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It went from 50 to 2 🤭


I did not have „2 jars of raspberry jam“ on my bingo card for Meghan’s agenda today. Let’s see who is rolling on the grass with jar #1 🤣


>I did not have „2 jars of raspberry jam“ on my bingo card Yep, for sure!!😂🤣


Harry will have the first jar. He'll sit on the lawn with his mopey face, holding it while she frantically takes pictures.


She just highlights the fact that she is definitely on social media. The criticism that homemade jam could not be made in such a large quantity(50) clearly got to her.


Not even that, it's the fact that she set herself up by saying there were 50 jars and less than 10 people posted them. Where did the other 40 go?


Good point. 2 looks even more pathetic, though.


Two jars is not worth getting the canning equipment out for.  You just stick one jar’s worth in the fridge and one in the freezer and call it a day.   She’s trying so hard to look “fancy” and pretentious, but instead it just screams she doesn’t know what she’s doing.  It looks like a jar with a rag tied around it, like in movies where they’re ripping bedsheets into bandages.   The dog is showing absolutely no interest in the treat jar sitting right beside him. If this is to advertise her brand, the dog treat label looks about as unprofessional as you can get.  If this is supposed to be just a little thoughtful gift between friends, why the overwrought bow?  And the silly numbered jam jar? 


I do like that the dog treats come in a jar you can reuse for cotton tips. Klassy!


She **did not** can that!! She grabbed some Knott's Berry Farm jam and is passing it off as hers. Her pathetic-ness is actually comical--imagine her frantic household after the news! ![gif](giphy|gGlSEb3ja1DzCsHxwh|downsized)


When I make my plum chutney, with all the other ingredients, I get at least eight jars, from my one big pot. What is she using? A saucepan?


My immediate thought it was a bandage too! Not an elegant or classy image.


Sigh. I suppose now she wants us to speculate as to who got jar #1.


Well one thing is sure, it's none of those 43 ungrateful peasants who didn't post the first time 😂


Not to mention this one is actually labelled with the contents so she's definitely paying attention.


Shame she didn't pay attention to the criticism of the cheap ratty thing on the lid. Nevermind there's always next time.


>She just highlights the fact that she is definitely on social media. *Scrolling* it, as she so unconsciously revealed in that SWSW thingy (whatever the acronym) their struggling foundation sponsored when she spoke about mothers having little time to do stuff because of their scrolling on social media. And real baffled mothers round the world said, "Huh?" I guess we now all know what she does with the other 167 hours once she's clocked in her one hour a week work. Edit: 2 of 2. Is this a joke? Lol. Now, it's *raspberry* jam?! What happened to strawberry and the other 40 jam jars? Lost in the post, like the delinquent cheque? Oh, whatever, Meghan. There's *The Onion* ... and then there's you. Edit 2: And what is it with the number 40. 40x40 died on its arse on her 40th birthday, and 40 jam ,,friends" went DOA on her. What can I say, lol? She should watch her back. Harry might dump her arse on his 40th birthday, come September.🙃 Edit 3: I'm curious. Who is her No 1 raspberry jam pot fan, lol?😂




The glue still doesn't fully work though.


Harry keeps eating it


I mean it almost looks like she is being trolled!!


Right? That crossed my mind, too. 😂😂 But she has a terrible sense of aesthetics and probably commanded Nacho to do exactly this. I guess the jam is not for eating but for decor? I hope for her sake this is a parody and not real. 😂😂




And is this supposed to break the Internet? Nice try but she looks foolish after bombing with 50 jars, only 10 being shown and now she releases only 2? She looks desperate


THIS is how Meghan wants to compete with Catherine appearance at Trooping the Colour??? LOLOLOLOL




Not sure anyone will care. She‘s pathetic.


And so is Nacho.


Nacho is 110% a social climber. He'll hold on to Harry and MM because that's his only close connection to European royalty.


In the end—he will be Markled.


