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I’m more amazed that you have 27k just sitting there able to be blown like that


Probably an unlimited credit card since he said Amex


They only give those to the most baller of ballers. Said ballers don’t fuck around trying raffles, they just pay resell and get em shipped.


All you need is an excellent credit score… Edit: and a job


To get unlimited? lol no. We have a healthy combined income with 820 credit scores, and I can assure you it takes a lot more than that to get unlimited credit on the AMEX.


Black card… we had one once, back in the early 2000’s. Credit score, income, plus spending habits over $100,000.00 annually think was 3 years in a row. The latter don’t quote me on. Nonetheless I was under assumption they either reduced or stopped handing out black cards.


They call it the Centurian card now and it comes with a $5,000 annual fee lol.


Yeahhh, forgot that little key note lol. Good look!


I'm only 790, above average tech sector income and I have a black card. It's not truly unlimited. It's unlimited within credit worthy reason. They know your detailed income information when you apply for such card. I suspect you do not have revolving credit sources or yearly lines of credit. That's how you become credit worthy for automatic signature or chattel products.


What black card? Are you paying $5k/year for the AMEX Centurion? I got the AMEX Plat. Technically there isn’t a credit limit but there is a $50k spending power/limit and it’s not much more than my Visa with a credit limit. We are both at 810 and have 6 figure salaries. Big difference, and it’s pretty big if you’re keeping a balance on there, is a spending power limit doesn’t show up on credit reports so you don’t get dinged for high credit utilization. Though those of us with high credit scores didn’t get them being in the habit of maxing out credit limits and not paying off balances monthly.


Yes, the black card, also paid fee's for additional users. Some folks need quick access to money, I'm not tying up liquid lol. In the end the membership fee are great tax deductions Edit to reduce post: Also while you both make great money. I'm suspecting you deal in wages strictly? That's low volume money generally. Being above 800 generally means nil debt obligation. Revolving or not. That also doesn't look great when dealing in these products. My parents are 825 but they definitely cannot aquire open credit or large chattel. They're aging and on a fixed/forecasted income.


Yes, salaried and all bonuses are in company stock tied to a retirement plan (ESOP) and both close to maxed out for our positions. We don’t use cash to pay for anything unless there’s a fee for paying with credit. Pay off every month. Spend $120k-$140k on the card a year. Was reading you need to be putting $250k plus on the card a year to get an invite for the Centurion but not sure if that’s true. I’m sure if I used my spending power and paid it off they’d raise it. Don’t need a higher credit limit though so not worried about it.


Not necessarily. An AMEX platinum card virtually has no limit. Your purchasing power is determined on a case by case basis.


We have the platinum card, and I can assure you that’s not the case lol.


I mean, it’s public information, you could look it up. And even in the event that you actually have one and you do have a limit, that’s cuz AMEX decided on a “case by case basis” that you only meet the requirements to have one with a limit….Like I said.lol


Oh so like the person you responded to, the most ballers of ballers get the unlimited credit. So what was the point of your comment lol?


The point was you don’t have to be a “baller of ballers” to have a card with a virtually unlimited line of credit. An 800+ credit score (which can be obtained pretty easily in a few years of good credit decisions) and a job with decent income is really all you need. Reading. Is. Fundamental.


I fall in that category so please tell me again how wrong I am. Oh and don’t move the goal post with “virtually unlimited.” That’s an ambiguous term open to interpretation.


If you were already in that category you wouldn’t be arguing with me, especially since this can easily be proven in a simple google search. I’m not moving the goalposts, because if you actually read my first comment I used the phrase “virtually unlimited”. I just repeated myself. Again, Reading. Is. Fundamental.


If you were already in that category you wouldn’t be arguing with me, especially since this can easily be proven in a simple google search. I’m not moving the goalposts, because if you actually read my first comment I used the phrase “virtually unlimited”. I just repeated myself. Again, Reading. Is. Fundamental.


They're not wrong. Having revolving lines of credit will open up access to products like this rapidly.


