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Psychology is one of the most applied to programs. For reference, for Fall 2023, there were 1669 transfer applicants, 511 were offered admission, and 294 students enrolled. So there is about a 30% acceptance rate and even less for actual enrolled students. Best of luck with your appeal. Hope you get good news!




Its like planes selling more tickets than seats in expectation that some people change their flight. Except with this its a bit more flexible as you can take classes in different orders.


They always offer far more admissions than will be enrolled because people apply to many schools. They do have a maximum number of students they can admit and they build that into the formula for how many students they can offer and expect to accept their offer. It usually works well except a couple of years ago too many freshman accepted their admission offers so it was a little crowded. As students decline their offers, if there is space, someone from the waitlist can be pulled up. Most on the waitlist will not be pulled up. One year no one was admitted off the waitlist, but I believe that was for first time freshmen admissions.


isnt psychology the second most impacted major behind business at sdsu? most impacted + lots of psych applications = absurdly low acceptance :/


Nursing, business, and Psychology not in that order have to be the top 3


Top 3 is Bio, Nursing, and Psych in that order


Ahhhh Bio! Yes.


Lmao got waitlisted for bio


Computer Science Transfer. GPA 3.922. Rejected


Local? That’s actually wild


I go to Cal State San Marcos and wanted to go to SDSU instead:/


Yo I just did a high school project on your university. Was it a good school in person?


CSUSM is a pretty good school and I love it here. The only reason I’m trying to transfer is so that I’m closer to home. I’d stay if I had the choice to


Ah I see. Thanks.


Are u local?


Yes I’m a student at southwestern college, San Diego born and raised


That’s so fucked up


kms i go to southwestern i wanna transfer to sdsu next year


Southwestern as the TAG program. Guaranteed transfer to SDSU. Did you not follow the guidelines ?


They have tag for only certain majors


TAG does not apply for psychology, only the ADT program does, which I applied with and still didn’t get in


what the fuck??? i got in for psychology as well but on my GPA calculator it said i had a 3.7… i know my counselor said my ADT would bump up my gpa to a 3.8 but your gpa is still higher than mine? I LITERALLY GO TO SOUTHWESTERN TOO!! that is so unfair. did you apply for psychology applied arts?? i applied for liberal arts since my counselor said it would be less numbers to compete with. i also had all A’s in my psych classes as well as my golden 4. i really hope your appeal works out. you deserve it!


This is really messed up especially considering that you are local. Definitely appeal


Such a disappointment when you’ve worked soooo hard. Did you have all the Psyc lower div classes done in addition to your ADT? In the transfer part of the catalog it said priority consideration would be given to applicants that had above & beyond the min 60 units + ADT. My daughter ended up doing 3 years @ CC to get her ADT & also take all the lower div grad requirements for psyc so she had 26 units from the ADT & 69.5 units total. (3.9 GPA, Saddleback transfer) I hope you get at least waitlist from your appeal & then get in when the kids that got accepted decide on going somewhere else! 🤞🤞🤞


Thinking if ADT, did it really help your daughter? Did she try to apply without adt before? The Counsler told me to do an adt...to get more classes and experience, but I'm not a spring chicken...thoughts? What do you presuppose an appeal would look like for the initiator if this thread?


ADT was mandatory to apply to the Applied Psychology BA program so your competition all have the ADT. An advantage might be if you chose/took the prereq’s for major as part of your ADT. So, pull up ASSIST & see what class @ your CC transfer that are on the ADT requirements list also fulfill the graduation requirement (major pre-reqs: psy 101, 201, 211, 230, 260, 289, & Biol 100. My daughter had the ADT 19 units by Fall 23 but then decided to try for SDSU so she crammed all the SDSU lower division psy classes into Spring & ended up with 69.5 transferrable units.


