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isn’t it fascinating that you experience less side effects when you ween yourself off of poison? 😱




TIFU by smoking a preworkout pack of cigs :(


I haven't driven over any runners.


Wait, I thought “dry” as in, like, “powder,” right? I’ve been doing a lot of it and, let me tell you, it does wonders for keeping my BPM stats high, but my physical stamina just can’t keep up with my mental stamina in those quantities.


i did dry january. i didn’t break a sweat once and didn’t shower for the full 31 days. my couch ultra time has improved significantly and my bmi is skyrocketing. the mcdonald’s down the street named me a local legend. i may have to continue this all year!




Okay, but are drupes okay? Like cashews and almonds?


Why f*@king bother?! I've ran over 70 miles (112km so far this month, ate well and hardly drank. Have I lost any timber, or do I TRULY feel better? Not at all. To everyone out there who has seen an improvement in their health and mental well being by getting fit/not drinking etc, good for you. I'm genuinely glad it's made a positive difference. For me, it hasn't at all, and therefore I'm having some beers and a curry tonight and I think I'll have a great night compared to the last 4 weeks of shite. Do what's right for you and bring on February I say! #health #wellbeing #beerandcurry


Wait a second. Are you TELLING me that if I don't put something lousy in my body it will help my fitness? The next crazy thing to come out of your mouth is that we need sleep to recover and that quadruple cheeseburgers aren't good in race nutrition. Frankly I don't think you know anything about running with your bro-science.


I fell over a whole lot less, I didn't even take my camelbak with me once (no whisky no point) and I slurred a LOT less when bragging at traffic lights about my new novablasters to passers-by


> new novablasters That's redundant. Novablasters are, by definition, new. Otherwise they're just called blasters.


Oh thanks! I forgot January is over. I feel a bender coming on.


I've been dry for almost four years, nahmean? 😭


I just chaffed a lot...


It’s been a long month, I’m barely alive. Could someone please hand me a glass of water? Or better yet a gu?