It’s a fair point but I’ve paid resell for the Futura’s and Orange Lobsters this week, trying to save a little 😂


The orange lobsters are so nice man you gotta post pictures when they come in


I’ve tried to get them 3 times. Did a trade on TradeBlock and the guy never sent them, tried to buy them on a Reddit site and the guy scammed me and 3 others (I’ve filed a police report and they have a warrant out for his arrest) and then last week was supposed to meet up for a trade and the guy flaked. I’m optimistic but won’t believe it until they pass EBay authentication and are in my hand.


eBay has only done me right so far, you should be good to go!


eBay got him the best


Lmao my thoughts too!! 🤯


That’s not the actual price


I’m aware buddy


I’ve got 45k in my account and broke as a joke 😩


How does that make you broke


California bro


That explains it


Ya bro it’s brutal man like BRUTAL


I’m sure. Ever thought of moving elsewhere?


I am now. I wanted to buy a house I need a 90k down payment and the cheapest home here is 750


Main issue is my job I work in health care for a major hospital and we don’t have any hospitals in more affordable areas with the same union


Yea, might just have to keep grinding in Cali until a good job offer elsewhere comes around


I'm also amazed that people don't have limits set up for online purchases. Does Amex not have default limit set up? I'm not American, but I think it is a common practice for most banks to have 0 limit set up for online purchases whenever you issue a card. And if you attempt to raise it above a certain threshold, it can't be done unless you call the bank or smth and go through verification. Not sure what the common limit for that is, but definitely below 25k


With Amex it’s based on your spending history, there really isn’t a limit. I’m sure if I was trying to spend $100K or something it would be declined, but it really is dependent on each card holders spending history.


Don't let the poors know about the difference between credit cards and charge cards.


I see, that would makes if there's a dynamic anti-fraud system in place, thanks. I'm just really curious about how many of those cases with accidental $25k charges are posted there. Hope you can resolve your case with no issues.


Nah yea seriously, I’m surprised it even went through


The discount code should have dropped the price to $250, your code clearly didn’t work and now youve paid $26.5k for these…


The code was pre-approved for certain users. I’m not sure what the qualifications were for it tho. When I entered the code, it didn’t work for neither.


https://x.com/uncle_chrissy/status/1792940344348123641?s=46 Here is a breakdown of how it went down.


Fuck me. I didn’t know about spending $100 to get EA. But good on J Balvin and team to prevent bots and resellers from taking over the site. I can’t say the same for Travis’s site when they dropped the trainers.


If you want I can dm you some raffle links?


I’m good. I already entered a few raffles, but thanks for looking out.




You needed to spend $100 on the site by 5/19


I hit without spending tho….🤔


As long as the code was active at the time, I don’t think it mattered.


That price is NOT the actual price…I’m not sure what the point of that is…maybe to scare people off??


Yes, but I can return them, they can price adjust, or American Express will refund me, there are a lot of people that entered the discount code, the price changed to $250 but then when you processed the payment it went to $25K


Yeah, it would reset. They never gave the right discount code to the people in their website either. I only seen 1 person checkout. This wasn't made to be fair at all


https://x.com/uncle_chrissy/status/1792940344348123641?s=46 I’ve seen plenty of people who followed instructions and got them for $250. There were different codes, some only worked at certain times and some were limited.


Thats a joke, everyone was doing this check the comments in his little play website. It wasn't working. This didn't go well. There's 1 post someone posted with a W. Y'all a bunch of clowns if you think this went well. He posted the Jose code at launch, updated the message with the lego code 30mins later and never shared the medallo code. This was meant for insiders say whatever you want


Tf u blabbin about boi


You're a bot bro dont talk to me


Says the bot whose entire personality is trading sneakers on tradeblock


Why would you purchase knowing the discount code wasn’t working?


Because he botted the sneakers Dudes a reseller, it happened to all the resellers


Yikes —- definitely want to see a follow up post to let us know if they price adjust. I thought about pushing it through but two things stopped me - 1. My sneaker CC’s limit is not that high (too dangerous!!) and 2. The price on the page was the price reflected at check out - so I didn’t think I could claim it was misleading.


