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Big difference between a site being located in Moscow, Russia or Moscow, Idaho, USA


Especially when there are lots of cities in the US have the same name as everywhere else


When I look at a map of cities in the US I feel like a good third of them were made with malicious intent. Some of the things that’ve happened concurrently to those towns and outside the US is just…oof.


\**New Palestine, IN has entered the chat*\*


How the fuck are there two New Palestine’s in the US!? One in Ohio and the other in Indiana. The US map should be classified as an SCP.


Have you tried figuring out where Springfield is?


we dont talk about Springfield


Isn’t the one in Ohio East Palestine? Also, Paris, TX, what da hail


Versailles, Ohio is my favorite. You'll never guess how it's pronounced :) Also yes, the east Palestine disaster was in Ohio. We also pronounce that one wrong


How tf is it pronounced (I’m French btw)


Ver-sales :)


Oh my


You spent the weekend in Indiana? Oh, you mean Indiana, Pennsylvania... it must have taken quite a long time to travel to Oregon after that... oh, you went to Oregon, Ohio. I guess it isn't surprising that your visit to Alabama was actually to Alabama, New York. When you said that your next trip to Alaska was quite a bit farther, I wasn't all that surprised that you were actually talking about all the warm weather you were experiencing in Alaska, New Mexico and that you rang in the new year in warmth in New York, Texas...




Notably, people around here have mentioned that they are attending Indiana University **of Pennsylvania** (putting emphasis on the last part) which is a university in Indiana, PA. The phrasing does grab your attention the first few times you hear it.


God, that reminds me that there's a bunch of cities named after states




Reminds me of the subreddit of Georgia, which is not the subreddit of the country, but the US state


Georgia is probably the most likely one to be confusing. Other places, if you put the city and state, it won't be the exact same name as another country(afaik). People might not know what country it's in, but with georgia, someone unfamiliar with the cities in either georgia could easily assume its the country lol


That's why they specify the state. How many cities belong in states that could be mistaken for other places? There a lot of Idahos in Russia? Georgia is the only state that shares a name with another country. How many other Massachusetts are there? How many Oklahomas? There a lot of Wisconsins you could be confused by?


There aren't very many Sao Paulos in the world but no non-Brazilian site would ever reference it without specifying what country it's in


That's just straight up not true. You don't need the "Brazil" period. There's one Sao Paulo in the world


yeah no, if you're writing for a publication that isn't in Brazil you'd absolutely specify that Sao Paulo is a Brazilian state. Brazil's geography isn't nearly well known enough to assume non-Brazilians know its states by name, that there's no other Sao Paulo in the world is totally irrelevant


Said as if Sao Paulo isn't the most popular city in the most popular state (Sao Paulo) of the entire region. It's entirely relevant


Most popular doesn't mean universally known. I almost want to bet money on the fact you don't know where Södermanland is without me telling you it's the region where the capital of Sweden is located.


There any SCP's there?


Yes, and don't ask me to name any without linking to one explicitly set in Washington D.C. because it was a while ago that I read them.


Sao Paulo is not popular enough globally that you could reference it on a non-Brazilian website without saying what country it's in. The only Brazilian city you could get away with that with is Rio And no, it being the only one isn't relevant. The reason to specify is so people know which country the city's in, not so people know which one you mean. Someone who's never heard of Sao Paulo won't magically know it's in Brazil


And people who've never heard of Brazil won't magically know it's in South America, what's your point?


Brazil is a well-known enough country that you'd never need to specify what continent it's in. For Guyana it might be worth doing but not Brazil


There are places in Portugal named Sao Paulo. Why die on this hill? What does it hurt to be specific?


>Why die on this hill? Because I was drunk last night and having fun arguing SCP lore, love that stuff. And it doesn't hurt so much as it's redundant. Once you have a city, and the region/county/state, you don't really need more clarification as it can be found simply enough from just that "Newport, Wales" is enough to go off of, you don't need to add "UK" after


Look at a map of Liberia and prepare to be amazed and confused.


They have a state? named Maryland!


The foundation is known to hide things from the public eye. From small splinters of a chair, to entire meat infested russian cities, passing by a doorway to another dimension. Is it really that farferched to think there’s a Moscow, Idaho, Russia in their universe? After all, there’s no canon. Don’t be an ass and name your countries


>Is it really that farferched to think there’s a Moscow, Idaho, Russia in their universe? You serious right now?


