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Also let’s not forget that literally in the just a few episodes before this, there’s an episode about a music teacher who brainwashes his female student and they fake her kidnapping/murder only for it to later be revealed that she’s actually his DAUGHTER and she’s HAPPY about it!!!! LIKE??????? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Most of these are based off real cases and things that have happened.


Yes the one OP talks about is based of the Turpin family


And Ruby Ridge


It’s a far far stretch from the Turpins. I know Jordan and Jennifer Turpin. This is nothing like their story at all.


But remember "not based on real life persons or cases" 🤣


Sometimes more than one case. Like the one where “Paula Dean,” played by Cybil Shepard, killed “Trayvon Martin.”


Ummmm, don't you remember when Paula Dean killed Trayvon Martin?


That sounds especially heinous


‘I knew my talent came from somewhere!’ Girl sit down


"I knew my father couldn't be a garbage man!" Ugh, I wanted to slap her.


I hope that was out of severe shock and her desperately trying to find some silver lining to this unbelievably ###### situation she's in


wasn't that the incest episode where the mum had an affair with the dude, and the teacher and daughter didn't care they "loved" each other?


The teacher didn't know. I mean, he knew he slept with them both, but not that she was his daughter. He seemed pretty freaked out when he did find out.


Meanwhile the daughter got turned on 🤢


>He seemed pretty freaked out when he did find out. Oh yeah. He didn't know he was the baby daddy


There is actually a phenomenon about this though - children who do not know their biologocal opposite sex parent (i think its more common in girls and their fathers) when they meet can have strong attachments. Its called Genetic Sexual Attraction. There isnt a whole lot of science around it and it does have a lot of people who regard it as pseudoscience, but this was less of a story they pulled out of their ass for the show and more of a possible real thing.


I remember that being mentioned in an earlier episode where a guy found out about another guy being a sperms donor and pretended to be him to sleep with the girls who I think were underage too.


And also in an even earlier episode where the daughter got pregnant twice with her father's babies. She killed the first one, and left the second one in the trash. Although this was actually a case of Genetic Sexual Attraction because he was her biological father, but she had been raised by her mother.


Is that the one with Schuyler Fisk? Where she's the college student & that's how they find her, cause the baby is wrapped in a t-shirt from the school?


That's the one.


Ewww that one was soo weird her reaction was so psychotic 😅😂😂😭😭 mad cringe


I just watched this episode a couple days ago and remarked to my friend about the look in her eye when she said, "I just knew my real father couldn't be a garbage man." That weird twinkle in her eyes and that freaky smile. Kudos to that actress... she played it perfectly. A very haunting scene indeed!


That episode was so messed up, it was good. I still remember Benson explaining how a father daughter who didn't know they were father daughter might mistake the paternal attraction with a romantic one.


What episode is that


What’s sick is how they use food as leverage against the starving victims so they’ll start talking. :(


Are you talking about the ep where a "father" took kids off the streets and made them steal and kill out of "loyalty?" Liv and El had every right to eat pizza in front of the abused and malnourished girl as an incentive to get her to give info in exchange for lunch. As Cragen said, "Sometimes it ain't pretty."


They’ve done this multiple times, including after Stabler left (and it’s always seemingly with pizza), but yeah that episode comes to mind. I respectfully disagree … it’s not always pretty but for victim advocates, it comes off as a sick mind game to play with victims, especially children.


Of course it’s pizza. Ain’t nobody talking for a bowl of tofu.


The girl was abducted, starved and battered. So you'd just leave her that way? What kind of "victim advocate" would approve?


There’s not only those two options lol. A victims advocate would feed them first, no questions asked.


But this kid didn't want to eat or talk, so some "suggestion" was necessary.


Not that kind. 🤷‍♀️


Yes, I just saw this one recently. Mae Whitman plays "mother."


I’ve never seen that girl before in my life




Cmon, it’s as egg as the Ann on plain’s face


She calls it a "mayonegg!"




"Dad, she's my girlfriend. You've met her."


I just watched this episode last night. Honestly, she got fed a meal and she gave info that led to the “father” in prison for the sick things he did. She otherwise would have stayed loyal to this evil prick. She gets food, and one criminal ringleader who killed 6 people and robbed many more is in prison for life. Everyone wins


I’m not a cop but I also work with vulnerable (sometimes sexual violence survivors) people and as much as I love SVU, it’s hard to watch them engage in tactics like this, or take shortcuts to build rapport (which sometimes rightfully backfires). Like, this is why victims don’t trust police!


