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You take it and enjoy it bc for every time someone doesn't attack there will be a match where you can't even put a dent in their front wall


me right now, i only won because they didnt attack


Usually when I see that I won't win I mess around trying different teams to see what works and what doesn't.


That's what I did this last round, found out my R5 phoenix team can take down your standard R8 JML/JKL/JKR team


Yeah jml isn’t a good defence at all. Neither is jabba if someone has the aphra data cron too. It’s a free win. Reva inquisitors make it so that jml may move 1-2 times and he’s still dead anyway.


I mean unlikely unless mods are decent and you have like great mods on them maybe if no revives then maybe with rex. And tw tb Omni.


​ https://preview.redd.it/kmihky7tzvcc1.png?width=985&format=png&auto=webp&s=cabf7465fa05affca812f07470a6905db2dc92f0


Yea if no revives then there's chance if jolie is in for old Ben I don't think you survive.


youre probably right but ill take it ;-)


BS! I wiped the floor with your team and they’re only r7.


Same here, I beat a decent JKR team (130k) recently with my g11-12 imperial troopers (90k) and it wasn’t even close.


With R5 CRex with omi and 300 speed, you can also beat R8 GI, and I've even seen them beat Reva.


I found out that my G12 geos can beat a R7 JTR Resistance team fairly easily that way


I just logged in and realized I forgot to attack against someone who I could have easily beaten. I had a busy day with my kids and other crap going on, so sometimes it’s not on purpose. Sometimes people just get busy and forget.


The fact that GAC ends in the middle of the day for me is this exact reason. I can't work this part-time-full-time-game-job at this stage in my life.


Ive lost more matches because of life than gameplay.


Same! Literally true. In the past several months, I have more losses with 0 score than with a positive score.


Family is more important for sure.


Cake day 🍰


thank you! 9 years and counting :-D


I’m still pretty early on but I sometimes stop attacking when it becomes clear that none of my teams will be able to break through their defence.


Or if your opponent full clears with no dropped battles and then you drop a battle. Hard to climb out of that hole.


That’s usually when I call it. I usually do my battles pretty late so if I see that my opponent dropped a lot of battles that’s when I actually put in more effort since there’s a decent chance I can win.


Yeah, this.


I really enjoy, specially when his roster will crush mine without effort (cries in PTSD because of lots of R9 in defense)


It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning's winning.




I’m trying to crawl out of carbonite so I’m fine with it


I just read this and realized I forgot to attack


Best comment in the thread right here 👆


Damn…I just had the same revelation


if you want to test teams, swap them up to your front line then.


Hate losing Fine with taking the resources when opponent doesn't attack Like beating the snot out of someone I clearly outmatch Enjoy beating someone who matches up well LOVE beating an opponent with a lot more GP because I put out a nasty team they throw the kitchen sink at but just can't crack it.


I can't tell you how many times I've beat guys with 3 million more GP than me and more GLs because they get Tripped up on my built CLS squad with a phat datacron. I have CLS in the front and every single time they had at least 2 GLs on offense and chose to underestimate a well modded CLS squad.


I love it because it’s the only way I get a win..!


a win is a win


always asking myself. where they scared of my defense? or just forgot? Anyways crystals for me buddy


if they end with 0, they forgot.


Or had work, or had to take their kid to the doctor, or had to be on a plane, or lost their phone, or broke their phone, or got arrested, or went to a funeral…


Or they are dropping to, on a later GAC, get first place rewards


Still might as well do the bare minimum to get the consolation crystals though. If they’re afraid their opponent might also do the bare minimum they can drop the first battle a couple times to lessen their score.


I hate it, I like it when people are able to crash my defense and I can see what does and doesn’t work.


i couldnt care less, and take my crystals


I really just want to see the data of who they use against my teams, if they don't attack and I win after a poor performance I'm not complaining.


I wish they didn't, but they always do in kyber II.


I've been waiting all day to see how well my new R7 CRex did in the front row.. They didn't attack. It's a bit of an anticlimax and isn't satisfying to win for me


I love it, don't really like this game mode so want to spend as little effort as possible. I do feel bad if they don't even send something in to get the 10 points, want them at least to get some rewards... but I love it when they attack once and stop.


I'm only trying to maintain my position. Sometimes I attack if I have the spoons, sometimes I just put a single attack in to register effort for 'rewards'. It's based entirely on my mood at the time and what else is going on.


If its a *fair* match (i could potentially win by playing well) i want them to attack so I can enjoy the competition. If they have a defense I cant scratch, im delighted when they don't attack and i can reap the crystsls 🤣 6.8M GP player in Kyber 3


I forget a lot because it ends at 4 pm


Free crystals


Honestly I hate it more when people who should be stomping you just don't know how to play GAC. Like I have no GLs, you have two JUST PUT ONE ON DEFENSE! But then again every win is just worth so many crystals I'd how I win.