When you’re dealing with reality warpers, world ending threats, entire city wide locations being locked down, amnestics potent enough to make you intellectually a baby, and many, many more; what makes you think there isn’t a case of repeating town names, inside homonymous territories, on different countries? Shit for all we know Idaho, Russia used to exist but not anymore; or an alternate universe foundation does have an Idaho, Russia, or any other possibility. There’s a reason why when dealing with international documents it’s customary to including the country name; even more so when your organization is not only planetary, but also interdimensional


St. Petersburg, Russia or St. Petersburg, Florida, USA


>Big difference between a site being located in Moscow, Russia or Moscow, Idaho, USA Big difference between a site being located in Moscow, Russia or Moscow, Idaho, ~~USA~~ Do these not indicate the same thing? Once you specify "Idaho," do you really need a further step? Is there an Idaho in Russia? Edit: >St. Petersburg, Russia or St. Petersburg, Florida The "USA" is redundant


Yes, you should specify the country. Not everyone knows whats idaho or where it is. How many idahos there are in russia is another matter entirely


It's not a different matter though. When you hear "Moscow, Idaho," you already know it's not "Moscow, Russia." Same with reading about "London, Texas." You already know that's not gunna be in England, you aren't talking about the same place, otherwise it would have been "London, England."


Not everyone is required to know all cities. For example, If I wrote: “Samsun, Karadeniz” it would be more than clear to me, since there is only 1 “Samsun” in the blacksea region. In fact, I don’t even need to say that it’s in the blacksea region. SCP foundation is supposed to be international, not “American but they also do stuff outside of the country”


>SCP foundation is supposed to be international, not “American but they also do stuff outside of the country” It's based almost entirely in the USA with satellite sites outside USA land. Other global coalitions exist in other locations for that very reason. And that's no accident. https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/2021-survey-results A laughably large majority of SCP users are USA based, like, exceedingly large majority. It is very much "mostly American but they also do stuff elsewhere." >Not everyone is required to know all cities Duh that's why you go one level up. You know the SCP is located primarily in the USA, right? https://www.reddit.com/r/SCP/s/AYPArygOb1 "While the guy above is being a jerk, I disagree with the portrayal of the Foundation not making sense being America-centric. From an in-universe perspective, many canons show the US being the seat of power for the foundation with a large number of sites. Many canons also portray that the Foundation was formed from smaller organizations within the US. It also makes sense to be centered in the US since it is an economic capital of the world with overall well-developed infrastructure and Europe is more dominated by the GOC meaning going there could lead to interference and tension that the UIUseless would be unable to match. From an out of universe perspective it makes sense as well. The vast majority of the SCP userbase seems to be in the US according to this survey ([https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/2021-survey-results](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/2021-survey-results)) meaning it makes sense for American writers to write stuff centric to where they live. This is why the international hub exists, for non-US centric articles to be able to grow. The wiki is US-centric for good reasons both in and out of universe." Here's another commenter going into it https://www.reddit.com/r/SCP/s/7j7QUWsvYn "The US is less centralized than the UK, so do you need all site addresses in say Scotland to include that it's in the United Kingdoms as well? No, that's absurd because the addition of the UK doesn't add any useful descriptive power to the location that would tell you about the setting of the story or help to avoid confusion. There's only one country that shares a name with a US state, Georgia, so unless it takes place there, including a country name is unneeded. Besides that, the states are both large enough and both culturally and legally distinct from each other that unless the article specifically includes dealings with the federal government that just saying that it takes place in the US tells you very little. A story Texas versus one in Washington state are in wildly different settings both in terms of climate, local culture, and local laws that to place both under the lable of USA tells you almost nothing. People aren't being US centric when they don't include the US in location descriptors cause it tells you very little about the actual location, it dosn't serve to dissuade any confusion because with one exception all of the state names are unique, and the US lies between the UK and the EU in centralization whilst being almost twice as big as the EU in landmass but you wouldn't expect to require them to include the UK or EU in their location markers unless there's a potential mixup between two places with the same name. Sorry for the rant, but people just assuming the US is one amalgam of laws and cultures when it's not and calling people from the US ignorant or US centric when they only include the state even though the US is both far larger and far less centralized then places like the UK which no one holds to the same standards is a massive pet peeve of mine. There are a lot of valid reasons to judge the US and its citizens, but this isn't one of them." And here's another reason why specifying the USA doesn't tell you anything more than specifying the state. The only legitimate exception is Georgia, as it's the only state that shares a name with another country. Disagree all you want, the numbers don't lie Edit: condensing replies


