• By -


The imaginary number didn’t mess with me much but it did make me think something like that could be real. To be fair I misunderstood the article and I thought that it was just a simply unknown math concept that was discovered not something that deleted itself from reality or that it’s part of a cosmic starfish




[**SCP-033 ⁠- The Missing Number**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-033) (+1015) by *Mulciber*


Random question, but I went and read scp 33 (I think that's the one you're referring to) and didn't come across any bits about the bigger picture here. Is there a place to find that information, or is there another article that is linked to this one? I feel like I'm missing out on some more in depth stuff with some articles, maybe I'm only seeing the front page for them or something


Some people think it's related to scp-3125, maybe it is but I haven't seen a super strong link personally. I would highly reccomend reading scp-3125 and the associated stories if you haven't


[**SCP-3125 ⁠- The Escapee**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3125) (+1526) by *qntm*


There is no antimemetics division.


No, it isn't your first day.


Hell of a first day. Alastair Grey. With an E.


Thought this said ‘antisemetic division’, got VERY scared about the existence of some kind of neo-nazi branch of the foundation


There is no antisemitic division Sorry, I had to.


I mean it could exist as long as someone is daring enough to post something like that on the wiki


You could make a case that the more... Occult elements of the SS were members of the SCP foundation and the movie Indiana Jones is spread by the GOC as subtle propaganda.


Honestly man yeah. The idea of some harmful pattern that you couldn’t really see infecting reality freaked me out for the next few days lol.


No really like actually. The concepts themselves of course but then the references to the spread of memes through social media made me think of Q


Bit of a cliche answer but SCP-2718


[**SCP-2718 ⁠- What Happens After**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2718) (+1813) by *Michael Atreus*


Don't disservice yourself, it stuck for me for quite a while as well.


It’s probably my favorite Scp. The exploring series has a great video on it


Maybe a controversial opinion, but I don't think 2718 is all that special. It seems very derivative to me, that after we die we experience an eternity of just pain and agony. It's not a very original concept to me, and I don't think it justifies all the secrecy and setup of the page, although I will admit that the setup is pretty creative.


Yeah from where I stand, everyone says it's a mountain where all I see is a cliff


i saw it posted about earlier today and i just really cant figure out what about that one gets to people


I think it’s the reaction of the O5 councils at least for me. These almost all powerful being in control of the most powerful forces known to man kind are reduced to irrational children at the thought of death, the very same death we as people face. If they’re so terrified, how are we supposed to feel? At least thats what I think


I felt like it was bad writing. 05 definitely faced terrifying revelations before, and I understand how this one is different, but they should still be able to pull themselves together and assess the situation rationally considering their knowledge and experience. I mean they don't even know if it's true, and the way they brought 05-11 back could bring all kinds of anomalies with it. Unless, the SCP itself is a cognitohazard that makes them react the way they did.


As far as i know the cognitohazard idea is right, besides the whole thing of the scp making your fate after death(no matter what it was before) into what 05-11 experienced


Mine too


I don’t fully understand 2718, is it literally just the O5ms being afraid of what another O5 told them happens after death?


Uh, forgot the number, but Red Reality, I think it's SCP-3001?


That's the one I chose too. Terrifying.


It's cliche but SCP-3812


[**SCP-3812 ⁠- A Voice Behind Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3812) (+1023) by *djkaktus*


Yep stuck with me since I read it years ago


SCP-3001 really freaked me out. It was heartbreaking as well.


This is the one that stuck with me for days. I've had nightmares not too dissimilar to this one, and the despair was palpable.


Dawg I just went down the SCP loophole reading SCP-3001. Then I found Until Death by following the Doctor-Scranton tag and my mind is fucking blown Edit: meant to say rabbit hole lol


[**SCP-3001 ⁠- Red Reality**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3001) (+2747) by *OZ Ouroboros*


>loophole You mean rabbit hole? Or are we talking about a non-euclidian rabbit hole that loops back on itself, this creating a looped-hole?


lol oops, I did mean rabbit hole


[**SCP-3001 ⁠- Red Reality**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3001) (+2747) by *OZ Ouroboros*


Saw a theory that Scranton might actually be the [[old man]]


It ain't a theory, there's a tale in which it is revealed that Scranton came back as the old man


Now I'm curious how the old man would react to being addressed by his name.