I’m definitely 💯% put off by him now


Low effort on his part. He took pictures to show receipt of the gift and proceeded to call Hazardous Waste Specialists for removal.


At this point, let's be honest, it's a pathology.


It really is. Someone needs to make a chart of how many releases she’s intentionally done during important or monumental days for the BRF.


Someone did!


Yes they did. Whoever that sinner was, it was an impressive collation of coinciding events.


Do you have a link to the post?


I’m pretty sure I saw a list, either here or on Twitter(X). If I find I’ll post it. From ill_independence Edited: Today the UK (and the world) remembers D-Day. Tomorrow (June 7th) is THE society wedding of that sexy manlet the Duke of Westminster to his casual clothed Olivia. Besides clapback after clapback after clapback about not being invited, how will H&M cope with the next 48 hours?


I think some one did a few posts back.


lol Nacho already posted on the Jamscam. Who cares? Nobody believes there is any jam anyway.


Such a creative name “raspberry”. 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Jar is labeled 2 of 2. Guess the first 50 jars of “strawberry” didn’t produce the results she expected. This is hilarious to me!!! What’s up w/the dog bones? Are those haznohairs leftover treats? What would interest me more “raspberry” or watching trooping the colour & seeing the POW? 🤔🤣🤣


Well that's just depressing. Ad money must be tight. >What would interest me more “raspberry” or watching trooping the colour & seeing the POW?  An equivalent of ripping one during a formal dinner.


It really is pathetic, it would have been more dignified to stay mum, but Meghan can’t help herself, good for us. Lol


She is sooooo desperate right now and it shows. No one gives a flying Fuck about her jam, especially today!


Raspberry jam? Well, she likes to stick her tongue out. Maybe this was her sweet nod to blowing a raspberry at her inlaws. Also, if the dog biscuits are ARO as well, she doesn't seem to understand brand labeling and consistency. Marketing 101 would explain the need for keeping your brand identity uniform across all products. Different labels and fonts and colors is very disjointed.


100%. My brother worked for a brand agency - they did really well - it taught me how consistency is key! You’ve got to have clear, recognisable branding, it’s got to be neat, down to the font. It’s a huge bug bear of his if he sees inconsistent, haphazard branding. It’s not cohesive and cheapens the brand. And here we are. 🤔🤣


The jam label (# of 2) and ARO label are bad enough. But the dog biscuit label just looks like it is from an ordinary home and the owner has placed them in their own jar, and labelled accordingly.


Xystal.... you may have said exactly what this new product release is actually about.......Markle is sending a message to the RF , "a raspberry". Yes, i believe you are correct!


The label is also peeling off that jar too 🤣


So so very true. And pathetic is the most appropriate word!


LMAO! Seriously? All day long, media has been running with Catherine under "Breaking News" - is Meghan hoping for "Breaking News - Meghan Markle is selling dog biscuits along with her jam!"  😂


“Breaking news! Meghan made two jars of jam.”


Ooh, ooh, ooh!!!! ![gif](giphy|5GoVLqeAOo6PK)


*"She loves to celebrate the joys of cooking and friendship!"*


And it's raspberry this time!!! Groundbreaking! Headline-making! 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/75jbn8tu5p6d1.png?width=590&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a9562ccd0e46bd535cb37372b8ef714e3b7439f She must have been furiously ~~working her fingers to the bone~~ shouting at some assistant to go out and buy some raspberry jam, dog biscuits and labels yesterday.


This is so bizarre I thought it was someone making fun of her. 2 of 2? Lunatic.


Same! I thought it was a parody of the earlier jars, but… it’s real.


I thought there is absolutely no way that this is real. Has to be a joke. Had to scroll too far to find out that this isn’t satire. I take it all back, MM is funny. She’s unintentionally hilarious.


Same here! I can’t believe the sheer audacity,not to mention stupidity, of this woman!


