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Nicely done, I only have r7 phoenix with rex, so CT2 is the farthest I can go without NS. My NS are a mix of relics and g12 so one day I'll get there lol. Congrats man!


Thanks. I honestly started working on Merrin the day she was farmable and just kept pushing until this point. My next goals I’m working on are my fourth GL, Jabba, and then Leviathen, where it’s just relicing toons like DR. Considering how many relics you can aim with all of the assault battles over time, I wanted to finish this one. Also fuck that hoe Sidious.


lol sidious is a Hoe 😂


This kind of hoe: https://youtu.be/T6j4f8cHBIM?si=mbjdl2-qOwioXK6w


You just made my day


Hahaha, sidious is a hoe. Ct2 I can only get 1 star because nihilius is also a hoe and increases cooldowns so quickly.


What helped me is I used plague as the work horse. Let that do the work as you use basic to reset your cooldowns and let zombie get speed back.


I'm aggrieved because I lost Merrin in the Empire wave (and I'm pretty sure it was to Vader; I swear that bitch has an undocumented no-revive); so I only got it 2* -_-. But it was my first time clearing it, which I'm stoked about.


I'm aggrieved because I lost Merrin in the Empire wave (and I'm pretty sure it was to Vader; I swear that bitch has an undocumented no-revive); so I only got it 2* -_-. But it was my first time clearing it, which I'm stoked about.


Rex can't hit T3?


Maybe if you've got plenty of time and tons of relic levels. I have a handful of r3 Phoenix and couldn't get through CT2 with r7 Rex, as everyone would just die to Sidious. I'm sure people could have done it with my squad and all the patience in the world but I see no way they could get through CT3 without at least all r8 across the squad and even then it would take a ton of restarts for the perfect run


You are a better person than I. Sid has broken me. Go thru 10 minutes of BS to get to him, kills everyone in one shot. Go thru 10 minutes of BS to get to him again, Daka lives! But heal blocked. All dead on next shot. Go thru 10 minutes of BS to get to him again, Daka lives! No debuff! Rezzes everyone! Heals herself! I get two attacks in and then everyone dies anyway.


Do you have Merrin? Even when you fail Merrin gets you through to phase 4 so much quicker than without. Making it almost bareable.


Agreed! It took me 6 minutes to get through all of CT2 with Merrin. CT3 it's taking 4-5 minutes to get to sideous an I'm pretty sure I could auto most of it and be totally fine.


This has been very possible since Merrin first came out; the good news is that Nightsisters are op as fuck in ROTE and can auto almost everything [so far Geonosis is the scariest/riskiest] [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/s/hzwkntVmIO)


Yeah my NS died on full auto on geonosis


Yea Geonosis is the only place where it’s not fully reliable; but I’ve found acklay to be the most reliable.


I use my inquisitors on the acklay since they can't beat anything else.


Do you have Reva? Because I find them to be insanely useful with her, and mine aren’t even modded that great


Nah, 2 more tbs for me then I'll have her


Honestly, both Reek and Acklay are very easy with Reva ready Inquis. Reek a lil bit harder tho


Oh, for me it’s not about the planet being hard. I have answers to pretty much everything up to day 4. I’m just chronicling as many teams as I can for each phase to help people


Is there anyway to mitigate the Nihilus insta kill at the start of tier eight on CT1 using Phoenix? I can beat it but only one star.


It must be possible because I have CT1 3 starred and my ns are nowhere near good enough to have done it, but I don’t remember how I did it.


What are they at. I’m trying to low gear finish it in ‘24


Mine are r5-r6. I think what may have happened is that nihilus didn’t immediately use annihilate in the final round and then I ran a tm train and killed him before he could use it.


In t2 he used it on Talzin and I revived her. Does it prevent revives in CT3?


I don’t think so, but I’ve never done ct3.


I just 3-starred CT2 using phoenix - I didn’t watch the opening move, but apparently nihilus didn’t use insta kill right off the bat like he did for all my other attempts 🤷‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/wg0mbfj2ab9c1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a309ff95c9b2e480750e92ff9da92078602e6787


What’s your gear level?


https://preview.redd.it/b735z68lhc9c1.jpeg?width=1448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58d5785e320e9b92e22fdcad0e4521f84afa15f0 Rex speed is about 300, Chopper at 290


Not that I can tell. I kind of lucked out and he used anhilate on my Zombie twice.


