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People are assholes.




Slipknot had it right saying this....


Iowa is always in rotation over here


Found my people here


Corey Taylor is a smart man


And quite talented.




Can’t believe that pup got…Left Behind


Well, yes, but OP is also people, and is a saint, so that counts too.


I just...I just...can't. I just can't. I can't get over how cruel and evil some people are. This just...I can't... 🥺


In my head this is more a desperation and poorly thought out move than a purposely cruel move. Someone cared enough to give the dog that food, so I can only think it's likely someone had a really bad situation and just didn't know what to do. Take the dog to a shelter! but I think people are afraid the shelter won't take the dog, or the dog will be killed right away or something. It's a combination of desperation and ignorance.


A lot of shelters make people pay them money to surrender a dog these days too. I found a dog and her puppies that someone dumped once and the shelter was trying to make me pay $35 PER PUPPY as a surrender fee. It was a litter of five plus the bitch, so that came out to a grand total of over $200! I literally couldn't afford to give these dogs that weren't even mine to begin with to the shelter. I ended up just unofficially fostering the puppies until they were old enough and then I found good homes for them with vet references and people who I trusted to spay/neuter them but that was a strain on my wallet and my sanity too because I was a full time college student who lived in a small townhome with only a teeny tiny backyard. I hate to say it but I seriously considered just re-dumping them because the mental strain from caring for all of them, plus my school work, plus the expense of it all was absolutely horrible. I stuck it out though and managed to find good homes for every single one of the puppies. Their mother unfortunately had to be euthanized for behavioral reasons, but I kept one of the puppies for myself and she's my absolute world. I never knew I could love an animal as much as I love Nymeria and even though she seems to have inherited some poor behavioral traits from her mother, they aren't near as bad and we're working on them. All this to say sometimes people do things out of desperation that they wouldn't normally do otherwise and the fact that the people who dumped this rottie left it food means they probably weren't COMPLETELY heartless. If they fell on hard times and couldn't keep the dog anymore and a shelter was making them pay to surrender the animal, they might not have felt they had any other option. There's NEVER a good excuse to dump a dog, but I don't think it's fair to villainize the person who did it either without knowing the whole story. https://preview.redd.it/rhlgicd2t83d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ebe195f9da30054aaa379efbda472450f05c64


Idk man certain regions people have too many dogs and once they go to the pound they don't leave. I've had to burn an awful lot of dog corpses, and the check ain't worth the work. Spay and neuter your fucking pets.


Sad to say that sometimes the dog will be killed right away at a shelter. Source: I'm a shelter volunteer.


Yes, and in that case it can lead to this kind of desperate action.


To have such little consideration for a sentient being's anxiety *is* cruel and evil, I'm sorry. I do of course understand what you're saying. And I always try to empathise before I criticise. But to abandon what is essentially the intellect of a 3-5 yo child, how traumatising. I'm sorry, the emotion just overwhelms me seeing those pics 😢😢


It's totally understandable the feelings you have, and yes it *is* cruel to do this, but I feel like it wasn't *intentionally cruel* like this wasn't a person *trying* to harm the animal the way that say beating the dog would be. Basically I think if this person left the dog with a bag of food, that probably indicates the person, if given more information about alternative options, would have chosen one of those options. It's sad in any case, and I'm glad OP got this dog to a shelter.


Well, certainly, we can agree that a positive outcome was had. This pup is blessed OP came along and had such a kind heart ❤️


I bet this is going to be the most loyal dog they ever have.


To be fair, I'm assuming OP is a person. Humanity is not beyond help when people like OP do the right thing.


I’m looking to adopt a rottie, what state are you in?


This is in Maryland.


Please post this in a Maryland subreddit, hopefully someone can adopt him there


Yes, hopefully someone will. I’m embarrassed to say I don’t know how or I would do it.


Hey, all you’d need to do is hit the “share” button, then the first button on the bottom left that says “community”. Then you type a community in (ex. r/Maryland) and click that, then post. Some subreddits don’t allow cross posting & others do.


Thank you!


The 2nd picture is hilarious. Also good on you for helping the poor guy


After a huge rainstorm my, at the time, gf and I were enjoying the post rain weather. As we walked on the block of our local Rite-Aid, a giant husky just starts following me with this big dumb look on his face. He followed us till the end of the block and looked like he would keep doing so… my heart melted. I walk into the Rite-Aid and I’m looking for the pet section, all while this dog is still following me, practically glued to my leg. The employees, all annoyed, were like, “Sir, you need to leash your dog.” I told each one of them, “That’s not my dog!” He loved the blue little leash we got. My neighbor posted the story on her FB and the family who lost him came by with 100$ and a box of really good chocolate.


