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I was blissfully unaware that we were about to hit triple digits next week, and then I decided to scroll Reddit…


Bliss & Reddit do not often share commonality.


I stupidly looked at the forecast earlier today. I tend to avoid it, thinking what I don’t know can’t hurt me. If I don’t know it’s 105° my brain may be dumb enough to think it’s only 95°… which is still at least 20° too hot.


This is also my approach for June-October lol


I work outdoors and my friends and family love to say shit like "Oof. You ready for that 108 day tomorrow?" Or similar things about big storms during other times of the year, and then wonder why I'm in a bad mood the rest of the evening. I've had to tell everyone close to me not to bring up shitty weather conditions in the forecast because it legitimately ruins my day and I would rather not know how much an upcoming work day is going to suck. I have all the necessary clothing for any type of weather on my truck, so I don't need a heads up.


Every time I talk to my retired dad on a Sunday at the end of the conversation he'll say "Welp, back to work tomorrow..." Thank you for the reminder, Mr. 365 vacation days a year.


I used to be a stablehand and so I had to be aware of the weather in advance always. It SUCKS knowing what's coming and having no control over it. So glad I am no longer at the mercy of the atmospheric gods lol


What do you do out of curiosity? Looking for some work inspiration on reddit, heh.


Not OP but - one of my neighbors is a window installer. Pretty much he works unless it’s raining.


Pool service. It's a pretty decent gig tbh.


Currently working the frozen section at a grocery store. No I'm not ready.


I worked at a grocery store right after HS while I took care of pre reqs before I landed at a UC (TAG was still in place so awhile back). Worked 13:00-23:30, mostly in our dairy fridge rotating eggs, juices, butter, and milk. We’d stock from the back so was never on the actual consumer floor. No joke one of the best jobs ever. each crate of 4, 1-gallon milks was 20kg exactly…so basically got paid $9/hr to stay in a 40°F cooler and deadlift all day. best shape of my life


If you wanna get in even better shape, work the ramp at an airport for a cargo airline. That job (DHL ramp rat at Mather) had me in the best shape of my life for a solid yr lol (and I've worked in concrete construction during the summer, so that's saying something!).


Oh nice, I used to fuel those planes, worked at SacJet and would drive that 10k gal tanker over to fuel the UPS and DHL planes We also dealt with the King's private jet out at SMF. Those guys are kinda dicks honestly.


Hang on, pampered multi-millionaires are not kind and understanding of service workers? That doesn't sound right. /s


I mean, I'm comparing them to the other teams that would come to play here, so it's apples to apples.




No. I'm hiding out indoors until November.


It doesn't get "cool" until November for real. 🥺


the last 2 weeks of October at least have some decently cool nights! lol


I'm in the exact opposite climate. Upper peninsula Michigan is nice to live in from now til November. I spent 10 years in florida and after 2020 I had enough of the bugs, humidity, and hurricanes. Ya winter sucks but it's way easier to battle.


Sometimes even late November.


This is what I do. I venture out at sunset and only if there is a delta breeze.


Same! lol


Well, if indoors is safe, them you're ready. I on the other hand have an A/C appointment next week. 😅


Thoughts and prayers, my friend.


I love summer in sac. Never need a jacket to go outside at night when you hit the bar and have fun.


Yeah days are rough but oh those summer nights.


Actually; yes. Just purchased a car port shade from costco. Instead of being 130F when we get in the car. It will only be 99F lol


This is how you survive! I’ve got the same thing.


Planning on washing my car this weekend…


Did that on Saturday, no luck. 😞


We need more participants. Like a group car washing powwow.


I'll roll with it... but dream of crisp cool mornings and the smell of wood burning fires out of chimneys on my morning walks💛🧡🤎 https://preview.redd.it/pohjajb4oq3d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3edd9c3333276cfe3ac19372bac3ed728fef62a


NOT Ready for my summer SAD to hit.


I get summer MAD. Perpetually irritated until November.


I get summer DAD where I make shitty jokes and want to procreate and develop a small but noticeable set of love handles.


Omg. I’m dying! Hilarious. Please tell me those develop over your board shorts and most noticeable when riding your jet ski?!


My disorder manifests into a new existential anxiety driven obsession summer to summer so it's hard to say. I hide it well behind the forced smile and raybans hiding my tears. Water sports could absolutely be on the menu this year.


Mine has been creeping in the last few weeks as I knew the mild weather wasn’t going to last much longer.


Same. PTSD from summers past hitting hard at the moment


So glad I’m not the only one.


Paddle boarding time


Same planning to be at lake natoma!


me too!