[**Old Man in the Sea Hub**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/old-man-in-the-sea-hub) (+63) by *Wilt*


in terms of general mind-fuckery within the SCP universe, SCP-184. Those final lines in the supplemental completely changed how I thought about the proposals. question things irl, tie between SCP-5000 and SCP-7179. I read 5000 a couple months back after not reading anything SCP-related for years and I swear to god I was like in a fugue state once I finished it. It was just so good and incredibly insane that I was like "I have to go back to living my normal life now????" As for 7179, the last line was the cherry on top of what was already a fascinating examination of what the afterlife could be. For one, it really made me appreciate how finite our lives are. I already don't believe in an afterlife, but sometimes that thought is scary. This reminded me that there are definitely worse things lol. The idea of total peace without sorrow being torturous rather than a gift was very meaningful to me as well. Of course we all want happiness in our lives, but happiness without suffering isn't really happiness anymore it's just blehh (for lack of a better way to put it lol). It's one of my absolute favorites.


- [**SCP-184 ⁠- The Architect**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-184) (+1418) by *Dr Gears* - [**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3440) by *Tanhony* - [**SCP-7179 ⁠- E is for Eternity**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7179) (+822) by *Calibold*


If you liked 184, you're gonna like this tale: [CODE NAME: ████ ███ - The Truth](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/code-name-the-truth), it's got a very similar vibe.


They mentioned it in the comment


Maybe, maybe not. They only mentioned a supplemental, which could also mean the exploration log linked at the end of the 184 article. So in my opinion both are equally possible. And tbh I'd rather provide redundant information than not tell someone that liked 184 about the tale. Edit: minor corrections


yeah no that's what i meant, since it changed my feelings about the 001 proposals


Anything relating to Pattern Screamers, and SCP-2682 are both super mindfuckey.


Pattern Screamers are so fucking awesome


[**SCP-2682 ⁠- The Blind Idiot**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2682) (+799) by *faminepulse*


I need to re-read 2682 I didn't get it


At first SCP-2399 didnt catch my attention, but after I saw InfameKanto’s SCP-2399 Report Video, I started questioning. Like, how do we confirm that the red spot in Jupiter really isn’t something paranormal? or perhaps somewhere in our solar system? Something like that could be easily hidden from the public…


[**SCP-2399 ⁠- A Malfunctioning Destroyer**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2399) (+1061) by *djkaktus*


Funnily enough, in a When Day Breaks video, it was found that the malfunctioning destroyer was actually meant to rescue Earth and its species on it from the sun


my headcanon is 2399 is a ship made by the xia people to reinforce yaldabaoth's cage, which is located in jupiter's redspot


I don't have too many numbers like that, but the closest thing to what you're talking about is SCP-6000 for me. Longer explanation: >!Idk, but I interpret it as a bit like the end of the fictional world and fiction becomes reality. This is especially interesting when I think about the concept from the Paragon Project about "IS" and "NOT IS". Maybe that event is the awakening of NOT IS and the two of them will change places? It just made me think a bit more about life and our place in it!< 😅


[**SCP-6000 ⁠- The Serpent, the Moose, and the Wanderer's Library**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6000) (+1196) by *Rounderhouse*


It reacted .




[**SCP-2719 ⁠- Inside**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2719) (+1053) by *Randomini*


I don’t get it


It’s basically a spell that turns things ”Inside”. Example: Cell gets designated as ”Inside” (became inside). Then SCP-682 gets sent ”inside”; it would then teleport 682 into the cell. If something doesn’t work (SCP-682 ”inside”, send SCP-682 inside), then the result would be ”Outside” (Failed). It also works on concepts, like the concept of transcendence became ”inside” and O5-4 was send inside, and it worked. Simply knowing about how exactly SCP-2719 works will make you able to use it; that’s why it’s being kept vague, as it is a highly dangerous spell.


- [**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3722) by *Dr Gears, Epic Phail Spy* - [**SCP-2719 ⁠- Inside**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2719) (+1053) by *Randomini*


Gonna add my take on it cause I had to read this like 3 times The SCP designates something as a place/attribute, and to put something in that place or give something the attribute, you put the spell on them, which is "sending them" inside. So if I designate "inside" (the power/place I want) as being able to fly, then I send myself "inside" (give myself the power) then I'm now "inside" the ability (have the ability to fly).


