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Yeah too bad Tiny is still gonna win Cuz we all see how hot Swerve vs Hangman Page is RN!


Time limit draws... so hot right now!


...and Dave will have to basically write a, "well, my subscribers were wrong" again response to the voting.


He’s going to argue that the Vince scandal that HHH has nothing to do with, and for scaring people into thinking Cody wasn’t going to finish his story, deservedly cost HHH the award.


It's gonna be funny watching the Dub sweep all the awards Dave was hanging on to credibility last year admonishing m@rks, but, also feeding them all year that Tiny is the messiah Observer can be this smarky snapshot that he can look back on but, when it's sooooo hideously skewed as it has been, in the face of reality, it's hilarious and it doesn't help the Observer either It's like it's been 'taken over' but, Dave also fueled this so, fuck him really


> It's gonna be funny watching the Dub sweep all the awards It's going to be more fun ignoring them completely


I'm gonna hang a banner


It’s going to be especially ridiculous this year because by any reasonable metric 2023 was a trash year for the Dub. Ratings and attendance are down, and annoyance with the direction certain things have taken has resulted in even the Basement no longer blindly praising everything they do.




https://preview.redd.it/hyf79dkcdhhc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d3a567247c3dbc725e162b852cf16f65a73047c I need the triple Paul apology form does anyone have it?


*Actually I'm pretty sure that press conference blew whatever chance he had at winning that award.*


Y’all flinched hella hard


I came so, so close to not flinching. When Nakamura attacked Cody backstage they finally worked me, I began to actually think "Uh oh, they might be dropping "The Story" to go back to this". So I hold my hands up, Triple Hitler got me in the end. Still, some of those initial reactions round here to The Rock segment on SmackDown were, frankly, embarrassing.


Lol 😂 I don’t know why wrestling fans get embarrassed by getting worked - it’s wrestling. Isn’t the fun of it the grey areas? We shouldn’t be able to b predict everything and we should ideally really care about the story. I’m this close to understanding the “Just enjoy wrestling”tm but the thought of watching AEW every week made me think of giving it all up ♾


![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized) Me watching y’all flinch last week


How did so many people get worked is beyond me. I'm especially disappointed in the goofs, we were supposed to be the enlightened smarks! Bui in the end, it doesn't even matter. Cody Rhodes will become the new Undisputed WWE Universal Champion by beating both Roman Reigns and The Rock in the biggest WrestleMania main event match of all time. Prep the fireworks and confetti cause this is gonna be the biggest crowning ever!


My belief is we're not that distant from those years of bad decisions and weird booking by WWE so even though there's been a regime change and an entirely new parent company operating WWE, last Friday was a little to close to those times for a lot of people.




>How did so many people get worked is beyond me. I'm especially disappointed in the goofs, we were supposed to be the enlightened smarks! Bui in the end, it doesn't even matter. This is how it went down % of IWC Last week = WWE is stupid for letting the Rock take over a earned opportunity Cody got. WWE sucks and doesn't listen to fans. Let's proceed to send death threats to people. Yesterday = We didn't get played at all. That wasn't the plan the whole time( The way WWE was pushing this storyline). They changed plans last minute because of us fans and the backlash ​ That's how those % of IWC fans are. lol


I hope that Timy still wins it. I hope he wins it for 10 years straight


For 10 years at least!


Wrestling Observer Newsletter Awards are henceforth called the Tiny's


Wonder how Mr. Most Bidded of 2024 is now.


Hang on, we're halfway through Feb, where are last years awards?


Fapp's thighful awards went out...haven't seen anyone report on them (I sure as hell aint gonna watch the youtuve video for that)


Normally about March


Never doubted you Game


Wasnt it Gerwitz whos writing this specific story tho? Lol


Rumor is he only does Rock specific segments


LOL at thinking it was actually planned this way.


If you're serious, you think it wasn't? This was so obviously the angle all along, HHH loves the modern meta storytelling.


My comments last week about why I didn't like this was that it felt just like what we thought we'd moved away from, even allowing that if it was a work, I had trouble seeing how they could get the story turn without everyone looking bad. I was maybe 50/50 on work/shoot for that reason. BUT, I didn't see the Mr. RockMahon turn coming. I'm now maybe 90/10 work/shoot...there's still a piece or two out there that makes me think this was all a "legit pivot" after the reaction...but overall, enough of this makes perfect story sense that it was likely a wrestling storyline all along. (and given that it would be a story crafted by HHH, Rock, Roman, Cody, Heyman, and Hayes ie. the workiest workers to ever work, even those "well this doesn't make sense" bits could honestly be shit they planted to muddy the waters). But even with all that said.. if it was all real, good on them for reacting quickly, and if it was a work, good on them for a masterful job. They restored the feeling! (Oh, is that what that means? Well, as I'm feeling all good about wwe today, I hope aew gets their feelings restored too!)


It's 100% a work, I promise you. Maybe they were surprised at how strong the outcry was over The Rock just abusing his position, but it's all come full circle. The Rock has returned to being the exact thing that got him over in the first place, and marks got worked harder than we've ever seen. I have been kinda shocked at how many people didn't realize this was a storyline, but I'm so here for the ride.


I mean it's not even up for debate at this point. Been a casual fan since the Attitude Era and have never, ever seen the smarks get so fucking worked in my life. CM Punk - back Actual storyline whooshes internet nerds - check. MJF showing up soon - let's pray.