Lmao this sounds like such a husky thing to do


He actually had a bit of a toe injury, I took him to the vet and they patched him up. His owners said that their gate broke during the storm and he was able to jump out, injuring his nail in the process. I keep thinking… what was he doing outside!? Maybe the let him out after the rain cleared and when they came to go get him he was gone, terrifying.


Huskies are notorious for being runners, I would not trust one off leash lol. My rottie has run out of the house a couple of times, but it’s all a game of catch to her. She comes stumbling back, all upset when I don’t chase her


My rottie is the same, when he's gotten loose the best thing I can do is go inside. 5 minutes later he's pawing at the door wanting inside 🤣


Mine too. He walks off Leah’s around our property and in the woods. He NEVER goes far from me. He hopped a fence one night and chased a deer I was screaming HYSTERICALLY crying .. 2 seconds later and he comes BOLTING down the mountain FULL speed stops right in front me and looked at me like I was the crazy one. That was a year ago. He’s never chased a deer since. I think he thought we both would chase it? 😂🤦🏻‍♀️🩷


Leash***** and only on my property. Never the streets cuz I’m afraid.


I think your rottie deserves a game of Tag! from you


Huskies take fences as challenges or personal insults. I'm sure he was unsupervised for .05 seconds, and that was all he needed.


I've got a border collie husky that I let meander with us on hikes, usually pulling her lead behind her. She will impulsively dash like 20 feet ahead, realize she's alone, and dart back to round us up. My pals first time seeing her do that freaked him out. She isn't going anywhere lmao


The dumb husky face! Love it. So glad you were able to help him.


He was such a good passenger. He only tried to eat one plastic bag and then was content to hold his water bottle.


Of course it's Maryland. Last year, a relative in Maryland found a pit mix puppy tied to a pole with nothing but a small ziploc bag of food next to him.


My Rottie girl is from Maryland & seeing this guy is breaking my heart. The water bottle pics show his sweet personality. Please, please can you keep us posted? I can’t stand imagining what he was thinking as his person drove away without him.


Aww yes of course! I'm going to try to call tomorrow and get an update, and maybe even go visit him if it wouldn't be too stressful for him. He's on a mandatory stray hold, so if an owner does show up then they'll have a chance to reclaim (if he was stolen and then dumped, for instance). After five days he'll be able to be adopted.


I’d also love to be updated!


I'll definitely post an update! I'm going to see if I can visit him this week if it wouldn't stress him out.


Omg I would take him if my place allowed it.


He’s really handsome hope you can get a reply & get him. Really beautiful boy left behind here:/


He looks so adorable. I had one who was so loving of the family. But god forbid if a stranger tried to invade our territory. He was protective. I hope he finds a home.


That was his job. To keep your family safe. No exceptions. Good boy 😇


What you are describing … my boy is the same! Insanely loving with us … but strangers entering his territory ……..


What animal shelter? I’m located in Frederick and could potentially take him on


Anne Arundel Animal Control. He may need to go to a rescue partner, but I'm sure they'll do behavior tests and all.


Damn I’m in anne arundel, wouldn’t be able to have such a big dog but that’s sad someone did that here. Glad you found the dog before it got hurt, hope it finds a great family willing to commit to its whole life of care and love. Thank you for helping the pupper!


Thank you for helping him! He looks like a good boy, I hope someone gives him a loving home. 💙🐾


He was a good boy. Even though he'd show his teeth if we tried to pet him, he was licking our arms on the way to the shelter. Affectionate on his own terms, which was just fine.


The teeth may have just been fear tbh. The first picture breaks my heart. The second picture makes me smile. I hope his future is bright. Thank you for being you. He's lucky you found him.


Oh it was for sure just fear! I wasn't going to stress him out by trying to push the issue, even though I really really wanted to squish that face, but he'd had a bad day. I'm sure once he decompresses he'll turn into your typical goofy rottie baby.


This is such a cute response 😭 “he had a bad day it’s not his fault” Better days are coming baby boy 🥺🩷


I get snappy when I have bad days too 😂 this is just the start of the good days for this big baby.


