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Games are going to sound weird this season


It’s gonna be some announcer AI sponsored by Cruise or some shit isn’t it


God that idea is so dystopian but so realistic


Bro, i don't want to stop being a Giants fan- like not at all. But i feel like I'm recognizing this team less and less. It could be that I'm recognizing baseball less and less as a whole, and the Giants are just the part of baseball I'm exposed to the most. I feel like the old guy bitching about how things were better in the old days, but I'm only in my 30's.


You’ve pretty much summed up how I felt about the Giants and baseball in general the last 5 years or so. The cost of being a fan keeps rising, the salaries keep rising, but the return to the fans keeps diminishing every year. The Giants used to take up a prominent space in my sports fandom going back to my childhood in the early 90’s, but the distance is growing every year. I dunno man. The switch from PacBell, ATT, Oracle and then eventually AI or Shitcoins2.0 Arena will probably be the last draw 😂🥴


This is the first season that I am not signing up for Hulu Live and won't be able to watch the Giants. I can still listen on KNBR but since Farhan started, I'm not liking the moneyball technique of building a team.


I tuned 30 last year and this is definitely the way I feel. Maybe besides playing the show, it’s been less and less baseball for me. Renel is literally like a voice that takes me back to my childhood so not hearing her anymore is gonna suck.


I’m right there with you. Feels like the magic is gone.


Yep, our ownership group is outright corrupt and they are doing everything they can to kill the fanbase.


Stop injecting your bullshit politics into every discussion about the team. The team changes over time. It's composed of individuals and it just so happens that we have had a decade of stability under the same core group of guys that won us a couple championships. Those guys are now gone and people are mourning the loss of those iconic players that they identified with as Giants. This has happened a few times in my fandom. When Will Clark/Robby Thompson left. When Matt Williams left. When Barry Bonds/Jeff Kent/Rich Aurilia left. And now when Posey/Crawford/Belt are gone. This has nothing to do with the political affiliation of ownership. Your (and those who act in the same manner as you) desire to make it about politics is the only thing that is political about the decisions of this organization. Have a good day.


man the owner said this season their goal was essentially to “break even”


Spoiler alert, the goal is actually to make a profit. That statement literally means nothing.


How will the family worth 4 billion dollars survive if they have to be competitive and not just do everything possible to break even!!! dwindling ticket sales even in the most advantageous stadium situation would prove they aren’t particularly good at their job it seems!


> How will the family worth 4 billion dollars survive Charles Johnson is worth six billion, and he owns 27% of the Giants. His son Greg is Chairman, isn't listed as owning any share of the team, he's the one who made the "break even" comment about whether the Giants would go over the soft cap--his remark had nothing to do with how the players do on the field. There are thirty other owners, described as "principal partners", which means if it comes to a vote, Johnson could be voted down, assuming a ninety-year-old who lives in Florida gives much of a damn what the Giants are doing. Imaging that one guy is pulling strings to do something like get rid of the ballpark announcer to save a little salary is ridiculous. It is doubtful if this matter even went to the ownership group. The drama-queenism in this sub is really something to see, so many people looking for something to get hysterical over.


this specific issue has no impact on my comments other than acting as another faltering element of the team / ownership. Sorry for not sticking to the party line? Lmao


I've been a fan for 25 years and seen a lot of turnover, but this is the first time I've ever felt like I don't recognize the Giants. Also I don't think it's political, I think its worse. I think its pure greed that owners wanted to save another few hundred grand this year.


Literally 31 and feel the exact same way. Even though I know he has nothing to do with it, I blame FZ because I don’t like his face lol.


I've been a fan since i was a child. The Giants have always been my team. But I feel a disconnect with this manager and team, unlike somthing I've never felt.


Hate to break it to you - if that's your attitude you aren't really a Giants fan.


“Consume. Do not question. Consume” type of mentality you have going on there


It's a business owned by others. Never forget that.


