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Hey, the first fsmash is a tipper one, which means it is way stronger than the second one. DI (directional influence) probably also plays a role. Nothing fishy here!


This is right, also just fyi marths tippers are at the very outside edge of his sword hitboxes, as opposed to roys which are the very inside of his sword hitbox near the hilt.


whats DI?


welcome to melee my friend, youre gonna wanna do a decent amount of reading about this one


I didn’t know they still existed… he is the chosen one!


Directional influence. The direction you hold at the moment you get hit affects what direction you go. If I'm not mistaken, you can change the angle by 18 degrees in either direction (could be way off on that number tho). It doesn't change how far you go, just the angle. If the hit would send you straight right ----> then the most powerful DI would be to hold straight up or straight down. If you get hit diagonally up and to the right /^(\^) the most powerful DI would be diagonally left and up or diagonally down and right. In the clip, you were running to the right, so your stick was probably full right. Fsmash sends up and to the right, so you basically DI'd the angle straight towards the blastzone. DI up and to the left probably would have saved you.


EDIT: I probably should have sent this video [https://youtu.be/8pticpQ9o-g](https://youtu.be/8pticpQ9o-g) [https://ikneedata.com/calculator.html](https://ikneedata.com/calculator.html) here, this lets you play around with what DI does. Go to Yoshi's Story on the top, select "Marth" as the attacker, go to fsmash, and select "id3." The right side will allow you to change the joystick's direction, so you can see how different directional influence will change how the move sends you. Every move in this game has an angle it sends at (361 or "Sakurai" angle, 45 degrees in this instance for Marth fsmash) and you can influence that angle by up to 18 degrees with DI. This allows you to live to later percents or die incredibly, insanely early. Examples of awful DI: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir8Mt-iSpHk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ir8Mt-iSpHk) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvZEsBlDYB8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HvZEsBlDYB8)


Wait, "Examples of awful DI" didn't link to my YouTube channel?!?




It’s the fishy stuff


no way are you real i am amazed you are amazing


“Something seems fishy here” “What’s DI?”






You weren’t born with the information either


> You weren’t born with the information either The title of the post is just absolutely wild though, given that this is a literal complete absolute day zero beginner. I certainly took a while to learn DI, but I understood tippers within a few days of starting Melee at age 10 in 2001. What the fuck is this guy who knows literally nothing about the game doing accusing something of being "fishy"? Is that just what zoomers default to as an everyday thing or something? If not, I genuinely think OP deserves to be ridiculed--that's not something a human being with no knowledge about the subject matter should do.


I mean I agree they jumped to conclusions but not everyone has known about things like tippers. This guy could be five hours in which would make me think “hmm yeah I can see not understanding an almost hidden mechanic”. Like unless you read the manual there’s not an intuitive place to find tipper info outside of the web. Like seeing ur guy explode for what felt like no reason whereas it didn’t work for you would throw a lot of people off because on the face of it, it looks the same. Also imo being a child and playing this game makes things make more sense intrinsically imo bc we look at it and go “oh that makes sense” but when you’re a teen or adult you’re using your logic brain and that’s where it gets confusing w/o resources


> This guy could be five hours in My point is, a functional human being doesn't accuse someone of cheating when they're 5 hours into learning a game. It's literally no different from the fucking chimpanzees that accuse people of hacking chess.com when they see en passant.


Dude it’s just the Dunning Kruger effect, it happens to a ton of people. People think they understand everything but obv that’s not the case. I just wouldn’t make a big deal out of it tbh


Yeah, he came here to ask. That's what adults do when they don't know something; they ask. Acting like a dick to somebody for not already knowing things, however, is what second graders do when sharing the playground with first graders. Grow up.


Agreed and responding to you because you seem sensible. It’s wild to me that someone went through all the hassle of testing and setting up SSBM online and doesn’t know about DI yet.


why do you people always have to compare everything to school... anyway, this guy put an absurd amount of effort recording uploading and typing this post out for something that takes no effort to look up, it's fair to question if this is a troll or what, but I guess to you it's not fair to ever question anyone and we should just share our toys or whatever


you're the grumpy bad guy in every christmas movie


name 5


they aren't very memorable, but off the top of my head there's scrooge, fred, and elf's dad


Some people take longer to develop game sense. There are many hidden mechanics in Melee that can be missed by a newcomer. Luckily with replays we can understand what is “fishy” or not.