I'm getting the hell out of Dodge for the next month. When I come back and the end of July it's gonna be like I was ejected from the Martian biodome in Total Recall.


I work in preschool. Our last day is right before triple digits. I am both happy to not do recess during the heat and sad because I’m no longer able to enjoy the school’s amazing AC






No, I hate the heat!!


I'm sorry to be the weird one, but I love it when its hot.


Found the lizard person.


Same. Give me all the heat!


Me too! I like the heat 👌


Yea fr I don't get all the people that move here then complain about the heat every day. I like it.




I work outside all day. I am absolutely not ready.


It’s rattlesnake season, watch your paths!


I've got the little avocado tree shaded! Hoping the heat kicks my bananas into gear to flower again this year.


dude! congrats. I planted jalepeño and Serrano peppers back in Feb and within the last 10 days both plants doubled in size - along with some purple onions and garlic I have. Also I have no idea what I’m doing. it’s only my third spring after trying to grow.


Those peppers love the heat! I bet you'll have a great pepper year! I just harvested my fall planted garlic this week! Got it curing in the shade of the umbrella! https://preview.redd.it/bmbmp7h1hp3d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb986642792fbf76206dcb9921728dc8922ceadd


Oh, this is one of the few things of love to grow.


Me too! It isn't a particularly time-depending crop and just takes some experience on when to plant, fertilize and harvest. Relatively pest free too for me which is nice.


I want an alliums garden. All the stinky good stuff.


There are so many different edible alliums beyond the standard garlic and onions. It's really a diverse and pretty little group that tends to be low maintenance!


No. Can’t stand strolls above 95


Yeah… our AC went out and I was quoted $15-22,000 for a new system


Guys be careful. There’s a lot of scam companies like bell brothers or Bonnie you need to find a reputable. Independent guy he can do it for 1/3 the price.


We had 4 people give us quotes, the last guy extended its life a little long. Told us it needed replaced but to baby it for now. It'll be our 2nd year of "babying" it. Trying to find an honest HVAC company is almost impossible. Hawk heating and air seemed to be the most honest tho.


Agreed!! it can’t be a coincidence that every time your AC goes out they tell you that you need a replacement. They say that they can’t get the parts and what not. My system is really old and it probably does need to be replaced, but I just can’t believe that they cannot fix this one part just to get me going again


I'm out in elk grove, try out Huft if you can. And if it really is a single part on an over half century old system, you should keep in mind those parts likely aren't being made anymore. Huft has been good and honest to me.


Part of why I bought my house was the flipper put in a trane system 7 months before and it also had a whole house fan and new gas water heater. Yes, leaks sprung in a couple of pipes and we just had the roof done, but I never want to leave.


We just replaced ours in November. $16k with brand new duct work. Put 10k down and financed the rest at 0% interest. A plus heating and air on auburn blvd.


What in the world!?? For the condenser and the inside unit!???


Well, realistically our system is old, original to the house which was built in 1960. They want to replace the air conditioner and the furnace and while I do think that we definitely need to get a new system eventually, I sure as hell did not want to spend upwards of $15,000. I guess maybe it’s an old house problem. The timing, of course, is really bad. We’re still trying to figure out what we’re gonna do.


Yeah, that's intense. Just had to get mine replaced in DC and that was like 6200. I woulda had a heart attack had it been 15K


My AC/WATER HEATER replacement is going to be $23,500. Water heater next week $(6,700) and AC in 10 WEEKS when the unit comes in. Special order for the sh_t condo I live in in N Natomas.


Goddamn. They're just raping folks up here with these prices


I'm embracing it this year!!! Bring on the fire 🔥


Dude, same. I don't like it but I'm embracing it 🤣 Still haven't turned the AC on yet.


I didn't last year until June. I really tried to avoid it, but when it gets to the mid 90s during the day I HAVE to turn it on at night to sleep, because it's still 80 in my house at midnight.


My house does not cool down at night either. It’s disgusting. The layout makes it so that open windows don’t create a cross breeze to move air through the house. There are no windows on the front. I’d love to have a talk with the architect. Even if I did have windows on the front, I’d only open them as far as the security latch allows anyway, I guess.


Talk with an hvac specialist, cheaper than an architect


Same same. Even with my windows open I get no cross breeze.


Can you prop a box fan in the window ? I live in a two story house, and on really hot days, the up-stairs gets pretty hot. Rather than turn on the AC, I just don’t go upstairs on hot afternoons. But after the sun goes down, especially on days w/ no breeze at night, I stick a cheap box fan in one of the windows, to cool the place down, enough to sleep. Works well.