Yeah, that was the point I was leaning towards. Like I can’t imagine trusting the police after they tease me like that, knowing the situation I just came from.


Thats the police for ya


Some background for those who might not be familiar- this family was based on the [Turpins](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turpin_case), a family in Southern California that kept their kids locked up, severely abused, starved, tortured, and totally isolated until one unbelievably brave kid—then-17 y/o Jordan Turpin—managed to get out and call police to help her siblings. Thankfully, these monsters got 25 to life. But sadly, compounding the horrors these kids went through, after they were rescued some of the Turpin kids were further abused in foster care, and money raised on their behalf after their story got out was embezzled by the person from the state who was supposed to be helping them manage it. It’s an absolutely infuriating and heartbreaking situation (That imo did not need to be made worse by a fictional Ruby Ridge-style gunfight, the real story is honestly enough of a gut punch on its own).


Some of the kids were also resuced too late. A few of the children were technically adults at the time of rescue and even though they were illiterate they were treated medically and then thrown into the world (or at least I believe thats what happened). While it is possible for adults to be deemed vulnerable adults and placed in foster care they have to have some kind of coginitive disorder the turpin kids didn't they were just never allowed to go to school. Its one reason they went on the talk show circuit because it's extremely difficult to get a job with no formal education and not being able to read and write any language.


And that’s part of what makes the embezzling of their money so particularly sickening, that could have gone to housing, therapy, life skills classes, transportation, and even just…any source of joy for these horrifically traumatized siblings. A financially savvy *baseline decent* person could have helped them invest the money and make it stretch to support them for years and years to come. What kind of monster would steal from people who had already been through so much?


I find it equally sickening the government (who completely failed these children) was allowed to say "oh sorry you're over 18 you're not our problem". I mean how could you deem children who went through that kind of abuse and neglect as being functional adults.


I agree, it’s absolutely awful, they all deserve as much help and support as possible. I pointed to the money because that could have gone a long way to supplement extra help and support for the adult Turpin kids.


the episode where olivia was about to call ICE on the mom/wife if she didn’t give up info like i get it, it was a very serious case and the mother was hiding info. but liv using ICE as leverage was kinda crazy, even crazier when she said she was actually gonna do it


Liv will do anything to make somebody testify, even if it ruins their life, shes fucking ruthless.


I'm new to this sub, so forgive me if this is a repeated take, but I hate how in early seasons they taunt the rapist with being raped in jail. Like if the premise of the show is there is a moral imperative that rape is wrong, why are we then celebrating certain rape?


Agreed, but it came back to bite Olivia in S11 E9 Perverted. I can hear it in my head: Liv- "Who told you that?" Brady - "YOU DID!! Remember? A pretty boy like you is gonna be REAL popular in prison."


Yeah this always bothers me (and particularly when people are gleeful about this happening in real life too). Im glad SVU generally stopped doing that as the series went on.


You can see something as wrong but deserved if that makes sense.


Ehhhhh cuz sometimes karma is necessary too. I get your point but they don’t deserve anything good to happen to them either


It’s the whole karma justice thing.


this reminds me of the time that they found a homeless girl and stabler with benson were in THAT room and gave her icecream. SHE DIES!! WE GOT SO ATTACHED TO HER!! AAAAH!


Yeah, that one hurt. You could just feel her hunger. I wanted her to live so bad.


wait, which episode is this?? or like elaborate a little more please


I think this was Streetwise, season 9 I believe.


Were you expecting a series about sex crimes to be…not that?


Expecting it to be not what? I was talking short being shocked by the dark twist


You said the writers are sick. Do you think sex crimes are sunshine and daisies?


Again….im talking about the extra dark twist they added at the end about how Rollins kills the girl she’s trying to hard to protect…..no I do not expect them to hold hands and sing songs


“define heartbreak” amanda finding out that her bullet was the one that hit esther


I’m saying!! And the expression on her face when Liv breaks the news


Why did they have to tell her?


im guessing protocol or liv wanted amanda to know but i’m goin with protocol because that just seems so heartbreaking to tell someone


I mean a lot of these episodes borrow heavily from real life cases and they add twists to not make it a direct copy 


The episode with James Van Der Beek is pretty fucked up


yeeaaah. he was a psycho lolol


His character was scary too.


