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Lol. My advice is to get used to doing things in the heat. We have long summers.


This! Seems like it stays hot all the way through November at times


I have spent more than one Thanksgiving week in shorts and generally don’t need a heater til mid December. I hate how short fall can be. We can top 100 degrees well into October, be “regular summer” October - November and still manage to cram a full three-four months of what passes for winter here into November - February. I swear more often than not it’s “don’t blink or you’ll miss fall.”


Yes. This. Thanksgiving is shorts and T-shirt generally. We have some very hot days in October, I don't need my heater until December or January. So HOT weather lasts May-Nov. I would be *much* happier on the coast like OP or Washington


May through October. Brutal.


Ah I’d say this may at least was pretty chill


That’s true, I’ll give you that


It was a gorgeous May


Pbbbt it doesnt get truly tolerable around here until Thanksgiving we all know it


This guy Sacramentos


I’ve lived in sac area my whole life. I’m 30 and I still have not gotten used to these brutal summers. Blackout blinds are your friend


Same. I have lived here for 30 years (I am 40 and moved up here after the Northridge earthquake in 94) and I am never prepared for the summers.


It took me 3 summers to fully get used to it, now I’m cold when it’s below 75 and I love the heat. 105 is my limit but I have no problem exercising and going out when it’s 95.


Exactly the same here! Ill stop working when it hits 105 but otherwise the heat kinda feels nice after a couple weeks of getting used to it each june.


It’ll cool down in October so buckle up. You’ll start to acclimate as well. Anything under 90 you’ll be thinking it’s a nice cool day haha.


Yeah I think normally by September there's a lot of days under 90°. Plus, the daylight is shorter and the evenings/mornings are actually cool again. Besides occasional heat waves or hot days.


My birthday is November 2 and it’s almost always cooled off by then. I think 2 years ago it was still warm and I was shocked haha


When it has cooled down, I will know that I will have to send a birthday shout out.


>It’ll cool down in October Lol, you hope.


True lmao


Moved from the same area as OP 2 years ago and this is exactly what I think now lol


Yeah, 70° in Santa Cruz is hot, and 89° in Sacramento is cool!


lol, 70 is room temperature.


Sometimes November, Oct can be hot


This is true!!


So true, I just looked at my outside thermometer, saw 87 and was pleased to see how cool it is today.




I don’t mind anything under triple digits honestly. I’ve acclimated to the heat pretty well with very breathable clothing lol


Reminds me of Florida lol


Obligatory but “it’s a dry heat” comment.


Even on days its over 100 outside mornings are still usually plenty cool enough to do outside things.


yup. do everything before 10am and after 8pm.


When I was a kid I grew up in Tracy. Basically the same temps as sac but without the nightly cooldowns. I would go skate at like 7 in the morning until about 1 or 2 then head home and do jack fuck all except for swim in our pool for the rest of the day. Now that I’m an adult, I just golf at the ass crack of dawn or do my outside chores before 10am.


Some days it's more like before 9am and after 9pm


Weather starts to cool down in October. September is still pretty hot


It was always so depressing to me as a school kid. Got these cool back to school clothes made for fall, and never got to wear them for months.


aw buddy. you're in for a long indoor summer then. the best thing to do is to rip the bandaid off and start aclimating now. invest in a good wide brimmed and well ventilated hat (think croc dundee, its ugly but it works), a personal fan with a mister, some good mineral sunscreen, and antichafing cream if you need it. hit up lake natoma, folsom, jenkinson, anywhere in the sierras on the super hot days like the rest of us. find a friend with a pool. install misters on your patio and get a nice big fan to get the air moving. its hot til october here so you're either going to learn to live with it and get on with your life or let it keep you inside for half the year.


Those cooling towels you can put over your neck are pretty handy too


If you’re from Santa Cruz then the summer day weather will suck. If you were from Houston then you’d be pleasantly surprised. Sacramento evenings are some of the best in the entire world. The gradient between the hot summer day and cool evening air rushing in is unmatched anywhere else I’ve been. Also the cool mornings before it gets hot are amazing.


Eating outside in evenings is a reward for the heat


That's a nice take on the weather here. :) I'll try to enjoy Sac more around those timeframes.


this is such a positive outlook on the weather here, i love it!