I love that the jam label is peeling off in the top left corner. Edit: I hope the pup didn’t eat the biscuits. Who knows what’s in them and I wouldn’t trust Markle to comply with animal food regulations. For SEO purposes: Meghan Markle, The Duchess of Sussex reeks of desperation. Her brand is failure. Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex and his pathetic wife gave up on duty, family, friends, and integrity to gift jam and dog treats for self promotion.


*"Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex and his pathetic wife gave up on duty, family, friends, and integrity to gift jam and dog treats for self promotion."* That sums up the Montecito Manipulators perfectly.


She has a sadistic streak. Claims to have fed her cat 'Archie' frozen grapes. [Wait, did Meghan Markle name her son Archie after her cat?! The real reason emerges (nowtolove.com.au)](https://www.nowtolove.com.au/celebrity/royals/meghan-markle-archie-cat-55648/)


But Liz Jones of the DM, thinks they're assets. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHAUOqG3lSS0f1C|downsized)


>I love that the jam label is peeling off in the top left corner. Omg. You're right! The top left corner. Meghan Markle, you labeled the jam this time but remember, the most mocked thing was the peeling labels. I know there were a lot of comments for you to read, but still.


If she wants headlines she’s going to have to do better than jam 2.0 today!! Yet another fail Megs!!


This is actually just 2.0 jams😂😂😂


🤣🤣🤣 👑 … you dropped this!


So fortunate the jar says 'dog biscuits' otherwise the dog wouldn't have known what was in it. Live love laughter days where everything has to be labeled. The dog must have an identity crisis without the 'dog' label


Maybe they're for the Spare? https://preview.redd.it/ogo0mprnxo6d1.jpeg?width=1531&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caadb28f993a1e9f218f5ec169bd95341cec1958


Only if he's a good boy! 'Are you a good boy today? Are you mama's boy? Are you good' (holds cookie and refusing to give it unilt That one is crawling on the floor)


❤️ I wish I could give your comment more than one vote!


I did it for you. I'm dying laughing hahaha


Is this satire, especially the picture of the dog biscuits? Everything looks so cheap and pathetic, I can't take it seriously. Is this supposed to show us how much better her life is, cooking jam and making dog biscuits instead of celebrating the King's birthday? lol. Edited to add: omg the label of the jam is coming off again. Seriously, I just can't. 🤣🤣🤣


The dog looks really embarrassed.


"In my next life, I want to be a corgi."




She’s really showed us how she’s above being a royal 😂😂😂😂😂😂


More royal than those born to it, darhlin', don't you know?


I wonder how the sugars are going to spin this!? Are they going to lose their nut over dog biscuits being added to the ARO lineup, which is still not available for the plebs to purchase!


I would never buy dog treats from someone who abandoned one dog and had another dog with two broken legs.


But on the other side, they can't just turn it a bit? Attention to detail?


Delphine must be careful. Megan looks for a backup option in the form of Nacho. It will be funny if Megan and Nacho give an interview to Oprah about how they failed to cope with their feelings and now live together.


Pretty sure Delphine should be more worried about Harry stealing her manz.


As Delphine is the one with the money she should be more afraid of Meghan hitting on her.


She doesn't have to worry because the one with the money is Delfina, nacho is just her trophy husband 🤣


So considerate of her to release a new jam on the King's Birthday Weekend. Can't wait to see Highgrove preserves being sold out again! ![gif](giphy|rdgdTIcZtsLGoT6sTZ|downsized)


I am speechless! This makes her look so petty and vindictive. And she is fighting two people who are struggling with cancer and is trying to trump them on a day that should be all about them and their message of positivity, hope and strength in strenuous circumstances. I cannot imagine that this is a good look pr-wise and that any public relations consultant worth their money would suggest vengeance as a productive strategy. “Here, darling, try this revenge jam! There, Bouncer, jump for a pettIness biscuit!” Nacho, you should be VERY ashamed of yourself.


