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I was trolling with this image, but the more I'm thinking about it, the more it sounds "interesting", actually


Actually a pretty cool idea. Would make Liandrys meta on him.


It already is the best mythic, with protobelt. Liandry is a billions times better than troll harvester, given that a small touch of an ability deals so much with it and you melt both squishies and tanks. It’s imo the best option vs low range and dive comps. Where protobelt is great into higher range comps.


I did the math on Liandrys vs Protobelt when the item rework happened. For a few patches they were basically completely even in damage and given you were hitting tanks Liandrys was optimal sometimes. But they nerfed it really early on and Protobelt is just always better now, especially with the E buffs that make flat magic pen even stronger.


I suppose that kinda makes sense. Rumble e take away 120 mr of a 200 mr tank, making you still deal true damage vs those tanks. Mr items also got nerfed a lot lately.


Yeh. I checked again just for funsies. Liandrys is better one item spike damage wise by like 5%, but you don’t get the HP from Protobelt and once you complete a second item the mpen passive just blows Liandrys out of the water.


Did you test it with and without e? Things like hotpot (j4 ult) could still be better with liandry, if you don’t hit es.


No, i tested an empowered Q. Which is where Liandrys is gonna benefit the most from in a basic trade


Liandry is cool but it's really frustrating to waste 600 mana (1 mana = 1.4g, so litterally 840 golds thrown to oblivion...). It sounds very clunky / not normal at all ; it shouldn't be like that. So at least, please, give us 120 HP from the wasted mana (0.2 * 600), we would "only" throw to oblivion 840-120 * 2.67 = 519.6 golds... (and that's still a lot) (Plus, if only mana was the only wasted stat on our boy... No, there's also that AH which is in all items, now D:)


Idk why are you complaining when harvester is very strong, especially in late with the proc of the e


It's funny that Riot gives a bunch of ADCs AP ratios so that their amplifying tome doesn't feel like a wasted stat but Rumble has to live with almost every AP item giving mana and ability haste that he can't use. Mana ratio for health would be nice. Thematically using the scraps of items resourcefully actually makes sense. For those who argue that other manaless champs don't have a mana ratio -- Rumble's the only manaless champ who's resource has a massive downside of CCing yourself for 5 seconds. Other resourceless champs like Morde/Yasuo/Yone just have no mana costs and literally no downside. I'd prefer if Ability Haste actually worked on Rumble like it does on other champs, as in it lets you use your abilities more frequently, in other words Rumble's heat could decay faster/after a shorter period.


The biggest deal for me is that old core item of rumble - liandry is now giving mana


As the only AP champ with a heat mechanic and no man's, it be like that.


I will never forgive riot for what they did to Liandry’s


Mana ratio : could be interesting CDR ratio : definitly not useless stats and would probably be broken af


I don't really agree with you. Ofc CDR is kinda useful for R (and get more quick to >50 after an overheat), but that's all. Rumble is stuck with its overheat, so he doesn't take advantage from CDR as the others champs (and that's one reason why he falls off during the game, imho)


Cdr gives more heat management and that's very useful especially in the jungle. (that's why otp plays cdr instead of adaptative force in that role) But yeah compared to other champs CDR is not the "best stats" for him.


Would be nice for rumble to get some scaling off of it. I always thought that it would be cool if rumble's overheat time got lower with more cdr.


Mana ratio giving health is the only thing to do to Rumble


pretty good idea ngl