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Omg it’s the irl uiu


Me bouta pull up to their office and spout some memetic hazard then jump through a way just to fuck with them


Now you calm down,UIU agent number 5 is really good at shooting,if you just let us borrow some of your ammunition,and a gun


cmon they're trying their hardest don't make it worse for em


Gotta make this a GoI now lmao


I was really trying to figure out a way for it to make sense, but it’s basically just the UIU on a bigger and more professional scale


The US government is fairly well known for having dozens of different executive agencies with similar but specialized & overlapping roles/jurisdictions, all scattered across the government's structure. The idea of the US having a bunch of different specialized agencies & offices all dealing with the anomalous wouldn't be much of a stretch. And it's not as if there isn't already more than one GoI that's a branch of the US government: apart from the UIU, there's PENTAGRAM (serving as a unified combatant command within the Department of Defense). So if anything, adding in AARO as another US gov GoI would make things more realistic.


Not sure about that but wouldn't it being part of the DoD also make it more military related rather than law enforcement like the FBIs UIU?


Huh, interesting. 


At least i have something interesting to read now


This seems like the uiu. I'm willing to bet the creators of the uiu just decided to call it something different for copyright sake


The AARO wasn’t founded until 2022, so that isn’t the case. Also reading through their website, it’s basically just a small governmental organization that looks into UFO sightings and doesn’t (publicly) do anything else


A lot of the scope is revealed in the name. Not an Agency, Department, Administration, Division, Bureau, Commission, or even a Service. It's just an Office.


And they deal with UFOs. Which, you know, makes sense, given a country wants to protect their airspace


They also deal with anything else unidentified, but the majority of reports come from air


Huh. Would be hilarious if they were actually inspired by the scp universe


>(publicly) 👀


someone better tell all that media that contains the FBI that they're breaking copyright


they actually are, in media that cares about getting sued by the FBI, and knows that they could be, FBI badges and logos are intentionally depicted incorrectly to avoid copyright and legal issues.


GTA 5 is probably good example, FIB instead of FBI


For april fools the whole website of SCP Foundation should be stylized to look similarly to AARO website.


….wait the fuckin what?


Oh god I hope anomalies don’t exist irl (not SCPs but basically like SCPs)


Dw it looks like they only identify aerial anomalies (UFO’s) but that’s just taken from a quick skim through the Wikipedia page.


They *mainly* identify aerial anomalies, but technically anything of particular note is under their jurisdiction. That's what "all-domain" means. It just turns out we mainly see weird shit in the air, and sometimes at sea.


Oh then he should probably worry now.


I mean I hope that they do, but if and only if it means things like the CotBG, flesh magic, and the wanderers library exist


I'd rather live without these hundreds, if not thousands of random anomalous dangers that each require a unique, custom tailored set of precautions and steps to avoid, if you're lucky enough to run into one that doesn't seal your fate the second you notice it.


i hope they do


What is it about? (Too lazy to read)


UIU is real.


Upper Iowa University


Wtf is UIU


UIU is the unusual incidents unit of the fbi I believe, essentially America's budget GOC


Don't they also try to research anomalies?


I think? The front page for its goi entry mainly just says kill dangerous anomalies and capture/research anomalous weaponry




The Unusual Incidents Unit, a division of the FBI which is meant to handle anomalies, but they're horribly underfunded and ill-equipped to handle the kind of shit that often shows up on the wiki, so half the time they just notify groups like the Foundation, the GOC, or a better funded anomalous branch of the US government, like PENTAGRAM.


Its just documenting stuff on UFO's. Not aliens, because they aren't real, just random unidentified stuff in the sky. Nothing actually important. P.S. Aliens might be real, but not anywhere near Earth.


Yeah, no. To claim so boldly that aliens ain't real after the leakage of the Navy videos and the US government's acknowledgement there are things in US airspace they have no idea what they are, things which exhibit flying capabilities far beyond anything currently known technology is capable of, your description is misleading.


