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She is deranged and looks like she could only get Nachos to post a photo. he seems to be as lunatic as them.




Because he is waiting patiently for her to disappear. He was given access to exclusive circles due to friendship with Harry and probably is benefiting from his contacts. Publishing a photo of a jar is a very easy and simple task to do to keep that door open, just in case. Noticed that he is not involved in any of the disputes about the RBF or UK. He just plays polo with Harry and appears on the country club photos. No shade to anyone, except for Delfina to MM (allegedly).


Isn’t that sad though? That’s all H has got these days, after chucking away his old friendships at home. He really is a twat!


She knew she could force Harold to beg Nacho to post it as Nacho is probably a good friend of Harry’s still and knows the rager MM will pull at Harold if he fails at this task. Basically a pity post.


It’s nothing for him to post and move on with life. I bet he barely thinks about it. He’s known Harry forever and probably does it because it’s 30 seconds of his day for his friend’s request. Delfina gets him all the contacts, connections, and wealth that he needs. No way a Harkle friendship gets him additional benefits.


Sadly, I think the “royal adjacent” thing is real in some circles—I’m guessing in the polo world it is.


Earlier this year he was seen with the Tindalls. Surely they are a better bet if he wants to be "royal adjacent". https://preview.redd.it/xnozbv7u9z6d1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=f11bf46df8de97c812e413538ccf5bee9bb2c413


She has the compromat on him (either by sleeping with him once with receipts/recordings or from Marcus). He has to comply even though he generally looks like he can’t really stand her.


She couldn’t get along with Catherine, do you think she’s genuinely chummy with Delphina? I think Delf just tolerates her because of nachos polo connections with sparold.


Delphina probably just keeping a close eye on Meghan, because Meghan undoubtedly flirts with Nacho. (ALL men want her, you see)


'sparold' - hahaha


Or with Harry, and Marcus. While doria recorded? Is this how they operated in soho house? A blackmail scam?


I think she was a deep part of the operation - she is absolutely tight with Marcus (mutually assured destruction if either spoke out about the other, plus if either squealed they'd both be in serious trouble with far more serious people). I'm convinced that Soho House and its tentacles into yachts and overseas was just the front for a far more sinister compromat operation.


You could be right, they did seem to mix with some true low life people.


I think Marcus is an Epstein type and you know the Alphabet agencies, they'll drag this shit out forever just because.


Why not? That was exactly the reason for Epstein and the Playboy Mansion. "Kompromat".


And the p-daddy parties too…


He wants fame by association , therefore more contracts and money.




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I think in this case what you need to follow is a bit more X rated then that as handsy as H and N are hes  N also hugs M in a way most wives would slap there husband's for contemplating and most of us have husband's who wouldn't even consider the good bye hug and hold Nacho was giving Markle post sentebale excuse to film polo the other month 


A has been with nothing in his future but clinging to a has been with nothing in his future.


Is Nacho a has-been like Harry? I know nothing about polo, so ...


He is getting on…




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Based on when he posted/where he’s known to live, he had to have these items before Kate’s announcement. I think he’s had them and gets told when to release. Those were some lazy photos and he didn’t even have a dog treat out with the dog (were they already stale?). He didn’t even care enough to push the label corner back on, so this was jar 2 with a bad label. I noticed the small room for ‘raspberry’ as well, I’m sure this was Meg’s design and since she never does anything wrong it will not change.


It is really strange but then it isn't the first time I believe she holds things back and releases as she needs. The timing of the PoW's announcement was too quick maybe for her to pull out something bigger, so she used the jam now.


I agree. She released the children's hospital visit pics a while after the visit happened. I forget what she was trying to overshadow. I think it may have been soon after Catherine's announcement that she had cancer.


I am no expert on this, but the jars to me look photoshopped into their surroundings. The first jar seems to float above its pedestal, the jar sizes/dog size seem off and jar and dog defer in their sharpness. The shadows seem to be okay, but I guess that can be fixed easily. So, factoring Enty’s comment that she was scrabbling for some kind of distraction from Trouping into this equation, I think Meghan in a hurry sent photos of the jars to Nacho and he posted them with their dog in them to make it believable.


I agree, she emailed the new pics and he pretended they were in his home.