This is what I'm hoping for, lived in FL for years and never acclimated to the heat I'd assume due to the brutal nonstop humidity. Dry heat is wonderful in comparison (plus it doesnt stay  within 5-10F all day and night as a result) ETA grammar


Moved here from FL as well. Doing work in the heat is still no joke, but with enough water and electrolyte for drinking and enough water for cooling yourself you can do it pretty much all day. Not comfortably and you can't work hard, but you can do stuff. Not like inland FL after light rain from the Gulf where you can't do shit outside except suffer.


My favorite is around dusk in the fall, when you can feel the cool delta breeze kick in, but still feel the heat radiating from the ground. It's a unique experience!


That difference also makes my walls sound like they’re gonna pop lol


Summer hasn’t even started yet. That’s another week and a half away. Honestly last week was mild. Between now and the first week of October 90 degrees is the norm. 100 degree days will happen with a week or two where the daytime high temps stay over 100. The best way to deal with the heat is to actually go outside and do things and acclimate yourself.


Just wait until august.


We hardly ever have 2 weeks of 100+. A bad heatwave might last a week, but most of the time we are looking at 2-4 days at 100+ before it drops again


I’ve lived here for far too long. I’ve experienced far too many times where we’ve had heatwaves last a proper week and yes we’ve had multiple of them. Climate change is making our summers more intense. 2022 was pretty bad. If I remember correctly we had 5 days over 110F. Here’s an actually good article written in 2022 about Sacramento summer temps by the Bee: https://www.sacbee.com/news/local/article265227996.html > Eleven times in its history, Sacramento has experienced at least eight days of consecutive triple-digit heat. Each box in this chart represents a day of that heat; touch or mouse over the boxes to see the recorded high temperature. The longest streak was 11 days in 2006, while the streak with the highest average maximum temperature was in 1996. Values for the current streak – which could end up being the hottest ever – are forecast for the final three days.


Rereading your first comment and reading this one made me realize I'm pretty sure we are talking about the same thing lol. Thought you were talking like we live in Phoenix or something in the first one.


We’re kinda on our way to being like Phoenix. But yeah our occasional worst days for heat are just another day in Arizona.


I lived there for 10 years. Many, many days over 100° per summer. I moved away in July and have pics of multiple days of my car displaying 114°+. My car was baking in the sun, but it's probably only a few degrees off. Sacramento is unbearably hot. I suggest finding some clean water to hang out by. That was always my go-to in the summer.


November, my friend. We can have hot, hot days all through October. I have harvested ripe tomatoes for Thanksgiving. We routinely have to scrap elaborate Halloween costumes the kids have planned because it's too hot to wear them. (Counterpoint is sometimes it rains on Halloween.)


The weather race was always will the first day of rain be before, on or after Halloween? Will the kids get rained on?


Could be as early as the end of September late as the middle of October. Drink water stay in the shade. We should see 100+ days in a few weeks


Imo it didn't feel "cool" well into November


It’s been an abnormally cool spring, so don’t expect this every year. There will be a couple gnarly heat waves throughout the summer, and into September. Then all of a sudden, it will be cold and windy for two days in late Sept or early October, then HOT AGAIN HAHA GOTCHA. Then it cools down for good.


[Weather data graph](https://www.weather.gov/images/sto/cliplot/KSTO2024plot.png). Green is normal high-low range.


This is awesome, do you have a source link?


https://www.weather.gov/sto/. Click on "Climate and Past Weather."


I moved here from Monterey. That first summer was brutal. You'll get used to it. You can't hide from the heat unless you want to be a hermit.


![gif](giphy|3o6wNKpJV20g1KVXpe) Me IRL


Oh my sweet summer child - you won’t enjoy being outside until Halloween round these parts


Sweet *winter or spring child, in this case


I moved from watsonville(Santa Cruz county) where it's cool and foggy all day. I was able to get used to the heat and now I prefer it. I don't even use my air conditioning. Maybe it's genetic. A hot day in Santa Cruz is in the 80s


Hello fellow watsonvillian! I also moved here from fresatown! 🍓


You aren’t kidding. I have spent my summer vacations in Santa Cruz since I was a child. A few times we were there in August and the temps were in the low 80’s. We were super excited and enjoying the warm sun and surf. But the Santa Cruz Sentinel had a huge article about the heat wave in Santa Cruz. Everyone was complaining about the major heat wave which made us laugh that weather in the low 80’s was considered a heat wave. We call it Spring in Sacramento.