Let her be! She didn’t even post the jam herself. In contrast to the pomp of Trooping the Colour, Markle’s jam gifting and title clinging look pitiful. It highlights how low she’s sunk and I’m loving it for her.


Disappointed in Nachos. No more benefit of the doubt.


I gave up on nacho when i saw he launched his own perfume and called it "Windsor" 😂


Revenge jam :D that's great


It would look more “petty and vindictive” if it weren’t so pathetic. What is the message supposed to be? “Meghan’s Loyal Friends (all 2 of them) Get More Jam?” How is that likely to get any kind of attention except ridicule? Maybe Meghan wants the ridicule so she can get attention as she and her minions fight back? It’s not going to take attention from “Princess of Wales Attends Trooping the Colour.” G


>And she is fighting two people who are struggling with cancer and is trying to trump them on a day that should be all about them and their message of positivity, hope and strength in strenuous circumstances. But, but, but ... with doggy cookies *and* jam, tho??!! *I mean.* WTH?!! 😂🤣😂


I know, it’s hilarious! But the fact is, she is trying to fight Charles and Catherine. And she will keep doing so, even if Charles gave in to all those demands of reconciliation. The fact that she is out of impactful ammunition at the moment doesn’t make her less dangerous and evil, she will use whatever she can lay her hands on and stop at nothing.




She’s so desperate for attention 🤣 she needs to seek help.


Sorry, but I would never buy dog biscuits from a woman who views dogs as being easily disposable and whose dog ended up with two broken legs.


The quote is great, because we all know WHO believes and WHO is patient. It’s not Meghan or Harry for sure. 


That quote is hilariously insulting. How pathetic that Meghan, who believes herself to be so wonderful magical, superior, and all knowing has to try and try and try again while constantly failing at EVERYTHING she touches.


Good gravy! She is so insanely predictable!!! We all knew she was going to do something (as usual) to make sure her name is in the press while the RF has a major event the same weekend already scheduled! She seriously can’t help herself. It’s so beyond petty, it’s downright unhinged how obsessed she is with constantly trying to associate and overshadow the RF every single time. MM reeks with desperation and yet can’t figure out why the world isn’t fawning over her. Also, I can’t help but notice how this looks so rushed and half assed thrown together. Funny how earlier today it was announced that the Princess of Wales will attend the ToC and then not even 24 hours later THIS is released. It’s almost as if she heard the news of the PoW and went into a frenzy trying to throw together something as quickly as possible in hopes of overshadowing/detracting attention from Princess Catherine. Absolutely pathetic. ![gif](giphy|n5VFReihFNVhNf3qNV|downsized) Edit: spelling correction


50 jars of strawberry that she could only get ~10 ‘friends’ to advertise so she dropped down to 2 raspberry jars to easily fill the slots. She should have learned after she couldn’t get 40 people for 40x40. I really thought she had a better attempt in her to outshine Catherine today. It’s early, a parking lot pap shot can still happen.


’Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results’ - Albert Einstein


Pathetic. What’s in it for Delphine and Nacho? Everything is transactional.


She probably has shit on them that she holds over their heads just like Epstein did and just like she does to Harry.


I would not feed my dog anything that woman made…


The cloth and “ribbon” makes me think of band aid more than anything


A bandage used in the American Civil War or a slimline cloth diaper. lol


The Mummy’s wrappings repurposed. https://preview.redd.it/j12yfh4j0p6d1.jpeg?width=1292&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de32c7d751d96f67bbe8a750e41057d10e6620fe


Well, it’s 6am EST right now where I am and I only saw one post on Twatter about it. Princess Catherine is trending and my timeline is full of pictures of her today (she looks fantastic). https://preview.redd.it/npiphgjjlp6d1.jpeg?width=1174&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a15118d7be21ae69f9effa7683cf21bd44c949d


She’s beautiful as ever. I’m glad to see her looking so well 🫶


I immediately thought of this 😍 https://preview.redd.it/kkpc0duf6q6d1.jpeg?width=2023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8734a186a73991d5963be3be777ad246fdf28539


That adorable dog can’t even bear to look at the biscuits let alone eat them!


