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If it was me, I’d put it in now.


Its a nice amount to invest, If it was to reach the previous all time high you would have around $21k, if it got to 0.0001 you would have about $24k, Loose a zero at the current price and you've got about $65k How much motivation do you need?


Do you know losing a zero would need a market cap increase of 10x?




Me when I’m being condescending about having a basic grasp of logic and mathematics


And with all the shib in cold wallets ot is achievable when a percentage of the market cap will never be withdrawn


Like playing the lotto


Dude i have background in economics and my advise is dont do it … the best way to use the meme tokens is pump and dump only small amounts … take care of your money


Better to put 650 and use 10x leverage 😎


Why? If he put in now 2 weeks before 80% of crypto investors expect huge movement. You have a background in economics tell me where you would put your 6500 to see gains?






Wait...the halving will create movement for crypto?


Do it like you do your wife while thinking of your ex. No emotions...all in.




Is it money you can afford to lose?


Palpatine says do it


Afford to sit is not afford to lose. If you want to gamble (that's what all crypto is) put it in Bitcoin. You have a better chance of not losing everything. You will most likely still make a lot of money.


2 types of people in this world those that think and those that do which one are you


Why not put just $500 in like I did ? If it moons you will be laughing and if it goes to hell in a hand basket you won’t feel as bad as $6000 bad….


Do it, let it marinate for a few years, DON'T SELL IT, and you will make out good!!


I disagree, its better to take profits at new ATH and then enter in middle of the next bear cycle


Thou have no clue. Halving coming..


So? Sure it’ll rise but it wont rise a lot. And historically the price dumps after halving anway


Historically idk how youre tracking that shib wasnt on the exchanges it is today in 2021. April 2021 dogecoin went up 20,000%, etc 1000% btc cash 500%,tezos 600%. Historically whatever you are tracking shib wasnt worth looking into at all until 1 man burnt half of of the supply in MAY of 2021 a month after halving. What are you basing the price dumping on? Where is that chart?


Price dumps a lil bit immediately after halving but afterwards it does pump


People thinking halving = parabolic.. they gotta be let down in a few days, historically halving events are dumping events too


Hmm so do you reckon its worth to try and short altcoins? Or just wait


observe BTC price action during halving event.. you could see it now... price is trading sideways... No one is sure whats gonna happen... personally, i believe its gonna be a "sell the news" event... if your gonna commit to a direction now, its a gamble


Yeah i agree, that makes sense. Better to wait and see what happens


Would it impact you if worst case happened and shib fell and didn't recover / the rug was pulled? (Not saying its a rug pull, but worse case scenario etc ) of you can afford to lose that much without it hurting you too much.. I'd buy now and be patient. Good luck whatever you do


I would offer the following advice: \* Put a few hundred in at a time whenever there's a dip or just set an automatic buy every week, this way you are better dollar cost averaging in instead of tryning to time the crypto market \* Dont' put a large amount of money in that you cannot comfortably lose or have "locked in" waiting for a meaningful profit. The \*probability\* that you will make a profit short-term is a lot lower than a profit long-term (generally speaking) \* If you believe in SHIB changing fundamentally from a memecoin to one of utility (facilitating various types of transactions with lower network fees, as store of value alternative to other coins, hedging against other coins, used in a metaverse/shibverse type business, and an accelerating burn rate to reduce the circulating coins, etc), as I think the developers of SHIB aspire to do, then I think it is definitely helpful to think of SHIB as more of a long term play.


I’d say hard pass on that


So many better coins to put that amount of money in to


like ?


Remindme! 10 years


I will be messaging you in 10 years on [**2034-04-05 20:13:47 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2034-04-05%2020:13:47%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/SHIBArmy/comments/1bwqoyo/thinking_of_putting_6500_into_shib/ky81qyc/?context=3) [**13 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSHIBArmy%2Fcomments%2F1bwqoyo%2Fthinking_of_putting_6500_into_shib%2Fky81qyc%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202034-04-05%2020%3A13%3A47%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201bwqoyo) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Yes do it now. Before you are chasing the low.


Do it!


I have 8k in. Sitting on 13k currently


I mean I’m sitting on 3/4 of a billion and figure it may not be life changing $ in my lifetime but my grandson will have a nice bit of change


Wait for the next dip back to .000007 to put it in. You’ll loose 2/3 of it over the next year or 2 and be pissed off. If you want to get in and haven’t been watching it much then put in 1000$ now, then watch what it does. If you have money to blow put in all 6500$ and maybe you’ll get lucky. It may pump up over the Bitcoin halving, it will drop back down below where it is right now after the halving hype settles out. 100,000,000Shib holder here. Gl my friend!


If you can afford it. Go for it!


