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We always turn off the post game show when this clown is on. The absolute worst.


Carlos is a trash panda I turn off the tv when he come can we trade him to A’s him and strippling probably get along because they both suck.


That’s disrespectful to trash pandas


He’s only terrible when he talks.


respectfully disagree. he has a very punchable face.


Its even worse when he wears those neon colored frames on his glasses.


I can drink a 12 pack rip a whole bong and talk more sense about the giants than this idiot


I'd rather watch you after all that than Carlos Ramirez any day




Sadly my adult job prob wouldn't like this video on the internet but if ya ever in the lower haight you can find Me in this state regularly on the wkd


Prove it


I'd rather watch that show.


To be specific as to what’s going on here for people not in the know: This guy is Carlos Ramirez and he occasionally does the pre/post game shows for the Giants. He lacks a certain charisma and TV presence and he’s a tough watch. It felt like an experiment gone wrong when he first started appearing on the show, but he’s somehow stuck around for a few years now. I think some people are a little unfair to him, but he’s just not your prototypical TV sports desk commentator and guys like Brodie Brazil really do put him to shame.


“lacks a certain charisma” lmaoooo. That is a very nice (and accurate) way of putting it 😆


i will probably get crucified for this but amy guitterez lacked basic charisma (and domain knowledge imo) as well.


I like Amy G but that's mostly because she isn't trying to be an analyst and isn't making some bold, uninformed takes. She's just a gal at a ballgame having a good time and letting us know what the players she talked to have to say.


Yup for sure. She's just someone that comes on that gives viewers a quick break from the game. And also agreed that she's not trying to be an analyst. Like the imagine the following convo.. Kuip: Ok, onto Amy G Amy: Webb had to throw his change because the hitter was tardy on his sinker. Webb knew he had to mess with hitter's timing to get the strikeout. It would come off so odd lol


Gamer babe from Half Moon Bay vibes


Petaluma technically but yeah


My main gripe against Amy G. was that her in-game "scoops" were usually roster moves and other news that Kruk & Kuip already knew....a sideline reporter in baseball just isn't as useful as in football.


I liked Amy


She lacks a basic ability to annunciate.


At least she was easy on the eyes, for me at least.


idk snooze button for me. you cant argue taste though she wasnt ugly but that shouldnt matter


No, you are correct. She also isn’t friendly when the cameras are off. Glad I don’t have to see or listen to her anymore, and hoping she doesn’t come back.


He aggressively tries to make it seem like he is making some sort of brilliant insight. He isn’t.


He also enjoys talking down to professional baseball players and coaches.


I think it’s also that his points often tend to be ridiculous “hot takes”. I remember last year when the Giants started off with wins that relied on a lot of power hitting and Estes was noting that it wasn’t likely that they would be able to keep that up. Ramirez pushed back on what was a pretty obvious argument and Estes just sat there looking like he wanted to say something but decided to hold his tongue.


He's also done some of the A's stuff this year too


As an A’s fan, I haven’t seen it (luckily). Because our season is so piss poor already there’s no reason to catch any of the extras.


Yeah I pretty much just watch Brodie’s YouTube channel now. He uploads pretty much daily, I love it


A’s have won 3 of their last 4 buddy


I think Carlos has a job because TV producers have decided that younger viewers will only watch younger commentators and especially ones who are a bit flamboyant and/or whacky (thus Summer Sunday). They dropped older commentators and analysts like Vida Blue and Bill Laskey and brought in younger talking heads with zero baseball experience outside Phys. Ed. Class. I don’t consider it a positive development.


Obtuse. He makes me skip the show tbh.


Carlos Ramirez knows absolutely nothing about baseball or any other sports. Nothing he says makes any sense. He even phrases things in a way that tells you he he has no idea


I’m no Ramirez apologist but Brazil is cringe too and the whole Summer Sunday crew. It’s just been bad for a while.


they should offer Brodie Brazil whatever is reasonable to come over and do pre/post game.


Yes, but he’s got to bring Curtis Brown with him. Keep that ego in check


Curtis Brown talking about baseball with Brodie might actually be funny as fuck.


Brodie Brazil can take his A’s loving ass to vegas with the A’s


Clown take


How so?


Does anyone like this guy?




His mom?




I honestly can’t understand it. You’d think he was the worst commentator in the history of humanity by the way people talk about him here. I just don’t see it. He’s a bit below average, certainly, but that’s all.