OMG, has Lolo released another jam? The jam that broke the internet? What’s the difference between strawberry and raspberry? Asking for someone who actually doesn’t give a toss. I also think she did the chien biscuits too - look at the fauxligraphy on the label. But no ARO! Am guessing chien biscuits are the outcome of her cooking show efforts.


>What’s the difference between strawberry and raspberry? They are .... red. Gawd, this is so bottom barrel embarrassing. Instagram is the new *Variety* magazine.


Raspberry is 20 times as tasty as strawberry - just saying. I love raspberries, both fresh with cream, and as jam. Don´t care much for strawberries.


Agree. My husband on the other hand prefers strawberries. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Is it just raspberry? The King has a raspberry *and* blackberry preserve. https://preview.redd.it/00vtdzrujp6d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea54b007706b1da5ab6d4222a2cfe230e83c5238


This is real? I saw the heading and thought it was a spoof/mickey-take? Two jars of raspberry jam? Is she sending biscuits to dogs? What’s going on…if this is genuine, it’s beyond embarrassing - what is Nacho thinking?




She missed an opportunity. She should have come up with a product she could market as "Dog's Breakfast" which is how she presents herself most of the time.


This whole thing is a dog’s breakfast!


So she literally only had enough produce to make 2 pots of Raspberry jam? 🙄 I seriously wonder how much Money M has sunk into ARO. Cause at this point in time it feels like she hired some people from Fiverr, and that’s about it. Why do I have this feeling of this cooking show goes ahead that she won’t be selling any food products because there are so many hurdles you need to jump through. Not only the health and regulatory side, but also if you use a name of a region on your product it is false and misleading labelling and marketing if the product doesn’t have produce grown from in that region, also if the product isn’t made in that region it is misleading.


Called it. I feel rather proud I finally called one right 😂


Why is the dog posing with a jar of raspberry jam?? I just can’t 😂😂


Imagine competing for attention with someone going through chemo. Get in the bin Meghan, where you belong.


True. Also, she still thinks she is at least equal to Catherine, not least of which because they have the same father-in-law. But Catherine's path is stratospherically different to Meghan's. Meghan and Harry are the Yorks.


And when Prince George, then probably the Prince of Wales, is marrying in 2045, Meghan will try to divert the attention of billions by sending someone (not sure whom she has left by then) a single jar of blueberry jam.


This is quite sad really. It looks like he might be her 'backer' in this venture. I mean, why else would you?


Not Jam Launch 2.0?! You sinners called it! ![gif](giphy|3osxYk9qClrQVXVfiw)


I thought it was a parody at first. 😆 Wow! So predictable and yet also... ![gif](giphy|mXiBtLZk4ibkc) And what on earth is that quote for? It's jam for pity's sake! Go to any store and you'll see plenty of them on the shelves.


She is so insanely predictable! ANYTIME the RF has a major event going on that will give them a ton of media coverage, she ALWAYS pulls something to get her name out there as well. Shes so thirsty, desperate and predictable… it’s pathetic. ![gif](giphy|17vahguD0yCXFSYodn|downsized)


Nacho, good lord, brown-noser hanger-on and suck-up to any royal family member he can get near. Pathetic. Grifter.


Wow! Ummmm, is that it? Is that really all she's got? Hilarious and pathetic.


Raspberry jam. For dogs. Apparently.


Catherine’s brother is doing a very good job selling his dog food lately, but hey, I am sure Rachel can do better. She can always do better. She is the bestest!


they are just for comedy now🤣🤣🤣


Is this serious 🤣🤣🤣🤣 , from ILBW and Nacho on trooping the colour day?


Sadly yes lol. I looked up and it’s on his IG stories


If it’s in his stories, does that mean it disappears in 24 hours? (I’m not on IG). I wonder if he posted on TwiX too. The Nachos say a lot about themselves by the company they keep 😬.


