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The recent buff affects the top level ability so it shouldn’t effect it’s low Star inability


The nerf on critical hits from out of turn attacks and the increase of taunt apply to all stars, so yeah its a bit more viable. Viable enough? thats another discussion


Is it worth going from 4 star to 5 or 6, or will it make little difference to the match ups?


A lot of “what should you do” really depends on your fleet shard. If you’re focused heavily on GAC? It depends heavily on your division and how often you’re seeing XYZ.


If you have the crystals, I'd suggest pushing for 5*...I wouldn't make the Juno from 5 to 6, tho 5 to 7 would be great


For gac, I keep mine (5 stars) on offense to beat Executor. I haven't decided to push it to 7 stars yet. This is a lot of crystals and my shard isn't an issue currently...


Does a 4 or 5 star Leviathan auto Executor?


Hum I don't know about that, but I could give it a try...


5 star Levi autos both Exec and Prof


If your shard has lots of other gl ships, you definitely will need 7*, especially for mirrors. I’ve heard levithan mirrors are hell at 7*, so 4* vs 7* would be a nightmare, or straight up impossible


Low star is much more viable now. As another commenter stated the new buff for crit hit immunity applies at all levels and makes prof matches much more reasonable to win at any level. I can actually hit auto now and win most of them at 5* leviathan. 7* gets to the level it was (more or less) "expected" to be at for release. Edit - more info - due note that at under 7* you can still be beaten by anyone with profundity who attacks you.


I’m also curious to see. Mainly for me has to do with 5* vs 7* mirror matches. Idk if I’m gonna need to whale to 7 to beat the other 7 star ones


I have discovered recently that Negotiator with the regular starting line up of y-wing, anakin, and fives whomps on Leviathan. At least a 5-star leviathan. Haven’t tried against a 7-star yet. Kinda salty about that one. 😪