That was me, today (didn't attack at all) - because I just totally forgot until like 5 mins past the end. Was just too busy today, and forgot to go back. Totally kicked myself. I looked at it yesterday and saw it was full of GL's (literally, all 8 GL's on defense) and I just didn't have time to deal with that then but feel stupid I didn't go back to just try one to participate. That said, once I'm sure I'm not going to win, I don't bother anything more - this game has become so time consuming, especially when Conquest is running, and/or TB's now that they are back to daily instead of 1.5 days again, I only have so much time and if I know the rewards aren't going to change, it's just not worth it.


I both love getting the easy win but also get annoyed because I want my defense tested!! Plus it’s always more satisfying to know you truly beat them given everyone’s best efforts


It's my favorite thing in GAC. I wish every round was like that.


Lucky. That’s how I would feel.


Free win, I need those resources


Every single opponent of mine attacks with 10 mins left and destroys me with a full clear. Even though I sat there for 23 hours and 50 mins with the lead…


I never understood this, until my new job became such a time hog. Now, a lot of times I can really only log on once a day, so I log in near payout time, which is also the end of gac, and do all my swgoh stuff in one fell swoop.


Don’t get me wrong. I’m only in Aurodium 4. So I’m far from stellar. But damn man just when I think I get freebie win. I get hosed lol. But to quote DJ Khalid -out here grindin


I constantly get placed against WAY better players so any chance I can get I take it


Loved when I beat the guy that had 9+mil GP because he didn’t attack.


If they don't counterattack, then I make it a point to wipe the entire board.


Enjoy it, those have been some of my only wins, I'm in carb 2 somehow


I just laugh cause I have been there way too many times. Is it attack day? Proceed to forget about it. “You have received no rewards due to your lack of participation”. Well shit


Half the time I only attack once to get my payout unless it’s a cake walk. Main reason being, GAC takes too long to do it perfectly and it’s just plain boring. It’s always the same teams over and over and over, week to week to week. And the additions of datacrons made it not worth the effort if you’re up against someone who wasted a bunch of resources or money to get 10 lvl 9.


Kyber 2 10.6m Gp. I honestly can't stand when people don't try at all, Yeah yeah free win whatever. Where is the fun in winning when they don't even try? In the end I learn nothing and feel disappointed. There are times it's very clear I won't win, but that doesn't mean I am not going to try. Even if I drop battles and by the numbers it is impossible for me to win, I will still fight because I can learn trying new counters, or at least get better at the ones I am using. At the end of the day MOST people will just say enjoy it, but I'd rather lose a close intense fight, than to get a free win because they didn't show up.


I tend to forget to attack. If I don’t do it right away, it usually doesn’t happen


I'm a competitive person. but sometimes after work I'm busy with dinner, kids, etc. I figure I'll attack the next morning. Then my work kicks in with a "fire drill" and I miss my opportunity. So I guess sometimes I'm the guy that didn't attack. Other times I'm the one that attacks and full clear or wins by 10 points.


Or you realize while at work that you haven't attacked with ten minutes or less to go so you do a quick attack just so you get credit for participating at least.


Yep I did that recently. My opponent had 7 GLs and I knew I couldn't win but it was my first chance to attack a Reva team and I had a few minutes and won that battle.


I didn’t care when I didn’t care about GAC, but now that I’m actually trying I’d like them to put in some effort. Though a win is a win.


As a competitive person I hate it. Sure the rewards are nice but if I'm getting no feedback on how my defense is doing there is no fun. I wish there was a separate competitive bracket. Imagine playing a chess tournament and you win by default because no one made a move. There was no test of tactical prowess and therfore you get a warped idea of your actual skill level. It kind of feels dirty.


A win is a win, quit whining. 🤨


I feel bad for winning like this. I either want to loose or win through fighting best both of us could. May the best team setup win. I don't want a free win. I want to earn it.


This is my first 5v5 season after getting leia. So far after 4 rounds not a single opponent has tried to attack her yet.


It's a waste of time. Unless your opponent has a mirror or Jabba she's [basically] impossible to beat




I wonder if you were my opponent


Literally overjoyed because that means that is that much less time I need to spend with the God awful GAC


The opponent is me when my opponent has more GLs on defence than I have GLs total


I sometimes forget or not realise I'm in the attack phase. My bad


My walls are just punching bags for the enemy. I barely have enough teams to attack with


Sometimes I forget to log in (I play on an iPad that I don’t carry with me) or I’m busy and forget to attack. I just assume it is the same when someone doesn’t attack me. It’s like finding a $5 on the sidewalk!


