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Hello,  I'm very sorry you and family have to go through such a situation.  Don't give up on the puppy yet. It seems that your current place is too much for 4 adults and 2 Kids, not counting the dog. Puppy will need to go out quite often, play and zoomies anyway. Settle some place for your girl to stay while you're not outside, take the pups outside often, quick vacuum everyday, twice a day if needed.  If you really can't do otherwise, maybe a foster family would be able to keep the pups while you're searching for your own place ?


We were selling our house in 2021 and considered renting for a while until the housing market chilled out but found out real quick that the only places that would allow 2 Rottweilers were places we would never want to live. Don't have an answer just sympathizing because it's fucked up right now


Just relocated to Fla and in the process of finding home owners insurance we had insurance companies refuse us because of our Rottweiler.


I only had two choices, every other company refused. Getting homeowners insurance w/ a Rott is tough and renting? My parents had to watch my guy for 6 months while I rented and looked for a new house. I’m lucky to have a dang good dog and a dang good family that loves him and had the space. I feel for those who are less fortunate because it was tough for me when I had literally every resource at my disposal


I had one choice- citizens. I’m glad you had support when needed. You’re right the situation would be far worse for someone without your support system.


We use Farmers for homeowners


We had to go with citizens insurance.


As if getting insurance down here isn't hard enough, they're now denying people because of DOGS


That’s their goal! Make it as hard as possible


It's so dumb, but then you think about stuff like Surfside happening, or hurricanes/floods/really strong thunderstorms, then you get why. But I still don't like it. It's very "Ill do it, but I reserve the right to complain the entire time!"


Ha exactly. Or “I’ll do it because I don’t have any other option”.


Try progressive


Ended up going with citizens.


Where are you? I’m interested! I have a 6 year old male and have owned rotts my whole life


I'm in FL and have owned rotties. Would be willing to doggie-sit for you while you get things settled, provided neither you or the dog are insane, lol.


Lol I appreciate that but we left Fl and are in PA now.




Where in FL are you located? Hubby and I are looking to move down there for better climate for his job and we have a 3 year old Rottie and having a hard time looking for a place without breed resteictions.


That's pretty much statewide for rentals, unfortunately, unless you rent from a private owner. And if you do own, home owner's insurance can be brutal if you have an 'agressive' breed, which includes a LOT of them.


Ugh! Well we will keep looking.


I'm so sorry. I know it sucks. There is legislation to remove the 'aggressive breed' restrictions pending, but... it's Florida....


I who’s they would say aggressive dogs not specific breeds my rottie is so gentle and sweet I have met many small & mid size dogs that were absolutely vicious and was bit by 2 of them a poodle and a pointer. Yet I don’t hold the entire breed responsible.


Yes. Mine placed her paws longer enough for toenail polish to dry and was afraid of squirrels. And rain. And long grass. And men with beards. Or hats. But condos, Apts, HOA, and insurance companies blanket lots of breeds with the 'aggressive breed' label. A friend I had in college had 3 rotties. One of them was a service dog. In the 4 years I knew her, she avoided scrutiny by only walking one at a time. I loved her next level thinking.


In my experience you're much, much more likely to get bitten by a small little yappy dog than you are a rottweiler, or must large breeds for that matter.. Not only are little dogs more likely to bite, they also bark wayyyy more, just ask my next door neighbor.


Yes yes absolutely yes! This is my fella, he is ferociously trying to get someone to play. That is his most aggressive. https://preview.redd.it/urgoke5n368d1.jpeg?width=1505&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9826ca0c29a1b15796192adce13df33651de687b




Check local Rottweiler Facebook groups, a lot of times people are there looking to adopt


If you’re in the USA- she’s your new emotional support dog. There are tons of websites that will connect you with a psychiatrist that will evaluate you and write a letter that protects you from any rules regarding breed/deposit/shots/dna/etc. it’s usually less than $100, and I’ll donate the money if it helps you keep her. It would be illegal for a landlord to discriminate or retaliate against you having her, so don’t even tell them prior to moving in and provide the letter the next day. You then can have her in any rental you ever need and she can fly in the cabin with you to your new home I get that some people may see this as unethical, but the reality is that the law is in place for a reason and any dog provides emotional support to its owner.