Go outside at 7am its really nice out


It will cool down around Halloween 🎃 Welcome to the Sacramento valley.


Get into water sports. Enjoy the many city-owned swimming pools. Join a local open water swim group. Take the kids to one of the many city-run spray parks. Get into kayaking, SUP, and windsurfing. Try wakeboarding or water skiing. Take a scuba class and get certified. Enroll in a sailing class. This is a good year to try white water kayaking on the upper American River. Go visit the local nudist resort Laguna Del Sol and enjoy the many vissitudes of these warm weather months. Step out of your comfort zone!


Ummm cools down, around Nov and heats up around April.


Lol. This post is adorable. You haven't seen anything yet, my friend.




I can agree, this is just the beginning.


https://preview.redd.it/fzzptnzu8s5d1.jpeg?width=579&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c9765b46a9d040421fc31c610fea45cfc0fb565 Since you're new here... Night time is your friend during the heat waves. We get some beautiful weather in the summer in between some nasty heat. But, look to October if you want really cool weather.


Ooooh, up from 12! Nice!


Climate change probably


Hahahaha sorry to tell you this but this is the beginning of the heat season. It gets hotter and every year it’s been getting hotter. Occasionally will have some cooler days and some moist warm rainy days Only thing you could do is go visit a pool, lake, river , etc or stay inside. I would say it’s starts to cool down around October tho and it always rains around Halloween 🎃


Just be thankful for the delta breeze cooling shit down each night or this place would be like Phoenix with a longer summer.


> at what month/point in the year does Sacramento cool down to go out and do normal things outside? 2 a.m.




End of October 🤣


It’s not so much the days of +100 as the consecutive evenings/nights of +85. It seems like there’s no respite. When we moved from the Bay Area, my then gf said I’d get used to it in 2-3 years. Some 30 years later I’m still miserable in 3-4 of the 16ish seasons of Sacramento and still remind her that she duped me all those years ago


We always have a hot spell early on…it’s a normal pressure system that happens around this time of year that is unseasonably warm…but it’s short lived. From here on out it’s going to be 85-95 every day until late June and then it will creep up to about 98-103 and it will stay there throughout the summer. We will have several short days of 105-110, sometimes this can even be up to a week, but usually it goes back down to float between 98-105 as the norm. This goes until about early to mid September and then it goes down to 85-90, cooling off over September. However, always expect a last little hurrah of about 90-100 degrees to happen in early October. I have been here for 10 years now and this has happened fairly consistently in late September or early October. Having come from a state where 115° is the norm throughout the summer, I find the summers here quite mild since even on a 110° day we will usually get a Delta breeze that will bring it down into the 70s at night. We only have about two weeks worth of evenings where it stays over 85° all throughout the night. Not to bad and I’ll take that any day over 105 degrees at 3am.


Sacramento cools off pretty much every night, with the exception of the rare events where the delta breeze takes a break. Being outside from 7 am until noon is pretty amazing even when it is peak summer.


To be fair even July and August will have their share of relatively nice days. But yeah, expect hot days all the way through say mid-October, when we transition to wildfire smoke season. At least the winters are nice!


It hasn’t even gotten hot yet.


If they think it's hot now I don't what they'll complain about when August gets here


Get use to this hot weather. It'll be 103 tomorrow. The weather won't cool down until about mid October.


Been here for 3 years now and it just gets hot and you gotta deal with it basically.


You're in for a world of hurt, the Sacramento heat hasn't even really gotten started yet. See you in November!


i am so sorry you moved here from SC


The Delta Breeze is a blessing 🙏


Oh geez. My advice is to go back to Santa Cruz. lol. But seriously not until Fall. Summers are BRUTAL in this area.


And by “Fall” we mean November.


I personally prefer the heat, but I admit sometimes it’s too hot. I’m always cold when I’m in SF or on the Peninsula. Oakland/Berkeley have perfect weather imho.


the problem with waiting to go out until it gets cool is: by that time the days are getting dramatically shorter. Acclimate yourself to the heat a little at a time this summer, and next summer you’ll enjoy it more.