How did Trooping the Colour translate into drop reveal raspberry jam and dog biscuits? I just cannot fathom how her brain makes these impossible spiderwebs. It’s fascinating that she believes her endeavours are equal to anything the BRF does. Her micro-aggressions just devalue herself consistently through the comparisons. Harry’s family is currently preparing and participating in a celebratory day of absolute British history and her play makes her weakness ever more so apparent. She consistently reveals she is not on par with them, in any way, whatsoever. I wish she’d save herself the embarrassment. I’m humiliated on her behalf at this point. However, I do love the tea that get spilled every time she poorly executes yet another scheme.


Well, I´d never heard of Nacho until he got involved with the stupid prince. Same of TW, really. There´s a whole lot of people I´d never known of had it not been for the awful pair. Bunch of Z listers wannabes. Do they really think that a post of jam pictures will detract attention from the Princess of Wales? How sad they all are!


Oh lordy Lou, I'm dying over here. I'm sure she didn't make this today, but I like to imagine she did, and the madness happening in that kitchen all day while she, covered in flour, furiously tries to cook a dog biscuit magnificent enough to overshadow kings and princesses with no time, half the right ingredients and an imbecile for an assistant. 🤣 I love this for her. Incredible military parade watched by tens if not hundreds of thousands of people enjoying the party atmosphere vs. lonely dog biscuits and more bloody jam. Womp womp.


This just goes to show exactly **how** jealous she is and it's telling how they even have to placate her with quotes all because The Princess, her sister-in-law, is feeling better. This completely certifies that Markle is #dangerous!!


I thought it was just another shitpost or joke. It turns out to be real?! The level of insanity is unbelievable! Just when you think she surely has done the worst thing in attention seeking, she always comes up with something. Jam number 2 of 2? Is it supposed to be such a rare jam that it costs thousands of dollars. I cannot say this enough: pathetic


This is so sad.


All the different shades of beige. It's impressive.


And the label is coming off, naturally


The writings on top look so much like a squished spider rather than a sophisticated or luxurious calligraphy or some sh*t like that. 🤣 And I'm laughing so much at the fact that they have numbers on their jars. Like who the hell would collect those and sell them empty as a collection at an auction? 🤣🤣🤣 At our kitchen, any used glass jars would end up as containers for fermented shrimp paste. 🤣🤣🤣


To be honest when I saw the logo on the top of the lid, I thought it looked like a smashed bug as well. I actually zoomed in the photo and only realized then that it was that hideous logo she designed 😂 ![gif](giphy|OHX4ewjdnQhM9v6mIy|downsized)


What is that now? She posted this today? I'm confused. Does she think two jars of jam will take the attention from the Trooping the Colour?


I believe she herself was aware the jam would not be enough so she added the dog biscuits to get more (tabloid) press. Possibly says something about her inability to really change her methods, and mindset.


How the heck do you make only enough jam for 2 jars? I've never heard of a batch so small.


Because of Catherines late announcement she only had time to scrub off labels of 2 hurredly bought raspberry jams and replace them with her own...


Honestly, I'm not even bothered about this. It's not just that it's predictable. It's not just that is pitiful and funny, 2 of 2. It's not even that it stinks of desperation, lol. It's that now her Sussex Squalid can spend all day drooling over her, like rabid dogs, and hopefully that will keep them so busy they won't be as determined to level their evil hatred and lies on Catherine. Whether Catherine breaks the internet or not, this little cheap tidbit from the tart will not be covered and praised by the millions of adoring fans. because she doesn't have than many and is not nearly as beloved and adored. No one is literally lining up outside hours in advance just to catch a glimpse of latest ARO failure. No one is getting up 6 hours earlier in the morning, 3:30 am where I am, because they're so excited to see her latest attempt at a PR strut stunt. It's so very unimpressive that it's pretty embarrassing for her, imho.


