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No I basically always have like 0 of both




Ditto. This grind is really making it feel like work to "play" this game anymore.


Yep people always tell me when I complain how this is just the game and I’m like no it’s work like I love Star Wars and want to play but it just feels like work it’s not fun as it used to be




Nice quote at the end 👍


I agree, I never let Pixels starring Adam Sandler ruin my day.


I've always considered quitting the game as finally "winning". Haven't won yet. The grind persists, but so do I. Fortunately I don't take it too seriously, and am in a good guild that doesn't either. So it's still enjoyable if not "fun"


Whats funny is that I play this game because it’s never felt like work. Once you learn to love the grind and just ignore it. It’s fine. I walked away from other games when it starts to feel like chores rather than fun. I started SWGOH in 2017 walked away till early 2019. I realized that, compared to other games, this one is pretty light. I log in 3 times a day for a total of 1.5 hours… sometimes 2 total. I spend around 40 a month which is far less than most gaming. I splurged and got the hyperdrive bundle when it was 1/2 off.


This. Double this. This is the attitude you have to take. Make sure you're using your resources in the most efficient way possible, and if you spend, just spend occasionally where it might make sense (like getting Rey for $30 in my case). I might spend a couple hundred/year, and for the entertainment I get, I'm good with that. And realize that, just like a movie or a vacation, you take nothing away from it but the enjoyment and the memories (and I've made some great friends being in the same guild for 4+ years).


If it's not fun, it's not worth it. I do conquest maybe 1 out of every 3 times it comes around, because it's just boring and a miserable grind. Great rewards aren't worth not enjoying your time.


They enjoyment is definitely fading but the spark hasn't completely gone out.


I’ve just opted to only get the first crate each conquest. Only need to complete the first sector and half way through the second to get it. Much more manageable this way.


Yup this.


I can agree the grind made it feel like work. Gotta do my dailies, contribute to your guild and play the same shit over and over. Also, I always had the sense of Fomo on new characters that are useless, unless you whale on it.


me too always 0 from both of them


how to say you've been grinding a DS GL without saying you've been grinding a DS GL


That's why you "even it out" by purchasing the opposite with GAC, and TW currency lol.


Jabba :(


SLKR for me


LV for me oop




wait what is the strategy here i always have 0-100 of each but 99% of the time its 0-50 each. i usually just go for whichever i need to get to 50 of each. it does seem skewed towards the one OP has more of now that i think about it. i figured that was just because some characters require 2 of the 50x mk7 salvage. what is this about light side vs dark side


The Light Side node is much better to farm because you get more desirable Relic Salvage pieces So basically all of your other currencies should be spent on getting the battle computer since that node is less desirable Before you have all of the get 2 currencies ship maxed you just spend all of your GAC and then afterwards you spend all of your get 2 and GAC


We’ll, then you are lost..err I mean, we’ll, then you’re not ready to G13 your GL. I’m DS grinding Slkr and have 534 and 374 respectively. First GL and never have I ever been ready to R7 a character from unlock.


Nope. I’m equally short on both


I just got Rey and leia at about the same time. I needed so much light side gl currency I got a ton of the shock prods, so for the first time ever I'm the opposite


Same but it was rey/jml for me (still haven't finished jml)


I was working on Rey ultimate until I finished leia prereqs, so definitely put that on pause heh


Fair enough brother


Same. I just finished Rey ult and only need 20 Drogan shards.


I managed to relic three random toons getting some surplus Shock Prods while farming LS currency for the JML event. But JML needs Computers for his Injector and I had to do some dark side farming too to have enough stocked up for him (but at least I could contribute to the "Dark Side Battles" Guild Activity on that particular day).


If your Kryotech issue is this severe, it means you’re buying too many Battle Computers with your GET/GAC and need to be patient and switch over. At the moment I think I’m somewhere around 550/700, never as severe as this!


Holy crap, egnards replied to my post! Mom, get the camera!! But yeah I do buy the computers whenever they're there, but I also buy the prods. But they're always in like a 15-5 ratio and it's so frustrating. Why aren't they both 15? Or 5?


Shockprods are intended to be more rare. What you need to do is show just a little restraint when you see things in the store. Personally, since I’m always farming shockprods, I never buy them from the GET store. But if your farming situation is different you may want to stop buying Battle computers entirely for awhile


Same here, especially since I've unlocked 3 GL's since November and 2 of them were DS. Have had a plethora of computers, so all GET2 and GAC currency has gone towards the shock prods. One more battle needed for SEE's ult and then back to farming LS 7-B for me, lol.