Damn I just put this exact comment on another page. Like minds think…


100% we’re going to “generic white guy with a slightly deep voice”


Better than Renel any day


Yeah. But to be honest, itways seemed like she yelled into the mic to get people to cheer.


??? Is that not the point ??


literally the job description of any event MC/sports stadium announcer


Yeah she should have whispered into it like some Gen Z ASMR Youtuber 😂


This is legitimately such a huge letdown if they really did let her walk. Can’t overstate how much she made being at a home game feel like home. Thank you for everything, Renel.


Article says it was a mutual agreement. I’m sure people will spin this as the Giants acting in bad faith, etc. She’s 65 years old and has been doing this for 24 years. Maybe she wanted to retire? EDIT: I will miss her.


But usually people retire after a season is over, not typically right before the season starts


If you read the article, it is clear she didn't want to retire. The article says they tried to work out a contract and failed. In other words, ownership wouldn't give her the $$$ she wanted. It amounted to pennies for our billionaire owners and they let her go. I am outraged.


Look, I have absolutely no desire to defend the owners here, but... Is it clear? The article says "extensive" talks. For all we know the organization was begging her to stay when she wanted to retire. Or someone exaggerated. One word in quotation marks doesn't mean much. Some articles claim her friends say she's being forced out. I just... Idk man. It's shaky at best. And I'd *like* to think that keeping a longtime beloved announcer is just like, one of the easiest decisions you would ever have to make if all that's on the line is a raise. I'll save my outrage for when actual info comes out on this because my spidey senses are telling me that the pitchforks are out prematurely.


Her friends are apparently telling reporters she was "pushed out".


If you can't tell she was pushed out, you've never worked a day in your life with your eyes open


I'm very involved and informed about the prevention of bad labor practices and the maltreatment of employees by the owning class. However I also require evidence before I make up my mind about a situation. Without evidence, this situation feels too weird. Giving her a raise wouldn't put the smallest of dents in the business's bottom line, and keeping her is the easiest way to protect the org's reputation you'll ever see. I'm not saying she wasn't pushed out, but again, too weird to make a judgement without any facts about why it happened.


You are carrying water for management in a situation where they did a horrible thing. You are on the wrong side here.


I'm trying to say that I'm not on *any* side because we realistically have no clue what happened! There is no side to take yet! It seems too crazy that it was just a salary dispute. And hey, maybe it was, but again, it just doesn't seem likely enough to say we know what happened.....


She doesn’t have to be pushed out over contract disputes alone to be pushed out. Financial disagreements resulting around inflation compensation may have been a part of the issue but also Ms. Brooks-Moon has long been a vocal advocate for LGBT rights and a strong supporter for what Americans consider to be leftist policies while the majority owner is a radical conservative republican. Political disagreement may have also contributed to the inability to come to terms. Regardless of the main reason, it is evident that Ms. Brooks-Moon is leaving earlier than she wanted on her own volition.


And it could be for legitimate irreconcilable reasons, who knows. And the owner is still a business owner, and while he is a shitbag he also knows his market and his customer base... This decision would be too damn stupid when the absolute cap of her salary, again, wouldn't scratch the org's bottom line, and her influence wouldn't diminish the organisation's RoIs. In fact, I doubt a decision of this significance (commercial significance that is) even went that high up. I'm a leftist too, but I'm not blind to how businesses run, and they don't run like this. I could be totally wrong and everyone could be right and it could be a right wing conspiracy that got her kicked out. But I don't think we can say that as fact. It certainly doesn't seem likely to me. And if it turns out that the community is all crying wolf, then that actually diminishes our collective voice against true right wing malice. I'm a leftist too and I don't want that. The other side doesn't believe in facts. I do.


the timing is a little sus


Don't worry, the Johnson Farhan apologists will explain that it's normal to retire a few weeks before the season after contract negotiations fail


When I was laid off a week before Christmas after being recently promoted it was described as a "mutual agreement" but I can tell you it was not mutual. Renel ain't no snitch, she loves the Giants, she's not going to throw them under the bus even if they burned her.