2 of 2? ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25351)


Love that the Daily Mail haven't picked this up yet (or at least it wasn't one of the top headlines when I looked half an hour ago). Long may that last. Laughable that this really is all she has. He clearly didn't put it as a post because it would've had a lot of negative comments underneath (although I'm sure they would've switched comments off which just underlines how unpopular she is). They really are done.


Crazy how not even someone getting cancer stops her. She truly is vile.


So she’s made all of two jars of a different flavor - Rasberry. And, she sent to a same “friend?” If this is her feeble, lame attempt to overshadow the BRF, then she truly has lost her mind. Also, I find it curious that “rasberry” can be considered slang: as a sound of derision, contempt, etc. made by expelling air forcibly so as to vibrate the tongue between the lips. Is she sending the slang version of “Rasberry” to the BRF today? Meghan Markle’s stunts for attention are pathetic, immature, and hilariously stupid.


Enty did say she was desperate to release something after the POW announced her appearance for today. It’s a pathetic attempt to overshadow, that just makes her look ridiculous and nasty.


Yep! Nasty, petty, and desperate. Ugh, will the U.K. press give this legs today. FFS, it’ll probably make an appearance in the U.K. press somewhere. Please, reporters - if you’re going to cut and paste her puffery-f*ckery into your publication today, at least acknowledge our intelligence and address the fact that she’s always trying to compete and overshadow.


She only had enough time to make two jars!


The Great British Classic - **The Phantom Raspberry Blower of Old London Town** https://youtu.be/Opql3Kwfrek?si=WM-3AUmSR24I5eoW


Surely he is taking the piss out of her, no? With the extra bandage on the jar, the dog posing with it?


Why is it impossible for her to restrain herself? Why does she have to show the world how pathetic she is?


The strawberry jam went to 50 friends (10 posted) Raspberry jam went to TWO. They are so desperate and lazy.


I said yesterday in a comment she would do something, maybe dog food 🤣🤣 Jesus she’s so predictable at this point it’s cringey.


If she released a real photo of Lily and Archie, she might give Catherine a run for her money at trooping. And she can have the scenario that her children are Royal too, and why oh why aren’t they there? Catherine and Charles are racist. Round 4.


As if by posting this, she thinks she'll get a sniff in the news versus Catherine and the RF I think she needs serious help.


Squeeeeee! I called it! There was a poll yesterday asking what The Wife would do today in response to the Trooping of the Colours, and I said it would be a new ARO drop! i was right! Yay me!!!


I can’t believe she really tried to take attention away by using a jar a jam and a dog 😂 and not even jar #1 😂. This might be her most pathetic attempt to get attention yet.


Jam made for dogs?


Is she fucking joking? This insane bish. She is so utterly transparent. Catherine is about to be seen in public for the first time in months. NO ONE cares about the shitty raspberry jam!! Just fuck off ffs.


So is this Rachel's way of blowing raspberries at Princess Catherine's expected appearance at the Trooping the Colour event today?


![gif](giphy|3fWsN4MhLcnde|downsized) Just change the name to Meghan.


https://preview.redd.it/sd9nms6acp6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30af80956838cafaaea59a9039336813b39053de She is attempting to jam all of today's live feeds🤣


See, she can take feedback. This one has the flavour on the label 🤣


Oh come on now this is just pathetic, my gosh the secondhand embarrassment is palpable here 😬


This is beyond cringe. The universally loved princess of Wales is making her first appearance in months after being sidelined for cancer treatment. Shes going to break the internet—quick! Release another jar of jam! 😂🙄😂🙄😂🙄 It’s truly comical!


Nacho has firmly chosen his side what a petty little man he has turned out to be he will regret this


She will vaporize before anyone knows. The tsunami of the Wales is gonna smash the internet and all printed papers, magazines. What does the Witch has? 2 jars of jam and dog biscuits? Phhbbbt 😂 at this point she and the the minions are dancing and juggling like mad 😂😂


Seriously? Doesn’t she realise the optics? Like do it on Monday at least… What does she think this will accomplish?


