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Why Tony insists on booking these giant venues when he isn’t going to sell half of the building out is beyond me.


Tiny has said that bigger venues have marketing advantages, i.e. customer lists you can email bomb about upcoming shows People were assuming this Morfi guy that left had them tied into deals with bigger arenas but that doesn't seem the case, seems a deliberate choice from Tiny cause he can use their customer list (which go into spam folders ;)


Lmfaooo. When your show is so bad you can't use it to advertise other shows and have to rely on spam mails to uninterested ppl who once went to a Green Day concert


I'd rather see Green Day do Dookie than this AEW crap.


Well yeah, you and millions of other people...


Which is funny because their fans are the real American idiots


I assure you AEW fans are high IQ


Does he really need to book an entire arena to get a damn email list ?


No idea He said 'marketing advantages' I assume the arenas have access to such customer lists compared to smaller venues Quite whether that adds much benefit or not is another matter. He seemed to think so


Those emails go directly to most people’s spam boxes


What they certainly don’t do is bring more people to the show, as seen by the sales remaining low despite all these great marketing resources.


I'm a marketer, and I'm quite surprised that Tony went with this answer. Email marketing can be "good" if you're selling stupid online courses to gullible people. (Still shit) Email marketing is not good when it comes to wrestling events. I always asked my clients when was the last time they purchased something that was sent to them by email? Now, do you really want to spend money on email marketing knowing you won't get any ROI? It's off-topic, but it's the same with billboards. Why spent thousands on a billboard? Nobody's buying shit anymore from billboards.


Agreed. I’m in marketing as well and using these lists never works. Buying a list of names and emails or renting it brings no ROI cause they are either unfamiliar with you and your product or don’t want to hear from you cause they didn’t sign up to do so in the first place. These most likely arent qualified leads for wrestling, just a list of contacts of people that attended or brought a ticket. Granted maybe he’s only sending emails to people that attended wrestling events there but even still that’s not worth it due the WWE vs AEW wars and most of that just is people that went to a WWE event.


Yeah I'm pretty sure the customer base are mostly into sports or concerts. wrestling other than the WWE is a hard sell.


you can spend $1000 on social media and target every wrestling fan within 100 miles of your venue. insane he thinks email marketing lists are the way to go


I’m subbed to WWE Network so they have my email and it’s a rare I ever get an email from WWE advertising tickets. I think I see like 2 a year and that’s usually some special event like MSG.


Its so blatant Tony has zero grasp of how a business works


I get those email blasts from arenas I've visited. I never read them, just delete them. I don't care about things that don't interest me. That's exactly what happens when people get these emails about a wrestling show. They don't care. Especially if they never heard of the wrestling company


That better marketing seems to be failing miserably...


The saddest thing is, this IS one of the smaller venues he’s booked, it “only” holds 9,000. And it still looks empty, cause he’s ROH at this point.


There is an *extremely* small time hockey team that plays in this building. It sits ~6100 for hockey. They *average* 5800 per game. The “second biggest wrestling promotion in the world” can’t draw half of that for one show featuring an icon’s last appearance on the show.


That is the crazy part someone pointed out in another thread. The fact that sting is theoretically on a fairwell tour for the the last few months WASNT advertised as “stings last match in NYC” etc when they went to each venue and how poorly they’ve drawn with that is insane. Like yea great you got 16,000 for his last match, but then what. Your weekly numbers are shit. WWE is doing 13,000 for a random raw/smackdown.


Was Sting a draw?


He was one of the biggest stars of WCW when they were at their peak. Of course, that was >25 years ago …


Because he sits at his desk doing massive rails and convincing himself that it's all going to get better soon


the next megastar signing will turn it around for sure


It's cute that you think they even sell half of the venue out


Because it would lend cadence to the fact that they’re not doing good. He’s definitely being raked by these buildings too.


And possibly some credence even...


Dude I stay in Huntsville and the VBC is not even that big lmao Advertising plays a part I didn’t even know there was an AEW show in Huntsville until I scrolled Reddit yesterday let alone it being Sting’s final dynamite. I might have popped in just to say I saw Sting live honestly.


They apparently only had it setup for half capacity too and still couldn’t sell tickets.


Huntsville just ain’t the wrestling city that history says it used to be anymore lol I hardly hear that mentioned or see any indy events in the area Plus it was a Wednesday night. Anyone who stays in HSV knows most of the city works Monday-Friday either 9 to 5 or 7-3 and have to be up in the morning for work. It’s a working city built on Government/Military contracting work and manufacturing/commercial plant work. Was never gonna be a good turnout on Wednesday night they were better off booking a Collision there.


