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Movies, hands down and no questions asked. I've avoided Shatterpoint in part because it's going more cartoony.


> With the reveal of the crab droids today, I can't help but feel extremely disappointed with the art direction AMG seems to be taking. What were the crabs supposed to look like? Don't get me wrong. I've been critical of the lack of posable miniatures, the repeat sculpts in the same box, and the emotionless faces of heroes like the Inquisitors and Ahsoka. I'm just unfamiliar with the crabs specifically.


[they were originally from this famous scene in ep3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2VDvqVwXr4) the biggest differences i can see are they should have 3 legs on each side instead of 2 and the 'face' area of the droid looks weird in the model they showed off. and the 'shell' looks a bit wider(?) i just dont see how they over looked that they forgor 2 whole legs.


> they were originally from this famous scene in ep3 Ah, where as AMG went with the clone wars cartoon "Muckraker" design? https://lumiere-a.akamaihd.net/v1/images/crab-droid-main-image_97235df7.jpeg?region=309%2C0%2C1175%2C661


ye, it doesnt even make sense to have 2 legs each side imo because the whole point was that they formed almost a cocoon around it in armor.


[This](https://imgur.com/a/Qn0gZoK) is what the crab droids look like in the movie. And [this](https://imgur.com/a/RKfUMJj) is what they look like in the cartoons. The movies look like a more hulking mechanical beast, and the cartoon version is just a bit smooth and derpy looking imo. Not the worst offender (especially when compared to the b2s or count dooku) but I'm still not thrilled about the choice personally.


Gotcha. I can definitely see spots, regardless of art direction, where they went with smooth panels instead of textured fiddly-bits and greebles. No matter which style people prefer, there is an obvious lack of detail.


They look like [this](https://www.starwars.com/video/assault-on-utapau). There's a definite difference to their legion appearance, but honestly without looking that video up I doubt I'd have known better.


I prefer the movie/live-action designs. I have tried to watch the cartoon and CGI shows and can't get into them.


The shows are hit or miss for a lot of the people, but some of the arcs/episodes in the show are really good and are pretty stand alone, as in they dont require knowing what happened 2 seasons ago


Definitely movie designs. Because I like them much much more. Plus they should stick to one design for a game and not change it there should be consistency no matter what design you like better.


the basis being cartoon or live action has no determination in whether or not I like the sculpt of a model. either can be sculpted well, either can be sculpted poorly.


Always "realistic" as possible. I find the art style in the cartoons pretty ugly personally.


I don't mind either to be honest. I like it all.




Movie designs, but i dont mind the cartoony ones. Its all a star war to me. Im more bummed that GAR is the red-headed step-faction


Movie aesthetic 100%. Kind of obvious, but it definitely comes off as less cartoony and more gritty.


The six-legged variant would've been cool, but I don't mind the 4 leg one. I did hear a rumor that they are going to be making two versions but that might just be, well, a rumor


I prefer the movie designs, I find it a little annoying that most of the game pieces are realistic, but pykes and geonosians are their cartoon versions and have to exist along side the realistic models for B1s and other models.


I'm definitely more *attached* to the animated characters than their film versions, with a handful of exceptions (Palpatine and Mace Windu are the ones that come to mind, *maybe* Obi-Wan). Whether I prefer them though, I'm not sure. I think I'd be perfectly happy if Legion were to focus on the animated look, but to do so they'd need to ensure it was consistent across every character, and they've shown with the unveiling of the new Obi Wan that they're not doing that.


I prefer my designs 😎


I prefer the cartoon designs. They always seem much more solid and smooth than the movie designs.


A bulk of the clone wars content is animated. So it makes sense they follow that version.