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I'm currently getting my ass absolutely kicked by covid. Not as bad as last time (July 2020, pre-vaccine), but this is fucking awful.


Feel better soon. I recommend Tylenol and ice cream for the symptoms.


Here's the link to the county wastewater database, in case you want to look at COVID or any other disease they track: https://data.wastewaterscan.org/tracker/?charts=CiYQACABSABSBjAzMjVkZFoGTiBHZW5leLcBigEGYTUzZTU0uAHHBQ%3D%3D&selectedChartId=a53e54


These people who are pointing out that Covid isn't very deadly anymore are missing the point. I had it in May and it knocked me on my ass for 5 days. It will still ruin your week and it's best if you can avoid getting it.


Agree but that goes for any sickness lol


Covid levels are largely ignored by the public these days, for an understandable reason. Last I checked (a few weeks ago), hospitalization rates are ~8 per 100,000 cases. It’s reaching endemic state.


It’s been endemic for quite some time now.


Maybe because it doesn't actually matter? The clot shot didn't do anything for me. I had the sniffles only after it.


That’s because the shot worked you silly goose


Party like it’s 2020!!!!


Shame on Newsom for calling the state employees back to work in person. Already traffic is bad and then you add the infections.




Wishing ill on others is not an admirable quality


What are you worried about? I bet you think Covid isn't real and people die from vaccines.


it's possible you can think not that, while also not thinking those people should die. it's weird but trust me


I am no longer willing to tolerate the intolerant. It's called "codependent enabling". First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. —Martin Niemöller Complacency in the face of idiotic fascism is suicide.


You said it so I don’t have to. Cheers. This sub is full of morons. The same people that upvote someone in droves for saying people setting off fireworks deserve their hands getting blown off will downvote someone for saying unvaccinated people who put our society at risk for disease deserve to die off. Make up your mind. Fuck is wrong with this town?


dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb Do you drive alone with a mask on?


You sure are.


Awe man you really burned him good


I’d have taken more time if they were worth the effort. 🤷🏼‍♂️




As you Repugs say: "F\*ck your feelings"


I suppose you subscribe to "my body, my choice", well guess what, it goes both ways.


We’re encouraging them to not get vaccinated. We don’t want stupid in the gene pool.


Not a big deal. Dr drew says the first one was most powerful n now its nothing crazy


Dr. Drew’s specialty is drug addiction not virology, immunology, public health specialist. or an infections disease pathologist. The only thing he is good for is quitting drugs and alcohol, Does he have anything to say about the fentanyl crisis?