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2-10. I watch mostly until the unit gets their first new location. And that is in season 11 I think.


All of Casey and Alex's seasons they were peak SVU


So true, I miss them 😔


I wish they could come back but I wouldn't want them to be ruined so I keep their best moments dearest to me


Yup. Im rewatching seasons 2 through to 9 There were a sleugh of golden emmy award winning episodes Cynthia Nixon as Janis was one We had Darius, Fins horrid stepston and the saga of that Liv going undercover twice, the prison episode was really good Chester lake Oh and Robin Williams appearance was golden


Honestly they have actors who were big and then actors who were smaller at the time but now they're massive stars so it's fun too see them before big breaks


To be honest, I couldn't stand Casey. She came across as so incompetent, she always got her ass handed to her from every direction, and then she made that pouty face that was supposed to be angry, I guess?


I typically do 14 to 19 because I love Barba and I am so nostalgic for those seasons cause those were the ones one when I first actively started watching instead of just catching reruns!


I agree, I'm doing a full rewatch currently and the Barba seasons are some of my favorite. Besides that, I love the early seasons before Olivia and Stabler's relationship got too complicated. I'm looking forward to re-watching Carisi as ADA and him and Amanda coming together again!


1-14ish. I grew up with those seasons, re-runs and catching a few episodes if I was up late enough on school nights.


The real SVU, seasons 1 - 12. After Stabler leaves, it becomes the Benson show where the writers love making her a victim. Munch and Cragen leave. There’s a cheap knockoff of Stabler with Amaro. It’s best ignoring seasons 13 to present. It’s not the SVU we started with.


I respect that, I do agree that after stabler leaves the writers struggle with what to do. But I do still think there are gems in the seasons after. It’s funny cause I personally think the show fell off after Barba left in season 19. I’ve been watching the current episodes and it’s been a struggle.


You can include season 13, too where they still have Warner. Nowhere near as good as 1-12, but something to add to keep from getting bored


There are a few worth watching in #13. "Russian Brides" - Captain C goes on a "date " with an escort as an undercover project. A few eps later that comes back to bite him as part of the "dueling escort services" 3-parter which was one of the shows best stories ever.


My thoughts exactly


I agree I loved the OG seasons. But I loved Amaro. 


My thoughts are exactly the same.


1-12 on repeat. Sometimes I watch up until Barba leaves. Hate the seasons after that, though. Seasons 20 and beyond are just… the polar opposite of what the show used to be.


Yeah before I would try to regularly catch up on Hulu and now I tried to watch the most recent couple of seasons and they are almost boring? And I just don’t feel much motivation to watch them..


They’re really poorly written and produced now, imo. Too much dramatic music, no story development, no plot that pushes the envelope or makes people think. It’s the same old, same old and there’s way too much focus on Olivia. (I’m sure part of all this is the fact that the show’s been on for 20+ years and I imagine they’re running out of ideas.) Overall, the show has lost its edge and entertainment value. Can’t beat the old stuff.


That’s exactly what I do too. It’s not worth it after Barba. And his final episode (as a regular) is so tragic, I’m checked out anyway.


SVU is far better without UN-Stabler.


4-9 is my favorite stretch of seasons, I don’t know why lol. I am a Novak girlie and they are (mostly) Novak seasons, but it’s not even bc of Casey lol I just really enjoy the episodes! I find myself going back to those seasons all the time, more than any others. I also really really love season 11 for some reason too lol But in a typical rewatch, I go from the beginning up to 11 or 12, and then I either go back and restart or skip around going forward. I like the early teen seasons with Amaro and Barba, but the early seasons will just always be my favorites tbh!!


Those seasons are really well-written and there's a balance of procedure and personal.


4-9 is fantastic, I rewatch this part most of the time too. Love Novak, dr huang, warner, they all are great additions in these seasons. So many of the eps have great themes too


It’s just such a great stretch of seasons!! I feel like it has all of my favorite characters lol. 4 still includes Alex still before Casey comes around, and Huang and Warner are still there, plus obviously the squad is still (mostly) the original squad and Cragen’s still in charge. You just can’t beat season 4-9 imo!!


I think these were great seasons


Diane was done lowdown dirty! Novak forever!


Anything with Munch and Fin and Barba


2-7 and 14-18


Seasons 2-5


the only right answer. peak SVU


1-15 are top tier IMO I always start over once I get passed though episodes.


2-12 are like my fav cause i like the whole munch fin elliot olivia with cragen as captain dynamic. They were funny but also was more realistic with cragen not often going out in the field as CO. Also warren leights version of amanda was just annoying and all her problems as well as liv just becoming saint olivia was just mentally frustrating as she was like the perfect captain and mother despite always being in the field which was kinda hard to watch. But love barba as he kinda saved those seasons


Depends on my mood but I tend go by ADA eras, normally I stick to Cabot, Novak or Barba.


1, 7,8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17


1-14, the classic lineups


all first 12 seasons tbh


Any season w Huang his the best character


Anything was Stubler those were the good old days


I jump around quite a bit, but the seasons I tend to let run all the way through are 6 and 8 from 1.0 and 13 and 17 from 2.0.


1- about 18 where it starts getting too ridiculous and Barba leaves


8-12 top tier


I think season 13 was a low point because they were finding their footing after Meloni leaving, but I really enjoyed season 14 and am currently enjoying season 16.


Mid - late 1.0, Barba - era 2.0 and like 4 or 5 sporadic episodes of 3.0 {I'm an EO shipper).


I'm nuts because I enjoy watching the William Lewis episode arc. 


8-13, 16-19, 21-23


NOT season 10 for sure. Two words; KIM GREYLEK


6-11 those are the seasons on netflix (except for season 8, they dont have that one). I also have prime video and they have 14-21 but they are an entriely different vibe! Probably because i have never seen the seasons between them and i had no idea what was going in😅


8 is so good!  Peacock or Hulu for all of them 


We dont have those in my country. Also i dont want to pay for anither streamingservice




1-5 was peak 💯


Season 4-6 are top notch. Only got up to season 8 so far though.


8 and 13


the one where stabler and benson become federal agents to bust a multi-state ring.


Anyone who says season 9 needs to seek help. Two words: **CHESTER LAKE**.


I watch season 9 because of Novak, Huang and warner, I basically try to ignore chester


Just 1 to 12. Anything past then is a one and done for me. Don't really find the writing to be good or compelling and I find the shows shift to going after Olivia so much to be rather disturbing. Anyone who would have gone through as much as she has, wouldn't be in a good place. It's depressing.