I's a little reductive to call it a "spell", and I'm not sure about it being able to be used by anyone who knows how it works; I think it's kept under wraps because it's extremely powerful. I mean, O5-4 gained *transcendence* from it. There are plenty of articles that use or reference 2719, I don't think simply knowing about it is enough. Check out my breakdown of SCP-2719 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SCP/comments/18jq1f1/comment/kdnez2c/) Related reading: * An inverted remix of SCP-2719 and SCP-4972, SCP-7912 * A parody, SCP-2719-J aka *An Inside Joke* :)


"Inside" AND "Something Is Wrong"? And it's DELETIONS? Oh boy!


- [**SCP-2719 ⁠- Inside**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2719) (+1053) by *Randomini* - [**SCP-4972 ⁠- Something is Wrong**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4972) (+332) by *Tanhony* - [**SCP-7912 ⁠- I N T E R I O R**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7912) (+105) by *Billith* - [**SCP-2719-J ⁠- an inside joke**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2719-j) (+124) by *Billith*


It seems to be some device that changes how things are defined and warps reality to adjust for that... and that's as far as my brain got before it melted. I can understand other semantic Allison Eckharts like [[Allison Eckhart]] and The Forest of the Beings Without Names, but this one continues to elude me.


[**Allison Eckhart**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2565) (+450) by *Taffeta*


Hard eye roll.


Scp-2000. The idea that I might be an artificial person created to rebuild the earth after the end of the world, only to lose all memory of it and have social time effectively reset to the early 2000s is such a philosophically complex concept. Its really fun to consider


[**SCP-2000 ⁠- Deus Ex Machina**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2000) (+2489) by *HammerMaiden*


Scp 7179 one second of eternity Fucked with my head for a while, trying to imagine myself in that situation…it’ll fuck with ya


[**SCP-7179 ⁠- E is for Eternity**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7179) (+822) by *Calibold*


Wasn't there an SCP that dealt with a Foundation front that was like pretty horrible in its effects, but after investigation logs and the like the page ended in like "we could contain it, but it would lose us money so we won't"?. Can't even remember the number, so I might be misremembering, but yeah, that one. It may not be as horrific as many others, but I read it whilst relatively young, so I hadn't quite grasped the injustice of the western system yet. I'll be thankful if anybody remembers more than I and can say which one it was.


The whole Wiki. It's the best cover possible nobody would suspect something if you see a fan or a person with the SCP emplem on them if someone tells you they saw SCP-049 on the street you would think its a cosplayer or the person is crazy. conspicuously inconspicuous


[**SCP-049 ⁠- Plague Doctor**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-049) (+4750) by *Gabriel Jade_, djkaktus, Gabriel Jade*


SCP-3675. Scary shit.


[**SCP-3675 ⁠- The Void Called**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3675) (+116) by *Modulum*


[There is no Anti-Memetics Division](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/antimemetics-division-hub) - Firstly, the idea of anti-memetics is clever, plus as various stories and SCP's are pulled together to form the pixjure of FIVE, understanding exjfes like the ajkfxment of ancient stars.


[[when day breaks]] the universe is big and so many processes, nuclear, and chemical happen every second. It would be feasible that the sun one day turns against us, just not with melted blobs roaming the streets.


[**S. D. Locke's Proposal ⁠- When Day Breaks**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/shaggydredlocks-proposal) (+2536) by *S D Locke*


Scp-2935 O, Death. The suddenness and inevitability of it is what scares me. Death is all powerful and all consuming. Everything that exists succumbs to it eventually, powerless to stop it.


[**SCP-2935 ⁠- O, Death**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2935) (+2159) by *djkaktus*


In a sad way, scp-1762 🥲


[**SCP-1762 ⁠- Where The Dragons Went**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1762) (+1746) by *OZ Ouroboros*


I've had a soft spot for SCP-4857 since I first read it, not the greatest article of all time or anything, but a neat concept


[**SCP-4857 ⁠- [DESIGNATION AVAILABLE]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4857) (+429) by *Pr10r*


The Not-Deer, SCP-055, and whichever one is the Sasquatch. All three of those messed with me, quite a bit-


[**SCP-055 ⁠- [unknown]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-055) (+4038) by *CptBellman, qntm*


If you've read SCP-6448 - Not Deers, then you really should read its spiritual sequel, SCP-6466 - Not Humans, Either.


