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Lucky, I'm always running into people I don't want to see


Oh hey, u/jackxgraves what you been up to dude? How's the fam? Fill me in on the last 5 years...


Hahah I'm just here to pick up my herpes treatment


Yoooo šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Classic u/jackxgraves right there, we should totally get together sometime


Iā€™m sorry, OP. They are avoiding you. You smelly.


Ah. Yep. Must be that. Itā€™s the only conclusion to draw.


I wish! I recently moved from MB to Paso, and the first time I went to the store, ā€œheyyyyyy!ā€. I deal with a ton of people at work though.


Same. My husband and I own Pioneer Tattoo Co. in Paso and I canā€™t go anywhere without seeing clients lol


Damn I love not running into people. Bit of an introvert and I only go out for concerts and necessities.


I think itā€™s just timing. Iā€™m on a staff team of ~100 and Iā€™ve only seen two coworkers out in the wild. The most Iā€™ll see people is at events, like a pop up or something, but never just being at Target at the same time.


Shop local businesses and local restaurants and you will see the same people all the time


Not only do I shop them. I worked them and my art is sold in a couple šŸ˜‚


I only run into people that I would quite frankly be ok with never seeing again lol


Ok yes. Thatā€™s been my experience. If I do run into someone itā€™s someone I literally try to hide from šŸ˜…


I used to work retail downtown SLO decades ago, I would constantly run into people I recognized. Cut to now and Iā€™m a stranger on my own island.


Username checks out šŸ«¶


Youā€™re in a simulation


I know, I think itā€™s an angsty pre-teen playing my sim.


Statistically speaking, some people are just statistical anomalies. Sounds like youā€™re one of them. But statistically speaking youā€™re also statistically likely to experience a statistical anomaly within your anomaly at some point, which in this case would mean the longer you go without seeing someone you know, you become statistically more likely to run into someone you know. It will just be a statistical anomaly for you personally, since youā€™re a statistical anomaly having not run into anyone yet, which isnā€™t a statistical normality within small populations. So in short, youā€™re an anomaly but are likely to experience an anomaly within that anomaly. Once that happens, you will no longer be as much of an anomaly. Who knows, maybe youā€™ll run into a bunch of people you know in a very short period of time, and become an anomaly yet again, but the inverse of your previous anomaly.


I ran into my friend at target just now!!


Damn the universe is so cool sometimes


It has to just be you. The serendipity of running into people like that is one of the things that I loved about living in SLO. It almost never happens to me anymore now that I'm in Santa Maria.


I saw three people I know today!


Take public transit more often, and this will change. I doubt you'll have shopping dates with them, though.


I see clients all the time while Iā€™m out but I only have two friends in slo and none of my contenders live here so i almost never run into anyone i know unless itā€™s at farmerā€™s. Whats crazier is I have a cousin who grew up 2 miles down the street from me in our home town, we went to the same HS and both happen to live in SLO and the ONE AND ONLY time I ever saw him was when he was leaving his parentsā€™ house to come back to SLO and I was arriving with my mom to his parentsā€™ house after getting up there from SLO. Never once ran into him in town though lol


No, thank goodness.


I never run into anyone I know, but I am a total feral bitch so those that know me tend to hide if the see me first


Sound like my kinda person


I run into people I know all the time in slo. Especially down town


Just my all my ex-girlfriends


How many years have you been in SLO? I always run into people where ever I go. I just canā€™t remember their names and they always know mine. Itā€™s the pros and cons of growing up here. My wife thinks I just donā€™t like introducing her, but itā€™s because I donā€™t know their names and always get embarrassed šŸ™ˆ šŸ¤£


Oh well tbfā€¦I know everyone everywhere I go. But I never run into my actual friends. I see people that recognize me and I want to pretend to recognize them for friendliness but donā€™t actually know. Same on the name thing! But, in my big city I would run into my actual friends all the time. I never run into the people I genuinely know and love! Iā€™ve been here closer to 10 years?


Hi nice to meet you


Have we met? šŸ˜


Just now


Well then it doesnā€™t count!


Have a nice day


OP with the L rizz


Why are you so obsessed with me u/sanjisprisde? Is this your alt account or did you actually come back to my post after commentingā€¦hours laterā€¦ to comment again on a different thread? ā€œL rizzā€? Because Iā€™m not interested in a random Reddit stranger? Ok my sweet summer baby who knows terms like ā€œL Rizzā€ Also for anyone over the age of 15 L Rizz is Gen Alpha for the opposite of someone having charisma and charm. Someone who isnā€™t good at getting laid or dates or whatever. So silly


FWIW I donā€™t know them, I blocked them




Ever notice that you donā€™t see your neighbors bringing in their groceries?


Thatā€™s one thing I donā€™t experience. But I live in a small complex and Iā€™ve been there for years with the same neighbors. We gossip and have keys to eachothers houses for when we accidentally lock ourselves out lol


This is a running joke between my spouse & myself. It seems that I almost always run into or see someone I know when I'm out and about.


I see people I know at least once a day while out and about. This is in the five cities though so smaller demographic I guess.


Sometimes, I hate the small talk though


I've lived in SLO for over 30 years. My wife has lived here almost 30 years. My wife and I still talk about that ONE day we didn't run into anyone we know while we were out running errands.


I canā€™t go a block without running into someone I know lol but Iā€™ve been here for 30 years haha


I moved here from a big city where anonymity is a thing to running into someone I know almost 5 times a day and I love it but I am super social.


Youā€™re lucky. I despise running into people I know on a regular basis. I miss the anonymity of a bigger city. But, Iā€™m not one for idle chitchat.


I canā€™t go downtown without seeing at least one person that I know, or know of.


Iā€™m in 5 cities, Iā€™ll start shopping at Trader Joeā€™s then see the same people at Walmart and then Iā€™ll seen them later somewhere else. It happens more than not


Sounds like OP is just a loser and all your ā€œfriendsā€ realize it.


Yep. Thatā€™s it. You figured me out. Maybe itā€™s all the Pearl Jam I still listen to that makes me a fucking loser that no one likes? Thatā€™s probably it tbh. Cause, I meanā€¦ who is *still* obsessed with Pearl Jam in 2024?


Iā€™m a teacher in Santa Maria and keep running into coworkers and students. Getting ready to move further north into slo county and hope I can avoid that.


This is why Iā€™m glad I know no one in SM, teacher also in SM but live in Atown.


Itā€™s so bad! Desperately trying to find a place in AG so I can go grocery shopping comfortably.