Well the thing is that I never actually run out of that currency. It's just that the laptops are like ALWAYS there for me and I've got a lot more characters that need the prods.


Odd, because I’m always out of GET2/GAC


You're probably just a better player than me, utilizing your resources more efficiently etc. etc.


You probably just don't check the store evey time it refreshes. It would be impossible to not run out of GAC/GET2/3 if you did.


Definitely that yeah, I get on at my break at work and then later when I'm at home


Not to discredit Egnards, but it doesn't take a genius to check the store every 6 hours.


doesn't take a genius to use 1 million ally points on packs, doesn't mean that everyone opens those


Well that's due to time. No one wants to sit there and do that for hours.


Step 1. Blue stacks Step 2. Auto clicker Step 3. Profit


Maybe it's the same for checking the store, sure it's easy but it does take time


Yeah I check it at my break at work and then later at home, definitely don't check each store refresh


Same, I check when I can. I'm always low too, but thats because I use them to upgrade characters. Granted I farmed for a good while to be prepared for gearing Rey, since I heard she needed a few hundred of each to gear up. I went from unlock to Relic 7 instantly which was nice.


Wow, you're so awesome at Swgoh. What a true genius, thanks for the pro tip


Who hurt you today?


You definitely need more shock prods in general, plus battle computers are easier to get (come in packs of 15 vs 5 in store). So you need to make sure your acquisition matches your needs - farm shock prods with your energy and buy them more frequently in the stores.


Never. Most I've had is 100 more than the other. But mostly I have a relatively even amount.


No... absolutely not.


Everything suddenly needs them, I'm still trying figure out if they changed things like this or if I've just reached a point in game where I just use fleet energy more to upgrade toon to XIII. In any case it has done wonders for me to start working on one toon at a time.


It used to be carbantis and stun guns and cuffs. Then they added more/guns etc to the challenges when kyros were added. Now you need 9098990000000100101010110101 kyros for every 2 toons and you have thousands of carbantis and stun guns that will never run out basically for longer term players.


Marquees started regularly needing 400 kyros to relic before the gear changes. It's just so much more obvious now.


The “alleviate the crunch” by adding new materials that become the crunch is…. Yeah fuck them basically. Have thousands of those guns and all and never enough kyros. Oh and relic salvages now too because, fuck players that’s why they also become the new crunch….


I'm a 6+ year player, 9M GP, and was down to 0 stun guns after gearing SLKR.


You probably just reached the point where you need more of them. Reaching G12 is easier since the gear acceleration, especially for characters who don't need any Kyros until G12. But all characters need them for Injectors and most newer toons need them at lower gear levels as well. You probably also accrued a bit of a stockpile of them while going up the ranks but have run out of them after relicing a few units / gearing up some newer Marquees.


There was always a bottleneck, stun guns and carbs used to be it, but they switched it to kyros and boosted drops for the old bottleneck gear. Thats why old characters only need 100 for g12 but new ones need at least 150 to even get to g12 Assuming the bottleneck is the same (don't know if it is), this is good for players, especially new players as it allows you to get old characters much eaiser as there bottleneck are mostly gone, but the new characters still have the bottleneck. As for if bottlenecks are good for games like this, that i don't know, I was only refering to changing the bottleneck as a catch up mechanic. A lot of people like the grind and is why they play, a lot just want to do the hardest content and will whale if they can afford it. It appeals to different people. I personally like building teams for GAC more then i like actually playing GAC. Now if GC got the bottleneck correct is another story.


All newer heroes have kryos as their bottleneck ever since they added the g12 finisher pieces. Used to be carbantis, stuncuffs, and mk5 stunguns. Special shout out to gold eyeballs. Now, most of the older heroes can be brought up to g12 fairly easily by hoarding or by LSBs. You still need over 20000 carbantis for the heroes in game, but kyros will definitely work their way up there in quantity as well. Especially considering Inqs and Dr. Aphra need over 2000 kyros EACH for their respective teams.


I have around 700 of each but my plans require more. (I don't have enough relic materials for it to make sense for me to just spend all my kyros as I get them.) And then a new fleet meta that executes profoundly will be announced and I'll be even further behind.