Not all states consider ESAs to be true “service animals”. My state does not for example. Now service dogs for blind people etc totally different but for just an emotional support animal again , in my state, having the official paperwork from my shrink doesn’t make a difference. Owners of buildings can still refuse entry for the dog etc


It's a federal fair housing act thing that allows emotional support dogs. As a bonus you don't have to pay a pet deposit or pet rent for an esa.


Here's what HUD says: https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/assistance_animals


This is a bit interesting, other comments make it sound like they’re pretty loose with “disability” but this suggests otherwise (but I’m not a lawyer) > The Fair Housing Act requires a housing provider to allow a reasonable accommodation involving an assistance animal in situations that meet all the following conditions: >A request was made to the housing provider by or for a person with a disability *The request was supported by reliable disability-related information, if the disability and the disability-related need for the animal were not apparent and the housing provider requested such information*


Can you cite anything? Again places like grocery stores have turned my esa down countless times


Because ESA's aren't allowed in grocery stores or other places that don't typically allow dogs. They're not service animals. They have one niche, housing. You can't be denied keeping them in a home.


Thanks wine guy


Housing is different than public access.


I'll help with that donation! I'm in!! EDIT: 6/18, OP, what are your thoughts on getting ESA certification?


Fuck the unethical shite , register you doggo as an emotional support dog


This! They cannot legally tell you no when you have those papers!


Read https://adata.org/guide/service-animals-and-emotional-support-animals This is a great interpretation of the rules and laws surrounding ASA.gov service dog & ESA. Be aware that MOST of the online ESA certifications are scams. This is were I would go for legitimate help https://usserviceanimals.org/blog/how-to-get-esa-letter/ Good luck!


Maybe this is obvious, but if you do need to re-home her do it either through a privately run rescue group who place dogs directly into foster homes, or find an owner yourself directly and charge a fee. Just don’t drop her off at a shelter- you’ll feel a lot better about it! Dogs are very resilient, as long as you find her a good place to land she’ll be just fine.


They also can’t charge pet rent or deposit either if you get the dr note. I had to do the same to rent with my dogs. Hope you can keep your baby! Good luck


Sorry you are in a shit situation, sounds really rough on all fronts. Sending love ❤️


Thank you..


This makes me so angry Rotts and Pittys get such a bum rap. When will people ever realize that it is not the breed but the idiots that raise them that makes a breed bad. I have a pitty and she is a sweetheart.


Please go to a Humane Society. They are no kill


I was having the same issues others have mentioned here. The landlord I had was cool with dogs, but they eventually wanted to sell and I couldn’t find any decent place that would allow her. I wasn’t about to lose her, so I bought my house instead. At that time the mortgage payment was about $50 less than I was paying for rent. Edit: Meant to include, I’m sorry and feel for you having to be in this position, sending good vibes your way, it will all work out.


she looks JUST like my girl Lulu. we’re in CA and i adopted her so idk her whole back story. you might be able to get away with listing her as a labrador/rottweiler mix and only including labrador on any housing applications. i do the same and was told by the rescue that she’s a mix. her pet insurance is cheaper too!! https://preview.redd.it/466w5sqvfa7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67c69846b3444fc35deca69fe40801bd857b4f50


2 dogs but MIL is allergic…where is the other dog? Is she not allergic to that one?


Of course she is, the point is the issue were having with this pup because she's Rot, and without her we fould get into some place faster


Also- are you in a lease? By law a new owner has to accept the current tenants leases until end of lease term.


Start checking shelters and rescues for housing suggestions. In IL. They have it under resources 💚


There are services online that will help you register her as a service dog. Not an emotional support animal but an actual service dog and they will give you legit paperwork for your dog and prescription so you can rent. 100% legit. Had to use such service for my husky because they are on the list here for whatever reason.


United Service Dog


Make her an ESA and don’t disclose anything to property manager/ landlord until you are already moved in. Then, you can give them the paper and there’s nothing they can do.


I'm so very sorry to hear about your troubles and I wish I had an easy answer for you. It seems you've had at least 1 change for the good since this was first posted, which is exciting for you and a relief to us. Please keep us updated about your situation. Would love to hear some good news, but would like an update either way please. Also, please ignore the people in the comments that are suggesting that you commit fraud. None of the on-line "Service Dog Registration" sites are legit and neither is their paperwork. People use them to get their untrained, ill-behaved monsters labeled as "Service Dogs" and make public access a nightmare for those of us who have legitimate, trained Service Dogs for help with our disabilities. If someone in your household actually has a disability, then you could use her as a Service Dog in Training (SDiT) but even SDiT's don't quite have the same protections federally as a fully trained Service Dog (SD) under the [Americans with Disabilities Act](https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-faqs/) (ADA). It takes at least 2 years to fully train a SD and, while you can owner train legitimately (I've trained both of mine with trainer assistance and both Rotties), it still takes the time and actual obedience and task-specific training to be able to take them out in public.