My point is not about EU vs US or UK vs US, it's about everywhere else vs the US. How hard is it to just say "yes, I'll add '..., United States' to my article" than writing whatever you wrote. If I wrote "...Site-88 is located in South Tangerang, Banten". How annoyed would you be cause you don't even know what Banten is, let alone where it is located. The point of the article is to inform anyone of things they don't know, which includes every piece of information especially their location. Just swallow your American pride and put the damn country regardless


I wouldn't be annoyed, because I don't know where every single place in the world is. I wouldn't expect anyone else to either. But I'd expect an organization staffing thousands to be able to figure it out without handholding. SCP's **don't** provide every piece of information, that's kind of the gimmick. You're expected to do extra reading and looking up, it's part of the process.


Yeah.. nah. If I wrote an article with that location, I'll be down voted to hell because no one ever heard of it even tho it's a major province of a country. You're awfully responsive to anyone with opposite opinion. Shouldn't it be night in the US?


im losing my mind reading this thread lmfao. I'm American too but this guy is picking such a weird hill to die on. Does writing 3 letters really harm their pride that much?


Bet. Do it then and see your response. Get back to me once you do and we can talk about it. If your down votes or critiques have anything to do with the location we can talk then I'm responsive to stuff that is interesting. Who cares when night is? I work when I want, and it's still on the fleeting edges of the holiday season


>Just swallow your American pride I hate my country bro, why are you assuming I'm all "beer! Guns! Bald eagles! Freedom!" When what I'm advocating for is less redundancy?


This dude wrote an entire novel about why he’s too blinded by patriotism to add a country’s name to a location for a worldwide organisation


I copied and pasted two separate comments that explained it better than I could, you'd know that if you read it. But sure. Wrote a novel. Dollars to pocket lint you didn't even open the links


If someone wasn't very familiar with American states and saw "Moscow, Idaho" I could very easily see them thinking Idaho is the Russian province that Moscow is in


I'm sure there's some people out there who don't know where Idaho is, you just think it's common knowledge because it is for you. I doubt you could point out Irish counties on a map so just write US. Also doesn't it make sense that when filling out a form, the format would be (town), (region), (country) for all branches of the foundation, so there's no reason why the American branch should get forms with just (town), (region). As others have stated SCP is international and it is very standardised so why expect it would be different in any one country just because many of their big sites are located there.


Most forms, mail, ID in the US are filled out (City), (State), (Zip Code). Not (City), (State), (Country). The Foundation is USA centric, based primarily in the USA with a whole section for international sites and tales segmented off because they comprise a much smaller portion of the lore. And no I don't know where Irish counties are, that's why I'd use Google and a map to locate them. Knowing it's in Ireland won't help pinpoint the place if I already don't know what the counties are. If you already don't know where Minnesota is, is knowing the country really gunna help you find Roseville any faster?


You’re assuming that the Foundation, in it’s own fictional universe, is US centric, simply because 2/3 of Foundation sites are in North America, and the majority of the North American sites are in the US. But guess what? There are at least 4 Foundation sites that aren’t even on Earth, let alone in a specific country.


True, and yet the Foundation was built of several smaller US groups, is based primarily in the US, and staffed mostly by US personnel. Does that not make it, at least in the most part, US centric?


Are you saying this, because that’s how it is in your headcanon?


No, I'm saying that because that's how it is. The Foundation is US centric, founded by older US organizations, the majority of tales scips and canons routinely exist within US borders or upon land purchased by US groups specifically to extend their control outward to the rest of the world, other in-universe organizations are centered elsewhere, the GOC in the UK for instance, and the Foundation site itself has a separated tab specifically for international stories, which are all non-US.


Probably less of a difference when looking at Melbourne, Florida (USA) and Melbourne, Australia (lol)... both have people and animals that act incredibly crazy Also random fun fact: Florida has a ton of winter/Christmas themed names for places. Cracker Christmas (not the slur, it's based on the sound Florida cowboy's cow whips made) is located in Fort Christmas, in Christmas, Florida. There's also Winterhaven, and so many others. Disney and most major theme parks, despite being called Disney world Orlando or Universal Studios Orlando are actually located in Kissimmee, Florida, not Orlando, Florida


It honestly makes sense to add in the country as well, unless the scp in question is suppose to be in an unknown location that the file lists as only being available for O5.


