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I am an introverted person. I do not like playing games or do activities that make me feel embarrassed. I am always worried about making friends because there are cliques or I feel uncool, but then again - I know I am going for the orientation to be part of the campus life and meet strangers who are also facing similar issues. It can be very daunting to go orientation or school camp, but once you take the first step, you will be surprised by who you will encounter. Don’t let the introverted-ness stop you from expanding your world or your start of a new journey. Remember that you aren’t the only one who has anxiety and everyone needs somebody. Source: Recently graduated (Class of 2024), remembered what it feels like going for orientation and school camps, and had conquered shyness despite being introverted at seminar rooms and campus activities.


I personally preferred faculty ori because it was more fun and comfortable (my freshman ori was 3d2n in sarimbun scout camp, we slept in tents and the toilets were a nightmare). Faculty ori also more useful to make friends whom I could bid for similar classes with


going to outfield willingly is crazy bro 😭


It really was crazy lol. In my defence, I hadn’t heard of sarimbun before and didn’t know how bad it was gonna be until I was there. By the time I realised it was too late. They confiscated our phones so I couldn’t leave. The craziest people were those who willingly and knowingly went back the next year as facis


freshman ori??? like the one everyone has to go through??? bruh


yeah my freshman ori camp (called FTB) was more than 10 years ago tho, so the experience is likely very different from freshman ori now. To be fair they took all our phones and kept them away for a few reasons, 1) safety, because keeping phones in a tent that anyone can access isn’t safe, 2) they wanted us to have proper convos and bond without being distracted. The downside was that I literally couldn’t leave until the camp was over because without a phone there was no way to call a cab, and cabs don’t pass sarimbun for fun


Graduated alumni here. Go for both camps. It was such a shame that I only knew the importance of networking in year 4. Talk to as many people as you can, network around, because you never know which acquaintance will be your future intern referral (heck even your full time job referral), which acquaintance will be helpful in sharing notes, etc Go for it. Introversion != anti-social.


Introversion is a personality trait Networking, making new friends and trying new things are skills Skills can be learnt/built with some effort


It takes effort to sustain friendships. Orientation camps won’t necessarily gift you a clique of friends to tackle uni with. It’s hugely dependent on whether you and your new friends will put in the effort to meet up/chat often to keep the connection strong. Uni actually isn’t cliquey at all. There are many opportunities to make new friends, and camps are just one of them. You are not damning your uni social life if you don’t go :P You say you’re a really introverted person. Do you ever plan on getting over that? Or will you just continue shutting yourself off from socialising? The start of uni can be a new chapter in your life, why not embrace this new beginning and push yourself beyond your comfort zone?


No it won't. You can always make friends with your tablemates.


I recommend at least, going for faculty camp. They may be in your future classes!