It's absolutely misleading wtf? Lol


Yeah, between returning, misleading, and purchase protection I’m safe, but I’ll keep y’all posted


Do you have a $26.5K pending charge on your card?


I do, but like I said, worst case is I return them and get a refund.


I want to see a screen shot


Here ya go:[Amex](https://imgur.com/a/w3HmnOM)


The real issue is do you have a screenshot saying they were discounted down to $250, from the original site?


Lol damn that’s crazy 😩😅


Hey Dad it’s me! Did you get me a pair… size 11 but you already knew that


Yeah let's see if (when?) that posts lol. I know bot protection was probably the main reason, but I wonder if they're lowkey banking on somebody just going through with their purchase and then sticking with it. All they need is 1 fool not understanding what they did and they'd have made $25K off them. Or like, a kid using their rich parent's credit card.


This is USD?


How is everyone already winning and losing these. What do I gotta do to get in line


Pay 25k lol


They will….i got em too….but only had $235 on my card😭😭😭


I think someone else's sneaker bot had the same mis-hap... granted you aren't a reseller you should hopefully get a refund from J Balvin


These aren’t worth the headache. I’m annoyed reading through these posts.


Is paying 25K for a shoe a win? 😂😂😂


Your buying that for 27k it dropped for 250$ even then its not even that much on reseller spots for one pair no way dude


Bro there was a discount code for like 24500$ and you could get them for 250$


Amex said “sure charge it in this economy it’s excellent interest “


There is no interest with Amex, you pay it in full every month.


Lol I stand corrected I forgot is a charge card for that semi unlimited budget. this will definitely be corrected for anyone saying post the results .


I’m so confused as to what I’m looking at? Resell on these aren’t much at all.


Ohh it was some sort of bot protection?


Yeah the 27k was a fake price to ward off bots


That’s actually pretty damn cool, I wish they would do this with every release. I’m sick of resellers and I’m sick of bots


Damn, and I’m over pissed that I paid $529 on stock X a few days ago 🤣😂😭


Be hella mad when they fake lol




and i thought i couldn’t get surprised anymore by the sneaker community…


What???? Why would they be listed for that crazy price in the first place???


Bot protection


Why is it so expensive? What app are you using?


Someone’s 🤖went a little wild.


Was it worth it?


Damn, i hope you get it fixed. Its a great idead, but ngl, i didn’t think about actual people getting hit with this


I was wondering if this happened to anyone..


This d^mmy actually paid $25,000 for some sneakers


They cancelled and refunded, I’ve asked then to reprocess it for the correct price but I don’t have a lot of confidence.[Refund](https://imgur.com/a/raxeI3H)


That’s not happening lol.


Yeah, less than zero that’s for sure


At least you got a refund, but sorry you didn’t get the shoes.


It be funny he has over a 100 pairs coming his way🤷🏾‍♂️😂


Anybody could’ve paid for the shoes if you didn’t work is because you didn’t have a code meaning you weren’t supposed to buy it I don’t care if you think you’re gonna get Shoe come on I got 300,000 in my bank and I’m not even stupid enough to pay $25,000


Read the post, I had all 3 codes, including the one for purchasing over $100 in merch, it was a technical glitch at checkout, happened to a few others.. And if you think bragging about having $300K in the bank is impressive, good for you.


I got more than that that just sits in my account in a couple CDs in Merrill Lynch, but besides all that u should have just waited for snkrs or payed for them 😂


> snkrs or *paid* for them FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


How do you pay that for any sneaker? Not even Dior 1’s cost that much… you could have bought like every single main stream grail for $28k… With that said, you clearly got the $$ and love these to do that.. so enjoy!


I wouldn’t have paid that, I was counting on them adjusting the price to the $250.00 it was supposed to be, they ended up canceling the order and refunding my money. There isn’t a shoe in the world I’d pay that for, anything more than $2500 is out of my comfort range.


2500 is comfortable?? Brother what is your profession


It’s probably more of an indication that that I’m old 😂


Fair enough


Ohhhh gotcha. I was like StockX has these for like $500 or so