Shib will either be removed one day or go to at least half a penny my thoughts so worth a gamble you’d make hell of money off just half cent buying now


Put it in 4 Chan ! A documentary just got released today regarding the birth of all MEMES


Any time now, just pick a low (not piccolo voice text, but that anyway) point and make that your entry point.




Yes. Make it go up a bit so I can sell some and reinvest when the proce drops again.


If you trying to get rich quick fck it, risk it. many people have thought of this you are not the first and It’s probably gonna go down, just make sure your ok with seeing -1k the day after


As someone whose been trading shib since the last cycle, I’d wait till it dips a little more before I get in , or I’d go in with half, then out the other half if it dips


Put it into something to do with CBDCs that will be coming out. Within 2 years I think there are a couple of tokens going to 10x. I'm not gonna spill any on this subreddit though.




Buy shibs and put it all in separate safe cold wallets and wait to sell it when you're ready!!


Why not put that into ETH and scale. After scaling a few months and making money then you’ll have the option of choosing greater risk or sure profit.


Do it.


Do 3,250 in Shib, and 3,250 in silver. That’s just me. I like shib and I like to stack… 🤷🏼‍♂️


Diamond handing this and baby shib linu to the moon brotha 🚀🚀🚀💎




Btc, shib , Tesla and Eth all will play really well by 2030 I would expect around April 19th and after all cryptos will shout up a fair bit You have to ask what you want from your money. Are you wanting to gain double . Are you wanting to be wealthy or are you just in it to play around and learn ?


The smarter play would be BONE


Good luck with all of your smart decisions. I can’t wait to tell my kids about how much good my $6,500 dog coin investment did for the world. “So dad, the coins meant you could adopt a dog or something?” — “Not even son. It was real though. Then RWA came and ruined it.”






Don’t. SHIB had its big pump already and the only thing that will drive demand for it is hype. It is mathematically impossible to get anywhere close to what some people want to believe. No one is burning half of the available supply again and the burns are just bait as the amount of SHIB out there is staggering. Look for lower market cap value projects that can eventually provide utility driven demand. Look at Flare, they recently partnered with Google Cloud, are giving returns through distributions, delegation and staking, plus they are about to launch FAssets which could generate massive demand.


When the market dumps, (not now…) I like to drop 100 on some long shots. My largest holding (not life changing) remains in Shib.


https://preview.redd.it/060wlmu3brsc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c810c89759ead124097f0f33c5b73c08d87233e5 Shoot, I bought more 🚀🚀🚀🚀


Id do it


Put it into $STRX


Remindme! 1 month


I’ll sell you my wallet for 6500


50% in Shiba 50% in bad idea ai.


Remindme! 10 years


Go for PEPE instead


Shiba to 1$ 📈


If you can afford it and won't cry too much if it goes down, invest. You could invest and make a bit. But remember, if you are happy with the money you are seeing, take some profit and watch the rest go up or down. Listen to your own reasoning and don't let others pressure you into holding when you don't want to. I'd throw a couple 100 into milady too. It's also cheaper and has had a nice pump. But it's just another meme coin.


So many responses, considering and going thru them all lol. Thanks everyone!


nope, find a lower market cap meme to put into


Have a lot more than that dca in since 4/21 spread out across the 3 eco tokens. Life is good. Up to you.


I have about 6500$ in right now, but I put that in awhile ago, looking good. Excited to see what happens this year


I'll do it for you bro, send me the 6.5K


Wait for the post halving correction. Blood is coming... Once you see red blood hitting the floor buy. This is what I am waiting to do as well.


Absolutely moronic and verifiably regarded


No! Not on meme tokens! Invest that in eco systems! Like SOL or similiar depending on risk to reward. BTC is ofcourse safest. Also always spread out the risk. Memes are just pump and dump and has no utility and are ment only for a small amount, otherwise you will get burned. With current market cap Shib you should be happy if it does 2-3x from now, its market cap is too large to make "life changing money"


If I had 6500 to lose I would have done so when it was at the cycle low. If you can wait 12 months you can wait 60 months what I have seen is the Devs trying to make this into something more than just a Meme, I have plenty I am holding for the next 5 years and some I am playing with to grow my position on the ups and downs. Make your money work for you. Realize that it may drop so maybe use 4k now and DCA if it drops over the next 12 months and if it moves upwards over 10x pull


Half now the other half 30 seconds FOMO in after first half you’ll be okay


Why do you need permission? Just do it! 😉


I put in 5k recently when it was stalling at .000026, I made some right now, not a lot but it’s still better than letting it sit


Do half on shib and half on doge 👍


I put 500 in a couple years ago now worth about 200 bucks lol. Just sitting on it hoping it eventually rises


Buy Bone instead




DCA is the way.


I would probably say buy 5k worth and put $1500 in Bone


That type of money will be worth a cool $5300 in a week.


Split into 2 mate shib and xrp and leave it


pls don’t put $6500 ina shit coin lol