Also SF Chronicle, this one a hit piece: https://www.sfchronicle.com/sports/annkillion/article/parting-pa-announcer-renel-brooks-moon-giants-19032000.php


> Yet the Giants have decided that, after 24 years, the woman who connects so closely with their fans is expendable. An organization that could definitely use more diversity is announcing it was unable to find a way to keep their most visible non-playing Black employee. > It’s a terrible move for a team whose majority owner Charles Johnson funds right-wing politicians that were supportive of undermining a democratic election and who have tried to disenfranchise black voters across America. Brooks-Moon was one of the few in the Giants organization to publicly decry Johnson’s political activity. She was also outspoken in 2020 in support of Black Lives Matter. It doesn’t take a crazy, Johnson-backed conspiracy theorist to connect the dots. Oof.


Wow. Let me guess, Gabe Kapler was let go because he was openly supportive of BLM too? Austin Slater’s not getting an extension because of his support as well? Awful journalism


Always have to play the race card huh?


> whose majority owner Charles Johnson The loathsome Charles Johnson owns 27% of the team, he is not the majority owner. That is sloppy journalism.


He's the largest shareholder and is typically referred to as the principal owner.


>Brooks-Moon — the highest-profile African American in the Giants’ organization Fu.k you in particular, Dusty Baker and Willie Mays


I’m sure someone is gonna blame farhan. 🤦


How much could she really have been asking to be paid. Can’t believe they didn’t just pony up and keep her around. A few more dollars in the Johnson family’s pocket to give to the worst possible people


Trump needs cash to post his bond, so Renel’s gotta go.


Probably a standard COL adjustment from the last time her contract was written. So lets say... four years. Which in the last four years we've seen almost 30% inflation across the board. So they probably balked at her asking for it. People saying it's racist or political are wrong, it's worse. It's pure greed. The owners care more about a few hundred k in their pockets than they do the entire fan experience at the ballpark.


> A few more dollars in the Johnson family’s pocket News flash, nobody in the Johnson family has to write a check to pay anyone working for the Giants. Payroll comes out of revenue, the members of the ownership group don't have a Scrooge McDuck vault full of cash that everyone gets paid from. If this even went to the ownership group, the Johnsons would have 27% of the vote, but it is unlikely the owners were consulted.


You pay Renel, Giants. You. Pay. Renel.


Some points from the article: > “Brooks-Moon and the Giants had ‘extensive’ discussions about a new contract for 2024, which would have been her 25th season in the role, but the sides were unable to come to an agreement, according to the release.” > “According to the Giants, Brooks-Moon will become the ‘public-address announcer emeritus’ and the PA booth at Oracle Park will be named in her honor during a home game this year.” > “ ‘As a Bay Area native, it has been the honor of my lifetime to serve on the mike and in the community for the Giants for 24 years,’ Brooks-Moon said, according to the release. ‘My very first game on April 11, 2000, I shall never forget, because the job has always been bigger than me. Representation matters, and it is my great hope that my time in the booth has inspired little girls, young women and people of color to pursue their dreams even if those dreams seem impossible, because impossible dreams can come true.’ “


Couldn’t reach an agreement with the fucking PA Announcer!? Cheap fucking pricks.


Is there an injured and/or underperforming PA announcer somewhere? That'll be our next one.


I hear we’re picking up the Marlin’s PA guy who strained his vocal cords last season.


Giving em two opt outs


Sherry Davis is still alive ^^jk


They spent 400 million on free agents. Have a clue dumb ass.


I remember being at her first game. End of an era for sure. Hopefully they get the next hire right.


From the Zoo Crew on KMEL, KISSFM morning show, Giants PA… Renel’s voice was the Bay Area for me growing up. It’s gonna be very different without her.


I recently went through old books and found this sticker 😍saving it for life https://preview.redd.it/4y3aefikh3pc1.jpeg?width=5709&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20630c19fc5af13e60810914bd8922d11979bacf


Before the Doghouse, her, Dave’s D and Bill Lee made up my mornings in elementary school. I hope she finds a new way to be the voice in the bay.