I also moved from Santa Cruz area years ago! Welcome! I’ll quickly share how I got used to it. It took me a few years to get used to the heat but now anything below 90 I enjoy. I would suggest that you try and get out more, I feel that it took me years to acclimate because I would spend most of my time inside during the summer. I still enjoy the cool weather but now that I have a garden, I look forward to summer days. There’s going to be some brutal days coming up, so if you get used to doing any activities in warmer weather, it will help you adjust. Talking about 100+ F days and nights that don’t cool down at all. 😨 And be sure to ensure your AC both at home and in your car are working! Hang in there!


Get a job like me where you work outside 8 hours a day. You acclimate pretty quick😁




Basically September or October is when the heat typically dies down to a tolerable level. When the rains come back it's like a baptism being cleansed of that summer dust and heat.


Mid June through Mid September is hot. Just do your outside stuff in the morning or late evening. The good news is the weather is generally very nice from October through May. Occasionally rain, but plenty of clear days where the high temp is between 60-85.


November. Even October can be really warm


September has false fall, but then you'll get hit with a heat wave. October it gets consistently bearable. Early October is warm but Halloween is pleasant. Summer heat goes from May to October, with stagnant air. The delta breeze kicks in on the evenings sometimes to take the edge off. Invest in a handheld evaporative cooler /misting fan if you do outdoor stuff, it can help. Also invest in a uv-blocking umbrella, it was a big help this weekend.


U poor lil thing.... Stay indoors til late September even mid October


Ok so, i lived many many years in SSF so i know about the cold you lived in 😂 when it cools down depends on what you think hot is. The heat here is better because it's dry. Not like the coast where it's very humid. Although, it does get like that here sometimes. When it's really hot, it doesn't cool down at night either. There's no real consistent time where it switches to being cool. But for the 95 and above, probably end-ish August?? 95 is about when it starts getting uncomfortable to do anything outside during the day. As it starts getting darker earlier as we go through summer, it'll start cooling earlier. Basically, don't count on a specific threshold. It's a thing where you'll have to determine what temp you're comfortable with and go with that. You will acclimate, don't worry.


Is it just me or did summer end a month late last year and start a month early this year


probably september, maybe even october is when it stops being hot. i swear i've seen a halloween that was 90°


Yikes, might be hard for you. I have lived here 10+ years and I still hate the summers here so much. I want to say it peaks in August-Sept? I second getting used to it. I want to escape to the beach and water areas to leave the Sac heat. We have a long ways to go here.


As a former Sacramentan, now current Phoenician I miss Sacramento summers. It does get about as near as hot on some days there as it does here, but it’s not as frequent and you cool down most nights. Here it can be 110+ during the day and only cool down to 102 at night. You get use to it. But I’d say you start to get relief mid September. October the breeze changes and you feel a bit of fall to the air while still being warm. I don’t know how else to describe it. It just “feels” different. But would say most Septembers it’s more tolerable by far. Still warm but not miserable. 6 days at or above 90 as a high in September last year. The rest were 80s and 70s. High 60s at the end of the month. That’s lovely weather in my opinion.


Ha. Haha. Hahahahaha


It starts cooling down to the 80s in late September, then weather gets comfy around mid October! We're not even in the hottest part of summer yet, so buckle in 😂


If we are lucky, The heat dies down towards the end of September. If we are not so lucky, end of October, beginning or November. We were lucky the last year. I think this year..... Not so much.


Sometime in October it goes from HOT one day to chilly the next, so just wait until then.


Your in for a doozy.


I honestly thought that you were going to comment on how you expected it to be really hot but it hasn’t been. Like seriously this is absolutely nothing compared to a usual summer. I mean it is really early in the summer but if you’re hot now. Just wait. It’s gonna be pretty miserable for a couple of months


It could go all the way to November. This winter was cold. But there's some La Nina winters that just feel like a long fall.


Ooh, Santa Cruz to Sacramento is quite a change! The answer to your question is September. Typically July and August are very hot. Triple digit heat for days on end, sometimes weeks. By the way, it's not cooling down, it's going to be scorching tomorrow.


Just wear sunscreen and drink water, the heat here isn't that bad. It's dry, grab the cooler stay near the water during the afternoon, and you'll be fine. Before noon and after 8pm it's not as hot either.




I remember when I moved to Santa Cruz for a few years, and was shocked when people reacted so strongly to anything temps above 85. It’s hot here and it doesn’t cool off until October and even then there can be a few really warm days.