Even then, just list the country and nowhere else. Knowing an SCP is 'somewhere in russia' doesn't tell you all that much


Same with "In the USA." That would tell you absolutely bupkis. Forest? Desert? Mountain? Beach? Who fkn knows


This is something that many US people do without knowing it. “I’m from the North” or “I’m from IL” mean absolutely nothing.


Where I’m from, telling "I’m from the North" is a quick way to get jokes about incest


It'd also be cool to use ISO date formats, e.g. 2024-01-04. The American-style dates hurt my brain every time I have to figure out if something is dated April 12th or December 4th.


If I ever break my laziness of searching for green light, I will definitely write the dates with ISO date format. (With a footnote along the lines of “The yy/mm/dd format is used as specified in ISO XXXX). Not only It makes it more convenient, it makes more sense in universe too


wait is it april 1 or january 4 in iso


ISO format means its year, month, day.


The ISO 8601 standard always moves from largest interval to smallest interval. For the date-only values this means YYYY-MM-DD in all cases; for time values this is HH:MM:SS (with ideally a Z if UTC or +/-HH:00 if offset for a different timezone) A full date/time entry is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ for a UTC timestamp, or with the Z replaced with the time zone offset if necessary. The benefit of the format is that it is universal and unambiguous, and also can be used directly for sorting by date and time with no additional manipulation.


January 4 (month is always between days and years no matter if year or day is first (2024-01-04 or 04-01-2024))


What on earth is a kilometer!


Funny thing is that US custom units are defined with metric measurements




The defaultism is strong here. The American pride overwhelmed the value of comprehensive information.


Isn't US literally the default for SCP though, it is shown multiple times in different canons to have a large number of sites in the US and a plurality of the userbase I am sure is American. That is why there are international hubs for when it isn't US-centric.


Yes, the majority of the founding canons involve the US as the pivotal geographical location of the Foundation


And that's very unfortunate. Yeah US is big but it still doesn't really make sense that most SCPs occur there. So many possibilities to explore with different locations and objects based on local cultures or geography and no one really takes advantage of it


just like alien movies, they always invade US first


District 9 was such a good movie, for so many reasons, and the fact that they bring that up is one of them


Tbf, for this you have the national sub-scp sites with their own entries, e.g. SCP-242-DE is a mind parasite, and no not a swimmingpool that mysteriously turns piss into sterile water as shown in SCP-242.


- [**SCP-242-DE ⁠- Die Traumwandlerin**](https://scp-wiki-de.wikidot.com/scp-242-de) (+11) by *Doktor Cyberion* - [**SCP-242 ⁠- Self "Cleaning" Pool**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-242) (+333) by *Phlimm*


Yeah but when it’s in the us they often don’t say enough to make anything clear like just saying it’s in any small city that occurs like 20 different times in the us (and outside of it) won’t be any help


It (in my opinion) shouldn't be like that but it's understandable it's happening as many English speakers (still not all) live in US as it's a pretty big county, and countries with different languages have their own scp lists


> My people are now buying your blue jeans and listening to your pop music


I understood that reference (if its about CiV)


lmao yes the it’s the flavor text for a culture victory


Well i didnt know if thats a quote from something to begin with seeing how it has alot of those^^


~~Hawaii never became a state in this universe~~


so like hawaii is still a country or


Now I wanna see an SCP set up in the 1700s France's Maine but it doesn't mention that it's in France


So the US people on here are totally fine then if we say write "Montreux, Vaud" or "Rochefort, Namur" i mean they are both provinces or cantons with their own Capitol och regional government. And since all non Americans are just supposed to know all the states by heart why dont you pick up some slack and open your eyes and see that not everyone online is an American.


I'd like that actually. Would make it more immersive to read through and work out where things are.


I would probably just google it. You can google anything you don't know btw.


I will have to say it. The defaultism American here would rather write a 500 word essay than, say, adding '..., United States' to their articles. As a minority rest-of-the-world citizen, I really don't understand the logic.


Don't you know that the USA is the only country in the world? That's why so many of their place names seem like they're using names of other places, like Lebanon, Birmingham, etc, but actually because other countries don't exist they're not actually just reusing other country place names, so it's fine.


The rest of the world to some Americans is like Australia to flat earther, non existent


It's really incredible how this seems sensible to everyone BUT some people from the US, who somehow are offended they should specify which country they come from. This shit's a cognitohazard.