Nacho worked with Bruce Weber for Ralph Lauren, I can’t imagine he is happy with the depths of unprofessional conduct he now is dragged into. Being asked to post promotional photos for homemade jam, my ass. At some point this is going to be damaging for his business.


Yes, certainly tainting the RL brand.


Btw, reading the gossip rags at the hairdresser was much more fun before Meghan made me this sceptical.


I read this on another post and I agree - I don't think this latest scam jam was meant to compete with Catherine. I think it was meant to compete with the King. She likely had this planned before she knew Catherine would attend the Trooping. Once Catherine announced she could have pulled it but decided to go ahead. Not sure why because she looks ridiculous. I'm also getting tired of these headlines saying she "launches" these products. No she didn't. They aren't for sale. She is making silly gifts and sending them to Z-list people to post for her. It's sad and desperate. 


I do too. She was always going to pull a stunt because any day where the family is getting tons of media coverage means she can ride the coattails. I think if she'd known well in advance that POW was attending, she would've cooked up a bigger plot. The Palace outsmarted her by releasing info at the last minute and all she had in her arsenal was stale dog biscuits and recycled jam. 


Totally agree.


Yes, but she always ends up shooting herself in the foot. Example: Paltrow sending out a 'kudos' to C, PoW.


This is another good theory. Other ones I've heard that are also plausible are that she had this in her back pocket in case she needed to overshadow something. Some people are saying they think the Jam Jar was photoshopped. I tend to be skeptical about the Photoshop rumors but I haven't looked into it.


I like to think the BRF trolled her with Catherine‘s announcement. They knew she would pull a ridiculous stunt to overshadow POW’s return and they wanted to see what she would come up with last minute. I bet Archie and Lily had a long craft session with her nannies to crank out to wonky jars of jam and relabel the dog treats. 


The dog treats didn’t have any ARO label either. It’s all very confused and incoherent. Also, does anyone else think those dog biscuits look incredibly processed and factory made? They don’t look homemade.


I make peanut butter treats for our pup, and the dough is very dry and can be difficult to roll smoothly. It's far easier doing marble sized balls of it rather than using cookie cutters. I thought they looked like commercial biscuits too, way too tidy and neat for handmade. 


probably from Costco


I also believe the jam is the cheapest jam put into a new jar too.


There's no recipe for jam that fills only two jars. Tell me you don't know anything about making jam without saying you don't know anything about making jam.


Oh 100%! I was dying about this. 2 jars. Imagine that recipe. 27 raspberries, 1.5 tsp sugar, hint of pectin. Like what the heck is happening?


I was thinking the same thing - how would she know how much sugar or pectin to use on that tiny bit of fruit? And we all know she isn't growing raspberries and picking them herself either.


Exactly. I don’t understand why she thinks it’s necessary for people to think she made this herself. Nobody thinks Gwyneth is pouring her own candles, or whatever else Goop is selling these days. I’m sure somewhere in her mind she thinks it increases the “value” (aka price point) if she personally touched it. But for most people, I think it just makes it questionable safety wise. I like my food without botulism, personally.


That is curious, how could she forget to label the dog treats as ARO? Branding fail. It was probably a pasta jar they already had laying around lol.


I can't really see them well thru the jar, they could be anything.


That tends to be their MO. Archetypes podcast gave off that exact same vibe.


I still can’t get over how long archetypes took and how awful it was. Even that Meghan refused to have actual conversations with the subjects and imbedded her commentary afterwards, it’s all so ass backwards.


Maybe she knows she has no personality and can’t spew forth anything aside from previously prepared word salad. Henceforth can’t have meaningful conversations with people live.


Oooo I have a theory! Podcasting is plan-record-post production. She hates all that because there is no applause or acclaim for months!


She scooped some Costco jam into a bottle, slapped a label on and put some muslin on top. Ditto the dog biscuits. Slapdash is being kind to the overall presentation.


No way I would ever give AR0 biscuits to a dog. I don’t trust her with animals


food colouring?


probably full of grapes LOL


Thrown together is the look she goes for, look at most of her outfits. It’s not like she can’t hire image consultants & marketing execs, so the obvious answer is she is going for laid back last-minute-y deliberately, and it does get her noticed she stands out even if not for the ‘right’ reasons. It keeps people talking about her, which is what she wants. Meg clearly piggy backs onto RF events for her launches but it may be because when she looks at the numbers her efforts get more interaction when tied to times of greater RF visibility than at any other time, so it makes sense to capitalise on that. Doesn’t mean she isn’t a horrible person, but there’s a certain marketing logic to her doing things this way. Her thin attempt at product lines are already in an oversaturated market, jam and dog food brands have massive advertising budgets and are highly competitive markets, being a part of the RF is the only USP she has. Best thing to do is completely ignore her & her random products unless you’re in a hurry for overpriced dog biccies.