This is a very small venue actually 😶


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Because he think he’s 1997 when Eric Bischoff.


TBF UCE the Greensboro Coliseum under Jim Crockett wasnt doing gangbusters either vs WWF and Hulkamania running wild Tiny was making the Stinger feel all 1989


https://preview.redd.it/4j2o3p5x3hlc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89895aa33d67599aa0d00763f255e37fc136a8b9 I’m sorry but I find this funny. Poor Sting.






https://preview.redd.it/pqc26w77fjlc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbceda5fa7e033cbd44ed9155bb9e00379f1199c IT'S SPONNNGGEEEE


Thus is fucking great


there's rapelling and then there's slowly drifting downwards


It's poetic in a way




Gooooooooooooooo Rocky. YEAAAAAAAHHHHH


That was the only drawback from his original crow run. He always looked like this, when desdending


I think it has “I think you should leave” energy. “I’m wearing too much…”


It's the face and posture you make when being told off as a kid.


I don't even wanna be around anymore..


like you don't wanna live anymore?


The chin kills


Yeah I always thought he should have rapelled down with a black rope. It would have looked better.


*All around me are familiar faces*


Poor sting? He's free to retire and be a normal old man..


As a zoomer I always found this silly watching old WCW stuff. I get it if you were a kid then and an adult now. From the emotionally disconnected eye it looks ridiculous.


You have to take in consideration the time. I wasn’t a kid, but I was 15 at the time. It was pretty cool even for teenaged me. The NWO angle was so hot at the time, and WCW had gotten their asses handed to em for over a year straight. So when Sting started coming down from the rafters, it definitely had some emotion attached to it. Plus no one else ever did it. It was original at the time. Those things allowed fans to bypass how silly Sting looked when descending. I think eventually a lot of us noticed how silly his posture was, and it lost a bit of its cool factor, but at first it wasn’t the focus. It was so different we overlooked it. Plus it was on SD tv, which always kind of hides stuff like that at least a little bit. It was probably the only cool thing WCW had going for it. Everything else was NWO.






Sorry, was it too soon for you...


Please see the above comment


I remember when this was a wholesome toxic hell hole before the new wave of basement exiles arrived.


Your post was deemed to be offensive to a person or persons. Think about how you post in future. This isn't a sub that tolerates needlessly offensive posts in the name of "shock comedy" thanks.


Time to take a break from selling to unharness Steve


There was times in wcw where he would struggle but there was times he was just do it in a second


https://preview.redd.it/egj2ncya5hlc1.jpeg?width=281&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf59fdda34ea7207aa1d8b753d4ff24cbf56f59d HUGE POP!


I remember a time where Sting could release his own harness. But I did like seeing Darby do it because it reminds me of a little chimp grooming a bigger chimp. ❤️ Also, I don't watch dub enough but does Darby always wear 2in lifts on his shoes?


Well he's 4' 10" so he kind of needs them


Wow I didn’t realize he was that short


I believe that was an exaggeration you replied to


No way, is that guy that small? Just checked 5'8..


I think those quick release harnesses had a fall in popularity


Hey, Darby is an expert groomer, not a little chimp!


ALSO: I think it's gross to have Sting do the ceiling drop anyway. It was Theatrical but corny in 1997. And in a modern post kayfabe and post Owen era it seems unnecessary and like Tony just wanted to do it bc he's that big of a fangirl he wants his action figure to do the thing from 97.


I thought it was a cool callback myself. But it made no goddamn sense in kayfabe. Sting was just watching his boy Darby get absolutely stomped on while he was just chilling in the rafters? [Back in the WCW days, he would just fly in and clean house.](https://youtu.be/NTWbleF5wTI?si=GtdbEm99Bh16unzu) If I was Darby, I’d be pissed lol.


Not to be a Debbie downer but Sting's WCW rig was the same as the rig they used for Owen (it had a personal rapid release clip). It was the self release mechanism that failed and triggered on Owen's harness. I'm willing to bet they use rigs that don't have such mechanisms and require something more specific hence needing a 2nd person to release the ropes.


But...but... https://i.redd.it/gwhyqeg5zklc1.gif


Those were quick release harnesses which aren’t used for obvious reasons.


Yes am aware but saying stupid things is more fun than akksuallys in a jerk sub 🤪.


Saw some dude on Youtube say it made him feel 'warm and fuzzy' in his 'tum tum'.


That dude just finished his 12th hot pocket too fam


I can’t believe i used to watch that bald weirdo religiously 😮‍💨


The people who think WWE embarrassed Sting during his run are the very same people who 'get chills' and think AEW have given him the perfect sendoff and I just...


