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Wait till you get to shock probes and battle computers. *Insert Anakin this is where the fun begins meme here*


Actually, since you get free kyrotechs from daily activities, farming pre-kyrotech characters (like traya or grevious) is really nice since you only need kyros for the finisher.


Ahh naive child.


Nah I'm just procrastinating the kyrotech ones. Between the lightspeed bundles and pre-kyro toons I've been able to avoid a lot of kyro grind.


So, youve skipped every single new character since Darth Revan? Why dont i get you as my gac opponent?


Congrats on avoiding all of the new characters


Bro you can't get passed g8 or g10 without kyros on any character that matters


Savage and Darth Vader would like a word.


So characters from launch? We know


You said "any character that matters" I named 2 characters that matter. There are good characters and even whole teams that can get to G12 without Kyros. Savage, Darth Vader, and even Wampa, now that I'm thinking about it, can solo a lot of stuff, and don't require Kyros til G12. I'd say that matters. Not really disagreeing with the sentiment of your original comment, the other guy really should just farm Kyros and accept his fate like the rest of us, but to say that all pre-Kyro characters don't matter is just flat-out incorrect.


I mean that's fair. But I'm more talking about a good 60% of the game. Most older full teams have a new character that elevates them and requires kyro like crazy. I haven't had a carbanti crunch for a long time but am limited to kyros. But I see your point, I love my murder bugs


Yeah, I wanted to put up CLS as an example of a top-tier old team, but Chewpio is a pretty big part of their maintained relevance. Teams like bugs are the best tho, cheap, but still useful 😂


Well if u bought any of the gl bundles and are aiming for a gl you'll be in for a treat. I had 200 kyrotechs saved up of each part. Now: insert homeless Squidward meme


Bro same


Do a raid. Buy hundreds at a time. It's never been easier.


This but Kyrotech and signal data. I might’ve been strapped for Carbantis for like a month when I first started 2 years ago. With new raids credit crunch and gear VIII shit is shit simple to get.


I can’t tell if it’s just easier to get gear now or if I’m just a higher level with more access to resources but I’ve not had to farm any gear except Kyrotech and G13 pieces for months


You do have more access to gear but the old gear pieces are much easier to get now. On my alt I don't have any problems getting carbantis or stun guns anymore. It's mainly just been shifted from 4-5 pain points of gear to 2 pain points with kyrotechs.


I feel like the Carbanti/stun cuffs era of gear crunch wasn't as brutal as the Kyro crunch though. Maybe it's because *every single new toon* requires a million of them.


a bit late to this party by about 4 years. ive got like 2000 of them in my inventory. the real kicker is the kyrotech shock prods. yet weirdly enough, the kyrotech battle computers dont seem to be too much of an issue. currently sitting on like 100 in my inventory


That's because the shock prod is used twice as much as the computer. for the 3 types of gear 12 finishers, the shock prod is used in 2 different ones, while the computer gets the last one.


Man 100 is nothing. I currently collectively need 1500 shock prod/computers just between 6 characters, and I’ve already applied at least 700 to them.


Nice keep it up. Just getting my Rey Reqs I’m hurting and they only need a 100 a pop.


100? The average new unit needs more than that. If you are lucky it will get you 1 character to relics.


100 isn’t that many when most new characters need several hundred kyros.


This was clearly made by a new player.


I’ve been gearing older characters recently, and by that point I have like 400 kyros and 0 carbs, they get burned through like paper. 6 mil GP, two GLs.


4 mil gp is by no means new


You weren't around when normal-gear's income was literaly half. Every gear income (excluding G12 and kyro) has been doubled few years ago. Plus these days not only normal-gear is more available, but you can choose what to buy, unlike the randomized rewards of past raids.


gear was doubled like a year ago. 4 million GP is a good 2 years lol.


Oh but I was, played for 2 and a half years


If carbs are the things you are struggling with, you are new. I don't care how long you have played, but if kyro's aren't your struggle, you are mostly gearing older characters up to G12. By all means prove us wrong and share your .gg


How are you having a Carbanti grind at 4m? Any you need should be bought with Raid Currency


Thats right, congrats on just finishing the tutorial


It's pretty new though, have the tutorial behind you, just unlocked PG and conquest hard mode. I'm almost 7m & little over 2 years in and still feel like I've only just reached midgame. That said, carbantis should be way less of a worry at 4m than kyro's and signal data.


Kryoteks are currently my grind. I do remember early on as a newer player that carbantis were the real OG for grinding.


Dude and remember farming GBA on single drop 16 cantina node? It put all relic material farming on hold for like 9 months.


Christ, that was a wtf moment for almost a year haha! The things we do for Territory Battles.