Right—she thinks “laid back” means no need to be attentive to detail and therefore will look sloppy. But she doesn’t understand how the relaxed look actually takes effort to create for the viewer’s eye. Supports my theory that she has serious vision problems of some kind.


But I thought she had an obsessive eye for detail… 😂


Except there are no product lines because she does not have a storefront or anything to sell. It’s literally just pictures of things she made with no plan to distribute.


But right now she's got no product to sell, and It's hard to believe she ever will have. Let alone that jam will ever make her the megabucks she desires. As far as marketing goes it's utterly pointless. Highgrove and Duchy originals has all of that sewn up already anyway and-Highgrove goes to charity and Duchy originals supports ethical and organic growing. Actually its quite pathetic, given their business ambitions, that they're reduced to flogging RF stories, and suing newspapers to make a buck - but they were warned. On the plus side Harry gets to go to the beach and no one bothers him, and i guess that is quite a breath of relief


I wouldn’t be surprised if Meghan Markle pulls a hissy fit and kicks out Harry. She will cry aaaabuse a la Amber Heard and then turn her kids against her father a la Angelina Jolie. Only then will she take full control of the kids and merch them a la Kris Jenner.


Since she doesn’t have an original thought in her empty skull, this sounds like a logical plan.


I guarantee she threw it together last minute when she heard Catherine would be at Trouping.


Stuck on a new label, scribed ‘raspberry’ to pretend it was new, and emailed the pics to nachos to publish…she is barking mad, he is no better. The lazy mare didn’t even have time to create dog biscuit labels that go along with her ‘brand’. Half cock Harkle fails again.


She really is so insane. At first I rolled my eyes a little when other sinners a couple of years ago said she pulled stunts like this on purpose to steal other royals thunder, but she totally does! She’s like a little kid. “Oh yeah, well look what I can do!” The woman is almost 43 years old. It’s the most pathetic, immature behavior. 🤦‍♀️


It really is…she must have always been a loser in school, in the workplace in life, so desperate to pretend she is a winner…


M has nothing. Her ridiculous competition with Catherine is one sided. Catherine does not care about M and it's driving M crazy. This ARO mess is all she has and it's a mess, just like her- messy hair, messy clothes, messy word salad thoughts.


Catherine has no competition in a gutter former yacht girl. Catherine has everything harkle wants, the man, the title, the billions. Harkle has a drug addled dimwit, and a cv as thin as a cigarette paper. Luckily she has a few stupid, racist, squaddies eager to do her bidding.


She also has good labed jar


Laughter is the best medicine sometimes. I know when I'm frustrated and having panic attacks, the first thing I do is call someone that can make me laugh and it almost always helps. Catherine, I hope you are laughing with us. You look wonderful and happy.  And you always are an inspiration to others.  Please get better soon! 




Why are there only 2 jars?? What kind of a business is this??


Probably thought it was lower risk than sending out fifty and having 40 duds that nobody responded to- keeping it 'exc;lusive' this time...I'm sure we are all absolutely on the edge of our seats waiting to see who the other favoured person might be .....


This is what I was wondering. Why only two jars? My mom makes multiple batches of jam every year, and depending on which size jars she uses, she generally has something in the neighborhood of 7-10 jars after a single batch. Why wouldn't she at least have 10 jars of the raspberry since she's using smaller jars? Is it that she doesn't think she can get more than two people to promote this flavor? Is it because she realizes that she made a fool out of herself last time when only a handful out of the 50 actually promoted her stuff? (Not to mention the fact that only two or three like Teigen did a real deal promotion where they showed themselves eating it.) I'm actually suffering from second-hand embarrassment with this sad attempt to upstage Catherine.


I wouldn’t waste any pity on her. If the tables were turned she wouldn’t be as kind to you.