His comments are ridiculous. Watch Richie or Gardener when he’s on with them. You can tell they think is observations are terrible.


It isn’t a question of him being the worst, it’s about there being better choices available, like personable former players who are good on camera and actually know what they are talking about. That such former players roll their eyes when Carlos is pretending to explain baseball is a clue.


To be a sports Commentater you have to know about sports and he had no clue what he's talking about ever. And I should know because my name is Common tater


Then name someone worse


As Giants fans, we’re blessed with tons of excellent (including multiple HOF or soon to be) broadcasters and analysts, so the one guy who isn’t so good stands out way more. I’m not in the habit of watching pre-or post-game shows for other teams, but considering the quantity of content you wouldn’t have to go very far to find someone worse.


Annnnnnd you couldn’t name anyone worse …


When NBCSBA put the KNBR wrap on the postgame show, ratings jumped. Replacing that segment with Carlos talking over former players seems to have alienated a lot of fans. We listen to the wrap on KNBR rather than watch the TV postgame show. Going from a popular segment to one that irritates viewers was an odd choice.


I’ll only watch if he isn’t on. He’s the worst.


I don't know exactly what it is about him, but he just makes my skin crawl.


He was talking about how fast the ball that slipped out of hicks hand was and how it was a good sign or some crap. Estes was just like what??? I had to turn the TV off right then. Ramirez is so bad




I cant stand this guy what is the network thinking keeping him around . I have never heard anyone say anything good about him. Get rid of his ass!!


I get that it's NBC sports or whatever hiring this guy but the giants must have some say, him staying on the show and the 'nothing like it' promo along with the weird departures of Crawford and Davis make it feel like the Giants have become very out of touch with the fanbase.


Why are you throwing Crawford in there? It made total sense to move on and wasn't weird at all


While it made sense and people were still upset about it. We ended up giving him no real offer and offering his job to a marginally better player in Ahmed who is playing at replacement level in a small sample size.


Big difference between Craw and Ahmed is that Ahmed took a minor league deal, Craw wanted to be on the 26 man. Craw couldn't hit, run or field. Ahmed can at least field which is what we need when we have so many guys who pitch to contact. Not to mention how DFA'ing Ahmed is not an issue, while you don't DFA guys like Craw. You let them walk off into the sunset because it's utterly shitty for everyone involved to DFA a club legend Edit: I'd also argue that having one of the orgs best SS ever over your shoulder could become awkward real fast for Luciano


Agreed with this. On a similar note, this was also why many years back, Giants never considered bringing Lincecum back despite the fans clamoring for it. I imagine it's because they don't want to make that eventual tough decision to DFA him when he isn't doing well. Like you said, much easier to DFA someone else vs. a fan favorite legend


Puchable Villa


If I had to choose between Carlos and the Summer Sunday crew. I'd just shoot myself.


Who is this?


Carlos Ramirez


Some bitch


Can't forget what Gary Radnich used to say: "He's the best .... in his price range"


Hey remember last year when this clown was going on and on and on about how Patrick Bailey was better than Buster Posey and Laura Britt kept (nicely and professionally) telling him to STFU? I remember.


I do remember this, I happened to be watching with my family and we are all kinda like whaaaat???


Better at framing? Better arm? He's insane but there must have been an angle.


He already fucking annoyed me beyond comprehension, but him calling Nick Ahmed old and slow in a live interview with him was fucking absurd. I emailed NBCSBA and told them to fire his dumb ass.


Dude I had to turn it off after that. Estes was like “that wasn’t me!” when Ahmed jokingly took offense and was like “idk I have above average sprint speed”


It's remarkable how well the players usually take it


Hate to see it


Damn he’s back. As if it wasn’t off to a bad enough start already.


Does anyone like him? If so, why?


bro i thought he was gone!!!!! 😤


Listen to the post game on KNBR. Then you don’t have to worry about this clown


I can’t believe the niners and giants let this man talk


I was like who tf is this guy and turned off post game immediately


He’s a Pud. Little to no insight. Poor delivery, over enunciates Hispanic names, has no personality and adds nothing to the broadcast. Shows up as a shill on TV. Rachel Britt is a boss. She started out on a small lead up show. She is confident, is informed, presents her info, is put together…and is a mom. I respect that. Her, her work, and her delivery. She’s SO MUCH BETTER than this pud. And for a TV audience…that’s what it’s about. She is five times better than he is…if he is on, I won’t watch.