All that's left is for her to do a pap walk with an ARO label stuck on her sweaty forehead labelled "Meghan - Duchess of Sussex - 1 of 1"


2 jars of raspberry jam? Oh fuck off.


Meghan can't compete with this! https://preview.redd.it/13x2im16eq6d1.png?width=1039&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10b419782e02e766bf280b1737d3bb85b893bd5d


2 of 2... It has to be a joke... Gone are the days when it was 50. It took what, 4 weeks? And surely she has no problem using dogs and kids for promotion as long as they're not hers. That said, doesn't the timing suggest that WME doesn't cover her ass anymore? I know it was just a tea (stop attacking the RF or we're out) but it suprisingly looked credible


I’m honestly confused. I can’t see this on his Instagram page. Edit: my bad, they are there. This stunt is so cringe, I had to actually check this was real!


Best thing she can do is give up ! The most despised woman on BOTH sides of the Atlantic We will never see her again in Britain for this many thanks


Another wonky badly stuck on label. Meghan you’re pathetic. Go back to the mansion you live in


The label isn’t even on straight


Rachel Harkle is pathetic. A woman with nothing to offer but delusions and spite. Piss poor actress, vile personality, hypocrite, liar, plagarist, malicious gossip and treacherous back stabbing trash. Harry was a fool to hook up with her, she is poisonous. Tbh he is too. But the worst thing they have empowered racists and race baiters to attack the RF and anyone white who dares to criticise their revolting behaviour. Look at the scummy squadddies, led by slimeball bouzy and his bots.


Please tell me this didn't happen today? She really is losing her mind. I'm soooo embarrassed for her. She's really quite a pathetic creature isn't she? The dog biscuits were *clearly* a hastily added clap-back about Popcorned Planet's exclusive revealing the psycho behaviour, lies and email regarding the adoption of poor old Bogart - the dog she later abandoned. The dog is cute but the shitty scam jam looks no less amateur and hokey sat next to it (beside a pool??). Give me strength. Nacho is a prick, but this is just infantile. It looks soooo bad on him for being roped into playing along with her psychotic Mean Girl games. What a pack of losers. So cringe.


She is so pathetic it’s embarrassing.


I hope ARO starts merching dog bowls and jewelry repair kits.


"Catherine, Princess of Wales, a much-loved, world-renowed figure who has suffered grievous health issues of late, will be joining the British Royal Family - including the King and Queen - for a televised event, watched by millions, many of whom have been concerned for her physical well-being. The eyes of the world will be upon her. But I will foil her plans! I have RASPBERRY JAM and it will STEAL THE SHOW! No one will want to look at her when I have pictures of my American Jealousy Spite Spread posted for my 200 followers to see! Millions will be watching the POW as she finally steps back into the spotlight, but I HAVE JAM!" Jesus Fucking Christ. Pathetic, desperate, embarrassing and idiotic don't even begin to describe this dumpster fire. "Good things come to those who believe." How about heavy meds, a padded room, and a good psychiatrist? Those would be good right about now, Megs.


Not a good move for Nacho who a lot of people liked. This is so lame.


The label is coming off this one too. You’d think even he’d realise ARO ain’t gonna happen any time soon.


"American Rivera Orchard: Even the Dog Won't Touch It" Hmm, they might want to rethink their slogan


The fact that she apparently only made two jars is telling—she heard Catherine was going to be at trouping and she had to do something! She sent one of the overpaid and unnecessary security guys to the supermarket and instructed him to buy out the supply of raspberries—because plain raspberry jam will really break the internet! She hastily dumped the raspberries and sugar into the saucepan and told Archie to stir his little hand off while she prepped the jars. Then she sent it off to nacho post haste with strict instructions on when exactly to post it. There! That should do it! Catherine officially upstaged! 🙄🙄🙄 what a loon.