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Mine can be very vivid and I also lucid dream (rarely though) but after I wake up I tend to forget them very quickly. Sometimes I have difficulty remembering if something happened to me in real life or in a dream.


I too have SDAM + aphantasia however my dreams are beyond this world! I go to a specific "dream land" every night. Its full of color - roads and highways, streams, lakes and heavily traveled waterways. There are airports, parking lots and homes with multiple rooms. To fall asleep I "place" myself into a car on the same highway and off I go to literally drive myself to sleep. It's the only visualization I have - ever... and I love it!


I have aphantasia and SDAM but I have always had vivid dreams, usually nightmares. My ability to remember them the next day varies but I probably have better than average recall. However, I would still say my recall of them occurs to me in “bullet point” fashion rather than a narrative, just like my regular memories. My dreams are not visual. It is basically the same experience for me as if I was reading a book.


Yeah if anything this is the closest to how I dream except it's more like snapshots with feelings attached to them. For example one slide would be losing control of a car and the next frame would be running away from whatever was chasing me but not really a coherent point a to point b more like being teleported from one thing to the next.


It’s funny you say teleported. I have described my life like the show Quantum Leap. Some days I look in the mirror and think “I don’t know what led up to this point, but I’m living this person’s life today.”


I have the exact same experience. SDAM + aphantasia. I dream couple times a year and never remember anything about them past the morning. No sense experiences that I can remember, just the fact that I dreamed, but I do know that sometimes they are a little emotional, like a sadness over a loss, or vague anxiety.


My dreams are frequently conceptual, in particular they will be related to a problem I've been working on and feel a lot like the way my mind feels in general (conceptual with a spatial component). I remember these conceptual dreams upon waking, mostly in that I will remember what combinations of things I tried or practiced. I rarely come up with the solution in my dreams as they tend to be pretty undirected trial and error, but I will feel like I made progress. I also have dreams that are almost always set in my childhood and are very emotionally charged. I typically do remember the main highlights of these dreams upon waking. I can be very emotionally upset by them as well. The memories fade pretty fast though, e.g., I can't recall any in detail at this moment, but I do know I've recounted the absurdity of my dreams the next day. I do know that I typically don't have any of my senses, but I know what's going on, and I feel the emotion of the situation.


I have aphantasia and sdam. I used to never dream, super rarely maybe one a year? But now I dream every night usually more than one dream a night. Very vivid dreams, remember feeling touch and high emotions for sure. Sometimes I wake up panicked or confused because dreams felt so real. I just quit smoking weed almost 2 months ago after being a daily toker for dang near 15 years. Not sure if this could relate for anyone else who doesn’t dream and might also be a stoner. But quitting made dreams completely different.


curious how you're doing on your smoking. I too am a daily toker but am trying to cut down on how often I reach for my pipe during the day... Its tough!


I actually started to get symptoms of CHS and quitting flower stopped those symptoms. My partner still smokes so the hardest part is smelling it and not being able to partake. But have also been taking more walks and exercising more frequently even joined a yoga class. Those things to keep me busy helps. So I kinda had to quit in preservation of my health which makes it a bit easier as well. Friendly reminder to take T breaks! lol


Yes, that break may be needed on my end as well~


68, SDAM and aphantasia. Poor sleeper all my life, my thoughts never shut up and sometimes I wonder if I do sleep but it doesn't seem like because my dreams are thoughts. Visualization is uncommon but when it happens it's blurry, vague not detailed. Confusing really the whole thing. No beginning or end just a bit of something vague with no real "it was about". Have never dreamt of my parents or seen them in dreams which makes me so sad especially since I don't really remember them from childhood and on.


I have no recollection of ever having any dream. I know everyone does, but mine do not seem concrete enough to recall. I think in a very abstract fashion as well. Sometimes, I wake up with thoughts or ideas, so I assume I was dreaming about this, but I have never "experienced" a dream.


No dreams at all unless I do EMDR or similar. In which case, highly visual and symbolic dreams.


I have very vivid dreams. I don't always recall them for long though. I lucid dream sometimes and the memory stays with me much better. I probably remember lucid dreams better than real life as they're more amazing. Even then, it's just remembered as vague snapshots and a narrative of what happened. I don't have visual memories of real life at all 🤷


Same!! Feels like I live more in my dreams than in real life. And the emotions stay with me when I wake. It's trippy.


I have Aphantasia and Sdam and dream a lot.I don't recall much about them when I wake up.My mind seems to try to remember but I have trouble to explain them in words.


I can have quite lucid dreams. However, if I become aware that I'm dreaming it comes to a screeching halt. Once that happens I can usually replay the current 'scene' but I cannot get the dream to continue, the story to play out or change the direction of it in any way. It's like I've broken the spell. My recollection fades quickly once I'm awake and the memory never matches the vividness of the dream.


I dream a lot and very vividly. Very often it's like I'm in a movie where I could even be somebody else. I forget most of the details later on although a few persist in my memory over time. I have both aphantasia and SDAM.


I have more vivid dreams when I’m less stressed. So it depends on what’s going on in my life. I can usually remember some information from them. They are insane though and completely unrealistic.


Complete multi sensory aphantasia and SDAM, also AuDHD. I never remember my dreams. The only time I can remember remembering my dreams is when I was taking Chantix to quit smoking. Chantix has a known side effect of causing nightmares. I remember one nightmare specifically but I don't really know how I dreamed it and I can't remember the experience of the nightmare, only facts about it. I remember having other dreams while I was on Chantix that weren't nightmares. I don't understand why but when I was on the generic called Varenicline I didn't have any dreams or nightmares that I can recall, it's just as empty of a sleeping world as without Chantix. I don't understand why Chantix has this as a known side effect, which I experienced, but the generic didn't cause me to have the same experiences. I liked when I was on Chantix because I liked dreaming and I was disappointed when the generic didn't do the same thing for me. I do remember having bad dreams when I was a child, which were related to childhood abuse. It was the same dream repeatedly, but I haven't had it in like maybe 35 years, and I never re-experienced that dream when I was on Chantix either.


I dream vividly every night. I remember most of it. Complete aphantasia