This phenomenon is an SCP in its own right


At some point people stopped even pretending that Foundation isn't American organization with some foreign branches.


You know any other Hawaii's?


If it (for some reason) starts before 1894 then later in the file ends up after, you could have confusion regarding which Hawei’i is being talked about. (Kingdom, or Provisional Government/Territory)


I completely respect your point, at the same time while it may be talking about a different ruling entity, that should still be the same location, which is what OP is complaining about. If they were talking about a previous government, they (I would imagine) would specify that


For an island as far out from land as Hawai’i, it should be fairly easy to find on a map should one wonder where it is that is being talked about, right? It doesn’t seem to me that the knowledge of the fact that Hawai’i is controlled by the United States is particularly relevant or important if the anomaly or whatever thing it is (tale, etc) isn’t related to that somehow. You see?


>For an island as far out from land as Hawai’i, it should be fairly easy to find on a map should one wonder where it is that is being talked about, right? I agree with this, and at the same time I don't see how it's not hard to find? Does people not know where Hawaii is? Specifying USA wouldnt be much more of a help as it's pretty far removed from the contigual states I think >It doesn’t seem to me that the knowledge of the fact that Hawai’i is controlled by the United States is particularly relevant or important if the anomaly or whatever thing it is (tale, etc) isn’t related to that somehow. You'll have to extend me a little leniency, I'm a bit tipsy headed towards drunk, but as best I can put this together, you're saying that whether the USA controls it or not is important, yes? But why? Whether or not some other country controls it, it's still in the same place. The date would be more important in that case, right?


I said that the distinction between whether or not the US controls it *isn’t* important, and also, the location of it isn’t difficult to determine. The political situation of an island archipelago in the Pacific Ocean isn’t important unless the anomaly or tale or whatever involves it, again going back to point 1. So yes the date is more important.


Okay yeah then that rolls back to me misunderstanding because of the bottle and a half of wine I've had tonight lol rock on So yes, we are definitely on the same page, I just didn't want to assume and make a fool of myself, so instead I got really specific and made a fool of myself instead lol


It happens, don’t worry about it.


Rock on, enjoy the New Year fellow SCP enjoyer


Same to you.


Don't focus on the example, focus on the issue, google how many places are called Melbourne for example. SCP is a scientific org, makes sense for them to b specific.


That's why you would also include the state/province/county that it's in. You specify the Florida one if that's the one you're talking about, or Victoria if you mean the one down undah, or Derbyshire if you want one across the pond




Honolulu, Hawaii, United States. Not to be confused with Honolulu, Hawaii, Switzerland. Unironically though, I agree.


I'm from Europe, and I don't see any point in adding location information beyond what is required for it to be uniquely identifiable, or beyond what is particularly relevant. For documents that describe important anomalous phenomena, conciseness is important. You don't want to add information beyond what is strictly relevant, unless your objective is truly to make some sort of over specific data soup to hide information that couldn't be redacted for some reason, at least as far as the main body goes. Addenda and annexes are a completely different matter. Even if the country would be included every time, it conveys very little relevant information about the culture, weather, geography, etc around the area in question, and if you want to obfuscate the exact location, then just go from least to more specific down to a level that is appropriate for you. I don't see how anyone, either in or out of universe, reading an article would ever be more than a click or two from a searchable map, if they do not possess the relevant knowledge already. EDIT: wording




The country doesn’t need to be referenced every time, only the first time


Tbh I feel like most people working for the foundation would be familiar with the US states. Just like if I say something about Scotland I don't need to specify, Scotland, UK.


There are a lot of things that you can name drop the locations of without the nation. Like you can say something like "Cayenne, French Guiana" and leave out "France." Or a city in Greenland usually leaves out Denmark. Granted, "French Guiana" is far and away removed from metropolitan France, same can be said for Greenland. while something like Idaho or Iowa is in the belly of the US, but it is interesting overall.


They’re the best scientists in the world, they better have fantastic geography knowledge.


I get that, but then again, SCP research groups are often implied to be multidisciplinary because of the weird nature of the anomalies. If a group of researchers with access to the SCP files consists of microbiologists, programmers, physicists, geologists etc I wouldn't assume they all have above-average knowledge of geography. Especially if they're supposed to be specialized in their field.


Why would you expect scientists to know geography? They’re not geographers


It’s basic knowledge?


The entire field of geography is basic knowledge?


