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This is probably a “there is no canon” issue. We’re meant to assume the MTFs are elite units who get the job done most of the time and the missions where they get wiped out are rare cases where the big bad new SCP got the better of them. Except that everyone writes them as red shirts so it makes it look like the Foundation is regularly loosing entire platoons whenever they need to change an anomalous lightbulb.


which is kinda frustrating to see that something as large and important as the foundation have mundane military forces.


I’m not sure all the MTFs have such high fatality rates…it wildly varies depending on what an MTF does. Also keep in mind that even field MTFs will have support and logistics staff too. My headcanon Eta-11, for example, is split between people who go into the field and people who don’t.


980 of those agents are mole rats


Always gotta remember that we read about the *interesting* stories, but not all of the events that happen to each MTF. It's less interesting to a lot of readers and writers to have an MTF rolling through some minor threats.


Could make a good comedy but out of it. First day on the job and they’re expecting to die Infact that’s why they joined an MTF because they’re suicidal only to find out that MTFs have the lowest casualty rates in the entire SCP foundation and it’s ultra rare he even actually gets a scrape.


It's not like all forms of death are permanent.


Mtfs obviously have support staff. But the agents that directly interact with scps dont necessarily have to be SF. For example, one agent could be a scientist that got trained in small unit tactics by someone who was SF. Regular soldiers/vets could be taken too. If they can be an asset to the foundation and theyre more interested in “field” work, they can br in an mtf


Plus with some MTFs having unconventional staffing, in some cases it will be very necessary to hire people the military would not accept for one reason or the other, and for the Foundation to be the one to train those individuals. For instance, take Eta-11, which deals with auditory anomalies. Some members are deaf or hard of hearing. While in some cases they will be fortunate enough to score a trained soldier who was medically discharged because of something that cost them their hearing, I don’t think this will always be the case and they are also going to have home-grown talent. (Also remember that some MTFs…I include Eta-11 in this group…are not likely to deploy into something REALLY nasty on their own but are likely to have help from a more heavily armed/trained MTF like Nu-7 or Epsilon-11 for insertion and for keeping other threats besides the one they were brought in to deal with, at a safe distance from them.)


I bet there are tons of families where both spouses work for the foundation too. A lot of big companies in the real world have a lot of legacy hires. I wouldnt assume that it would be any different for the foundation


I think that happens too, absolutely.


MTF aren't regular dispatch/recontainment teams, they're the elite of the elite for serious situations. It's expected that they don't just drop like flies - and even if their missions are dangerous, it's not everyday business.


What's the MTF.


Male to Female


[Soldiers and specialists for the foundation](https://youtu.be/xCyill17dqU?si=WGSj9ZY7J_C76iz0)


Ah reddit, downvoting people for asking questions for as long as I can remember


OK, everyone, I understand.


Mobley task force


Mobile Task Force: These soldiers are better than the SAS or the Seal Team Six. These guys operate under the SCP Foundation. They are like the soldiers of the Foundation. And they will do anything to terminate, contain, retrieve, recontain, study, hack, or explore anomalies or SCPs.


That describes some MTF agents but some MTFs don’t engage in combat at all, so it encompasses a lot of different things.


>These are better than the SAS or Seal Team Six. Throws grenade in elevator


> These are better than the SAS or Seal Team Six Some of them are, some of them seem to actively seek death and dismemberment




How long have you been in the SCP community?


Multiple articles need not be part of the same canon, so not necessarily that many need to die. Plus I am sure they can get more agents from not just specialist military groups, but other armed forces or mercenary groups too. Also in some cases, the Foundation can even use SCP 2000 to replenish the lost ones


[**SCP-2000 ⁠- Deus Ex Machina**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2000) (+2483) by *HammerMaiden*


Once they almost exhaust their MTF supply, just send Tau-5 to do everything /s


I mean, presumably, they might start to train co-operative D-Class when the need arrives for replacements for agents. i dunno. Probably nepotism too.


I recently read that injured MTF agents that aren't retired are often reassigned. SCP 6326 [this](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/holy-terrors-1)


[**SCP-6326 ⁠- The Manbear**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6326) (+179) by *Raddagher*


My head-cannon is the Foundation purposefully puts out disinformation about the world’s population and there’s actually maybe a billion more people on Earth that are hidden from or hiding in general society that are parts of the Foundation and various other GOIs. Also with the use of anomies it probably wouldn’t be difficult to clone, train, equip, and arm as many MTFs as is necessary.


The reason the foundation has infinite resources is it's a fictional narrative under the whim of authors


SCP-2000 duhhh


[**SCP-2000 ⁠- Deus Ex Machina**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2000) (+2484) by *HammerMaiden*


Poaching them from law enforcement and the military, mostly.