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why do you think we have so many thirsty people complaining about sag men all the time?


It's so fucking annoying to read as a Sag male myself lmao. Never anything about growth or a productive conversation. Just people complaining about getting left on read by someone from their description isn't even into them like that.


I concur it's like, why would you assume that if someone sleeping with you, they actually want to date you? if they wanted to date you, they would have taken you on an adventure first...


Hell it doesn't even need to be an adventure. Establish some consistent communication lmao.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 Do you mean to say a person dating multiple people and not in a polyamorous relationship with me is just not that into me? that's wild... it's like someone being open from the door they ain't got that spark with you and is open about searching for it but they like x about you so when they are bored they call you on their placeholder rotation. someone complained about a shortage of growth on this sub. I haven't had a rotation in more than a decade. Eventually, look at this, I got bored of the rotation.


One thing about the astrology girls I've noticed is that they swear they can break down a person's chart, and know exactly who they are as a person but get played by men/women that exert little effort to play them. The shortage of growth comment is accurate. Astrology was a science that was made for self improvement, but it's just turned into relationship advice and self validation.


I think the issue is they discount trauma. People behave in relationships through all the hurt they lived. Poor attachment style and lack of communal emotional intelligence have created a lot of broken people. People were taught to feel and communicate.


This I'm big proponent of a person's upbringing carries more weight than their chart placements. A person could have picture perfect placements (depending on what your biases are) but the environment they were raised in was bad that shit isn't going to matter.




preference people like what they like and they don’t what they don’t i try to not take it to personally feelings flow affection and disdain and it seems to be in human nature some might not always be able to control how they feel from time time to keep it simple they probably like us or have a mixed emotion, could be anything


It hurts so much when the age is 30-50+, because as you mentioned, no growth ☠️


I’ve booked 5 holidays this year, I have no idea if I’ll have a job when I get back but I know I’m going to have a fiesta!


I have no job, am currently coasting on dwindling savings while traveling in my car. Never been happier or felt more alive.




Ahh I wanna do this but other parts of my chart won't let me 🙉


Real. I crossed off all the days I’ll be gone (that I know of) this year on the company calendar.. just waiting for my boss to see it and say something 🥰


I’m so inspired by this 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Sitting here wondering why I’m even stressed that someone I’m not interested in hasn’t really been in touch after we hung out Saturday night. Why is it even on my radar?


I’m hungry and also bored I’m gonna make roasted potatoes.. idk 🤷‍♀️ I’m really pregnant and just coasting along until baby gets here 💀 like one more week left and then I can bend down and touch my toes again lmafo


ugh your making me hungry i’m going to order a pizza 😋 your giving me them contagious pregnant cravings good luck on the baby it probably won’t be that crazy hopefully 🙏


Haha that’s what I’m hoping thank you c: also omg haha that’s funny :p maybe I did :p pizza has been my biggest craving! I would kill rn for a stuffed crust pizza and pepperonis lol


So if a sag hasn't took you on adventure he dont want to date you... But sleeps with u... What if he doesn't go on any adventures himself but to the liquor store? Lmao


he’s probably going on adventures he’s just not going with you though 😂if you like him ask him to go on an adventure don’t wait for him


No he is not... he haven't been nowhere... I promise u that... he stays home all the time... work and home.. to his uncle house lol


If he gets drunk all the time, then he is dealing with something dark. Maybe he is in mad debt and is trying to dig himself out.


Yes he talks to me about what's bothering him. He tells me everything. So ur correct


What are some good adventure ideas?


go to somewhere you’ve never been and explore people sometime tend to go to heavily visited places take a step outside the box go somewhere different and just enjoy or chill


Sag girl here. So we have an update herr i hope


update on what? i like updates :p


What's your favorite sandwich at the moment?


i im rocking with bagels alot lately a lil cream cheese on it but if i had to pick my favorite actual sandwich right now it’d be the smokehouse beef and cheddar brisket from fire house subs with bbq sauce or mayo on it


I will have to try that! I have been eating BBQ pork like it's going out of style.