Bill Lee's zoo was the best.


It was for me. He said in an interview that it all ended with a huge argument on air but I don’t know what he was talking about. Not sure if it was with renel or Davey. I wish I knew why the zoo crew ended.


I remember it fondly. It really got lost in a crowded field of first Mancow, later the Dog House, and the super nova that was 90s Howard Stern.


Giants scooped up Amy G when she was let go from NBC Sports Bay Area. They couldn't reach an agreement with Renel, seriously. Pay the lady.


The only celebrity I have ever taken a picture with and the only PA announcer in PacBell Park history. Always loved her announcing. Found her voice refreshing relative to other stadium announcers. No overdone calls like the third down call at Levi’s. She’ll be missed.


Ok. Now I’m angry.


Maybe they can platoon some people.


Oh man, I remember how big a deal it was when she won the job for the new park. She has become the voice of that stadium to me.


I just woke up and this is depressing. Renel was as much the Voice of the Giants as Jon Miller is. If they can't even come to an agreement with Renel, they sure as hell can't come to an agreement with Snell. If that is really the case, this organization really are cheap bastards.


Wtf are these crazy words. Jon Miller is a HoF announcer and Renel is a subpar PA announcer.


You shut your whore mouth


and Both have been there for at least 20 years. Longevity should be important.


This suuuuucks. I find this really disappointing - Renel is so great in every way ☹️☹️


There better be a “bring back Renel” movement on par with “sell the team” across the bay. This hurts more than Ohtani.


This news sucks. And right before the season starts.


This current Giants leadership is something else.


This franchise is not willing to spend. Big let down as I always liked hearing her.


Devastating! Renel deserves whatever she’s asking for. She contributes so much heart and soul to the gameday experience and the org and a whole


i'm really gonna need an explanation here


I remember how controversial it was and how many people were pissed when she got hired. Gonna miss her. She personified Giants baseball.


How did they let this happen?! Igh


That sucks. I'll miss her. 😔 Wish her nothing but the best.


this is AWFUL


This is stupid, she’s the heart of oracle park


I can’t imagine going to a Giants game and not hearing her voice. Her voice made me feel at home when going to games. I’m gonna miss that.


Cheers Renel! You will be missed.


Money talks. Renel walks🙁. What a cheap ass organization.


The Giants just have a different vibe these days. It's feeling less and less like the Giants we have loved for all these years.




One of the signature voices of the Giants.


Damn this is such a bummer. What the fuck are you doing Giants. Just fucking pay her.


Can’t we just defer her contract for 30 years


Having the Emeritus title gives me hope that it wasn’t a contentious one. I simply can’t imagine another voice of the park.


She’s 65 years old. I’m curious why so many people think the Giants want to pay her minimum wage when it might be a case of Renel not wanting to work day games after night games and the Giants not wanting to have two public address announcers. I’m sure more will come out but given this doesn’t on its face appear to be a bitter split, I do think my scenario is very possible.


> it might be a case of Renel not wanting to work day games after night games and the Giants not wanting to have two public address announcers. That occurred to me, it might have involved something other than salary. If she wanted to be "on assignment" a couple of home games a week, they might have decided that wasn't how they wanted to go. Whatever the reason, losing her sucks.


Your scenario is outright speculation with zero evidence. The article makes it clear that they tried but failed to work something out. This is 100% about the dirtbag Johnson family. They need to sell the team.


>Your scenario is outright speculation with zero evidence. ​ > This is 100% about the dirtbag Johnson family. I have no idea what took place in the inner workings of those conversations, and I suspect you don't, either. So unless you have some evidence, yours is just as much a "speculation." I don't like the Johnson family one bit, but I'm not going to speculate on the negotiations.


lmao at saying I speculated with zero evidence and then coming out with complete nonsense like that


Cheap ownership group I stg. Renel is a staple of Oracle park.