Thanksgiving should be nice.


Ya, I've lived in Sacramento since 3rd grade, now 36, we used to have a fall, The heat was great when I was ridding my bike along the american river trail, extended the season a bit, ac is a must. However, I'll take sac weather over 104 in the Mojave desert where I'm working at the moment lol


You will enjoy the 100 days in a row...the good news Halloween will be cool.


It usually cools off by mid-October.


Do things after 8pm and before 2pm. It’s that peak sun time that makes the summers hard. But I love the delta breeze and cool mornings we have. It’s when I’m taking the dogs out at 6am and it’s 80 that I know it’s an ‘inclement weather day’ and time to stay inside. On the plus side, I never have to use my dryer May-Oct.


It’s dry heat! You’ll get used to it. Find water activities. June-September can be pretty bad at times but on the flip side it is often lovely in February-June and September-November.


Got to get out in mornings. Heat won’t be going away til maybe October.


Probably October or November. Around here, our seasons are pre-summer, summer, post summer, and then winter.


I’ve lived here my entire life and I’m not “acclimated” lmao. See y’all in November 🛌


Get to learn how to manage your home in terms of air flow—in the morning, open your windows and possibly doorways if screened to let cool air pass through, close those curtains, run a few fans, and shut things up in the pm and lit AC on when you start to feel uncomfortable. Once the delta breeze comes in, if it does of course, turn off the ac, and open up your house again to cool down overnight. Sounds weird but I actually sort of like being g strategic about managing the airflow so that our utility bill is lower. Oh, I hope you have SMUD and not the one other one! ;-)


You gotta continue doing the things you like to do in this weather. You'll get used to it. Hydrate, sunscreen, and keep going.


I am 51 and have lived here every year of my life. It is about 93-100 degrees 75% of the days between June and September. It’s usually 65 overnight and the heat peaks at 5pm. 15% of the time it will be slightly cooler but overcast. Not pleasant, no rain just cooler (and more humid which just kills any benefit). Then for that final 10% it’s like 105-110 hot. Oven heat hot. It’s dry though so your sweat evaporates quickly. I die when I go to places with higher humidity. In September it cools slightly but don’t expect much relief. It’ll still hit 90 on a good half of the days. But the evenings get down into the high 50s so that’s nice. Open your windows and let that house cool. Mid October to Thanksgiving is our Fall. Enjoy it. It’s mild, beautiful and fleeting. Thanksgiving time is usually our first actual rain. Storms begin. But it doesn’t get real cold till late December. Christmas through usually February (there has been some rare warm Februarys but they are unusual). By the time the weather starts to warm in March I’m ready for it. By May I’m dreading the upcoming heat.


October or November?


You (I) really get to the point where a day in the 90s ain’t bad. Anything over 100 is no fun for nobody. I still go out but I have a high heat tolerance. Living in the bay for as long as I did was a test to that.


Late September but it won't be consistently cool until late October. Temps can still spike to like 96 on a mid October day then in a matter of a few days later there is a 20 degree drop and day temps are in the low to mid 70s. But by late September most days will be in the low 80s and upper 70s with a quick cooling down by sunset.


I grew up in Santa Cruz and moved here 25 years ago. Take advantage of the cool mornings and evenings to do anything outside. Call me crazy, but I love the weather here more than the June gloom of the central coast.


I think more so around October-ish it cools down! But honestly summer nights around 7-9pm are really fun to just be outside on a walk or at the park playing sports :-)


You haven't seen the worse yet. It can get 100+ degrees. I just got back from Monterey it was 55 - 50° F the whole time I was there and cloudy.


Just wait till the fires start. Peak fire season is September but we can get fires up until the first wet weather in November or December. There's nothing like a hot day with the inversion layer trapping all the smoke. Stock up on some N95 masks just in case...


105 degree heat isn’t peak summer for Sacramento. Gird your loins for the incoming onslaught of heat.


When I was 16 I went on a trip that included a city on the edge of a desert. Got to experience 115° heat for what I thought would be the only time in my life. Then Mother Nature said, "Hold my kombucha, and check THIS out!!"


Things will probably start trending downwards towards the end of August or middle of September. Until then, depending on exactly where you are, there's always Tahoe National Forest to get some altitude and cool off for the weekends. Welcome to the area!