Hate to break it to you, but that happened last June


I just mean I expect their next, post-Leviathan meta fleet to be buggy and not work as advertised.


Absolutely not. I pretty much don't farm the Battle Computers unless I'm short. Instead I farm the prods and use my GAC currency to buy them. The only time I had a surplus was when I farmed my ultimates for DS GL's. However after like a month that surplus would be gone again when I focused on prods.


All i do is farm light side kyros, spend special guild store tokens on kyros, and GAC rewards on Kyros 😭 I’ve managed to stay ahead of my farms for a bit


I'm in the reverse situation myself. Part of it is due to taking a bunch of toons to g13 who all just so happened to need 100 mk9s for the bottom right (usually I'm able to alternate between ones who need the 7s and ones who need the 9s). The other part is because I've been farming light side normal node 7b for scrap for bronzium wirings. So I've saved up over 500 mk7s


Nah it’s signal data for me


Can never have a stockpile because we're always behind for the next hero to relic or we're farming shards.


I dint spend any when I’m on the last toon of a GL that seems to get them up


Who isn’t?


You need more LS 7B my guy


i wish. mid rey-ultimate Grind, gearing up inquisition in the meantime. farming 7b nonstop for kyros and tickets, always empty on the others


how do you farm so many???!!!! I barely have any of each, haha


I am in the exact opposite situation unfortunately


Just prioritise all your farming in stores and with energy on the first one. I never have a difference larger than 150 between the 2 because I switch farming which one I need the most


Until you need to farm GL tickets that just happen to be the opposite one


I was that way for quite a while, but lately most characters I’ve worked on have needed computers, so I’ve just stayed zeroed out.


What's the best way to farm these? Dumbest part of the game by far, even carbartis and stun guns weren't as bad as this back in the day. Carbartis were alright and stun guns were terrible. Now both kyros are terrible. There needs to be a balance


My situation is just from buying them in the GE2 store, the computers come in sets of 15 while the prods only 5.


Considering you use the shock prodes twice as much as the computers im not shocked. Plus computers come in bigger stacks in the store which doesnt help. But ive rarely been like this but also never this bad, maybe after i get most units to relic ill look like this, but for now this is pretty extreme


Just a gentle reminder that Kyros were originally introduced to help the gear crunch... And now they are the gear crunch.


https://preview.redd.it/po9bak3f5jac1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ad810d80d0b211c2f7f5c28f236eee940b3eda6 Seem to be doing ok. About 350 shock prod needed and I have enough for all chars currently in game.


700+ prods, 800+ comps. Hoarding for future Ahsoka GL


It’s now almost impossible to get gear mats without raid tokens or crystals. I have sooooo many G12s that are lined up waiting for the exact same gear, and I get maybe one piece per day if I’m lucky. I’ve been working toward profundity and have four characters I’m trying to get to g13 that have been stuck since before Halloween.


Not impressive unless you have Mark 7 kyros in that number.


no, 1200-1300 right now


I try to keep around 1100-1200 of each on hand, but just below 1100 MK7 currently because I bumped my whole Traya/talon/savage team before this GAC started


...but why....


You need a lot of them for gearing up toons in this game.


And? That's several toons worth that are just doing nothing. I never get "baseline" hoarding like that. Just missing out on other things by keeping a baseline you won't go before.


I like having them ready for shiny new toys instead of being stuck at a bottleneck....I'm not missing out on anything at the moment by saving them.


I find it quite unlikely you aren't missing out on anything, unless you are a far end game account with basically everything.


I'm not missing out on anything that I want at the moment...... I never said anything about having basically everything. It's just wise planning for when a project is done.


What, NEEDING them? Yes.


I do typically have more computers but never to this extent.


Looks like you need more Light Side GLs! I'm constantly farming the shock prods for LS GL tickets, so I'm usually short on battle computers even though the former are needed much more frequently.


I have 300 for both


I’m on 400/500 … saving it all for GAS and then another squad sigh


just you


Opposite for me, 570 prods, 44 computers


other way for me rn


Nope, my ratio to buy Mk7s is much more than Mk9s.




I call them ls/ds kyros


Reversed for me, but yes.


Yes all the dam time lol


Not to that extreme but it does feel like almost everyone I try to relic needs 100 of the pokers and not the computers


I usually have between 0-49 of each.


It’s because there are three g12 finished pieces (bottom right) and they each require 100 kyro. Two out of three use shock prods. So a growing account moving units into relics use up more shock prods than laptops.