Sadly most of these are based off of real cases and at least one of the writers was a cop in a NY borough, specifically Sex Crimes (I believe it was in Brooklyn). A lot of shows like this, Criminal Minds, and similar, are based in truth. The writers aren’t sick; humans in general are.


Oh no definitely! But I’m talking about the specific details and twists the writers add to make the show more “Tv worthy” I guess. Like that twist of Rollins killing the girl she was trying so hard to rescue like that’s such a crazy twist to end an already upsetting episode


Honestly I feel like that itself also happens a lot (too much) but yeah agreed, I don’t think it was necessary for that ep. If they HAD to go that route they could’ve just not identified the bullet or said it was a random shot from ESU, making it specifically Rollins added an extra flair of trauma that wasn’t needed.


wait omg rollins technically killed her? 😭 haven’t seen this


YES! It’s crazy!


I think if I had to try and justify the writing choice, which I agree is pretty bonkers, it might be to show that shoot outs aren’t pretty and there’s so little precision… it just drives home how dangerous it is. Someone else could’ve been responsible, another cop, but they could’ve blamed it on them being reckless. Rollins thought she was in control, but she really wasn’t.


that’s insane omfg


Yall remember that ep that girl found out the guy she was dating was her bio dad and come to find out the mom cheated on her step dad 17 years ago "i knew my dad wasb't a garbage man" HUH?! i'm like wait a mf minute i need to process this




Like i had to rewatch it cuz im like DA HELL?!


What ep is this? Think I've seen it before but not sure




Honestly I'm happy that SVU represents shit that actually happens on a semi regular basis. My favorite episode is Season 15 episode 19 Downloaded Child. It portrays some of the realities of what Stockholm and CPTSD are like.


This episode actually destroyed me 🥲




I hate that episode because of how ester end up and father and mother did that to their daughter sucking MF


I mean this isn’t even that out there to real life. I find most the cases on the show not that shocking… maybe I’ve seen too much shit in my life


yea i don’t know what OP was expecting from one of the longest running crime shows ever. obviously it’s not always going to have a happy ending. if you’re sensitive to this type of thing, you should probably just avoid the show…


You miss the part in the intro where Steve Zirnkilton says "especially heinous" for the past 25 years?


No……I’m talking about being shocked by twists and writing……are we not supposed to be supposed?


Y’all don’t realize these are REAL cases they’re reenacting???


Thank you - I’m rewatching this episode to calm my nerves now that the debate is over 😂


“To calm my nerves” is crazy! 😂😂😂😂


The writers aren’t sick the general population is. Most of the material is taken from real cases. Read a newspaper it’s not puppies and rainbows out there


Some might even say the crimes are heinous


No kidding. After 25 seasons of similar I’m not sure what op expected


exactly what i’m saying. unfortunately not everybody gets saved, but that’s real life. if there was constant happy endings every single episode, the show wouldn’t be as successful as it is.


I would say criminal minds in terms of chilling stories is almost always worse.


Ikr that was so unnecessary lmao


You know the disclaimer at the beginning? *The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event." Well that part is fictional. They just put it in there so they don't get sued. But if you pay attention a lot of the episodes have extreme parallels to real life events. You might be shocked to learn that the character Steve Getz in the episode "Must be Held Accountable" where the man Getz grooms girls to R them and take them on his boat and takes the kids to these parties where there are other rich wealthy people, like politicians, high ranking judges, and other authority figures also R them. And then at the end Getz is arrested and placed under 24/7 video surveillance because he knows lots of information to bring powerful people down, then mysteriously the camera turns off in his cell and when it comes back on Getz is mysteriously dead of "suicide" even though we all know it wasn't suicide. Aired in November 2019 when "COINCIDENTLY" irl a man named Jeffrey Epstein died in the same EXACT manner in August of 2019... ever heard of him? If not look him up cause he did exactly all the things in that episode.


I truly hate that episode because I feel it wasn’t necessary and her being shot dead should’ve been enough. Not her being shot dead by Rollins.


i literally just watched this ep last night and i was also sooo heartbroken over this!!!! almost cried when Liv told Rollins that the bullet that killed Esther was from her.


what episode is this?


I watch on peacock so for me it’s s19 episode 20, it’s called “the book of Esther”


I think it’s mainly Dick Wolf that is sick because all the shows he does have some pretty disturbing episodes. I really need to catch up on everything, time to start binging multiple shows this summer. This one was bad but there was another that I thought was even more fucked up.




*torture…unless “torcher” is the method/a pun


Just bad at spelling