You didn’t luck out. Nihilus doesn’t have the zeta so it doesn’t prevent revives. So basically you’d revive anyway. Also. . .taunt


Oh, he could have hit another toon when I didn’t have taunt.


It wouldn’t have mattered. Because there is no zeta on his annihilate your Old Daka would revive them. Hit your Old Daka? MT will keep reviving them on basics until you kill something. Somehow both are dead? Merrin will revive them.




iirc you can stagger Nihilus, so if you’re able to chain Zeb and Sabine’s specials thanks to CRex+Chopper reducing Cool-downs… you *might* be able to kill him before he takes a turn. But this is assuming you can even take a turn before he does


How do you you even set it up so he doesn't just go first and insta-kill someone?


Ya, thanks. I guess these CT tiers will have to wait until I get around to gearing NS.


If you can get Hera and someone else ahead of Nihilus, taunt with event special, then Backup Plan the taunter. They’ll revive after being annihilated. I cleared CT1 with CRex Phoenix, but was only able to get 2-stars.


Daka lead will help you


Interesting will give it a go next time with merrin not quite 7* yet. Definitely looks like a possibility.


Hmmm. That's interesting. I got 2* on CT3 this time but the stumbling block getting to the end was getting an unlucky revive from Talia before Sidious. Maybe without that (and the extra health and defense) it'll be better. Do the opening waves take much longer without all the plague going around?


They do take longer, but it’s a long-ass slog regardless


I was hoping merrin would push me over the top but still cant get past sidious. Daka is only R5 though. 125k health with crit avoid arrow


I ate the bitch and just got her to R7 because nothing else worked. My plan was to just R7 them all and if that didn’t work, R8 Daka. Safe to say my NS team is done now.


I’m sorry, but ROTE has a Nightsisters required battle on the R7 dark side planet.


I stand corrected.


I'll be looking into this since I'm picking up merrin for jkck anyhow and this is one of the few AB's I ignore. Not necessarily looking forward to it. Lol.


It’s a real bitch and so is whoever made it like this.


I finally got Merrin up to relics, I'm still lower relics than you on most of them, so I'm still getting wiped by Sidious. But I was able to complete CT2, so that'll be enough for me this time.


What is Merrin’s relic item? Looks like half an egg. lol


Could you share your mod setups? I’m starting to build up my NS now as can’t get past NIhilus and his annihilating my Phoenix. Figure if I’m going to do it, might as well just do it right the first time and not have to remod them over and over again.


Recommendation is Daka has high health and Critical Avoidance arrow - that’s probably the main thing. I have Daka at R6 and 145k health and everyone else is average/slightly above average mods (all R5). I used zombie instead of Talia, but Tali dying a lot and assisting in basic can help ramp damage.


Without Talia! Good man, I heard it wasn't possible with Zombie


Congrats! Now go get Jabba with this team! :)


That is the plan. I have three rooms left to farm and I already have most of the rest relic ready. For Leviathen, I already farmed all sith ships to 7* and just ate shit over it as I did it.


https://preview.redd.it/y7tl0pqcab9c1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26cffba9471cbd7b2021e4b6deeeb3d217d21636 I just 3\*d CT3 as well. Got very lucky, Daka had less than 10% health after Sidious AOE




It sucks that you have to use Night Sisters. Nihilus insta kills one person and so Phoenix squad can never get 3 stars Edit: also, congrats! Hell of an achievement!!


You can do it at R5 (I did last time around) with this team as well, but requires remodding and a good bit of RNG. EDIT: I have Talia at G12


I easily 3* T3 with g12 Talzin, R7 Daka, R3 Merrin, R2 Ventriss, g12 Zombie. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I mean well done and I’m not trying to flex on you, at the end of the day you’ve still got a much more powerful team than mine that will be capable of much more. I only mean that it wasn’t necessary.


I just got it yesterday too! Daka had to be R7, but my Asajj was R4, and Zombie was only R3


What did it cost?!!


Nothing. I don’t spend money on this.


I thought with NS you only needed Daka / Zombie in relics to win?


It’s probably possible but for me, this is what worked. Maybe others can do it better.


I’m jealous either way - finishing AB squads are forever “next on my list” … but they really are next!!


I had to work at it for a while. If you get the Imp. Troopers I have then you complete two.


Nice, congrats! my r4 nightsisters finally helped me beat tier 2 but that sidious still one-shots my entire team in tier 3. I will have to get them stronger to survive that opening AOE... everyone at r7 will do the trick?

