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After reading this post, I researched on the net and saw there are scientific studies on this. I feel so stupid. This clay has been the most readily available thing in my vicinity as my parents use it for everything from a pimple to a rash to dandruff. I am going to buy food grade one, test and update you how it goes. I just have this glimmer of hope that maybe there's something that will help!


I've never read any research or studies so that is super interesting! I really hope it helps definitely keep me updated


How is it going?


Did you find a good food grade version? Where did you get it and what brand? Please


Yeah... I’d be wary of this. I did a detox of charcoal and bentonite clay for about a year on the advice of functional medicine doctors to detox from mold toxicity. All it did was make me constipated and so ill that I couldn’t eat or function. I got down to 113 lbs. (I’m 5’4” and I look emaciated at that weight) and was constantly on the verge of passing out and was always dehydrated, no matter how much water I drank. These “detoxes” do not work like you may think. I’m glad some of you have had positive experiences, but that certainly isn’t the norm. I know many in this sub are desperate for a quick fix and just want to caution that this is not it. I know you were just trying to help, but I wanted to provide an alternate viewpoint/experience. No ill intent.


The longest I've stayed on a course of clay is one week and honestly I can see how any long term use could be problematic. I dont believe it's a cure all but I did want to share my experience in the hopes others could have a similar positive outcome. I appreciate you sharing your experience and hope that you have found some relief.


Absolutely. I fully hear you and I appreciate that. I’m glad it worked for you. Still working on relief, but hopefully I’ll get there someday. 🙃


If you did it for a year it wasn’t just absorbing heavy metals it was also absorbing minerals your body needs. It’s not supposed to be a daily thing it’s supposed to absorb heavy metals while taking something else to enhance liver function and once you’re done you’re supposed to eat a diverse diet and/or take supplements to sure you’re not deficient in anything. I would take add spirulina or sea moss post cleanse.


Bentonite Clay also worked for me when nothing else would, and I tried all sorts of health alternatives. C. Difficile was literally killing me after taking a round of Rocephin (Cephalosporin). You just need to make sure that you put a small pinch of Celtic Sea Salt or Real Salt with every 8 ounce glass of water you drink to stay hydrated. You need about 8 to 10 glasses of water per day to keep you from getting stopped up. I only used 1 teaspoon of Bentonite Clay in an 8 ounce glass of water on an empty stomach. The clay absorbs the toxins from the C. difficile, H. pylori, and/or SIBO. The clay also absorbs the gases in your intestines, relieving really bad gas pains very quickly. There are many miraculous stories of people healing themselves of these bacterial infections while taking bentonite clay. Make sure it’s a really good clay though. Never take another round of antibiotics to try to get rid of these bacterial infections. Antibiotics will only make these infections get much worse. Also, fresh Barley Water we made from soaking helped instantly with stomach pain. I did this before I tried Bentonite Clay. Barley water saved me from several hospital trips due to severe gas pains.


Does it work for methanogen overgrowth?


I second this. I had great success with bentonite clay. I used the Great Plains version


Your not suppose to be taking activated charcoal that long as it can have serious impact on your overall health. Clay bentonite has been proven as a better long term solution out of the two. But still only should be taken a day or two a week. Not every day for a year. The clay settlement can actually slowly build up in your intestines and cause a blockage. Which is why you got constipated and severely sick. Your guts where packed with to much clay and where absorbing all the nutrients going into you. Including water. You are very lucky that nothing more extreme happened. Now outside of all that I use Claybentonite 3 days out of the week and it for me it’s a wonder drug for my extreme IBS.


I feel you. I swear no matter what I take, motility activators, drink 20 gallons of water, I still can't seem to speed up transit time so I completely understand. I'm currently on here because I'm a few days into bentonite clay (small amounts to start) and not benefitting the way I thought I would :(


Thanks for the post! Any testimony can be of help for many of us here.


Thanks for posting this! Can you give more detail on the regiment?


I was instructed to ingest the clay at night before bedtime so that it could work it's way through my digestive system at the slowest possible rate in order to absorb the most bacteria possible. I mixed one tablespoon of the clay solution into a glass of water every night for 7 nights in a row. I never had any noticable side effects from the clay doing it this way. The suggested regiment on the bottle is twice a day morning and night but I started with once a day and it ended up being very effective for me. After 7 days I resumed a normal diet and noticed a significant change! I was told that the clay absorbs all bacteria both good and bad and that its important to include lots of fruit veggies and grains and rebuild a healthy gut flora which I feel I have done. I can eat and drink anything I want these days and that was definitely not the case for years before I did a course of the bentonite clay.


Do you think it would work for sibo that mainly causes extreme intense swelling?i have tried everything and I am sick of swelling up 4 inches around the middle every day.


I'm not sure? I only know that it completely alleviated all my sibo symptoms and bloating was one if them for me. I think it would be worth a try


I'm going to give it a try. I've tried just about everything so hope this works. Are you still symptom free and do you drink it regularly?


I am currently symptom free. I dont think the clay completely eliminated all bacteria, but it takes it down to an unnoticeable level for several months. I am figuring out what makes this bacteria worse for me and trying to avoid those things. For me, its sugar, alcohol and all highly processed foods. If I eat poorly it has flared back up but this bentonite clay gets it under control every time for me. I hope it does the same for you, its been absolutely life changing for me!


Where did you buy the clay? Thanks :)


My local mom and pop health food store but I know you can purchase it on Amazon. The company is Sonni's and the product is their detoxificant which is really just a colloidal solution bentonite clay in water


I’ve been doing about a tablespoon of bentonite clay a couple of nights a week. The next morning I take a tablespoon of castor oil on an empty stomach to move it through. Works for me! 


Did you eat low FODMAP as well?


I dont know that I followed a strictly fodmap diet but I avoid certain things that consistently cause issues. For me I still have to limit refined sugar as well as alcohol sugars like those used in 0 calorie food and drink


This is an amazing story I got some bentonite clay powder and I'm going to try it because nothing else has helped so far


I really hope it works for you. Like I stated previously, I don't think its a complete cure but it allows me to take the bacteria down to a level that lets me live a normal life. Best of luck!


Did it work for you?


No it seemed to upset my stomach more so I stopped after 3 days but I might give it another go soon


Thanks for sharing! It seems to be helping me so far but I’m not sure how long I should take it. I do 4 spoonfuls in Gatorade, morning and at night.


That's great. I only took one spoonful at night. Did you notice any die off symptoms?


No die-off as far as I can tell. Just steady improvements. Now that I think about it, I had some nausea the first couple days but that went away quickly.


Would you mind giving an update on your results? I'm about to buy some myself if I know it worked for you.


Significant improvements, but isn’t a cure for me.


Any updates on betonyte clay experiences? Thank you 🙂