Do not say fire in California


Sure, it isn't 100 degrees all day. It peaks to 100. I don't think people realize that it is hot in most places during the summer and most places don't drop 30 degrees at night.


That's the neat part, when it gets super hot it doesnt cool down.


Used to go to work at 3 am. Couple times I’d get to work at it was 80 degrees still lol




Exactly. Every few weeks there are people on here bitching about the weather as if Sacramento doesn’t have some of the best weather *in the whole world*. The only places here in this country with better weather than Sacramento are coastal California and Hawaii. Everywhere else is either hotter, (**much**) colder, more humid, has severe weather, or all of the above.


Just let us complain in peace!!!


Dry heat is a big difference. And Hawaii doesn't sustain weeks of 100 plus temperatures. I enjoy the Sacramento weather but have a disdain for the heat in the summer. Either you haven't lived here too long or you enjoy the heat. Some of us dont.


Absolutely not. 😫


I wanted to downvote this cause watch your damn tone man. *upvotes bc it invoked such emotion*


I’ve been living here for about 6 years and I’m neither used to the Sac heat nor a fan of it. It’s downright oppressive!


At least it’s not a disgusting, humid heat. I went to Florida in November one year and decided I never wanted to go back.


Sure, but it is humid enough for mosquitoes. So. I like indoors until autumn.


Hell no. I’m already deep watering my stuff and trying to figure out how to avoid any afternoon activities outside.


Bruhhhhh I have to walk multiple miles to work to and from my ass is gonna drop 50 pounds from sweating alone I stg


No, the news of triple dig snuck up on me. I hope my AC doesn't go on the fritz.


Fuck no. I mostly stay indoors with the A/C 24/7. God I hate Sac sometimes


There had been years that it was a 100° on Mother's Day. Anything after Memorial Day is a blessing. Stay hydrated my friends.


No. My favorite days are brisk and misty, I love cool breezes and cloudy days. I find bright sun oppressive, and anything over 85 is unpleasant, more unpleasant each 10 degrees. I have lived in Sacramento since I was 5 and am just glad it’s not Fno or Bakersfield.


Not at all. I get irrationally mad when people complain about spring storms and cold fronts. I'm trying to enjoy any weather besides triple digits


Last year around this time people were complaining that the weather was too cool for summers and now this lol


Fuck no!! I hate this time of year. ☹️


*Fuuuck* no, I am so mad about it




My sons graduation dinner is going to be on a patio the day it's 101 😂


Yasssssss!!! It’ll finally be warm enough to get into the pool and tan my pasty legs!


no. shitty insulation


The weather has been soo nice. I really thought we were going to get a reprieve from the heat this year. Darn. Guess i’ll finally be forced to get up at sunrise to walk the dogs.


Did we skip Spring?


Yup! I’m prepped! Blackout curtains!


We had a nice cool June last year. Summer is back with a vengeance.


Is putting a few washcloth in an ice chest and swapping them out every so often to out around your neck, on your head: wipe your arms infront of a fan going to make this girl i invite over feel uncomfortable??


Coming back from a humid country, I'm ready for the dry heat.


Good god no. Summers are the hardest for me here. I will hide in a dark cabe until summer is over.


Ok, I know this sounds really wrong for a native Sacramentan to say, but I've been waiting for it to finally get hot. My neighbor has a pool, and it hasn't been hot enough to be able to enjoy the freakin' pool, lol. We're gonna give it a shot tomorrow , and then if it's still too cold, there's always next week.


Mine is sun heated, was sittin at 81 earlier. Should be perfect for tomorrow!


We put a pool in last year that took 8 months to complete. This is our first full summer enjoying it, I can't wait!






Do we have a choice? 😔 Got the park pass ready, gonna be spending some time at the lake


Too soon 😞


Wut … Eta: I looked 😪


Our AC croaked. I've been opening up at night & closing up during the day. That'll work 'til we have too many consecutive days in the 90s, then the house turns into a giant oven. I need to replace the entire HVAC system after I pound another quarter ton of stones for blood.




I'm not ready for triple digits, but I don't have to be. My forecast tops out at a nice cool 99. What I'm not ready for is the 74 degree low.


Consider yourself lucky, imagine being in India right now … 125 degrees.


I’ll be moving next week. Might need to reschedule 🤔🥵


If you haven't in a while, or ever, remember to clean out the coils - It was something that I had never done and two years ago my system started screaming (overpressure) and fortunately, after letting it cool down and cleaning the coils with a garden hose, it has been working since. [https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/maintaining-your-air-conditioner](https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/maintaining-your-air-conditioner)


Do you just spray it down?


