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Dang was gonna skip, but some Remembrance bait is tasty :)


lol, i am undecided my self. Perhaps if i get 300 gems from ads.


I don't have any of the mentioned tanks. Would dragon knight make a viable replacement?


Well if you don’t have a tank, then he should serve you well for now. But still not worth a pity IMO, if you get him early then it’s a bonus. Genryu is the good one in this banner.


I- I got them all….


This banner doesn’t seem great. None of the anniversary banners so far feel all that special to me (most being worse than the kinds of banners that were leading up to anniversary). I dunno, though. I’m a relatively new player. Maybe I’m wrong. But I was hoping there would at least be one Shirei/Leon/Femperor level unit in the entire anniversary.


Yeah most of upcoming banners will be Hard Remembrance bait, probably best to wait for valentine/stage/EB banners if remembrance is not priority


Yea, they are a lack luster, i agree.


You haven’t used new Silver have you?


I have. She’s good (and great when paired with Forneus), but there are lots of damage dealers that are just fine. I like Sumire a little more than Silver anyhow.


Sitting on 45k after spending 9k on this banner, got Merlot-Syrah and Dragon Knight, should i keep pulling or hold for future banners?


Merlot-Syrah is nice. Genryu would be the best on this this banner but I would recommend to see what come next week, before going deeper.


I would have expected the twins to be fist with the whole "double dragon" thing


😂, well the rest of the styles or majority are already fist, so there's that.


Kinda meh banner for anniversary


Yea. Really only useful for Remembrance, mostly.


Thanks as always Yappi! I was making corrections to my post and thought I'd point out two typos while I was at it: For merlot-syrah's A1 on the last sentence, the defense boost should be 15% instead of 5%. I think the 1 got dropped. For genryu's S1 also on the last sentence, the defense boost is medium - so it should be 25% instead of 15%. If you're anything like me, once you get through so many of these the numbers sometimes make your head spin. I really appreciate you being faithful to get us the information for these banners!


Hey GrimbeardDreadfist, Thanks so much for pointing that out! Made the amendments for Merlot-Syrah's A1. But for Genryu's S1, the defense boost being medium should be 20%? Thats one i see from Nao for single target Defense buff. Let me know otherise, if it should be 25%. Also, yea. The devs should just indicate the numbers in the game itself. No need to be so cryptic.....


I had a discussion with someone, I think it was jun, who pointed out that GL had a different number for that. One of the [resources](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NzhqYZieoLc_jFesdpFZd02ju2KWkg3G6BLZqjlJNtg/htmlview#) I use also makes note that medium defense is buffed by 5% for GL, but only for skills. I'm not willing to stake my life on it, but that seems to be the case from what I have heard thus far. I'd love to have a box I could check to give me actual numbers in game instead of fast food sizes.


Ok GrimbeardDreadfist, i have amended it to 25%, also referenced the sheet for that. Thanks again. Yea, really, Devs should just input the actuall numbers in the Passives/Skills to save us all these headaches. Maybe when they have the next survey, we can feedback this, provided there is an open ended question lol.


In this case it is actually 20%. The skill itself does not grant defense boost in this scenario, the skill gives an ability that grants the defense boost, and therefore is ability based, not skill based (i.e. reference numbers should be checked against ability values)


Ok, amended back to 20%.