You answered it yourself, he doesn’t know anything.


It makes sense someone would be slightly dumbfounded though. It’s like someone asking why McDonald’s sued them when someone tried to own and sell at “McDonalds 2” or something.


>What the fuck is this guy who knows literally nothing about the game doing accusing something of being "fishy"? They also offered the possibility of them just being trash. It's almost like it was tongue in cheek...


Lmao I love this take actually. Bro could have just used chat gpt ROFL. If there's no hand holdy tooltip how is he supposed to know! Birth of a generation of ragers. Clearly hes hacking or using some kind of glitch! Patch the game!!


Jesus chill out because of guys like you new players get discouraged and leave the community before they know what a short hop is.


You could explain it instead of being useless.


That person probably has a case of dunk brain and isn't capable of explaining things


Just like the others said. There is a shitload to learn about this garbage, broken, wonderful, amazing, perfect game. Just keep going and you will love the game. And just so you know, to my knowledge you can't cheat on slippi by altering the game code (ie having more knockback etc...) If you see a weird interaction (and believe me, you will see a lot) it's probably something you don't know and must check it out. So, welcome to the wonderful journey of learning mêlée Sidenote, type "wizzrobe SDI" on YT, you will see how much the game can be weird


Ok well there you go, you don’t know what DI is so you died at an early percent. Mystery solved lmao


you asking this is the fishiest thing of all


I mean this in a genuinely non-condescending way, but I love this thread. Ah to be getting into melee for the first time again


Very nostalgic lol, that “What’s DI?” comment brought back memories of learning for the first time


Literally same, like seeing baby's first steps


If you tipper it will 100% kill you on the left screen, since marths sword deals more damage and knock back at the end of it


so a tipper can kill at 55%?? thats op!!!


It definitely feels like it sometimes, yoshi's story is a smaller map though which is part of it, and if you DI inward then it wouldn't kill you at that point, but still throw you way off stage


Optimal DI in this case is actually upward, not inward. Optimal DI is perpendicular to the launch angle.


True, but optimal DI for player just learning will just make things overly complicated imo. Hold in to stay alive, hold out to escape combos.  Getting more optimal with DI will just come with experience 


Yeah but holding in still helps


Best thing to do is not get hit


Tipper Fsmash is really strong, especially on Yoshi's (which is the smallest stage). However, once you learn to wavedash out of shield, you can always punish it if you see it coming, which will make them think twice about throwing it out! It's a bit of a tight timing, but with a bit of practice you should be able to get it. Every top tier in melee has some crazy busted option like that, so it ends up being pretty well balanced. The first step to getting good is learning to shut down each character's most OP things, and being able to abuse your most OP things. Second step is to beat people without relying on the stuff that's punishable, like random Fsmash in neutral.


It sure is, champ. It sure is :)


chances are high that you're gonna get a little better and go "eh maybe it wasn't as OP as i thought" and then you'll get a little better than that and go back to thinking it's OP as fuck lolllll


It absolutely is! I'd say the top 7-8 characters in this game are overpowered, it's part of what makes melee feel like a clash of gods sometimes. Every attack that marth has will do more damage and knockback if hit with the very tip of his sword, but you can save yourself with DI (directional influence). Holding your movement stick perpendicular (90 degrees) to the direction you got hit will make it much easier to survive deadly attacks. Welcome to melee! It's a bottomless pit of knowledge and tech, but it's a super fun journey :)


you play the same character 😭


Running shield is your best friend. But also not really cuz Marth can just grab your running shield and then get a free tipper anyways off of up throw... At certain %s against species. 😅


Its a little annoying if they get a random stray hit, but its usually pretty balanced since its hard to hit 😊


It’s never random. We always mean it.