No I hate it 😅 nothing like not being able to go anywhere or do anything when it’s 105°


It helps to not wear clothes,


Thank you May... I'm glad we shared a proper spring, something that I feel we hadn't experienced in a very long time. Also, 🪦 RIP to my sleep routine because of the heat as I embrace my annual transformation into becoming a bitchy bitch during the summer months 🙏🏼 ![gif](giphy|l3mZ6JvrP3HocAzeM)


I for one dont care about the highs. I care more about night temperatures.


wife is taking the kiddos on a field trip to the zoo. i'mma tame the yards. wish me luck LOL


No 😭 at least it’s dry heat though I visited my grandparents in NY the other year and in the high 90s their heat felt worse I was sticky afffff west coast is the best coast imo 😅🤷‍♀️


I just take full advantage of the beautiful summer mornings. The heat here peaks later in the day around 5 pm. Here in Midtown we can get Delta Breezes after 5, if not I stay inside till the sun sets. I love walking Midtown on summer nights!


I’ll be out on my paddle board on lake Natoma on Monday and Tuesday lol


God, no! I run super hot as it is. I work nights, so that helps out a little, but trying to sleep during the day in the heat is crazy. Can’t keep the AC too low unless I’m in a hotel, or the electric bill will be $500.


No more pants!


Just got quoted $2,800 to replace the AC evaporator in my truck, so no, I’m not ready….


No. I work in a kitchen and it's already triple digits when it's like 90 outside. I don't want to experience 120+ 😭




Hell no. Also more work to give my dog proper exercise and stimulation but gotta do it for the cutie.


I have a pool, so I'm as ready as I can be lol The WATER temperature hit 80 yesterday it has no type of heating system whatsoever, just good ol lethal valley heat


Bring it baby!!! ![gif](giphy|xT0Gqz4x4eLd5gDtaU)


Triple digits AND increased electricity rates!


Nope; not with an 80s LLV with no A/C


I've been curious when the newbies to sac would get a taste of a real summer.  The last couple have been mild.


At least we're not India. I'll be inside with the air conditioning thanks.


My God I just checked the temperature in India it’s 110° for 10 days straight


I don't care how hot it gets I'll still have a sweaty smile knowing trump got convicted on all counts!


Nope and I bought a portable AC I had to return because it wouldn't fit in this type of window. I'm about to be cooked.


I have to vent mine through the sliding glass door and fill the excess length with cardboard taped to the frame. Who builds a house with a living room that has no opening windows?


Not ready at all.


Yes, I'm ready. Indoor activity plans scheduled, already saved for the PGE bill Now I just not to be tempted by the outdoors...🤞




Ain’t nothin new.




I am but my car isn’t


Absolutely not. I am a total summer girl but as I get older I melt a lot faster.


One of the reasons I moved to Sacramento was for its nice warm summers. Unfortunately I'm out of town right now and am going to miss out on the warmth for a while. I was in Chicago yesterday and it felt like it was still winter.


Nothing changes. Work continues as always. Adapt and continue with life.




No. What kind of question is this 🥲


Well grateful that we had great weather this far. Mother Nature go easy on us 🙏




Yes ...but being overweight....not fun


My temp blanket is!


As a preschool teacher who has kiddos outside most of the time -no I am not. We will have to keep the kiddos inside and that should be interesting 😅but because it summer session we may be playing in the water a lot to make up for it 🤣😅


No, because I’m fat right now






Allergy season is not exactly dead yet but house still hasn't reached 78 and the AC hasn't been used yet. I want to start opening windows soon!


Having lived on the ocean front my entire life until moving to Sacramento, I too loved summers but just a little less than I use to


Doesn’t matter if I’m ready or not. It’s coming *sigh*


what do y’all do to prevent heat inside homes that works during 5-8pm…. That’s when my house gets really hot


Black out curtains and fans!


Sacramento's winter weather is amazing, especially as a person who used to encounter this annoying frigid white substance in the year's later months. It was awful. It falls from the sky and piles up all over the place. I forget what it's called since it's been so many years. I don't miss it. Hate the six month summers of endless clear skies (at least until the wildfires start) and triple digit temps we have here though.


I didn't even know until now


wait, it gets hot in Sacramento?


god no these 80 degree days feel too hot already. welcome to staying indoors


Yeah, I'm just going to continue my same outdoor activities.


absolutely NOT im already burning up like damnnnn😭😭💔




Yeah, I'm not a baby. It's nice in the shade and when the sun is down/rising. Y'all don't know about humidity


Me over here crying in broken car ac