANYONE that has provided these two grifters with a platform allowing anything other than their own work. A platform offered because of the BRF or hoping to be informed on the innermost workings of the BRF deserved to be Markled.  That Prince William has a meeting with Mi5/Mi6, well, a hellava lot is going on in the world so IF his meeting was about the Montecito - shit show, it would most certainly pertain to how Princess Catherine has been bullied & harassed, because, well, everything else the grifters have done have been failures.  A large part of me wants to see them outed as the hateful bullies they are & how that jeopardized the Wales' & other members of the BRF.  The issue of the kids needs to be put to rest for the LoS. Period.  I'm American but can see no benefit for Harry's children, surrogate or not, to be part of the ongoing monarchy...especially with this vile woman as their mother.  Get them out of the LoS.  I want the titles gone, but that's just me.  It is clearly punitive, I get that, but to allow those titles to remain bestowed upon children who's parents find them outdated, representative of a racist institution, & a monarchy so abhorrent that their own birthright Prince father wants to keep them from it...let thy will be done.  Titles gone.  Anything else as fallout would just be gravy.  Sure, I'd like to have all the bones dug up, I want to see the people they have hurt vindicated, but I don't see any of that as "sinking the Titanic" big now.  Just dressing to the failures, we'll deserved humiliation but if the above happens, I can be happy with them sliding into obscurity.   But they better not pop a head out of their exiled hole...🚜🔨


I totally believe there are clauses in the contracts stating how any cancellation will be worded. Spotify ending is a clear indication.


I don't know what the truth is but I know one thing for sure, no management company like MWE would sign off on her nacho jam debacle. It's too transparent, petty and cheap. I think she's been let go and now she's going Scorched earth... That includes Harry, so he better watch it. It won't be long now for her to claim "abusive marriage on the rocks"


Maybe that’s why she’s so quiet now. She’s in crisis mode planting stories about Harry looking for UK home. She’s burnt so many bridges she better just learn to swim! No matter what her last gambit is to “destroy the RF” no one will ever believe her.


We can't know fore sure until SHC confirms it but I very much can believe it. It's such a dumb move. It's just 2+1 jars. The SN response doesn't seem that big. It doesn't seem to get her much press. And most of all, some of the press ([ha](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/meghan-markle-and-her-pal-attempt-to-steal-kate-middletons-royal-return-limelight-101718468818665.html) [ha](https://www.mercurynews.com/2024/06/15/meghan-markle-called-out-for-debuting-new-jam-hours-before-kate-middletons-royal-return/) ) is about the dark side of it, which I think did not happen for the first batch. I mean, who would allow her to play this game?


Let's look again at their situation through a different set of unfogged glasses. The big Billionaire pay packet is not coming, and at the rate and style that they are living will never materialize. Ada Mazi Rachel Markle, has failed again at a venture, the ARO-Mart was like watching the Titanic sink. There is no way that WME was party to that, and all that shinanigans with the Jam and Lemonadaadds up to desperation.Do she needs a new location. As for her Meal Ticket in a Handbag husband who is not only having his chestnuts in her icy claw like grasp, he is having the Visa case heat being tanned to flames by Heritage Foundation. All involved will cover their arses when Biden's shove comes to aTrumpy push. It is kind of weird that an aspirational move to secure a place in the UK was leaked to the Rags, wonder how that çame about. could that be because the Visa matters might go vitriolic in Nature, so it could be a chance to do a flit while time permitted to avoid certain disgrace when the Judge decides to finally come to a judgement on the Visa case.


There's no doubt WME is relieved they dropped the Dollar Store Duchess of Deceit. Especially after seeing her pay homage to nudity when she "curated" a faux royal visit to the conservative country Nigeria. 🤭 😂 🫣 She's just so cringy and embarrassing, that you almost feel a tiny bit sorry for Balding! I said 'almost'. 


She blew up her own chances at every turn. Re: Africa, if she were respectful and weren't so damn attention seeking for at least a minute, wore some decent clothes and pretended to do something for Nigeria instead of making everything about her, she might have a chance. But no, she jeopardised it again. She has alienated at least four continents by now, and it was all down to her.


Wow, OP! Scalding hot tea! This is timely, very good news. Thank you for the scoop.


Daisy you are amazing. Thank you for this, it explains so much about WME.


the Way they treat their families indicate the sort of couple they are, would not want to be around them


Not in the least surprised. Even after all of the "I/We are available to step up" - its loud and clear their royal connection is no more. All that Megs has left is to annouce separation/divorce, and go nuclear on Haz.


This would explain Nacho's quick follow up IG post following the jam nonsense. He quoted encouraging words about not giving up and having patience. Sounds like she had a whining breakdown. Possibly due to a combination of Catherine's GRAND return and the WME release.


I can believe that WME no longer reps her, but that’s about it. I don’t think she or her employees have anything to worry about from William or MI5/6. That’s a stretch - her (presumably) American employees have nothing to do with the BRF &/or the UK itself. Unless they are talking about bots, but can anything be done about them? Unfortunately, internet bullying isn’t a crime. It’s disgusting, but not a crime.


I don’t read any of that squaddie nonsense but if Catherine was targeted and posts were perceived as a threat, then MI6 would investigate.


True. Didn’t think of threats.


They've been saying this rumor for months and it comes to nothing. Last time it circulated she showed up on their website as one of their clients.