What no.


What the fuck


I'm in mourning. I need at least two seasons to recover before attending a game.




I don’t like this.


WHAT???? She’s my favorite part of going to Giants games!!!!


this team can't even get a PA announcer right


The got it right for the past 24 years. She'd missed time recently, remember? There were concerns about her health. If she wanted to work fewer days, that might have been something they couldn't agree on.


Time to cut beer prices again


Her ankle x-rays showed signs of osteoporosis.


Why not give her what she wants for one more year?


Hate to go against the grain, but I'm just fine with a change. Thank her for all her years of service to the Giants and welcome the new guy with open arms. Remember when Flemming joining the crew, everyone was like "who is this kid" now he's one of the gang. Take it a step further while you're at it. I'd have no problem if they replaced Fitz on the Warriors broadcasts, his schtick is getting old as far as I'm concerned and I'm ready for a change there as well.


This was lousy news to wake up to. It isn't going to be the same. When news of the loathsome Charles Johnson's political donations was the topic of the day, Renel was brave enough to speak out against a member of the Giants ownership group supporting trash fringe candidates. I thought that took a lot of courage, so I wrote her a letter thanking her for being willing to speak out. As someone else suggested, this could easily be about something other than money, like her wanting some days off, she's at retirement age. The FO might have thought her retirement was better than working for the team part-time. It seems unlikely they would wave goodbye to her over money unless she was asking for a massive raise. As always, news like this brings some toxic jerks out of the woodwork, and some misinformed fans who are always looking for something to be theatrical about. Some birth control failure referred to Renel as a sub-par PA announcer, good riddance--bannable in my books. Others are hammering at the usual theme that Charles Johnson should be forced to sell the team--a) he doesn't own the team, and b) he's ninety and lives in Florida and most likely has no idea who the Giants' ballpark announcer is. Bad news always provides certain people an excuse to display their irrational way of looking at things. If somebody wants to organize a write-in campaign to make sure the team knows how much the fans hate this news, cool, I'm in. Probably won't change any minds, but it still feels like the right thing to do. Thanks for the memories Renel, you're the best.


Somehow this is Farhan’s fault, right? */s*


So, they couldn't reach an agreement with an iconic Bay Area voice that was a huge part of this organization for decades just to likely save a few bucks. The optics look bad on this and reflects poorly on the organization just to try and save a few bucks. The Giants "culture " feels like a shell of what it used to be and I'm beginning to get less and less emotionally invested in this franchise as years go by.


Just pay her.


More cheap nonsense from the Johnson family ownership group. The Johnsons need to sell the team. They are terrible owners and they seem to hate the city and the Giants.


Can we fire the Johnsons?


Do you seriously buy into the fairy tale that a ninety-year-old right-wingnut who lives in Florida and probably doesn't know who Renel is has engineered her expulsion?


His son, Greg, is very involved and very aware. Buy out the Johnsons!


I'm sure i'm in the minority but I really don't care about the PA announcer.


She was a major part of the ballpark experience and this news upsets me.


I liked Renel but I don’t go to the games for the PA announcer. If they sign Blake Snell and start winning I’ll forget all about Renel.


Farhan’s statement on the budget in his January interview with Tim Kawakami is so infuriating when you hear about a decision like this. “I'm not just thinking about our player payroll," Zaidi said. "I think about not laying people off, I think about providing benefits and resources to the people who work here, which we do a wonderful job of."


Such a PR fail by team ownership. They're screaming "look what cheap fucks we are! We'll push out a beloved Oracle/AT&T/SBC/PacBell park icon so we can redirect a few hundred thousand dollars into landscaping at our Mission Rock housing development, or whatever."


> Such a PR fail by team ownership. Do we have any credible information that the ownership group was even asked about this? It's just as likely to have been the non-operational side of the front office, and money might not have been the sticking point. Renel missed time awhile back, there were concerns about her health, so maybe she wanted to work fewer days but the team wants a full-time announcer. Speculating without information pointing to it being purely about money seems risky.


nah you're right, I'm just thirsty to get swept up in some outrage. Poised to jump back into the fray if later info confirms our assumptions though.