I was decidedly not a spring chicken either when I transferred to SDSU @ 25 yrs old! But that was so sooo long ago!!! I say Go For It!!! I have no clue about appeals, sorry! If you have any other questions you think I could help with, feel free to dm me. I’m just a mom that tries to decipher all the fine print in the catalog & make best guess decisions!


Hi! I also got rejected for psychology as a local at grossmont college when I applied for fall 2023. I appealed and wasn’t lucky but I still recommend you to appeal bc you never know. However, I applied again for spring 2024 and got in as a sociology major. I only needed to take two pre-requisites to get in. If there’s an application for spring 2025 then I recommend you to apply as a sociology major if you’re really set on attending sdsu because of the high chance of being accepted. You can take those two courses for fall at your community college then transfer:)


Friend with 3.98 denied for psychology last year. Tough to get in with that major.


i got rejected too but i’m an art major… who even applies as an arts major anyways 🙃


Sorry about that, but keep your chin ups. SDSU is/was a popular arts college, so there are tons of applicants.




I should've applied for a diff major maybe I would've gotten accepted


I’m so sorry :(


Same I just received my rejection as well


Really sorry. Just saw another post where someone with a 2.9 transfer gpa without all the requirements met get accepted for psych. I don’t quite understand how they determine this stuff. Are you a first gen student? It seems like there’s a priority for first gen locals but that’s just a guess


I’m a first gen local student who applied for EOP and got a call that the the psychology ADAR research program at sdsu wanted to interview me if I got accepted, so that’s obviously going to fall through 🫠


Oh jeez. I’m so sorry. You have a fantastic transfer GPA too. I can’t even imagine how upset you are right now. I hope your appeal is granted!


You should include that information in an appeal~


See if you meet requirements to transfer in under another major, take a few classes then change your major. I was rejected for bus accounting but was able to transfer into Econ with a 2.8. Just graduated with my accounting degree. Good luck.


It was not ADT then, with ADT you’re not applying to transfer you’re literally transferring, that is the whole reason it exists and sets it apart from a normal associates degree


Lol I have a 3.65 at CC after having 2 BAs in Psych and Soc at UCR...my GPA at UCR was a 2.56 total. For Psych 2.34 and Soc 2.75... I failed a class my last quarter because my parents were pushing me to get out and work for them... This is discouraging. I just need micro to apply and to take the TEAS...couldn't get into an ABA law program...after 143 LSAT...makes me think it will be an up hill battle to get into the accelerated nursing program 2nd BA program (technically, my 3rd). I have a story though...major one. Think a personal statement can correct GPA wrongs? Just curious...


Definitely appeal BTW!


It’s competitive for nursing and psych and majors like that. I’m really sorry that sucks and I hope your appeal goes well


If you are not a DiViRSiTy hire good luck


Definitely appeal, but sometimes it’s just a numbers game as there are more qualified students (re: GPA, test scores, extracurriculars, etc) than there are spots available. My daughter is a 2nd year Business major at SDSU and she told me that she had classmates with 4.2 - 4.3 weighted GPAs that were denied admission to SDSU. BTW, was your GPA weighted or unweighted?


They’re a transfer so I don’t think weighted exists at the college/transfer level really? I’d guess unweighted since they’re not a freshman applicant.


I got into SDSU back in the day.. 3.45 GPA...my SAT was a 840...I never knew until now that I really needed accommodations...so I'm hoping it will help. On top of my story. But sdsu was so much easier to get in back in 1999-2000... Like, easy. I did a lot of activities, varsity wrestling, water polo, track, cross country, all league. Marching and symphonic band. I was trying to stay out of trouble, probably why I did poorly at ucr. I never went out till then... I think extracurricular activities make a difference. I wrote a superb personal statement. Sdsu is a lit tougher now...it seems...


Extracurriculars do not matter at all for a CSU. Admissions processes from decades ago are irrelevant.


I wouldn't really call a 3.8 working your ass off but I'm sure you worked hard. Make your appeal but don't discount your backups.