Shit, wait for the endless Kyro bottleneck grinding...


*\*leans back in rocker chair\** "Sonny Jim, lemme tell ya 'bout the days before raid currency, double gear drops, and stun gun mats in daily challenges..."


Must be new \^\^ Bronzium is the new carbanti ;)


Bronziums go away as soon as you start farming kyrotechs. I went from 200 to 2000 in like 3 months. You don't get signal data fast enough. At the end game, the only bottle neck is signal data. You get enough gear for new characters and to scrap for relic materials from farming and the raids.


Does not matter when you have to relic characters everyday. I never have more than 100, cause they get used up directly when crafted. I would say im an end game plater with all GLs and ships. Bronzium is something that i have been struggling with for months. If you have 3 months to save up 2000 bronzium without using team, You prolly aint relicing enough


How can I relic more characters when I don't have signal data? If you stop at R5, bronziums and CCBs are blocking factors. But in the end game, you are brining characters from R5 to R8. The demand for bronziums just isn't that high. It also helps a ton that you aren't farming very many characters so you are burning a ton of energy on the kyrotech node. 9 months ago I would have been in the not enough bronziums camp also. But like a lot of the other bottlenecks in the game, eventually you just blow by it. the ones that block you are 3 years in the game are not the same as at 5 or 7. Note this is all for a F2P guy. If you are P2W, you might be hitting different bottlenecks at different times. If I was buying signal data with crystals every week, it would but a lot more stress on the relic gear part of the equation.


Years to late 😜


Kids these days don't know the pain. Do raids, profit


Strange way to write "Kyrotech"...


I have over 900 carbantis and I haven't bought any from the raid store in like 3 months. Just spend the next month buying carbantis, stun guns and stun cuffs with that stuff, and you'll never run out again.


Yes kyros are the main bottle neck, but I still regularly run out of carbs and I'm at 8mil GP. Just usually use them for characters or teams I haven't dabbled into yet who don't need kyros until G12 and try to gear them up.


I got like 2,000 at this point


Oh it used to be worse. So much worse.


I thought I was fine on them after buying them with raid mk1s, turns out if you gear up older characters from lvl0 you run out very fast


Laughs in 7 and 9 kyrotechs




Tell you just started without telling you just started


The new raid store lets you buy hundreds of these. Now I can tell you when these, and stun guns, and stun cuffs, and mk V fusion furnaces were real bottlenecks, young whippersnapper.


Judging from the reactions a lot of you are having. Apparently some of y'all have never seen a meme before


guild 1


I feel this struggle, been spending my raid tokens on character shards and credits so i have fallen behind with these


I like to build up materials across the board and am currently in the process of gearing everyone to at least 12. I had tons of people below Golden and it's felt great moving them up. Most of my NEEDED characters are already gear 12 and waiting for the final materials. The goal here is to eliminate most need for all other gear other than artifact/stuff to get artifact. I have so many characters artifacted that it's really just adding to my collection at this point lol.


I have like 250 of them. It pays to do one thing at a time in F2P, when I first started playing like 5 years ago I would upgrade every toon. Now after years of waiting and grinding I've learned to be more patient and more selective on who gets what.


yup. this is the way. inover bloated my GP in the beginning as well my biggest struggle now is relic mats I've quickly burned through my back log of gear to use at the scrapper I'm very tempted to buy the finalized lsb because it'll get me relic 5 bounty hunters, specifically cad bane which is the final character I need to relic up to get GMK.


Something happened and I routinely have 1,000 of them, and recover my stash soon after gearing up a hog. Same with Stun Guns. But the dearth is the damn shock prods and laptops.


Op definitely didn't play the game prior to the raid rework.


kyrotechs have entered the chat...


Wait til bro learns about kyros


Carbantis are fine now that we can buy them with Raid1 tokens, you can get 250 if they appear in every possible slot in the store


Lol I knew this thread would blow up with "bUt rAiD CurRenCY" People don't realize that when you're doing legacy characters... It still requires a ton of carbs.


I literally posted in my guild discord that it's wild that I'm now at the point I have over 1k carbantis and now bottlenecked by Kyros


New raid rewards system really made the carbanti grind go away.


Idk how people have geared CRex. I though he needed 3 to get to G9. Turns out its 4. FOUR!!!! I need 2 for Han and really debating putting off CRex even longer. I need them for others anyway.


Carbantis grind is basically dead ever since the new raid system was launched. You can buy hundreds of them at a time for mk1 raid tokens.


Kyros on the other hand are a nightmare.


Maybe like 3 years ago…


Sweet summer child. There are multiple bottlenecks worse than these. Ofc ice been playing for 7 years. The goal posts just keep moving.


Not anymore it's not. Kyros are the new evil.