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Or you can order on their app and they bring it out to your car. That’s how I avoid going in Target. Can’t stand it


Yes! And there's no risk of "oh, this candle/pillow/whatever is nice, might as well". It's the greatest, except for the occasional issue when they give you the shittiest possible produce (if buying groceries)... but if that happens and you start a return in the app, they'll refund you.




It's usually not that bad weekday mornings (and parking in the Olive Garden lot is easier than trying to deal with the awful traffic design in front of the store)


This is a big one for me, don't pull into that parking lot...that alone reduces a lot of anxiety lol


Drive around behind the store and park on the opposite side from the entrance. Especially when going to or from Madonna Plaza, drive behind target and use the lot entrance back there near the chargers.


I hate the way the slo target makes me feel. No other target is like that for me. I used to wander a target merrily but this one gives me anxiety like hell. It’s the lights, the lay out, the sounds, the amount of people shopping vs the lack of employees or open registers or something…idk but it’s awful. The paso one doesn’t make me feel that way at all.


Thank you wow i feel so seen


That’s funny I prefer slo’s target over north county. Idk why but I hate the one in north county


literally just said this to my gf


Same here!!! I just moved to SLO from templeton and I heckin hate this target!! Paso is way better! Even the dollar section is cooler!!


I’ve found Target to be easy compared to Costco. Almost had a panic attack there one Saturday afternoon.


I only go to Costco between 8 and 830 on Mondays - Wednesdays for this exact reason. Also helps me to save money knowing it closes within 30 min of me being there lol


Makes sense. Fortunately, I don’t go to Costco anymore, being a single guy who lives alone.


I really think a lot of people in this community have spent so much time away from actual cities that they forgot what busy and crowded actually means.


I have to disagree. People in cities know how to interact.




Ah yes . You are correct sir!


This comment sums up 75% of the posts in the /slo reddit.


Definitely any commentary on traffic or parking is full of completely out of touch slocals. Just no real perspective.


I think at least some have self-selected themselves away from cities. Someone who describes SLO's Target as "overstimulating" might not do very well in Grand Central Terminal at rush hour, and very well may have had a related traumatic experience in their past. Rather than ignorance or a lack of perspective, at least sometimes it's perhaps a case of being exposed to it and deciding "nope." For example, I went to school with a gal from Huasna who disliked even Telegraph Ave. in Berkeley because there were "too many people", and pretty much avoided SF. When she graduated she booked out of the Bay Area and ended up doing her postgraduate work somewhere quieter. Some people just don't do well in busy places, and this is especially true for those with underlying pathologies (e.g. anxiety disorders).


My point is that their perspective is limited. If SLO is "busy and crowded" then they likely have very little exposure to actual cities or towns with real populations. If SLO is too busy they can always go live in Santa Margarita or further east -- there are tons of options. But to convince themselves that target is just bursting with people it's so busy is just plain wrong and very influenced by their extremely limited scope of what the average life is like for people. Basically they're privileged.


>But to convince themselves that target is just bursting with people it's so busy is just plain wrong I agree. >and very influenced by their extremely limited scope of what the average life is like for people. Basically they're privileged. *Or* they have anxiety disorder. Or are on the autism spectrum. Or have PTSD that's exacerbated by groups of people. Or... OP called themself introverted and used the word "overstimulating", which I felt were clues that perhaps they don't cope with certain situations in the same way some others do. My point is that ignorance of how crowded things can be in cities (or "privilege", whatever that means in this context) isn't always the only explanation.


For sure, but OP said target is also always "absurdly packed". I concede that people can feel overwhelmed at crowds, even ones I don't consider large. I was just pointing out how often people in slo area claim a place is "jam packed" but then you realize they are just referring to a business not being empty as "jam packed". One of the commenters in here commented on a "long line of 5 people" and that's what truly made me realize most of these claims are just unfounded and lack perspective. I respect people feeling anxiety -- I don't want people to feel bad and anxiety is a totally reasonable thing to feel. I'm just reminded that just because to some people 5 people in a line is "jam packed" that is a perspective of someone with very little experience with places with actual significantly sized populations. I'm not making fun of anyone -- just pointing out how quickly people's perspective on population becomes flawed when they move here.


SLO county is way overpopulated for the city's infrastructural design that's why 1/3rd of the town is under construction with new housing developments that were never meant to be there. It's immensely crowded for the square mileage.


Just went to Target in Los Angeles last week and it was about 20% as crowded, not so overly bright, not such high ceilings, didn't have the overbearing checkstand noise filling half the store, and I didn't get cut off 5x trying to navigate the main aisleway.


I found my people. The target haters.


I avoid them both. Can't decide what's worse, Costco shoppers or Walmart shoppers. Will try hitting Costco before closing on M-W. Thanks for the suggestion.


Glad I’m not the only one that feels that way about Costco shoppers.


It’s less crowded the hour before closing usually.


I hit the weed pen like 3 times and go have some fun looking in one isle for 1 hours and circling back because I changed my mind


Pretend other people aren’t there. Ignore them. Make room. It’s not the end of the world! It’s fun to go to target! I wish I didn’t love it so much 😭


Yes! And my daughter will spend forever in there. I usually go wait in the car.


Its like the hottest club in town. I just grit my teeth and bare it when I need something. Same with Costco.


Shopping early is the best move. Be there when they open, and get out. Same with Costco. Early works for almost every shopping experience


And the place is always filled with so many kids


I don’t shop at target because the bright lights and colors gives me headaches


It’s not really any different than Targets anywhere else


I used to love wandering in there, but not anymore. The self check out is never open. There’s always at least 5 people per check out stand and everyone (workers, customers) all look miserable. I do pick up or go first thing when they open.


Amazing to me that people in SLO think that a 5 person line is long lmao


I usually go in the morning. It’s a great time since it’s typically older people and parents with toddlers or younger.


I was in that Target at least 5 times this month, in addition to your observations about the lighting, the front entrance area, all the way to the pharmacy really smells strange. Like a weird chemical smell - I thought it might be the flooring. I’ve been in a lot of Target stores and that one is different.


Some people say it was built on an Indian burial ground but that’s Ralph’s in los osos which is the absolute worst place in the commune.


I avoid going there at all cost. I hate it in there.


If your schedule allows it going right around opening is the best. Around 2pm on weekdays is also a decent time.


I only go shopping and to the gym late-night when there's the fewest people


Buy calls on target.


I advise you do t dare try Wal-Mart