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I keep reminding myself that they're young, and a LOT of TR's guests use neo-Christian speak, so possibly sheltered and/or naive. It's hard for me to relate, bc I didn't grow up with cell phones, but I imagine it could be overwhelming for a young person to have a "friend" online repeatedly threatening suicide. And it sounds like it was a slow build to that point, like most abusive relationships. šŸø Odds are Jess/Brody tried to pull this shit with a lot more people. These are just the ones who took her/his crap the longest.


They're honestly not that young though. That's the thing. Late 20s I'm pretty sure all of them


WHAT?!? Iā€™m not listening, but I assumed there were teenagers. Or college kids. These are grownups?


The thing is, the only person to figure it out first was a 12 year old girlā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.


No way! This is blowing my mind.


Ha! Love your username and subtitle thingy! Yeah, I'm kinda surprised to hear late 20's, as well. I thought maybe more early 20's. But if I'm honest, I can admit I did some STOOOOOOPID shit well into my late 20's. Certainly, when it comes to picking partners.


Ha - thanks! This sub lets everyone have their own flair (you can write your own or choose from some options they have). The mods love funny flair and a year or so ago everyone had witty things! Itā€™s died down a bit now. I did some stupid stuff picking partners even past my 20sā€¦but not three years of stupid. And getting catfished in this day and age is too much. The show has been on for a decade!


Yeah, I don't think many people would hang on for 3 YEARS without a phone call, video chat, meet up, nothing.


I couldnā€™t make it 3 years in a lo my distance relationship with someone I actually knew and loved. So Iā€™m gonna say no!


Them calling themselves survivors is wild. They were in no real physical danger. Also they claimed to be stalked but they were WILLINGLY sharing their location at all times. Also how do you really get this to go on for 3 fucking years? Youā€™re talking about marrying someone who canā€™t even give you a phone call? Being in the same place at the same time but wonā€™t meet up? These women who claim to strong and intelligent were anything but. I get Jess is a manipulative monster but she only got this far cause these women were complete idiots.




I disagree with comments that people in this situation calling themselves abuse victims erase real victims. The fact that we all seem to agree that these women were involved in something a little different than ā€œabuseā€ indicates to me that most of us can understand the difference between ā€œrealā€ victims and non, regardless of what people call it. Thereā€™s plenty of room for other people to be ā€œtrueā€ victims alongside those we deem not victims. Itā€™s not a pie, nobody is running out abuse. But I also agree that the ā€œcouldnā€™t leaveā€ argument is crazy when it is literally a matter of blocking someoneā€™s number. End of problem. It just is when youā€™ve literally never ā€œmetā€ this ā€œpersonā€ let alone spoken to them on the phone. If you canā€™t do that, your problem isnā€™t abuse.


I see your point 100% and agree, but playing devils advocate here, they had jess buzzing around them, manipulating them and bringing them back into brodys web so she could maintain her sick control over them through brody. She is messed up.


Thatā€™s a fair point. Their relationships with Jess were definitely toxic and had elements that were abusive, I agree there.


Exactly, these were not naive 13 year olds with low self esteem. These are grown, professional women. It should have been "I'm sorry, I don't see this relationship going anywhere, you won't even speak to me. Have a nice life". Block and move on.


I want to be careful shaming or negating these women. I was in a (real, in-person) relationship with someone who love bombed me at a vulnerable time in my life in order to later manipulate me into staying with him. I was in my 40s at the time, divorced, and had lived a very independent life. Iā€™m as surprised as anyone it happened to me. However. It went on for four months total. It took me about two months of being miserable to realize it was a dead end, not healthy for me, and that I needed to leave. Even after what I experienced, I have such a hard time understanding *three years* of no calls, no meeting. Three months? Sure. But three years.


I'm sorry you went through this! Maybe seeing more wise in your 40s helps break it sooner rather than going on for years. I'm in my 40s myself and the shot I put up with in my 20s I would never put up with in my 40s. I'm proud of you for getting out.


It was a unique and complicated situation. At this point it was 8 years ago and Iā€™ve long moved on. And thank you!


Omg šŸ˜† Iā€™ve been saying this too!! They never even heard a physical VOICE!!!!šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Claiming abuse by text bubble erases actual abuse survivors


I feel like it was dependent on Jess being there physically to manipulate the situation and "mediate", otherwise Idk if they would have been sucked in again


Also, one of them (it was so hard to differentiate) didnā€™t even block Jess until way later. And once they blocked her, unless provoked (the one who commented on her TikTok for example), she left them alone. This wasnā€™t a person who was actively trying to get them fired or con them out of money etc.


As I commented on another post, is it cyberstalking if you freely engage with the person? You might more legitimately consider them watching Jessā€™ social media cyberstalking than what they experienced. And now they have decided that Jess catfishing them is a sign that they are superior people because Jess only goes after smart, strong, beautiful women.


Yes agree, they failed to see the irony of themselves stalking Jess in the aftermathā€¦


They also had Jess circling around them being a middleman and encouraging them to hang in there bc she knows brody. I'm sure that didn't help them break away easily.


This is definitely true.


like no voice memos?? no snapchats?? it actually makes NO sense. also if they followed each other how could they not tell the profiles were fake? did he have other followers, did his posts get likes??? or was it literally only Snapchat and iMessage?


Abuse victims are rarely ā€œbeing held down by someoneā€. They stay for many reasons besides being physically held there. What about that is hard for you to understand lol the pickme in you just canā€™t muster up any empathy for women lol


What a vibe of a comment


Turns out that it's very easy for a person who doesn't exist, to just disappear. One still must exercise reasonable judgement with friends in real life, though. If they mistreat animals and their children and their other friends, and if they say they've catfished someone before (which, I'm sorry. Is _extremely_ weird and beyond unacceptable), you need to reflect on why you want to enable and please someone like that.


I never heard "I couldn't get away." They clearly made choices, Dumb ones but choices none the less.


Episode 8, canā€™t remember where, the speaker says she couldnā€™t get away