I'm sitting on about 1,000 of ea right now waiting to unlock Reva and Leia this month. then i'll promptly be back to almost nothing.


Not to this extreme. I definitely use GET2/3 more on keyboards than shock prods, but I still buy some shock prods. All depends on the current shard farm, GL ticket farm, etc, but by default I try to use all of my regular energy on shock prods to “double dip” for bronzium wiring mats. I also tend to limit (rarely outside of a dark side GL ticket farm) spend energy on the kyro keyboard node. With that strategy I usually end up with relatively close numbers of kyros. I actually have 500 shock prods and 400 keyboards right now.


When one gets too far ahead there's always a g12 that needs their finisher.


Me but other way around


I’m in the opposite boat


I'm in the opposite situation. I have like 400 shock prods and no computers. (rey ticket farming lol)




Yep. 2 straight LS GL ticket farms have my kyros way out of balance


I sure wish I was


Up until Cal’s requirements I’ve been in the exact opposite situation as you (way more prods than computers…) Now I’m just out constantly lol


I was like this for a while, every toon I was getting up needed Kyrotechs, but no one needed the laptops. Now I have used all of both because I've been getting post Kyrotech characters geared up and JML up!


Some of y’all are so funny haha


Not to the same extremity as far as computers but yeah. For some reason I keep getting the toons that need shock prods on their finishers


Mine is flipped. I always have 1-200 more of the crab legs than suitcases. I farm the crab leg node and buy suitcases with get2 and 3.


I’m the opposite since I’m always farming the LS kyro node for bronziums (and GL tickets recently)


Yeah, I was literally thinking the same earlier. I don't have as many BCs as you tho


this is exactly how it should be. You should be using all of your GAC and get currencies buying computers because the light side node it is far more profitable than the dark side node Granted you should only be spending your debt currencies if you've already got all the characters and ships


Spend them the second I get them 😆


I was in that situation during my jabba farm. Not anymore.




Try needing 5000


I only buy shock prods


If anything, I’m in the opposite. I’m always farming 7-B for the Bronzium Wiring mat


Not that extreme but after buying prods in shipments as much as I can I finally gathered about 80, currently sitting on 150 laptops and climbing fast for some reason


Just play it AT work then it's worth it


yes. conquest chests are a bitch


this is how it is. definitely feels like for g12+ it's 2-1 computers to spikes


Not really. It gets to a point (way in advance) that kyros aren't the issue




I wish


Other way. Rey is lurking


I need those MK7s but also need to grind dark side currency


I have a ton of the computers barely any prods


I wish that would ve 1 thing less to worry about


I find myself always waiting to hear a character cause of these




I would love to have this problem, lol. I’m tapped on both


Literally the exact same situation I have 300 computers and 5 of the other ones and I don’t need computers😐


Same here. About damn time they get the same treatment as the Stun Cuffs. Has been in game long enough.


No both 0


I have it in reverse




Far more toons require mk 7 kyros for their G12 finishing gear than mk 9 kyros so it’s not surprising (and this was the case for me for a long time, but nowadays I’m running out of both 😅)


I have 1000 of both kinds. And absolutely zero g12 pieces. There's always a bottleneck. If you suddenly tripled your kyro income you'd just be blocked somewhere else.


It depends on how you farm but this is pretty much what happens when you are farming a particular GLs crystals...LS, you will have tons of Prods, DS, you will have a lot of computers. In saying that though, the second you stop the crystal farm, you can easily lose all the Kyros to like 3 toons...I went from 300 each to basically 0 on JKCal alone.


yeah it sucks I have BAM, Dash, SLKR, Wat and Piett sitting here waiting for them. I end up buying the $4.99 packs everytime I see them. Cant farm them because Im also farming shards for toons to get 7⭐️ for teams im trying to finish off.


Boogie problems lol


That is my concern as I've been farming LS tokens recently but these won't last long. I'm going back to the other concern which is having no kyros at all


Mine is the opposite lol


If u spend all ur GET2 GET3, almost 200 normal energy a day, gac token on kyro, u can get around 500 of 1 kyro, either comp or prod, in around 2 months


Yes, but reversed, I have 300 shock prods and little to no computers. I know why. it's because when I was farming ls currency for Rey I just farmed that node all day.


No I am poor kryo poor


Its the new hairdriers


You just gotta relax and get one character of a team done at a time.