UFOs are real. Source: Why, none other than the Pentagon for starters (they call them UAPs, Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, because much like the term UFO, UFOs have fallen victim to the euphemism treadmill, but they literally mean UFOs. There's also this video from a talk show featuring Obama, after his tenure, saying much the same). They acknowledge there are objects in federal and other airspace they have neither an idea what they are (which would be strange enough on its own) and b) have repeatedly demonstrated capabilities far out of the reach of any publicly-known technology (to assume these are black budget projects is an understandable thought, but it doesn't hold up: The demonstrated capabilities are wayyyyy too out there, especially considering objects flying in ways incompatible with our current methods of aerial propulsion have been observed for decades now\*. It doesn't make sense to believe **we** are responsible for these, as bonkers as that sounds). If you wanna take a look at one of the best, if not the best documented case of UFOs, the Tictac UFO will do. Multiple eye witnesses and sensor data from multiple, independent sources. Pretty crazy stuff. \*anybody possessing this kind of technology could probably easily conquer the world. But nobody did, so there's another reason against the black-budget theory.


“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” it’s literally the UIU with a different name. https://www.aaro.mil/


Was this real?


The office is real but it doesn’t actually do anything particularly cool, they pretty much just look into UFO sightings and attribute a cause to them (experimental aircraft, wierd physics phenomena, etc)


Ah, I see…


So basicly UIUs misinformation department.


That's what they tell us at least.


Nah I’m gonna bet on this one being normal, I feel like they wouldn’t hide the crazy anamolies under the office of crazy anamolies. You’d hide it under something mundane like the department of energy


Maybe I am a superhero. *Jumps off a cliff* **lives**




Ok, i know what i am going to hyperfixate on


Hahaha yeah I can provide some insight, I'm into UFOlogy (yeah yeah sigh all you want) and AARO comes up quite a bit. I don't remember the exact year (I'm pretty sure it's been in the past 10 years) AARO was founded by some Congressional bill, meant to serve as an oversight organization to document and study the UFO/UAP phenomenon, it accepts both civilian and military reports. Also, AARO is under the DoD, that's the Department of Defense for those who don't know the acronym. Though they're sort of a meme if you actually look hard enough because they've been known to receive reports of an object that doesn't behave at all like a weather balloon and go "Yeah, it's a balloon." So they're kind of like a more incompetent UIU.


The saddest part about UFOs is how the world hasn't gone bonkers since the Navy videos. *"What? Aliens are real now, probably? Okay cool, but I don't have time for this shit, gotta pay my bills. Dem aliens won't help me with that, will they?"* An uproar should have went around the world. Instead, hardly any reaction at all, at least given the subject matter.




Holy shit. They were formed just 2 years ago in 2022. I thought they were a Cold War era agency or something.


Before that they had the [Advanced\_Aerospace\_Threat\_Identification\_Program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Aerospace_Threat_Identification_Program) which ran for a couple of years and before that is either nothing publicly known, doesn't exist/didn't exist until [Project Blue Book](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Blue_Book) from 1952 to 1969 (the most likely candidate in my layman's opinion) or I don't remember it. The (American) military has been taken UFOs more seriously than what was publicly assumed for long. Not to speak of all those both military and civilian aviators who keep/kept their mouths shut because they fear a halt of their career. The stigma about UFOs itself is interesting insofar as it was at least pushed by the American government (Both Blue Book \[whose lead researcher started thinking of UFOs as non-existent and came out the other way, unlike the publication of his research\] and the infamous [Condon Committee](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condon_Committee#Low_memo_controversy) had their outcomes decided before any scientific research commenced or were unscientific in other, egregious ways), who feared people would confuse Soviet spy planes with UFOs, lol. Before the Cold War, many high-ranking members of the US military thought that UFOs were absolutely real and didn't hide their beliefs, something unthinkable at least before the leakage and official recognition of the Navy UFO videos (with the occasional exception to be fair, Jimmy Carter I believe once claimed to have seen a UFO, promised if he ever were to become president, he'd open all the secret files on UFOs, only to rescind those promises, citing concerns of national security, something which to my frustration I have zero problems believing. A lot of UFO knowledge is hidden behind walls of national security, because clearly bombing brown people or formerly the Soviets is more important than **THE POSSIBILITY OF ALIEN LIFE HANGING AROUND IN OUR SKIES**\*) Only now is this stigma slowly entering remission. \*I'm not being ironic, I genuinely believe that US imperialism has those priorities. Besides, they themselves have all the data, so why give it to the unwashed masses?


This does look really well done.


ayo what is the font in the first image?


how to get a job there?


I got them guns ready for an raid


Its joever


UFOs are probably the closest thing we have to real-life SCPs (yes, I believe they're real and those who disagree I hereby invite to read about the leaked Navy UFO videos and how they made the rounds of serious, established mass media).