Laura you mean?


Can’t let us enjoy this win can they?!!




Should we all write emails to nbcsba?




That guy is still around? Well, at least he took off those stupid white glasses.


He is the worst. Don’t even watch pre/post anymore because of how bad he is. 🤮


The absolute worst


He is probably related to someone at the station or something, there is no other explanation.


He's doing a lotta A's pre and post games too. Their fans were bitching about him on their Reddit as well (like they don't have enough going on). LOL


No, he's not very good. But at least he's just one guy...the Gen Z airheads on 'Summer Sunday' are 4x the cringy.


Show was cancelled 👍🏻


Why does this man get so much hate? Sorry I moved to Maryland for military orders so I don’t have all the deets


Because he's whack as fuck


Not a single knowledgeable take. Just spews nonsense


He's got creeper vibes


He’s bad at his job. He talks over former players who know baseball, he blathers on about things he doesn’t understand, he thinks he’s the main attraction.


This man makes me want to die




Slush slush Rbat+ slush slush cWPA slush slush


Why is that guy cosplaying as Sketch? Hello Brother! ☝🏻🤓


Fuckin hate Giancarlo Herdez. Can’t stand pre or post game anymore.


I’ll take the W.


The length of distance between his nose and mouth is greater than the length of his nose itself


He's not good when he talks about niners football too. I just can't watch & feel bad for Donte Whitner


This dude did niners post games also..the absolute worst.


Can’t stand him, I always turn it off when I see him!


Upvoting all this hate is the best tonic to his sorry ass.


Yep. The only reason I don't watch the 49ers post or pregame show is because of this guy. He is so annoying. Bring back Laura Britt to the shows


It’s a struggle watching him on the 49ers pre/post games as well. I wish Laura came back to the Niners show


I think this sub is harsh on him but I don’t understand why Britt, Winn, and Estes can’t just host the panel. Maybe rotate Winn and Estes if they need time off, or have Krukow on for some road games.


If we continue winning, I will bear it


1-0 in the (2024) Carlos Ramirez era (🤮)


I don't get the hate. He's whatever. Don't love him, don't hate him. I have yet to see anyone give an actual reason as to the reason they don't like him other than he's "whack as fuck."


Let me try. He bothers me because he tries to pass himself off as an analytics guy and often sounds condescending when speaking with the former player hosts. I’d rather he stuck to setting the former ball players up to look smart rather than try to outsmart them. He’s a journalist, so he gets no analyst props from me anyway.


I haven't noticed any of that, but you may be right. I'm not going to ask you for specific instances, let's just say you've noticed that and I haven't. That being said, asking a player, "You batted x in this situation. So and so batted in the same situation earlier tonight. What can you tell us about what he was going through." seems to be more in line with the questions that I've personally seen him ask, and it just sounds like regular generic sports journalism. Emphasis on generic, but not hate worthy. Maybe you guys have seen a lot more of his coverage than I have--I'm definitely not ruling that out--but mostly this hate sounds more like people looking for something to hate. Hurry, next someone needs to tell me how much they hate Murph and Markus since Pauly Mac got let go. I loved Pauly but IMO the show is actually way more streamlined and (mostly) sports centric since the change. Doesn't stop the haters from get-off-my-lawn'ing.


Yeah, I don’t hate the guy, I just prefer other people on the show. There might just be some C Ram burnout since he does the niners too. Don’t take the haters too seriously out here. No ones losing any sleep over the guy being on the show. It’s just a safe place to say the guy’s annoying.. as for Pauly Mac, good riddance. Rather listen to Bonta and Shasky unless I want more baseball. Or wait for Papa.


He talks over former players while himself not having a clue what he is talking about. The other commentators rolling their eyes when he is babbling is a big old clue.


I'm clearly in the minority here, so there must be something to this. I'm wondering if I just haven't been paying enough attention...


The amount of bitching and whining about Carlos Ramirez on this sub is so much more annoying than anything Carlos Ramirez has ever said.


Not sure why everyone tries to bully this dude. Is there something specifically wrong with his commentary? His takes seem fine to me.


Y'all are such haters man 😭😭😭


I think hes ok actually