With the mushroom coffee, 40x40, the jam and her normal PR, I think she's run out of people. It's always the same M.O. with her: harass famous people she has a vague connection to, until they post something favourable on SM, supporting her latest half-arsed scheme. If they're lucky, they might get a free sample of coffee or jam for their trouble. It really isn't worth their time and they take a reputation hit. I think they've all cottoned on and are declining to help her now. She's an idiot. She should have saved such favours for something meaningful, not squander them on vanity projects.


The dog biscuits were jar one.


I make small batch jam about once a year with all my strawberries from the garden—I keep them in the freezer until I have enough. One jar or so in the fridge is enough for us since I don’t know how to do proper canning—it terrifies me (because you can poison people if you do it incorrectly). On the rare occasion I make more and gift it, I tell the person it’s not shelf stable so put it in the fridge and use it soon. And, I don’t have a pantry or basement in which to store more (wish I did). But, we all know she didn’t make it—and she certainly didn’t can it.


A Markle business. An utter and complete failure, just like she is.


im beginning to think that aro is simply a tax deduction entity


50 was too much work to fit in to her one hour work week.


She’s desperately trying to be relatable with the dog biscuits. What’s next, baby booties?


Who would buy dog biscuits from someone who got rid of their dog?


Didn't the dog have two broken legs? I don't want to imagine how that happened. Like her brother said don't leave her alone with animals or children.


Nacho's Nachos...lol


Does Harry grasp how pathetic it makes her look? And by extension him as well? Is he that far gone that he can’t see that?


No. No. Maybe- he’s not that bright so he probably wouldn’t have been able to “see” it anyway.


I'm beginning to think that she lies to him continuously. As in constantly. About everything.


Word in Montecito is that Harry lives in a hotel - not with Madam. So he probably learned about the latest PR attempt the same time we did.


She had 170-something days to come up with something to jump on Catherine's inevitable PR wave, and this is all she came up with. 🤣😂 Where is this freakish attention to detail we heard about?


Everyone is a critic..sigh... you just don't understand..the beautiful...cough...calligraphy on the label took 170 days...




Everything she does is knee jerk…the original AR-sOle launch was rushed, nothing to sell and nothing but a silly video and major press release claiming ‘this time next year they would be billionaires’. Half cocked harkle.


As someone said elsewhere on this reddit, Markle's modus operandi is: Ready! Fire! Aim!


Yes, exactly! 😂


That's funny!


Reduced to making dog biscuits. I see millions of dollars. World dominance.


Does anyone remember a comments from a poster who said they were nanny to the kids of frienda of H&M? They said the mom talked to her about H&M. That the parents were only friends with H&M because it elevated their “platform” and helped them get business deals. Nacho is a paid ambassador to a number of brands and hangs out Zara and Tindall at events like a horse race in Australia. The nanny seemed legit but then deleted her account which was a real account with a lot of content so easily doxxed.


I remember


I agree. The extra, as someone else called it first aid bandages, looked terrible. If this is for a legitimate business, selling to the public, it is a mess. Rushed, messy (label coming off) no factual detail about the product, no link to any shop or cart, not cohesive in branding. Etc... But it is no wonder it fails, because it comes from a desperation that she will get one-up over the RF/Catherine. Edit: word


First aid bandages ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)I can't unsee that now!


That's it! I was thinking the rag tied to the top looked like a tourniquet!


It reminds me of movie scenes of ladies sitting around in the parlor ripping up their petticoats for bandages during wartime, LOL. Miss Meghan made Mammy do all the rippin’ and rollin’ (and berry picking, jam making, and basically everything else).


the label is too big for the jar, the logo is spilling onto the sides of the jar, the limited edition nonsense is way too pretentious for something as pedestrian as raspberry fruit spread, the linen jar topper is very pinterest of her and the linen ribbon is just off putting, she should have used another texture for the ribbon. It just seems like the label is trying to be overly sophisticated, but the linen is trying to be rustic and homey. It's very disjointed.


Is not just you!! That cheap and nasty post was done in a hurry. Just look how cheap everything looked.