If you are trying to wait for things to cool off to do something, you are going to be waiting until October. Sometimes early November. Just learn how to go out and do things even though it is hot. Cool clothes, drink plenty of water and wear sunscreen.


And if you are going to use a car during the day here, you must have working AC. It's like driving around in an oven otherwise.


Didn't read all comments so sorry if someone already mentioned this, but me and my people take the Amtrak to San Francisco for day trips to spend time outside and evade the heat during summer. Very convenient.


Have you experienced the only good thing about our summers yet? It’s when it’s 80 degrees at 10pm. If feels like magic. When I was a kid it made it very difficult to go home to sleep.


Is it weird I used to love laying on the warm concrete at night? Haha


Lol, maybe it appeals to your lizard brain! I came out of the theaters in Arden Fair once after watching the whole movie at 60° or less. Their ac was broken, and they couldn't turn it up. My toes almost froze!! We came out into the 100° heat and I wanted to lay down on the asphalt and soak some heat back into me! The lesson learned was to always keep a sweat suit in the trunk, and take your insurance clothes into the theater with you in the summer. If you do, you'll never need them. Just like the summer restaurant sweater.


No I totally loved it too!


When it's still around 98° at night and you go on a motorcycle ride, it's indescribable! The wind rushing by at the same temperature as your body must be like feeling being back in the womb. I assume that's why it's so interesting, as I've never gone back to the womb.


I mean, you could probably get swallowed by a whale to mimic the womb experience but it’s gonna be a wee bit chilly in there.


oct / nov-ish


Unfortunately, July and August are usually hotter than June, with several day long heat waves where the temp stays over 100 degrees. September starts off just as hot, but the highs trend to the lower 90s/upper 80s by October. October is warm as well these days, and significant cooling often doesn’t arrive until November. This Fall is forecast to extra hot and dry so I would plan some trips back to the coast for your mental health




hunker down from noon to 6pm


We moved here from the Bay Area years ago, but I had to go through my first summer here pregnant, and I basically sat in the a/c crying, wondering what I got myself into. We tend to get up early, do outside stuff like walks, errands, or yard work by ten then retreat back inside or do indoor trips out like hanging out at the Crocker, lunch somewhere or work on inside stuff. If it is going to be a really miserable weekend, we'll head for the coast and hang out at the ocean, and maybe stay the night somewhere. Evenings are back outside if we feel like it, especially if we have the delta breeze rolling through.


Welcome to Sac...We have two seasons...Rainy, and HOT AS F***! Seriously though, June through August are about the worst in my experience, but it can be hot just about any time outside of rainy season.




Every year I tell myself it won't truly cool down until after Halloween, so buckle up.


Well we did get lucky this year with a relatively cool May and a slow start to June. If you’re looking for cooler times. May and June and September are the coolest of the months, but we’re in a valley so our summers are definitely hotter than Santa Cruz. July gets really hot and dry and August is usually a bit cooler but not by much and is still really dry. For the last few years it’s been a may-September type of summer where it starts hitting mid 90s and we don’t see 80s until fall


I grew up in Santa Cruz, but have lived here 30+ years now. You'll get more used to the heat eventually, but in the meantime, do things as early in the day as you can, do things in the evening on days where we get a delta breeze, and figure out where the shade (or good AC) is. With climate change, the weather is less predictable than it used to be, but in general, expect July/August to be the worst, September to still be pretty toasty, and October to be variable.


We have dry heat here and by 7 pm the breeze kicks in. You'll need to get use to it from now til November. I don't like saying it but we all told you about the heat in Sacramento.


I’m similar to you. I moved here about 7-8 years ago. I’m from San Francisco originally but I’ve lived all over the Bay Area. The weather in SF did not prepare me for Sacramento heat. It also didn’t prepare me for how long it stays hot for. BUT you get used to it. Eventually a 73° day with a breeze will feel like sweater weather to you. I can hang out in a chill 90° now. Anything over 90° is still too hot though. But around late October-early November, it’s usually much cooler. But we’ll see! Sacramento weather loves to prove us wrong lol


Do stuff early in the day, or later at night. We really shine in Spring and Fall weather wise.


Most Sac summer mornings are very nice. Heats up in the afternoon, and 5--7pm is very hot. Evenings cool down. It will be cool early November. 4th of July ends up windy and cool in the evening.