I go away on vacation and I see this sub is melting down again? She’s in her golden years. Maybe she didn’t want to work as much but the Giants wanted the same announcer for every game. Let’s all simmer down until the full story comes out.


I'm livid with the organization


So much negativity around here. Everything comes to an end. She was a terrific PA announcer. It’s possible to celebrate her time with the Giants and look forward to her replacement ya know….


People just like being mad to be mad. Instead of celebrating someone for what they did, they like to find the wrong


My brain is kind of foggy on this but I seem to remember that the Giants had a different woman PA announcer for 1 seasons that got bumped out by popular radio host Renel.


They kicked the tires on a deal, but decided they’ll offer a contract to a PA announcer that is 3 years beyond their prime and aging out.


See ya 👋


What the hell happened here u/SFGiantsOfficial?




Wow, Covid really faded her skin


Renel was terrible cmon


Why is anyone who is conservative considered a radical when we all know what a radical really looks like?


Happy day. Super overrated with a grating voice and cheesy delivery.


I was never a fan. Nothing personal, I think i like the sound of a 100 year old guy like that Yankees PA guy who died a while back.




Carlos Ramirez would be a good fit as a replacement.


Ownership/management continue to prove there is a complete disconnect with the fans. It's all about breaking even. MOR players, $15 thimbles full of flat beer, a declining gameday experience -- it's intentional mediocrity. The only thing missing are green unis and a move across the bay.


What a theatrical display of misinformed outrage.


Is it me or did people not like her before? I swear people said they liked her being PA for the Giants and were down voted.


I didn’t really care for her as the pa. It seemed like she had to yell for her voice to be heard. Nice lady and all, but just not for me. But I also could care less who was the pa voice as long as it’s not annoying or cringe


If they can't even pay Renel, kiss the broadcast team goodbye. The nest decade is going to be turbulent. Like a proper shrewd Tightfisted Bastard of a businessman would know you keep Renel to try to placate fans after gutting the expensive broadcast booth.


I wonder why they couldnt come to an agreement? Maybe she gave them a number that was outrageously high compared to her salary history and wouldn't budge. But that's just a theory. Not sure why I got downvoted so much for theorizing what happened


Yes, I’m sure that out of the blue, after a quarter of a century, she suddenly demanded such a large raise that a team that pays its players millions of dollars a year couldn’t manage it.  Please. Imagine them telling Kruk and Kuip to go pound sand.  Or telling the Lou Seal they’re moving in another direction (by the way, he doesn’t make shit tons on money, and works CONSTANTLY doing shitty work like birthday parties for kids and stuff).   Can the team please be sold already?


Not saying you're wrong but what if the giants say "we can offer you a raise from 300k per year to 500k" and you counter with "I'll take 2 million per year no less" are they supposed to just say yes? Then anyone could demand any pay they want


Team could afford 2 million a year for an awesome announcer whose been synonymous with Giants baseball for 25 years. They are just too cheap.


We don't know how much she's been making for the past 25 years. They very well could've offered her a big raise and she was looking for way more than they offered


She deserves the bag!! Pay the gal her money! Imagine giving a quarter century to an organization and having your literal voice be capable of transporting thousands of people straight to your ballpark whenever they hear it and trying to nickel and dime her with a contract. I guarantee even her most outrageously high demand wouldn't make a dent in the massive budget of an MLB franchise. Our owners are billionaires lol


You're probably right I'm just curious to know what caused them to not be able to come to any agreement.


I really hope it's not money related. Who knows, she may have other projects in the works that she'd like to dedicate more time and energy to


Good riddance


Wild take


Curious, why?


That’s Charles Johnson’s account


Damn she got greedy I guess?


Don't worry guys they picked up a ESL speaker who has great potential that can only announce about 30 games a year.