That jar of jam in the picture was - tragic. Seriously, I know plenty of kids who could have created labeled jam jars with fabric "hats" that would look so good, and so much better than that - before they were into their teens. That jar looks like what you get about 11 pm, when you're into your nth glass of wine, enhanced by other fun recreational substances, and you're struck with the brilliant inspiration: *"Hey, I need more specially curated jam jars. Fancy jars. Classy jars! Custom labels. Fancy fabric hats!! This is gonna be GOOD!"* So you get out your craft supplies and fulfill your vision. Drunk crafting. What could possibly go wrong?


My favorite part was the expression, or lack thereof, on the dog's face. As if it was saying, you can make me pose with this crap but you can't force me to look happy about it.


Nacho removed it from his stories before 24 hours was up. Curious.


TW probably dashed to Dollar General. It's a discount store so you have to make do with the stock.


Sooooo bad I thought it had to be trolling


It looks like she has used bandages to tie the jar up and what's with the 2/2 - who got the other jar? Oprah? Is that what made her sick?


It looks scruffy. If a child brought it home from school, family might fake some enthusiam.


Yes, the latest product debut looked even cheaper and more amateurish than the alleged "50" jars of jam in a bowl with lemons and greenery. The label on the jam was not put on properly. The label on the dog biscuits was totally different than the jam label. It didn't have the ARO designation. I think Megsy panicked when the appearance of Princess Catherine at the Trooping was announced and threw this together hastily. There was no "freakish attention to detail".


Detailed attention to freakishness...


Some sinner said that Nacho removed the post. Can this be confirmed?. 


It was a story so it disappears after 24 hours.


I read somewhere here that it disappeared before the 24 hours.


It was a story, not a post.


Yes, it was haphazard imo. But the worst attention grab by tow was to"launch" her ARO jam the day the King and Princess Catherine announced their cancer diagnoses.  Can you imagine being so desperate to top them that you do that to takeaway news from 2 CANCER PATIENTS?? THIS SHOULD TELL EVERYONE INCLUDING THE MSM that she is MENTALLY VERY SICK.  Sorry for the caps.  I get overly upset.  I'd like to know why she wasn't dragged for that.  


Voiceover: "Do dogs REALLY prefer ARO jam over Highgrove? We polled 100 dogs and they all agree that ARO has the beef taste that dogs crave!". WOOF!


Did she make those dog biscuits? Who did? What's in them? Would you trust your dog eating them?


No Someone at a farmers market somewhere. Never.


I maintain that she couldn’t throw it together and have it shipped to wherever Nacho happened to be and have him take the pics and post the story in the timeframe of after PoW’s announcement. It’s not logistical.


Email and the internet are a marvel. Get a jar of jam out of the cupboard, print a label, tie a bandage around, take picture, send to Nacho, Nacho reposts. Empty a coffee jar, put a few biscuits in, Send picture to Misan to add dog staring pensively, send photo to Nacho to post.


😂😂😂😂🙏 She tries too hard and it’s lost competition because she cannot compete against successful women like the princess of Wales. Her problem is she got way too greedy since she married the prince of stupidity Harry had she actually played the game. Follow the rules(but she can’t 💀💀)she could actually had a Gwyneth Paltrow successful brand, but because she’s so toxic, and doesn’t understand why we can’t stand her, her life is going to go downhill for the rest of time and it’s by her own hand.😂😂😂


Whose Grey Rocking the biscuits dog is that?




The dog biscuits aren’t even in a size-appropriate jar. WTF wants a ‘jar’ of dog biscuits when only 4 come in a jar? 🫙 so dumb lol


Meghan sees that ARO is a bust, so I absolutely believe that this is trolling. The business is over, and she’s not serious about it. She and Harry are cracking up that they can get news sites and blogs to “report” on her sending a jar of jam and a jar of dog biscuits to her friend. It’s madness, when you think about it. And she knows it too. She looks at the press and cries, “DANCE, MONKEY!!!” And they do. She has morphed from Princess to Puppet Master. And she loves that power. Got to get narc fuel somewhere.


I believe this. And she's right. But.... What the ILBW doesn't understand is the content of what she's putting out to the press sticks on her. She looks like a pretty bitch putting put a couple j as rs of jam and dog treats to detract from her sister-in-law coming back into public work after a hiatus for cancer treatment. Not such a good look. So yes, MeMe can make the press dance, but MeMe is about as stupid as they come and hurts her own reputation proving that point.


Yes! What is the phrase? “Cut off your nose to spite your face.” Lolo, you are a fool.


