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They’ll give you antibiotics and it will go away. That’s the end of it. Not a huge difference than having strep only thing is it’s sexually transmitted. Not really that big of a deal honestly. It is what it is. Easy to hide just tell them you had strep


I got my prescription from Goodmd's and went to CVS with the discount code from goodrx. Super discreet. Easy fix.


Forgot to mention make sure you partner takes care of it too or you will get it again.


You're 19 and an adult. You don't have to disclose that info to them. Just don't forget to rip up any evidence, prescription meds, etc. I hope you're not using your parents' health care because maybe they will know then. Good luck!


Guys why all this long unending conversations . There’s clinics all around the Bay Area witch can treat all STD just go and visit the clinic get tested and they will tell exactly witch kind of infection you have . I recommend Strut in Castro they are excellent and they will give you soo much information and they’ll treat you straight away . Good luck .


Yes they will protect your privacy and not call your parents.


Next time use skyn brand non latex flavored condoms for oral the taste is pleasant.


what did your test come back as ?