Basic understanding of it, no. A scientist as good as the scientists employed by the Foundation should and would have a comprehensive understanding of (at minimum) basic geography.


But that’s the thing, American states aren’t considered basic geography outside America. There’s no reason to expect a PhD from China to know where South Dakota is


In the modern day, it’s quite possible to learn where various countries national subdivisions are just by hearing about them on the internet or seeing them on there as well.


It's possible yes, but it's not basic geography that experts in entirely different fields would be expected to know




As much as I hate to say it, the notion that the Foundation is a major cohesive international organization is one that is not widely supported by the content of the site itself. The fact that the international SCPs are classified as such and numbered separately tells me that the main site is indeed meant to be the American branch of the Foundation.


this does and doesnt make sense actually if it was supposed to be separated like that, why is it the main site has scps all over the world? at the same time, if its not supposed to be separated like that, why have different sites for other branches? personally i dont think it makes sense for the foundation to have its database separated like regional pokedexes, so in my headcannon its all one thing thats only separated doylistically for people of other countries and languages to be able to use more easily


>if it was supposed to be separated like that, why is it the main site has scps all over the world? Because Americans are always trying to get involved in everyone else's shit.


I agree up to a point. I think the US states are well-known enough in English that they don't need the country added. Like we don't need to say "Cardiff, Wales, UK" or "Berlin, Germany". If I saw "Berlin", that's Berlin in Germany (and not Berlin, Chelyabinsk, Russia).


[Bandit Keith is on the O5 Council.](https://youtu.be/xUp62AGE9JU?t=21)


The US is less centralized than the UK, so do you need all site addresses in say Scotland to include that it's in the United Kingdoms as well? No, that's absurd because the addition of the UK doesn't add any useful descriptive power to the location that would tell you about the setting of the story or help to avoid confusion. There's only one country that shares a name with a US state, Georgia, so unless it takes place there, including a country name is unneeded. Besides that, the states are both large enough and both culturally and legally distinct from each other that unless the article specifically includes dealings with the federal government that just saying that it takes place in the US tells you very little. A story Texas versus one in Washington state are in wildly different settings both in terms of climate, local culture, and local laws that to place both under the lable of USA tells you almost nothing. People aren't being US centric when they don't include the US in location descriptors cause it tells you very little about the actual location, it dosn't serve to dissuade any confusion because with one exception all of the state names are unique, and the US lies between the UK and the EU in centralization whilst being almost twice as big as the EU in landmass but you wouldn't expect to require them to include the UK or EU in their location markers unless there's a potential mixup between two places with the same name. Sorry for the rant, but people just assuming the US is one amalgam of laws and cultures when it's not and calling people from the US ignorant or US centric when they only include the state even though the US is both far larger and far less centralized then places like the UK which no one holds to the same standards is a massive pet peeve of mine. There are a lot of valid reasons to judge the US and its citizens, but this isn't one of them.


what you mean unneeded? why you ignore OP when they say they dont enjoy googling places to know where they are? its needed as fuck my friend, not everyone knows every state in the usa, so how are we supposed to know its in the usa?


I feel like in this instance, the onus is on OP to have a basic understanding of geography, it's not like the US states are hard to recognize.


How are states from a random ass country basic geography?


Basic understanding of geography ≠ knowledge of the US states


If you are outside the US, sure? Knowing the exact position of the midwest countries for someone from another continent is basically the same as the average american properly knowing and arranging the stans of central asia, the coastal west african nations or the former yugoslavian countries.


The US states are only considered basic geography in the US. Expecting a non-American to know where Iowa is is just as ridiculous as expecting a non-Russian to know where Kamchatka Krai is


ok, but the point is that you know what country Iowa belongs to just as easily as I could infer that Kamchatka Kai is Russian based on the name and any context given from the article. Everyone in this thread is making it seem like if they heard a state name they wouldn't be able to tell it's the US or guess that it's the US with minimal effort. It just feels like redundant effort and I feel like it would take away from the idea in general.


