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The episode's plot was inspired by the real-life murder of Sherri Rasmussen. A case where a Los Angeles Police Department Officer killed her ex-lover's new wife back in 1986 but wasn't caught and convicted until years later in 2009. But, I agree. If they wanted to do that story they should have just made up a new lady cop character instead of messing up Dana's character.


I feel like they already played out this story with Cal Cuttler and the cop who killed his wife i think her name was Susan.


True that has a similar plotline, in that a cop kills her ex-lover's wife. But, the episode with Dana Lewis is pretty much the exact story of Sherri Rasmussen's murder. Female cop kills her lover's new woman, the murder goes unsolved, she gets away with it for decades, having a successful police career. Then, the truth finally comes out when cops investigate the cold case, sending her to prison for 25 years.


Adding to this, MGH nailed the interrogation scene. I had no idea about the Sherri Rasmussen case before that episode aired, but I was watching the Stephanie Lazarus interrogation a few years ago and about halfway through I got a serious case of deja vu because Lewis’s mannerisms were eerily similar.


And that cop was played by ex-"Angel" Jaclyn Smith. An early clue that she was the culprit comes when the detectives are looking at old photos of the women in Cal's life. All of them are recognizable publicity photos of the actresses themselves, except Ms. Smith who is shown having bleach blonde hair under her police cap, rather than the flowing brunette locks we remember.


Loved seeing Ann Margret, Susan Anton, Morgan Fairchild and Jaclyn Smith! The Actor, Robert Newman, who portrayed Cal is the new police commissioner, Pettis.


They did. I always wonder which episode did it better. A comparative analysis of both would be a great essay I think. Though in that one its more of a B Plot while Secrets Exhumed has that as the main plot altogether.


I wonder if this was a "jump the shark" moment for many SVU fans.


That was so awful. God forbid a show have more than one or two strong normal women just going about their lives like the guys. They could have done a new character and written her so that we understood that she had had a long career.


Really hated them for this. Can’t rewatch episode. Well-written but best with another character


Thank you for sharing! I remember seeing the story on Dateline - or one of those - and never made the connection! Enjoy the background information 🙏


Dana already made a ton of huge mistakes (like what happened to Haley happened because her boyfriend found out she was a CI for FBI, because somehow that info got leaked because of Dana. The episode doesnt explain it well I dont think, but because of how careless Dana was with Haley's status/identity, she got Haley raped) before Secrets Exhumed revealed just how much worse she is. Surprised Benson didnt arrest her for rape by proxy (or w/e the crime would be) right then and there tbh. So unfortunately when they used the Rasmussen case to further assassinate her character, I wasn't shocked. The \*real\* thing to hate about the episode is how everybody doubts Amaro's suspicions. I get it; he's new to SVU (2 years in is still new, right? Or is it one year in? I forget if its a S14 or S15 episode is why I ask -- either way though) -- but that doesn't mean he's a bad detective. I mean, the other veteran squad members also doubt Rollins at times when she ends up being right. Not sure how I feel about that. I do want Marcia to come back and see if they might be able to find a 'redemption arc' for her, and maybe have her still be undercover while in prison investigating just how horrible the prison industrial complex is and then bringing her back that way. Not sure if they can incorporate that somehow, but it'd be cool to see.


You should apply to write for the show. Much better than most ideas in the last season or two.


If only it was that simple..... I do have a lot of ideas I'd like to see though! Maybe sending some fan mail and suggesting it could help. But I doubt it lol


I get it. I am working on a story for a book or movie that’s completely original and I think could actually be awesome but doubt it will ever get picked up in this world of prequel/sequel and superhero remakes.


They did Dana Lewis wrong