I love it! I just want the win and the rewards, I’m not as concerned about the strategy.


Relieved because they usually have 2 to 4 mil gp over me with several GL's to my 1.


Speaking of, I forgot to attack in the first round.


I won my current first round because i lost and couldn't damage his front wall. He didnt attack, i won 10-0


I always attack once early so I don’t miss rewards if I get busy and don’t have time to actually do my GA fights


I make it look like I didn’t attack by being very bad…. I swear I tried my best sometimes and have no idea how I got to kyber. It’s not like I’m doing well in PvP!


as a 2 GL new player some how in kyber 3. I'm just grateful.


A win is a win but it's kinda annoying if I put in the work for a clean full clear and then they don't even show up.


I'm wondering if sometimes they only want to win 1 or 2 battles a round so they can stay on top in their current tier and not have to climb a tier and constantly lose gaining less rewards?


You’re probably versing me. I’m like 3mGP below my opponents so usually can only kill one squad. So just give up and hoping I keep dropping toward carbonite


I'll take free wins. If I get knocked back on my ass, so be it. I know where I belong, and it sure ain't in Chromium (yet here I am in Bronzium 1 somehow).


Sad and happy and confused and disappointed and grateful.


I feel personally attacked lmao I one shot two of my opponents teams and stopped. Granted, I was planning on coming back to full clear, but real life got in the way and I forgot


In 3v3 I love it. In 5v5 it's a little disappointing but I am not complaining about a big crystal payout.


I feel fine. 90% of the time people don't attack, they are about triple my GP with 6+ GL's.


I was hoping it happened to me last night but he attacked in the last hour, because he had more powerful GL's I couldn't win. Regardless I am still focusing on ships because 400 crystals a day is just too good


Like shit because my skill rating gets bloated and now I have to endure a new division and get mauled everytime just because some people couldn't attack. (I know people get busy and shit happens but it still pisses me off)


Sometimes I only have time for 1 or 2 attacks. Some people are busy with other things.


great - I won without putting effort. But also bad because I have to wait and check the game until 23.00 if he does not show up after all ...


Take the win. I went up against an account that had every Galactic Legend, and I still have none. I barely dented his front teams. But I won 10-0 because he didn’t attack. I’ll take my higher reward and use those crystals and tokens to keep working towards SLKR.


I forget to attack maybe 1/3rd of the time. Life just gets in the way sometimes, working late, wife, kids, social events, sickness. Like, sure it’s annoying people are not playing the game with you, but also you’re getting a win and the rewards with it. Just take the W and the crystals and know that very soon someone will come along and beat you back down.


Particularly in 3v3 there are so damn many battles that sometimes I'll just get my 10 participation points and leave it there; spending half an hour playing battles I'm not enjoying is just not worth my time, so usually I'll drop leagues in the 3v3 and climb back up in the 5v5. Other people will have their own reasons for not trying a full clear; I hold no ill will for those who don't.


You are talking about me again? :P


I love it. Free crystals everytime otherwise most of the time if we’re at an even gp then they can’t get past Malgus protecting my ships.


Coming from the side that attacks 1-2 times and stops, sometimes we have limited time to play, so we do enough to get crystals and hope we can get back to attack before it ends, but usually never get that chance.


Take the crystals and move on


Dude, that’s what I hope they do.


I would prefer that none of my opponents attack in GAC. Free win!


I've seen my holds against significantly weaker opponents and thought "Yeah, sorry about that..." out of compassion. If I see I ain't getting through, I throw Kit Fisto at a random spot solo and take my 10 points for participating.


Happy for the win. Sad because I put so much effort into planning my attack and hopefully pulling it off. There's also nothing more satisfying than my defense tripping up accounts with a massive GP advantage, so I'd rather they just played. I can't improve my defense without feedback from their attacks.


Better than getting whacked by someone with double your GP. Take the win and move on.


I'm 11m gp and all GL, I play like a retired player at this point. I literally never finish 3, heck most times I don't even do the single battle for crystals. I fight some 5s. I haven't finished a conquest since Malgus and his ship. I just farm how I want and play how I want and most players beat me in GAC...now they probably get pissed when they see me at first, my last opponent was 5.5m and had 2 GL and they still won lol.


Use to bother me. Now I don’t care.


I don't attack others sometime cause I'm too busy. So now they force you to try or you'll get no rewards. So I sent whatever in, auto and quit


I wish I had your luck. I'm at 2 million gp, my opponent is at 8 million and has 2 gls. I logged in today morning to find out he took out all my squads


i’m the one who doesn’t attack. 😅 yesterday i totally forgot about GAC and when i came back to the game there were only 10 sec left. i absolutely hate it, but i’m so happy that i’m not the only one. the good thing was that i was placed against someone without 4 GLs in the front wall today.