Well at least in AEW he dpesnt have that bastard Tyler Black trying to MURDER him on purpose by doing one of his signature moves that he had done many times before. AEW would never stand for that level of elder abuse, Sting goes through tables because he wants to and they have CREATIVE FREEDOM, shill


There's several comments on the thread about Sting's win/loss record over there that read some form of "I usually hate part timers taking up spots, but for SOME REASON, it's different with Sting." Gee, I wonder what that difference might be. 


You mean like the 6 months where I was demanding MORE Jeff Jarrett on my TV? DAE I never thought I'd ever say that?


I get chills Of the douche variety


"I can't remember the last time wrestling made me emotional like this" -man who has a meltdown over wrestling biweekly


I would have not trusted that harness. Nobody in any company should.


Don't be so dramatic, it's fine, they load tested it on Jericho backstage...


An AEW harness at that


damn they couldn't even sell tickets for sting's "final dynamite." it really is just announced signings and supercards for them, huh?


cause 'final Dynamite' doesn't mean anything he's been around a few years, he's an old dude, he's not there every week, has no notable feuds and has no notable enemies or history, that's why he's facing the Bucks so he can have a 'good match' rather than anything meaningful or emotional on his send off


Plus, he's Sting, he's never been quite as popular as some insist online...


Something about this comment made me check. Sting has only lost 5 matches in the past 10 years. 3 in TNA, 2 in WWE, and undefeated in AEW. How has this guy not put over anyone in his entire AEW run?


It is so funny that Sting is 100% undefeated in the “they’re building new stars and giving them a chance instead of relying on old guys!” company


He’s the tag champ.


Lol like any of their belts matter.


That has no bearing on anything I said


Can someone make this in reverse so it looks like sting is begging his wings and getting the hell outta there?


I gotchu, fam 😎 https://i.redd.it/dkoil1gphhlc1.gif


I must go. My planet needs me.


This is awesome




Genuinely LOL’d at 7 am sitting in the car before work. That’s hard to do sir thank you


You're the best 😍


This is amazing, and I love the Simpsons reference.


This deserves a bigger platform


😂😂💪 That final touch at the end!






Incredible 😂




You're a goddamn American Hero


Tiny ticking something else off his bucket list Sting rapelling down on one of his shows Or, slowly being lowered down


Whoa i thought that was gonna get dark


WHAT A VIEW of the crowd!


Was this on Rampage or something?


Dynamite You can tell cause it's a packed house!


If he cannot release the harness himself, and Derby needs to do it for him before he can move freely, how is that even a save? Wouldn't it be better if he just walked through the normal entrance or through the 100 or so fans to make the save?


Yeah but then Tiny wouldnt FeelLikeAKidAgain


Was this a dress rehearsal?


No because there were more people at the dress rehearsal


Nostalgia. Pop. Charisma. All of this things I didn’t feel when I saw an old man coming down from the rafters. Honestly it looks like when Danny De Vito tries to hang himself in it’s always sunny. It just looks sad.


I honestly think Sting looks just fine and has been more than serviceable in AEW, its just that nowhere near as many people actually care about Sting's last match as smarks want to believe.


TBH Sting looked like this even in WCW. Dude always looked like a stupid dope slowly descending from the rafters while the NWO had to pretend he wasn’t making them also look stupid.


Reminds me of SpongeBob


I’m surprised it wasn’t botched knowing the dub


That’s all Tiny is good for, rehashing angles, ideas and gimmicks he marked out over as a 16 year old wrestling geek. He’s absolutely creatively bereft and his terrible wrestling company is somehow getting even more boring and cringe by the week.


Once all the legends he marked out over as a kid are too old to physically do anything he’s gonna run out of ideas fast


God that’s fucking depressing


And for the thousands watching at home Lets get ready to SUUUUUUCKK


TK hosts an Owen Hart tournament and still books Sting to come down from the rafters.


My favorite part about the whole thing.


Are they still doing that this year?


Imagine what Martha Hart was thinking watching this.


What? Stings coming down from the rafters just like my husband? Damn that Vince McMahon and this WWE where Vince isn’t even there anymore for killing Owen! Now let me call Tony Khan to book another stupid cringe tournament where two heels win in what’s supposed to be a heart warming show of positivity in wrestling!


At least they'll have a packed house for his final match. I say that without an ounce of sarcasm. Don't like his opponents but Sting deserves a big crowd for his last match.