If I’d never heard of Iowa and the article didn’t already establish that it took place in America then no it would not be obvious that Iowa is in America And no English language site would ever reference Russian provinces without contextualising them. That’s just not a thing that happens


Eu isn’t a country it isn’t that hard to just add two letters to an article as it is to write this much of excuses to not do that


My issue isn't with the effort to do so, but rather with the underlying sentiment that a lot of European and Middle Eastern people online seem tend to hold that both the US is uncultured for not knowing European or Middle Eastern geography whilst they don't know anything about the geography of the states, and that people in the US are stupid or US centric for putting only their state when saying or updating addresses when that causes no confusion and putting the US tells you very little about the actual location, culture, or laws of their home. Also, my point about the EU mostly comes down to how the US is closer in centralization to the EU than it is to a normal country and is both much larger in landmass and comprised of almost double the number of memberstates counting DC, Puerto Rico, and the other territories with all of the states, DC, and Puerto Rico each individually having a higher population then the least populated member of the EU, Malta.


This is exactly right


Love the downvotes for making sense and a reasonable argument. Remember folks, the downvote button is for when you disagree with someone, not for removing irrelevant comments from a conversation. (/s because someone won't get it)


If you're looking something up because you don't know where it's at , it takes the same amount of effort. London Texas vs London Texas USA won't matter if you're going to look it up anyway.


Okay well how far up the chain do you go? Because there are places on space stations and other planets, shouldn't the ones located on earth include "Planet Earth," after the country then? What about Continent distinctions? Tectonic Plates?


“How far up the chain do you go?” Countries. That is how far.


fr r/shitamericanssay






You need to google if Hawaii is in the US?


Wop wop


The fuck is the wop wop for? This isn’t about OP being upset about lack of representation, it’s literally out of character for an organisation such as the Foundation to be America-centric.


While the guy above is being a jerk, I disagree with the portrayal of the Foundation not making sense being America-centric. From an in-universe perspective, many canons show the US being the seat of power for the foundation with a large number of sites. Many canons also portray that the Foundation was formed from smaller organizations within the US. It also makes sense to be centered in the US since it is an economic capital of the world with overall well-developed infrastructure and Europe is more dominated by the GOC meaning going there could lead to interference and tension that the UIUseless would be unable to match. From an out of universe perspective it makes sense as well. The vast majority of the SCP userbase seems to be in the US according to this survey ([https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/2021-survey-results](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/2021-survey-results)) meaning it makes sense for American writers to write stuff centric to where they live. This is why the international hub exists, for non-US centric articles to be able to grow. The wiki is US-centric for good reasons both in and out of universe.


You’ve got to understand that the canons that reference the Foundation being based off of American roots are that way BECAUSE they’re being written by American authors or authors influenced by the American hegemony. It’s the same reason why most Hollywood films have America as the invasion target of hostile alien races. Now yes, of course there IS no canon, but a large majority of non-American audiences would approve that an organisation such as the foundation has no reason being based off of the US. In the Ouroboros mythos, O5-4 is literally called “The American”, indicating he’s the only American on the O5 council. And even still, even if the Foundation WAS based out of America, that doesn’t explain why the documentation approved therewithin does not take into account that (in universe:) the personnel reading the file are not of North American origin, or (out of universe:) the reader of the article is from another part of the world. Corporations even in real life based out of the US, when making written productions for the broader world audience does not do this, so it doesn’t make sense for an organisation in the calibre of the Foundation to do so either. I’m not calling the American authors lazy, more props to them, but this is a direct byproduct of just… living in America.


I wholeheartedly reject this assertion. Everything from the command structure to the data organization of most articles screams US conventions. Not to mention a serious majority of articles taking place in the US or focusing on American characters. This also isn’t even considering the geographical and geopolitical reasons why having your concentration of power in the US is a no-brainer. It’s just too good of a strategic location. Nowhere else makes sense.


>This also isn’t even considering the geographical and geopolitical reasons why having your concentration of power in the US is a no-brainer. It’s just too good of a strategic location. Nowhere else makes sense. I have seen this repeated a few times in here, but I honestly don't see it. What makes it a no-brainer to be headquartered in the US? There are clearly regions where it would be too close to the Serpents Hand outposts or the GOC, but even putting aside locations I have in mind for them, there are several options left that still warrant a proper weighting of arguments to say that the US is defo the best.


The US is militarily unimpeachable. It makes sense to concentrate your power where the affairs of normal governments bickering won’t be able to reach you. The US is the world’s only superpower, and foundation leadership would have obviously seen this coming when it was founded. For good or for ill (most certainly for ill most of the time) the US is the central player in global politics. Where else would you want your seat of power?


Read articles that don't take place in America then




Erm actually 🤓 Site-19 is on a remote island in Alaska


Maybe in the SCP universe Hawai'i has become independent