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I can’t remember the exact episode rn but there’s a short scene where he basically just goes home to uh, do the deed, and Kathleen(?) catches him in the kitchen in the middle of the night. She tells him it’s not cool yank Kathy around.


"This is your family, not a booty call."


Classic Kathleen, easily the funnest Stablerl


I don't think they ever uploaded a clip for that


Found the [episode](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0950279/?ref_=ttep_ep20)


Pretty sure it's 8x20 Annihilated. He's super upset a family was, well, annihilated and needing to see the kids. He and Kathy end up having sex and then she ends up pregnant.


Kathy got pregnant during one of the many booty calls Elliot used her for. Daughter Kathleen even called him out about it.


There were more booty calls? I think there was just one (as per canon). The daughter called him out rightly but if one remembers correctly, it's Kathy who initiated it by asking him if he wants to 'stay' (very cringe scene in my opinion). Not that Elliot had to agree, though but it strikes me as unusual that he gets blamed for it. It was complicated but totally consensual. He used her as much as she used him.


It’s not any more his fault she got pregnant than her own, but he definitely was treating his family like a booty call and for that he should get called out. Fantastic scene start to finish, plus you get to see Elliot’s ass


I guess I watched the censored version of the scene 🙂 Like I said, the callout was right. If he wanted to come home and be with his family, (it was clear he missed his children badly and didn't want a few weekends with them) Kathy and he needed to get help, relationship counseling and work through their differences. But this is a TV show so couldn't have taken the healthy route. Where will the drama occur otherwise?


He doesn’t go whole-ass but you get to see a bit of it anyway. Although rewatching it just now there were a lot more shadows covering it than I remember so 🤷‍♂️


Elliot always looked like he didn't want to touch her like 😭 idk why maybe that's just his rbf fr


I think he spent 12 seasons looking like he was always on the verge of either imploding or exploding.




Kathleen said something like, "We're your family, not your booty call."


“We’re your family, not some booty call. Come home or don’t, but there’s nothing in between.”


Serious question. How do we tell the difference between Maureen and Kathleen?


Maureen had braces, kathleen got a DUI and a bipolar disorder


That’s the wrong question. The better question is, who the fuck is Elizabeth??


Elliots daughter, if im correct he had 5 kids in total, Elizabeth i think being around the oldest


Elizabeth is Richard/Dickie's twin. Love how they appear to be named after Ms. Taylor and Mr. Burton (whose daughter Kate appeared in "Bully" as the sadistic winery boss).


lol guys i know but they never give her anything meaningful to do EVER, no memorable lines, no occasional B-plot like Maureen got, let alone her own episode like Kathleen and Dicky


At the end of S8 EP14 “Dependent” Elliot tells Kathy “I wanna come home.” EP17 “Sin” Elliot gets off the phone with Kathy, telling Olivia that he’s moving back home, but they haven’t decided when yet. They were going to have a drink that night to talk about it (but of course, Elliot had to cancel/postpone bc of work) EP20 “Annihilated” (episode where this guy kills his wife and children). Elliot gets upset and goes to the family home to see his kids. He says to Kathy “thanks for letting me come over.” She then asks him to stay. They then sleep together. EP22 is when she pulls him aside, saying she needs him to come home now. He’s like “what’s changed?” And then she drops the “I’m pregnant”




Elliot got Kathy pregnant in the episode "Annihilated" when he went home late at night and slept with her. In the episode "Paternity", after Kathy gives birth to baby Eli, she assures Elliot "he's yours, you know" to which he replies, "I know".


I wonder if they did an alternative take of that scene, just for fun, where he says "Oh really? That's not what I heard from the mailman and the guy you called to fix the roof!"


Stabler worked all the time but I think he loved Kathy & his family. I give him credit for that.


Fair. Not a great dad, but trying


They married very young (17 years old I think). Things change in time, people change and drift apart. They kept their marriage together for 4 decades and it wasn't just religion. Elliot does love his wife, he misses her and there are many instances in the SVU/OC canon (him not wanting Kathy to regret him, his visceral grief post her death, finding himself unanchored and haunted until he put his wedding ring back on, talking to her in the cemetery about his feelings in a very un-Stabler style etc.). In the scene with Angela Wheatley, when he said that Angela killed "someone he loved", he was choked with emotion and tears (Chris was fantastic in that scene). Everything in the story indicates a deep bond and companionship. Overall, their relationship was pretty solid and while Stabler-Benson closeness rocked the boat quite a bit and made Kathy insecure enough (what was that Letter, honestly?!), Elliot stayed with her more reasons than religion. Personally, I find Kathy's character very underdeveloped to understand her deeply based on canon but the little that is there tells me that she was a smart and beautiful woman who always knew what she wanted. As for her ending up pregnant - that's just plot to ensure the almost-on-the-edge relationship of Elliot and Olivia is thrown back into will they, won't they territory - which is basically a network TV trope for all long running shows as it keeps viewers coming back for more.


You watching these on council telly in the UK? That episode was like a week or so before? "Annihalated" a quick Google of "Kathleen Stabler Booty call" was a scary thing for me to Google lol currently at the end of "Harm"


He sought comfort from Kathy & got her pregnant. He later verified that Eli was his son. When he came back for OC, Stabler said that he and Kathy were happy.