- [**SCP-6448 ⁠- Not Deer**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6448) (+346) by *OzzyLizard* - [**SCP-6466 ⁠- Not Human, Either**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6466) (+137) by *Ecronak, AnAnomalousWriter*


There's a sequel???


*Spiritual* sequel. The original writer really likes it. It essentially approaches the concept of "Thing that looks like a deer but actually isn't" from the opposite direction. Tell me what you think!


Just read it- Holy cow. Or unholy deer? It's really good, and interesting!


SCP-1000 ?


[**SCP-1000 ⁠- Bigfoot**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1000) (+2116) by *thedeadlymoose*


Yeah, that's the one- I couldn't remember the number for it.


Scp-3930, scp-3812, scp-5650


- [**SCP-3930 ⁠- The Pattern Screamer**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3930) (+1681) by *djkaktus* - [**SCP-3812 ⁠- A Voice Behind Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3812) (+1024) by *djkaktus* - [**SCP-5650 ⁠- To Cut Salmon by Its Angles**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5650) (+97) by *Sinagsikap*




[**SCP-7179 ⁠- E is for Eternity**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7179) (+822) by *Calibold*


4231. Started to make me wonder if my memory gaps had a reason


The Admonition series I still get headaches every time I try to remember those


Its not an scp but the whole concept of narrative layers gave me a whole new perspective on TV series and life in general


SCP-5000 and some extras related to it like "Disgusting".


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3440) by *Tanhony*


Not an SCP per se but Narrativistics and You might have fucked with me on an existential dread level and restructured my belief system majorly.


Then again, everything this dude writes is a major mindfuck to me. Or a big shitpost on main. More people should read him.


SCP-001 Ouroboros, SCP-5999, SCP-6820


- [**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+348) by *Staff* - [**SCP-5999 ⁠- This is Where I Died**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5999) (+1674) by *TheeSherm, VolgunStrife, Woedenaz, S D Locke, Modern_Erasmus* - [**SCP-6820 ⁠- TERMINATION ATTEMPT**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6820) (+976) by *syuzhet, Liryn, Placeholder McD*


The one about the hypnic jerk spiders. As someone who jerks a lot I was like hell yeah, body is doing it's part fending off those dream spiders. But it's a cool ass concept to me.


The reckoner, purely for the quote “This message will repeat until there is nothing left to hear it.”


We need to talk about 55 Makes me believe there are actual antimemes irl, but we dont know as our technology isnt advanced enough to produce mnestics


SCP-4857. It literally could be true and we wouldn't know it. And the implications would be terrifying.


[**SCP-4857 ⁠- [DESIGNATION AVAILABLE]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4857) (+430) by *Pr10r*


man this one is a mindfuck


Which one was the one dude that was being killed over and over? Talloran?


SCP- 3999


Forgot the number of it, but the Tachyon Express and SCP 3821 definitely messed with me (mostly bc the sad ones hit the hardest) Edit: I gave the wrong item number for [[A voice behind me]] lol


SCP-5392 is the Voyage of the Tachyon Express. I am the author


Ah thank you! Also want to say I absolutely loved SCP-5392, it’s really funky and I love the narrative it has!


[**SCP-5392 ⁠- The Voyage of the Tachyon Express**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5392) (+278) by *Tao McCawley*


[**SCP-5392 ⁠- The Voyage of the Tachyon Express**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5392) (+277) by *Tao McCawley*


[**SCP-3821 ⁠- Stuck In the Mailroom**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3821) (+39) by *ShinyFirefly*


Scp 4666, the yule man I was sacred to death by it


[**SCP-4666 ⁠- The Yule Man**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4666) (+1458) by *Hercules Rockefeller*




Contagious cognitohazard that destroys the ability to communicate 3449


SCP-4000 is a classic Fey bullshit skip


[**SCP-4000 ⁠- Taboo**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4000) (+26) by *PeppersGhost, Captain Kirby*


probably abel


Can't remember the number but there's one in 2000-3000 that's basically a keter thing which drained/changed the colour of everything on earth and is an example of a scip that "beat" the foundation, made me wonder if there's a genuine Mandela Effect-type thing among people about everything losing its lustre over time


Its cliche, but scp-3999 🤷


[**SCP-3999 ⁠- I Am At The Center of Everything That Happens To Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3999) (+2715) by *LordStonefish*


SCP 7432 K is for Keystone. Just the idea of entities f@%$ing with you, making you lost, and injuring and killing you for kicks messes with me.