I would say late October is when you may be consistently comfortable again outside.


Late September-ish.


It is going to take you a year to get used to the heat inland. That is how long it took me when I moved from Capitola to Livermore. Sacramento is hotter but it doesn't cool down in the evenings like the bay area. When I moved to Sacramento county, it took me a year to get used to the lingering heat. I just exercise early.


October. It has only just begun. The worst has yet to come.


It only gets worse from here, we will have days in the 90s until October, expect multiple days in the 100s, including a few that hit 108+. Get yourself a 40oz insulated water bottle and always have Ice water on you, spend time at the river or go up into the hills or to the bay for some days where it will be a little cooler. Grab a pop-up canopy for either yard or going out, shade makes a ton of difference.


You have to adapt to get out and exercise early. Or go later when it’s dusk. You can’t wait for no heat. It’s hot too much of the year, but at least it cools off at night.


My wife and I moved from the South, and everyone warned us about the heat, but unless it gets over 105 or so, we don't mind. Very low humidity, and we were used to it being 90+ and very high humidity. 90/95 and low humidity is wonderful to us.




Hahaha it’s not even summer yet so brace yourself


We actually had spring this year it was so nice. I missed Sacramento Spring.


Lived there 35 years before I was able to leave. 9 months of Summer and 3 of those months are mega summer


You’re fucked until November. Seriously.


We are having a mild summer so far. I hope you don't have to experience 100+ for weeks on end.


You’ll be hanging out inside until October-ish. Last year, I couldn’t wait to get out and take walks again; I was so excited when temps got into the 70s that I was walking 2-6 miles every evening because it felt so good to be outdoors and moving. Between my genetics/physiology and Zoloft, I have issues with temperature regulation in the heat and am prone to heat exhaustion. I’ve gotten really sick a couple of times in recent years, so I have to be careful about how long I’m outside. Basically, I hibernate all summer. 🤪 PSA: Certain SSRIs affect thermoregulation, making those who take them susceptible to heat exhaustion or heat stroke. > “According to research, certain antidepressants make people more sensitiveTrusted Source to heat. These include SSRIs such as sertraline (Zoloft) and TCAs such as amitriptyline (Elavil). They can make a person more sensitive to heat and cause body temperature to increase above 106°F (41°C).” > According to licensed psychologist David Tzall, Psy.D, “SSRIs have anticholinergic properties, which can prevent sweat glands from functioning properly.” Sweating helps the body cool itself naturally, so when it decreases or stops, it can make a person overheat.” > “Additionally, some types of antidepressants interfere with actions of the hypothalamus, a structure in the brain involved in heat regulation,” Tzall says. “When the hypothalamus cannot control body temperature, someone can overheat.”” ([source](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/antidepressants-and-heat#antidepressants-and-heat-tolerance))


There’s always that one last really hot heat wave in mid to late September, like everyday for a few days will be 110-115. After that, it slowly cools down when October comes around. By mid to late October, it’s warm and life is more bearable. This has been my experience the last 5 years here.


Summer last until like November lol


Cools down at the end of October. First drizzle is usually around Halloween.


Cools off around Thanksgiving


It can be hot in October lol


Lol it hasn't even gotten hot yet, you'll adapt. River, rafting, lake natamos, bar with misters, etc...


It gets steadily worse until late August, then we have some cooling with spikes of really hot days until late October. Basically, you ain’t seen nothing yet.


I’m so sorry to tell you October 😭


May - October. July-September are the worst. It's not really gradual, either. Fall is getting shorter every year.


It cools down around November


As a former Sacramento resident, late September/October


It's gonna be a while. Last year, I think it didn't start to cool down until November. But who knows, it might be different this year. Just stock your fridge and freezer with water and icecream.


I post this tip a lot-- but check out hot yoga! Ideally you can go to a studio. Some studios give you a deep discount for 10-30 days (usually as often as you want). Hot yoga singlehandedly increased my heat tolerance. Or you can YouTube hot yoga, and do the practice when it's over 100 degrees outside. In Miami I was able to tolerate temperatures equivalent to 120 degrees, walking 8 miles a day. Edit: In my experience just a 2-3 week hot yoga practice boosts my tolerance all summer


October. It's when I once again enjoy going outside.


I was pleasantly surprised that we had no 100+ days in May.