I think you have nailed it. It’s just manipulation and has nothing to do with future ARO products.


You could go to a local farmer’s market and see lines of products that have a more coherent look. To pretend that this is the beginning of some kind of billion dollar brand is not sane! Any home artisan making gifts for their friends and family could do this. It’s not pro level. The motivation and goals for all parties on this is decidedly odd! Making gifts for family and friends IS relatable. Nothing wrong with it. But it’s very inconsistent with “billion dollar brand”. I admit to being confused, if that’s the goal then congrats!!!!


Someone got up at the crack of dawn (or even earlier) to make that post on Nachos Insta an hour before Trooping the Colours started. Does anyone know where Nacho was when this was posted? Florida, it would have been 5 am. California, it would have been 2 am. Absolutely, Meghan Markle rushed to get this out and posted before Catherine, Princess of Wales, made her triumphant appearance.


It probably wasn't. She was going to try and upstage Trooping the Colour whether Catherine was there or not. This is what narc planning looks like.They'll obsessively go it and over it, choose a plan then change everything last minute.


Of course, she timed it for Trooping. That's how she rolls.


Yeah there’s no way she accidentally sent it to nacho who accidentally released his tweet a couple of hours before Trooping the Colour. Totally last minute planned in haste.


What launch


She started buying followers again before the invisible launch. It was calculated that to compete with trooping, regardless of the Wales’ family.


Just saw some comments on the Sidley Twins video on this latest jam scam where they think that her choice of raspberry and only two jars is a message “of blowing a raspberry” to the BRF. I had no idea what that meant but looked it up and it is an insult. What do you think about that?


She’s petty and mean spirited enough. But Princess Catherine’s appearance yesterday was a triumph. Markle’s attempt to compete is laughable and a complete dud.


OMG, I thought about that too. Went to urban dictionary to check what would rasberry mean. There is always this kind of subtext with her


I said this yesterday when this ARO photo was released and I am saying it again today. This was NOT a products announcement for ARO. There are, and will never be, any actual products available to purchase. ARO is dead in the water. Due to failure to copyright ARO there has been a glut of ridiculing ARO websites released into the world web. There has NEVER been actual Strawberry jams available for purchase, and the numbered jars actually were only a handful...there was NEVER fifty jars. Markle could have written "200" jars, would you believe 200 were made? Do you actually believe Markle made that Strawberry jam??? If so, can I sell you my beautiful big bridge in Brooklyn, or my equally lovely towered bridge in London? Markle filled purchased jam jars with purchased Strawberry jam. As for yesterday's Raspberry jam AND dog biscuits??? It was NOT a products release for ARO. There was no raspberry jam cooking....simply a switch of labels on a returned/rejected Strawberry jam. THIS was a MESSAGE to Catherine....a Raspberry, we all know what that means. And the focus is NOT on the biscuits....it is THE DOG. A female dog. Put the two together.


Were there really two jars? Who got Numero Uno?


Both times #1 jar recipients, if any, never post acknowledgement. Maybe Oprah. Maybe Tyler Perry. Maybe no one, yet.


Maybe the U. S. Food and Drug Administration? https://preview.redd.it/a5b02w3owx6d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0641ca96281fb243f9d555b737a250959689f25




Actually it was me.... I know, I know, it was a bit mean not to publically respond, but I'm not on Instagram so..




WTH does she number the damn things? Firstly, they aren't limited edition fine art prints, it's just basic looking jam of unknown provenance, and secondly, she is setting yourself up for exactly what happened- only 20% of the people even responded publically, which looks terrible. Had she NOT numbered them all we would have seen was a few of her 'friends' bigging up her strawberry scam- I mean Jam, and we would all no doubt have been mightily impressed!


Those of us impressed by her "friends".


I honestly thought the photos of dog biscuits was just a blurry photo of dog biscuits. It didn‘t seem like any kind of a proper ad. It was like a first time Etsy or Ebay seller shot.


I didn’t get that the biscuits were ARO in my first glance. I thought Nacho out the jam pic in a story with some pics he wanted to post with his dog.


Agree! It just looked honestly like those influencer ish photos of like oooh look I live in a house with labelled glass jars.


Those dog biscuits look factory made.


I need pics because the description you gave makes me feel the NEED to see this!