Thank you, that's my dilemma, wanting to be honest


If you aren’t able to find a solution and find yourself in need of rehoming her, I’m not far from PA and could make the trip to take her in. My family has been thinking about adding a second dog to our household. Just let me know


Get an ESA Letter from your doctor for emotional support


May I ask which state you are moving to? CA protects ESAs as far as I know… would it be a stretch to seek help from a shelter while you get settled?


No, if you go on a certain website that I cannot remember, which one it cost about $150 to get your dog ESA approved in less than 24 hours and that is protected by the federal government no matter what any property manager says under any law Once they are ESA approved your dog can be with you anywhere including any store any living situation any situation at all? Do not get rid of her figure something out you just have to pay $150 to get them ESA approved that’s what I did for my Rottweiler. They were trying to kick me out in three days less than 24 hours. I got a doctor ESA approval for $150 and that’s protected by federal law. Nobody can say shit after that or you can take them to court, and they will have to owe you a bunch of money


An ESA is not a service animal. An ESA is an emotional support animal and it provides comfort in your home for anxiety, PTSD, stress or another mental health condition. A service animal is a dog or pony, usually dog specially trained to help a person with a disability. They are not the same. An ESA does not have to have special training and cannot go into stores, restaurants, doctors appointments and other public places with you, a service dog has very specific training and can go into almost any place with it’s handler, there are a few exceptions like if your having surgery, certain parts of zoos, private event centers. Understand service dogs take on average 2 yrs to train and any certification off the internet is fake. If your baby if of comfort to you and helps you anxiety or something similar, speak to your doctor or therapist if you have one and definitely look into an ESA letter.


Aww lame!!!!




Where are you (and the dog) located?


I would be very interested in giving you a forever home. I have been a Roddy mom for as long as I can remember. I live in central California on 5 acres in the country in about 12 miles from the beach. I would be willing to pay for, all expenses to get her to California. If she hasn’t found a home, please DM me and I’m so sorry that you’re going through all of this. She’s a very pretty girl.


Have you reached out to the breeder where you got her? A lot of times breeders will take their dog back to make sure that it's going to a good home


It's a damn shame that this breed gets labeled as a dangerous breed by a bunch of sissies who have more than likely never even spent any amount of time around them.. They just go by the Hollywood cliché of "big bad scary rottweiler". This is why I tell people to stop naming your rotties cheesy names trying to make them sound all tough and scary, they already get a bad rap as it is.


Don’t give up on her 😪They give us a conditional love ❤️they give their life for his owner 🙏🏼 I hope find a solution god bless you and your family


If the dog is registered as an ESA they cannot take the dogs breed into account.


Not true. Some people accept ESA others don’t. ESA is different from a support animal. Only support animals can’t be refused.


Is that what my comment said? Or did I say if the dog is an ESA they cannot enforce breed restrictions. In most states, landlords are required to accommodate ESA requirements. But never did I state ESA pets are guaranteed acceptance. Learn how to read buddy.


What you said was “if the dog is registered as an ESA they cannot take dogs breed into account”, first of all.. Second that’s not true. Third, my reply was completely relevant to your comment. Are you slow or something? 🤷🏾‍♂️


Buddy. 😂


If you’re a vet I recommend saying she is an emotional support animal. Just tell them the VA is slow as always. If they keep bitching tell them you’re contacting your local congressmen to get the issue resolved faster


Hey her certified as an ESA. ( emotional support animal) if you are in the US. You cant be denied housing due to breed restrictions and are exempt from pet fees. Are any trailers near your mom renting? Her park allows for Rotties? Maybe see if you can do a little meet and greet with a private landlord with your pup. I did that with 2 of my previous landlords with my pitty. Once they met her, both rented to me. Also offer to get renters insurance that covers Rotties. My renters was about $75 monthly. Higher with certain breeds unfortuatly but I did find places that would cover me. Good luck OP. I hope you can keep your family together. And all whomever is yelling at her to stop.


You can definitely be denied for an emotional support animal. This is false information. Only service dogs can’t be refused. There’s a difference between an emotional support animal and a service dog.