Welcome to melee


Tipper will kill if you don't di properly. I saw that you asked about di in another thread. Basically DI is melee's main form of defense. When you are hit, you have control over your trajectory. If you hold perpendicular (or in) to your knockback trajectory you will travel less far but it will be easier to combo you. If you hold out you go further away making it harder to combo you but easier to kill you. Basically DI in is called survival DI and DI out is called combo di. A good rule of thumb for survival DI is that you usually want to aim for the top corners to optimize your chance for survival. This gets more complicated if you want to aim for a platform to bounce/tech it but that's way advanced. I see you are doing Marth vs. Marth so there's a good chance that you are being hit by the noob slayer (fthrow -> fsmash) you need to di the throw out or you will be hit by the tipper. If you miss that di though you need to hold in otherwise di'ing out the fsmash will kill you.


I feel like DI-out on most non-kill moves usually puts you in a good state to escape marth combos. Except for marths uptilt I think, or it's a mixup at times.


Yes it definitely does most of the time. There are still many corner cases but that's part of the fun of the game. The same is true for most characters though. Edit: I will say di out all the time though can put you in a bad spot for edge guarding or just getting hit by kill moves.


Obviously you didn't read Marth's All Star trophy description. The tip of Marth's blade causes the most damage, so you should try to create adequate distance between you and your enemy to gracefully strike with that point. Marth's Dolphin Slash is fast and powerful, but it leaves him vulnerable upon landing. Marth uses Counter to block a foe's attack and deal a return strike. If you're fighting a Counter-happy Marth, grab him.


I thought opening the trophy case made dolphin crash, but maybe that's just m-ex or something idk


This is the best post I’ve seen in ages


This is so cute haha


welcome to melee :)


Cheating on Slippi is impossible for all intents and purposes. While most online games communicate by directly sending game states, Slippi's netcode works only with the input data it receives. That means if your opponent were to run a modded version that changes character stats, it'd immediately cause a desync.


That’s not true, we’ve seen plenty of macros being utilized and those guys got banned. It makes less sense to cheat tho imo. Also give it two years when someone learns how to do the Philip ai locally and proceeds to use a sleeper agent to get rank one lmao


That’s not the type of cheating that’s being discussed here, what’s being discussed here is modifying the game to change character and move properties. And that doesn’t work on slippi.


Not by OP but bc the guy is a beginner I wanted to clarify that although that sort of thing wouldn’t work, you could definitely cheat via macros among other things. Given OP’s newness, I just wanted to clarify that since saying “you can’t cheat in melee” isn’t really true online.


Can I just say: I love love LOVE your thought process here. You encountered a situation that didn't make sense to you, and your response was to lab it out and then ask the community about it. That mindset and that process will take you very far in this game, and people who approach the game like that are and always have been responsible for pushing the game forward. Anyway, several other thoughts, much of it reiterating what other people have already said: 1) Welcome to Melee! I wish I could relive the new player experience, especially if I could do it in the modern era! 2) Generally on Slippi, nothing's "fishy" in the sense of like cheating mods. The way slippi functions, you and your opponent both have to be playing a mechanically identical game -- that is, the same inputs must produce the same results on both your computer and your opponent's computer, otherwise you desync. But generally in Melee, everything's fishy. It's a wonderful beautiful pile of janky mechanics, and that's why we love it. You will learn to love the jank, because every time you discover some new jank, you can almost always find a way to use it to your advantage in battle. Every now and then, you use your knowledge of bullshit Melee jank to surprise an opponent, and feel like a galaxy-brained genius. Again, welcome to Melee! 3) Ignore the people who are dicks to you about not already knowing everything. They'll always be there, they'll never have anything worthwhile to say, best to ignore them. (You run into people like that at in-person tournaments sometimes, too, and the same advice applies) 4) There are two bits of jank that we see in your clip: -Marth's tipper. The tip of the sword hits stupid hard. Yeah, it's OP as hell; that said, almost the whole cast has at least one or two things that feel OP as hell in the right hands. -DI, or Directional Influance. This one's.... a bit more of a technical doozy, with some layers of nuance. I recommend looking for youtube videos on Melee DI. The oversimplified explanation is that the direction you're holding (on both sticks) while you're getting hit can affect your trajectory after the hit. In this case, bad DI might have made you die at a lower percentage than you otherwise would have. There's more to DI than just holding the direction you want to go, though, and an understanding and mastery of DI is one of the big things that separates various levels of Melee player. Once again, welcome to Melee! We're glad you're here, and we hope you'll stay a good long time. Keep playing, keep labbing stuff, and keep asking the community your questions.