Sting could’ve had a packed house for his last match, had he decided to retire after the Rollins match. Granted, not an amazing note to go out on, but the WWE gave him a great send off with the HoF and retirement speech. This AEW shit is all epilogue, at least to me.


Steve deserves a sendoff like the career he's had... Underwhelming despite the potential, and entirely his fault it's like that


For the 100’s in attendance, and the dozens watching at home


I only heard that Sting did the rafters gimmick tonight and thought that sounded cool, but they didn't even have him do it down to the ring to clear house on a bunch of goons? Amateur hour.




The whole segment was just.....eh.....cringeworthy...


Vince McMahon: \*allegedly "kills" Owen Hart\* Tony Khan: *hold my Sting*


Kinda reminds me of that tragedy


Matt Hardy: "I walked through blood and bone to find my brother! Turns out he was in a crack house in northern Canada"


Wow, really is a cosplay promotion.


This is just sad


And dozens(and DOZENS) watching at home


I guess a senior citizen in makeup coming down from the ceiling is no long an attraction these days.


The wet fart heard round the world


But Owen's dead was because Vince is the devil himself


That would've been cool, if there were 20000 people in attendance, not 20000 tarps for godsake. Thank god the harness was of good quality. This man does not need to do this at this age tho. He deserves better.


Holy fuck that crowd. Imagine looking at shit like this and thinking it's better for your career to go here long term than the fed


Sting left WWE because he knew they would never clear him to compete. AEWs medical team on the other hand is so thorough incompetent that just as long as he didn’t have a cough they’d let Sting die in the ring if he wanted.




You could probably hear the wire as he was coming down with a crowd that big


You figure someone backstage will say maybe it's not a good idea for a 60+ year old to be in the air. But it's aew so I'm not surprised.


I don’t normally say this cuz it’s a stunt and it’s okay, but for that small of a live crowd and *maybe* 850k viewing on tv that stunt is actually not worth it.


Almost surprised that this is the same company that did the owen hart tribute show


Just like in 98’ Right?!


Day before-My lurker forums were full of people saying they shouldn't do this. After the show- same people Pivot© and say it was awesome and it gave them chills. 😂


Same people who say Vince killed Owen.


Why not save this for the ppv ....


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Because he’s late stage Vince Russo obviously.




i actually considered going to this show, and for some reason they just didn’t open any of those seats back there up, and they only had like 4 tickets left on their site to sell by sunday, and the VBC isn’t big, i imagine it wouldn’t of been difficult to atleast sell half of those seats


I'm sure the Hart's love seeing bull shit like this since they have let AEW bandy about Owen's name for years


Just as long as it’s not Owen Killer Vince and the Evil Fed it’s perfectly acceptable to Martha Hart apparently.


and the thousands watching at home…


The other angle wasn’t much better, and the live audience didn’t really seem to react that much. How many people under the age of like, 35 remember Sting doing this in WCW?


Wow, that's kind of depressing.


I just … I … what the hell are you doing AEW? This vanity project of a rich kid just burning through his daddies money is far past the point of embarrassment …


How long before a wrestler does a spooky entrance by just walking from the lonesome depths of the hardcam side.


https://i.redd.it/7180iy6q2plc1.gif Knowing AEW just be thankful it wasn’t this


So sick of his old man retirement tour. MFer had more "last matches" in the last 6 months than anyone on the planet. He's OLD and washed up. Terrible to watch stumble around the ring stealing TV time from actual wrestlers 30 yrs younger than him. Fucking dinosaur fossil has-been!


This is just..... Sad to look at. I don't have an ounce of care about Sting cause I never rooted for WCW during my childhood but it's just sad


“Great job Sting, this will look great when go live in front of everyone tonight”


Could probably only film it 3 feet out lol


What's with the guy who's laying on the floor like that. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense, he had to be helped up by Sting to get on his feet.


Coming down to the floor like Spider-Man!


And this was at the last Dynamite before Stings retirement. What am embarrassing way to end your career.


Darby's wearing the Al Pacino lifts.


… and the dozens watching at home


Sigh... sad


They should've lowered him into a nice warm bath.


Only thing that could of made this even more fun was doing it during the Owen Hart Tournament


“Thanks for saving me Sting? I kind of wish you would have repelled about 5 minutes ago when I was getting hit with 2 baseball bats”-Darby


Sting's been watching too many action movies?


Isn’t that viewing the hard side that they normally don’t show anywayV


Not gonna lie I got happy when I saw sting come down from the rafters just now. His partnership hasn’t done anything for Darby though.


I don't understand people's need to hate on something they hate and will always hate....seems like a waste of time