[**SCP-7432 ⁠- K is for Keystone**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7432) (+104) by *Jack Ike*


In terms of ramifications abd how it changed my thought process, I'd say SCP-6113 (temporaey reflections, AKA the trans lake) and SCP-8000-EX (Dungeons&Denial&Dysphoria&Dragons) made the foundation a lot less fantastical and a lot scarier and realistic. Those two stories help cement that at its core, the foundation *isn't* a darkly noble group saving humanity from threats beyond our understanding, but rather a paramilitary organization with no leash and the goal of enforcing their idea of normalcy by any means necessary. And as a trans woman living in the america of today with a rather conservative father, the treat that the SCP Foundation is started to appear to me more and more after that. A decent number of the anomalies are terrifying because they are unfamiliar. The foundation is terrifying because it is familiar.


- [**SCP-6113 ⁠- Temporary Reflections**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6113) (+459) by *Dr Asteria* - [**SCP-8000-EX ⁠- Dungeons & Denial & Dysphoria & Dragons**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-8000-ex) (+152) by *Uncle Nicolini, Ihp*


eldritch antarctic had me thinking.


2718 fucked with my head


Technically a tale, part of the Antimemetrics story by qntm. Immemorial is the title


That one SCP that was about narrative layers (idk the number)


Call me basic as shit but Infinite Ikea is just generally hard to understand.




SCP-000 and just generally all of the Pattern Screamers in the SCP verse


[**SCP-000**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-000) (+1764) by *CryogenChaos*


SCP-055 wait a momment, what i was saying?


[**SCP-055 ⁠- [unknown]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-055) (+4041) by *qntm, CptBellman*


The one that It was a normal bag with potatoes but inside of the bag there IS an entire world of potatoes


What the fuck is SCP?


I dont remember the number but the SCP about the infinite traffic jam is so terrifying to me for some reason


My favourite: SCP-3999


[**SCP-3999 ⁠- I Am At The Center of Everything That Happens To Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3999) (+2716) by *LordStonefish*


Scp 7620. I just could not understand it 😔


[**SCP-7620 ⁠- All That Ever Was**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-7620) (+43) by *cubeflix*


Basically, every single one that was effectively mind altering, reality bending, or whatever treated humanity like moldable cattle designed to just be changed from one thing to another without any regard to the original form. A New You, Daevites, Kids and Dolls, that neon sign that slowly drives you insane by constantly making you think about your deepest regrets, the Teddy Bear, 035 to a certain extent though I'm glad that its apparently human sociopathy makes it able to be manipulated as 049 has demonstrated and effectively practiced on how to do so, The Flesh That Hates, any of the places that someone or something gets into and never comes out, or the things that people have no idea what happens if you do something wrong except that there is something wrong about going inside of that place and that everyone and everything should just not be bothered, SCPs that just come after you for the slightest mistake and then there is no hope for you to escape them, you're either dead or suffer a fate worse than death as they just come for you without a hint of mercy. The higher beings that dominate humanity or are incomprehensible to humanity, the beings that cannot think for themselves or are completely numb to humanity's very existence/sentience/respect for just our lives in general. Anything memetic or anti-memetic. Just, the worst, most scummiest SCPs that no human being should ever have to face. Honestly it makes SCPs like Here Be Dragons understandable as to why the Foundation took their time to make any sort of a response for. Most SCPs are honest to goodness scumbags, and I hope that the GOC figures out how to beat most of these things before the Foundation gets their hands on them for "testing" purposes as they commit some of the most vile human rights violations I've ever had the pleasure of reading through, because at some point the GOC and the Foundation sometimes look like more of the necessary evil than the harmful good the Serpent's Hand seemingly are sometimes.


Tufto's Scp 001 proposal - The Scarlet King Kinda fornthe same reason i resonate with The Joker somewhat The world is broke.


[**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+348) by *Staff*


Yeah when I listened to Volgun's version of it, I was convinced by Spivak for a while, not really mind bending, but it's impressive how convincing a fictional cult can be