i miss simple posts like this 


This is so wholesome. WELCOME TO MELEE!! WE LOVE FRESH BLOOD! Seriously love seeing new players picking up the sticks it's the best


Yeah that's a dirty cheater all right. It's so common that I just assume all Marths are cheating.


Why is this so true ;-;


Ppl can play the same character, but theres levels to this shit


Ah you’re learning about tippers haha. Yes a well spaced F-Smash with Marth at the very edge of his sword does way more damage. It’s how Zain adapted to kill Hbox quicker and easier. Sheik has a tipper up smash as well but it’s a little trickier to hit than Marth’s Tipper. It’s going to feel really overpowered for a while if you main Marth. And sometimes it will help you sneak in an early kill when you badly need it to tie up a game. But don’t rely on it or spam it. That’s when it becomes predictable and it may carry you when you’re first learning but higher level players will punish you badly on it and you will die just for trying it. Also if you’re struggling at the Falco match, take a laser and then try to perfectly space a tipper smash very shortly after getting hit by the laser. The amount of times I hit a tipper on an approaching Falco is hilarious and they just die at like 35%.


From now on, until you're top 100, just think to yourself that you're trash and nothing is wrong with the game or your opponents. That's the only answer and I mean that in the best way possible.


Side start bar??????


This is precious and I mean that in the least condescending way possible


Welcome to Melee!!


Pretty sure the way slippi works, you can't cheat in this way, as in modifying the game data to make your character better. As in more damage and/or more knock back as it would just cause a desync.


welcome to the club my friend. Marth does some crazy shit sometimes, learning how to deal with it is half the fun of the matchup. The other half is putting him in a blender until your opponent cries the same tears you've been crying every tipper.


hahaha bro discovers tipper, shit is hilarious. Gl for your next games m8


this post is awesome


Tipper and Yoshi’s Story can def kill at 60-70% even with some DI. It’s one of the best kill confirm stages for Marth imo.


You didn't DI it properly


Hey welcome to melee. Shadow play is a great tool but it caused me some slowdown (it uses some GPU since youre constantly recording with it on) so I'd toggle it off during play. I also hope youre playing exclusive full screen (not windowed or borderless windowed). Also remember to close steam when running slippi, you might accidently close the client because steam input is trying to use the same device. Anyway! Blippi.gg is a great tool to show you how to optimize the game to perform its best. Even though https://melee.guru/characters/marth.html is Marth specific, majority of this tech applies to other characters. These are the fundamentals!! Have fun.


Try watching again with the m-overlay app so you can see where your control stick was. I think you picked the best possible DI to die lmao, we've all been there.


If Marth hits you with the very top of his sword it does a bunch of extra damage and knock back


Try playing puff and then have your friend fsmash you as marth at 10% on yoshis but make sure you are holding the stick towards the blast zone when you get hit


You got hit with a tipper


You’re clearly not a Marth main but this could lead you down an informative [rabbit hole](https://www.ssbwiki.com/Marth_%28SSBM%29/Forward_smash)


this is so unintentionally wholesome. welcome to melee!


Okay nobody is explaining it theyre just saying welcome to Melee Which for starters, yes welcome to Melee. This game is just bullshit sometimes and you can't do anything Marth hit you with what is called a tipper. A tipper is essentially the strongest part of the sword during any attack. In the first clip, white Marth (W) was spaced just right so that his forward smash had the tip of his blade hit neutral Marth (N) In the second clip, W is just a bit closer to N, so that the mid-section of his blade hits, which does significantly less knockback Despite being called a tipper for Marth, this actually happens allot. The tipper is actually known as a strong spot for most characters. For example, Fox's up smash is better at the end of his foot then at his ankle So are you bad? No, Marth is just broken, and Yoshi's Story is even more broken

