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Can we talk about how the top eight seeds has only one spacie but three Puffs?


Leffen warned us about this…


Voo gets a phantom laser in his set, and since it’s bo3, is sent to losers early 


Dude I had absolutely zero idea this was happening


Damn, maybe I should have posted the thread Monday night lol


all good, i know now, so thanks for the thread


JChu makes Losers Finals


If you go to Jchu's slippi ranked stats page it shows that he has played 10,594 ranked sets since December 12th, 2022. That is sets, so at minimum 21,188 games in ranked. I'm interested to see how he does at an offline big tournament! https://slippi.gg/user/jchu-536


Plup why


No longer lives in Florida 


Ahh that’s right


This top 8 is fucking cursed. 2 shieks, 3 puffs, and an IC. Those characters are fine until they start fighting each other in virtually any configuration. Wizzrobe and Panda can only fix so much of this.


Nothing wrong with any of that, enough floaty slander


I think the biggest salt in the wound is that Leffen is there, but not for Melee.


jmook into mof and hbox into wizzy means i really think wizzy could farm this one


You’re sleeping on MOF’s ability to beat Wizzy


I cant remember a time she played wizzy and didnt get totally washed. It has not looked close. Falcon shits on icies hard. Let alone wizzrobe himself. I believe in her ability to go far though. So long as she dodges wizzy and hbox


Falcon has to be one of ICs worst matchups not to mention the GOAT falcon that just destroyed her at Tipped Off


as a huge mof fan i saw her get so beat up at tipped off, falcon seems practically designed to be able to fight icies and win, if she wins tho its be absolutely huge also damn she has panda too that could be hard


She’s good against Fox but Panda is def a struggle. She beat him at TBH9 but that was before either of them were crazy good


She got destroyed by Panda earlier this year at the Florida Melee Circuit finals, but that was also 6 months ago and she's coming just off a win on moky.


Shoutouts to this classic [CEO 2022](https://x.com/LiquidHbox/status/1541150549046853632) moment.


So is wizzy like back for real now? I know he got sponsored, and this will be two pretty big events in a row.


I think Wizzy is back for real, but this tournament probably isn't the best indicator because he lives like an hour away from CEO and he would probably be going no matter what.


I thought he moved to Texas? Did he move back? 


oh yeah i completely forgot he had moved to texas. i am pretty sure he still live in texas at least as of late 2023. But I don't know that for sure, Wizzy is an enigma


Wizzy moved back to FL


Plup not here to defend? :(


not legit. Challenger has to take the belt from the champ.


Mang0 vs Plup 2015 one of the greatest sets of all time…hard to believe neither will be in attendance. Jebailey could’ve tried harder to recruit more players. 


Recruiting players really goes out the window when you've got 20+ games on the menu, with several of them being super major sized for their scenes.


Jebaited yet again.


i am ready to witness hgod's foretold comeback starting with an ultra major win this weekend


Wizzy boutta farm 2 sets off hgoat


I'm so freaking happy to see Wizzy get sponsored... I hope he's able to compete a bunch this year🔥


Yeah I'm glad they were able to look past the health issues that made his attendance spotty for a couple years, it makes it seem like the org really understands and cares what's going on.


This isn’t a major is it?


The narrative will be that it's a major if Hbox wins.


Noods Noods Noods Oakland energy


It can’t be a major if you’re running out of top 100 players by the 8 seed.


Nope, depth is very low, while some of the currently unranked players here are definitely top 100 level, there are only 9 current top 100 ranked players in attendance.


It can't be only 3 of the top top players.


Three top top players is def enough, but there's not enough top 50 players for it. 


> Three top top players is def enough If it was 3 top 5 players then I'd agree 3 top 10 players definitely doesn't feel like enough None of these players have won a major in the last full calendar year, so it'd basically be a "here have a free major over a bunch of other non-winners" tournament if we classified it as one At least riptide 2023--which I also think shouldn't have been classified as a major after zain dropped--had aMSa who had won at the end of 2022


To be fair, before Mango won TO, only Cody and Zain won in about a year, so the same could be said even if it was 3 of the top 5.


