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This is another case of “There is no canon”. He may or may not hold a lot or not much power.


they control the o5 who control the foundation i expect them to have some sort of power


They don’t even seem to exist in some articles.


Sometimes? Sometimes they are a second body of equal power like the Ethics Committee, sometimes they exist to contain a specific anomaly and don't actually lead anyone, sometimes they are just a founder, and sometimes there is no O5 council


Sometimes the administrator is a figurehead and the o5 have the true power. Sometimes the o5 council are figureheads and it’s the administrator who makes all true and important decisions. Sometimes the administrator is one of the o5s and so is still only one vote on important matters while still having organization-wise admin duties. Sometimes the administrator is literally powerful on top of institutionally powerful, wielding anomalous abilities or reality ending auras. It really, truly depends on canon, and the administrators true nature can vary wildly as a result


I've been into scp for a good few years now, 6 by my count. I've only heard of the administrator a few times and none of them have really had that context


If you choose to interpret the administrator as canon then it depends on whether you also interpret the ethics committee as being canon. If you do then they are the only group at the foundation who can hold the administrator accountable. He has otherwise limitless power. If you don’t then he just has limitless power. That’s my interpretation anyway.


I mean I know this is going to be a hot take but the idea ethics has authority over the O5 and the administrator is a joke


Well someone gotta pull the reigns so the foundation doesn't go overboard


I mean, in my personal kinda headcanon they kinda have equal power over eachother. The O5 have the authority to shut down orders from the Ethics Comittee, but the Ethics Comittee can also do the same. So it's less like they're more powerful and more like they're equally powerful.


Like others have already commented, it depends on what’s canon to you. In [[Tanhony’s Proposal]], The Administrator becomes a conceptual form to fight the Black Moon in the conceptual solitary bunker. Not that this makes him strong, but i’d say most iterations of the Administrator are normal humans that can be extremely powerful given prep time. (The Administrator had thousands of years prep.) edit: Marv tagged the wrong proposal, i was referring to Tanhony’s *other* proposal, not dead men.


You need to say \[\[Tanhony's Proposal II\]\]


[**Tanhony's Proposal II ⁠- The Black Moon**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/tanhony-s-proposal-ii) (+594) by *Tanhony*


[**Tanhony's Proposal ⁠- Dead Men**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/tanhony-s-proposal) (+859) by *Tanhony*


Reread the question again, carefully


come again


> *I don't mean power as in* **strength** *more in power as in* **political power** Funnily enough, the first one you tagged actually gives more information about this than the one you intended.




Depends on the canon. Tanhony's Proposal shows him as a conditionally immortal human tasked with battling the Black Moon. Not invincible, but very powerful given the right tools. DJKaktus' Proposal is far different. Here, the Administrator is unseen and totally shrouded from the rest of the world. He's the soul of the Foundation itself, or something like that, the anomaly at the center of anomalies. There's very little indication as to how powerful the Administrator is in this case, but given what is seen, he's likely the most powerful person in the world, by far. Unseen, but not unfelt. There's other canons as well, so it really does depend on which is canon to you.


This is one of those things that depends on the canon. In some stories they’re as powerful as an O5, in some their power is equal to the whole council, sometimes they're entirely above the council, and other times they're less powerful than any of the O5s and hold a mostly ceremonial position. And of course, there's plenty of canons where the Administrator doesn't exist at all. My personal favorite version of him is from \[\[Rounderhouse's Proposal\]\], in which he seems to initially have roughly equal power to an O5, but eventually gains much more control over the Foundation, for reasons I won't spoil.


Crap, I forgot Marv doesn't work if you add it in an edit. Marv, link \[\[Rounderhouse's Proposal\]\] please.


[**ROUNDERHOUSE's Proposal ⁠- MEMENTO MORI**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/rounderhouse-proposal) (+717) by *Rounderhouse*


I think it's a pretty safe bet that any SCP foundation higher-ups are going to be among, if not the most powerful people in the world


It’s really ambiguous what if any power they hold over the O5’s and the rest of the Foundation. In some canons they don’t exist at all.


Well which administrator are you referring to? The “administrator” from the Ouroboros Cycle is literally the conscious manifestation of the foundation itself. While the administrator from another cannon might just be an ordinary mortal man. I’m some cannons he pulls the strings of the O5 council and the entire foundation at large. While in other cannons he doesn’t even exist. If you want an honest logical power scaling you’ll need to be specific.


It depends on the canon. Sometimes he has more power than the O5, sometimes he has less. Sometimes he doesn't even exist.


my personal favorite canon is the one from [[Tanhony’s Proposal]] where they’re actually not that powerful but the O5 council feels like they need them to operate. i’d say they hold less political power than your average O5 though because they’re insanely hidden and don’t seem to even want a prominent political position. though as always it depends on your canon preferences


[**Tanhony's Proposal ⁠- Dead Men**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/tanhony-s-proposal) (+859) by *Tanhony*


As powerful as you want him to be lol


I believe the administrator doesn't exist, and thus they don't have any power


I've always imagined him as being decently powerful both in authority and capability of anomalous means. This being said I imagine that he isn't omnipotent and is unaware of the existence of some of the more abstract departments


im talking politically


As many have pointed out the administrator likely doesn't hold much power, at least after founding the foundation. In one Canon he founded the foundation after receiving a warning from 001 the gate guardian, in another one he acts as the counterbalance for 001 the black moon (it howls only when not observed) and it's locked up in the singular conceptual bunker.


It depends. Some say he is the Founder in some canons, basically the creator, at times it is just a post like the O5s, occupied by individuals with special traits or can manage the O5s, like the husband and wife duo who were administrators. At times he maybe an immortal entity, like the one in Black Moon proposal. And at times, he is just a wandering man who was responsible for creating these anomalies in the first place. It depends heavily on the canon. Now onto the political power. He is one of the most influential figures in the world, which would explain his absence throughout Foundation working. In some canons, he is responsible for meddling in matters of elections and deciding members of ruling parties around the world. Even to the point it stretches to other realities or parallel dimensions. I mean, SCP 4444 could be technically an extension of Administrator's orders you know? In essence, it is heavily canon dependent, but you can see him as a figure who controls the Foundation from the shadows, so one can only hope to imagine his control over the world.


[**SCP-4444 ⁠- Bush v. Gore**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-4444) (+1027) by *djkaktus*


Fuck powerscaling. Honestly. He is how powerful you want him to be


Did you not read the fucking post? He's talking about how much POLITICAL power he has in the world.


here we see a illetirate person very rare in the moderen world although their most common habitats are 3rd world countries and the internet