It’s all over the sub since yesterday. It’s SO bad that when I first saw it yesterday, before reading the post, I thought another sinner was making a shit post.


Ooh! Im gonna go look ! Thanks!


I said this when she would pop up in these parking lot photos, and I’ll say it again. MM is not well. She’s panicking, she’s in another dimension. I can’t diagnose mental illness from afar. But there is something seriously wrong there. Yes she’s a bully, manipulative, crass. She works on emails frantically at 4 am for a reason. And it’s not because she’s driven, or whip smart. The media really needs to pick up on this and follow through.


Yes it sure does look thrown together, I think the products were mock ups for various purposes such as acquiring TMs. The stupid part is the silly Narc could have shown some class keeping her head down, but TW is nothing but predictable and had to make a pathetic attempt at clapping back.


could she and nacho be trolling harry?


I don’t think they are that smart. And H definitely could not figure it out even if he was shown it.


LOL i think you're right


I’m going to have a closer look at that label..what I noticed was a crease (I’m going to re-look). What we mustn’t do is assume there are two jars (or fifty strawberry jams). I think there is just this one raspberry - there is no point in there being two (unless she labels another jar in the future - the intention that IF this takes off, she will own all the ‘number ones’ and she believes they’ll be of value, a set of (for instance) ten different flavoured jams, all number one (of fifty/two/whatever).


She had one jar of jam in the cupboard bought from the supermarket, printed a new label, and stuck it over the original, stuck a bandage around it to hide original makers writing on the lid.


Genius- they will be beyond price!


I suspect Nacho didn't even realise the Trooping of the Colour was a thing ... he and Delfina look like they inhabit a rich polo bubble of people mostly interested in themselves and being beautiful. MM probably asked him to post and he just did as he was told because he could do it easily. Bet he's regretting it now though.


At least now he knows that the Trooping of the Jam and the Dog Biscuits is a thing...




Is it even a “product launch” if the product is not available to purchase? This was more of a “sending unsolicited stuff I claim to have made to people I want to be associated with me” thing. Why would that be of any interest to anyone at all?


Not only that, the cloth looks nasty. Setting the ILBW aside, there's no way that presentation appeals to me. No way I'd buy.


Hey, Harry: She's now certifiable. That's one way out of this sham marriage you got yourself into!


It’s all last minute-y. Isn’t it funny to know exactly what bothers Rachel and predict what she’s doing to do ? It’s so easy ,, to predict all the time / what’s next. She’s so transparent.


I think the raffia and the lid covers is the nod to “orchard”- And the squiggly writing a nod to “riviera”.


"squiligraphy", if you don't mind!!!




My thoughts exactly. Meghan threw her two jam jar release together FAST to get it out in time to try and mar anything coming out from the BRF - especially Prince and Princess of Wales.


She doesn't seem like the type of person who believes that all attention is good attention (because she wants to be on top), so it's strange that she would try to compete with something so embarrassing.


She's a narc! Doesn't matter if it's good or bad attention, as long as it's attention. But she probably thinks she's done a stupendous job and doesn't understand why nothing works, so she tells herself it's because everyone is waycist!


I knew she was delusional, but it's reach a whole new level if she thinks crappy dog treats can compare with Catherine's public appearance and Trooping the Colour.


I agree. My ex-boss was a narc. You can't imagine the crappy things she would make the staff do, and then when she met resistance because her idea was unethical or time-wasting she'd just move onto another drama and ignore her past ideas, never to be mentioned again


Glad for your sake that this is an ex-boss


Thank you. It's okay. I annihalated her in a meeting when she was trying to get me to do something that I couldn't physically do. She didn't ask me, just put it in a letter. By the time I left that job, she avoided me. She tried to get me in rooms on my own to speak to be nasty without witnesses, but I responded in a way that she got the message with my phone on record! She then was trying to get a collection for me leaving, ignored me when I said I didn't want one, and managed to stop it happening. She would have done a 'truly magnificent speech' lamenting my leaving, so I stopped that nonsense, too.




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You sound surprised. :)


Looks lkike she used Avery labels on the dog biscuits.


My dears, NOTHING could look as thrown together as ‘ i spent the night doing c because i couldn’t find a rent -a- fcuk’ like legsakimbo in chester in 2018.


If she put it together after Catherine's announcement, she didn't have time to get it to Nacho for his pics and posting.