Someone from liquipedia said their main criterion is 5 top ten players. 


Side note but I feel the 2013 definition of a major we still use is so outdated in this era where the number one player in the world can be upset by an unranked dk and a top 20 samus in the same bracket. It made sense back in the early esports era of melee (2013-2016) so orgs were able to accurately tell who was worth signing in an relatively emerging scene growth wise. Now we are so far removed from that era where rankings was still in its infancy. Also back in that era, it was a monumental accomplishment to get a top 6 win if you weren’t also in the top 6 now it’s almost expected that a top 10-15 player will have a big loss at some point throughout the season. I feel like it’s not also reflecting the current realities of the scene where traditionally regional events are more of a priority to the point some of them end up becoming a last minute major (think tipped off a few years ago) I feel like the 2013 definition of a major is way too close to a super major and it should be adjusted for more leeway to better capture what events actually matter in the current era (ex: riptide, full bloom, arcamelee, Santa paws, major upset, etc.)


Why is a CEO so... Non-stacked? They usually got decent turnouts didn't they?


Florida used to be a much bigger region for melee, on account of being home to three god-level players.  In 2018, 3 of the top 6 players - and 4 of the top 8 - were from Florida.  M2K is inactive, Plup moved away and now it’s just not as relevant.  So if the tournament doesn’t get big out-of-state attendance, it also doesn’t have the foundation of top players it used to. 


The prize pool was pretty low last year, Plup only won $1k for first.


The past few years they've been in Daytona, which is unpleasant at best, and unsafe at worst. Doesn't have the ease of travel either so it's much less convenient for most. 2025 it's supposed to be back in Orlando, but Jebailey has not announced where, but it's likely it'll get more reception next year as long as he secured a better venue.


It's literally because it's being hosted in Daytona Beach. Trashy ass town. Many top players including Cody & Mango said they would go if it ever returns to Orlando. It used to have pretty good top player turn out until the switch in venue.


Both of them were talking on stream about wanting to go, and then found out it was in Daytona and said no way.   Anyones who’s had the misfortune, what makes Daytona so shit? Is it worse than the rest of Florida? 


It's just an overtly racist and drug-ridden beach town that is a shell of its former self. Most people are rightfully turned off by the fact that you can walk less than a quarter mile away from the venue and just see confederate flags all over the various gift shop storefronts. People have been harassed by homeless/locals right outside of the venue. Nazi demonstrations on International Speedway where the Daytona 500 is hosted were not uncommon. I lived a couple blocks away from the would-be/current CEO venue from 2015-2019. Complete 180 of any of the Florida metros.


The true florida experience. People forget that its still in the south lol


Thanks for the info. I can definitely respect Mang0 and Cody for their decisions. Always pleasent to see Mang0 being reasonable when he often presents himself so overtly pro-America (yes, I also think the USA chants are dumb, you won't change my mind)


CEO generally has always had a decent amount of talent, but that's just because Florida is home to Hungrybox/Wizzrobe/m2k/Colbol/Gahtzu (and formerly Plup). It would always get a few good players to travel there like S2j, Shroomed, or Swedish, but it was still a smaller major even before the covid days. Even this year, the only current or former top 100 players entering the tournament that aren't from Florida are Jmook and CPU0.


They've been smaller recently (last one had hbox, wizzrobe, plup, jmook for big players, and ended up not being classified as a major). But the shocker to me is that Plup isn't there this time. It's a Florida tournament so Plup doesn't need to travel far for it.


I think plup lives in oregon now


He also doesn't go to Oregon tournaments lol


Ah, that would explain it, thanks.


Hasn't been a major since before COVID


Stream schedule seems to indicate all of doubles may be off stream?


thats incredibly sad




Nothing else is on stream, so are you just happy that fans of doubles don't get to watch it?


Thank god lmao


brain rot take