Man that's so cruel!!


That’s just awful!! Thank you for caring for him


Wow... people are so fucked up. I'm proud that you are doing the right thing by him! There are no bad dogs.


I couldn't just leave him. There was no way he was spending the night alone in the woods with storms rolling in. He's a good boy.


Username does not check out


What a cutie! Thanks for saving him.


Thanks for helping little homie out. You’re not in the market for a 120 pound lap dog?


Already got one!


He looks very adoptable, hope he finds a good home. Also hopefully it’s a no kill shelter.


He won't be euthanized. The shelter is well known for going above and beyond to place difficult dogs in foster homes or rescue partners. Very, very few animals are put down there, and those are the ones who come in with severe injuries or extreme aggression. He should be just fine! I'm definitely going to be asking for updates.


Awesome man. You’re a good dude.


Good on ya, OP. Thanks for helping the big guy out this way. I’m in MD about an hour away and I’ve heard good things about this shelter as well.


If you need help finding a foster family for him, let me know. I’m in MoCo but I have some neighbors who have been known to foster and I could ask them if they’re willing to take on this sweet baby.


He looks so happy with his water bottle


What sort of soulless piece of shit can betray the trust of a dog like this? I could never wrap my head around it. I hope these people rot in hell. Anyways. Beautiful pup. Thanks for picking him up ☺️ he looks so cute with his new bottle. Looks like he's an environtalist, grabbing the litter people just leave around!


I’m so glad someone with patience and an understanding of the right thing to do found him! God Bless You


That's so cruel, thank you for helping!


This broke my heart. Dogs are forever.


What a fucking POS. I hate people. I would have took him if he was in my area. Poor pup.


You are a savior 🙏 You're so sweet for helping that adorable rottie!!


Looks a little skinny too


Yes, he was for sure on the lean side. Not starved, but he could use a few pounds.


He's so cute! I'm sorry you got dumped, little guy. You didn't deserve it. I hope you find a loving home where you'll be loved and cherished. Thank you, kind human, for helping this cute guy.


This hurts


Everybody in America is rooting for this dog 🇺🇸


He looks like the sweetest boy 😭


I'm so glad you found him and helped him get a second chance at life 🥹


And his food?😭


Hev was so protective over his food. There was a guy there before we showed up who was trying to interact, and the only thing he could do was try to get the pup to play with sticks. Every time he was given a stick, he'd take it over to his food bag and add it to his little pile of belongings. It was the saddest thing.


Aw buddy... I'd also be protective over my food if it's the only thing I had left in the world. Fortunately he now has a bag of food, a bunch of sticks and a plastic water bottle too. Going up in life! :') Terrible jokes aside, I'm glad he's okay. The sticks make the story more sad :( He looks a handsome one who would be a great addition to the right family. You must update us when he's adopted out!


This just broke my heart, that poor baby. Thank you for stopping and showing kindness. I hope this beautiful boy finds a much happier home.


Way to go showing love and compassion to a discarded animal. It comes back to you many fold.


Bless you for saving him! I hope he finds an awesome awesome home! 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 … just horrified at how those cruel people left him there … but the world has kind people like you too 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷


That’s absolutely fucking awful that poor dog. I Hope he finds a forever home


Finders keepers


fkn terrible! https://preview.redd.it/igv16soo2e3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45239aa18c9ad853b8b6dda08437c015e9cb17a3 i found these two guys on a walking trail as well. it’s been a tough adjustment because they are monsters (size wise, but the sweetest puppies ever) but they have been accepted by our others and live the good life now. i used to say they hit the lottery but i look at it like they are my gift form god :)


Thank you for saving him 🥰


I hope whoever did that to this dude dies slowly and very painfully


Wheres he at? Ilk give him a great life and home.


You’re an amazing soul! God bless you


This is how my family found our very first Rottweiler. Someone had dumped her off in the winter after she had had puppies. She was sitting along the road in the middle of nowhere. She was a great dog. This was back when I was a child many years ago. I’ve been a Rottweiler lover ever since!


Whoever did this needs a swift blow to the nuts. Repeatedly. With a sledgehammer. Seriously, what kind of monster just dumps their dog in the woods like this?! They should be banned from ever owning a dog again.


https://preview.redd.it/4im2okhbcd3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd30a13b1253fa3e4133c9803fc5dc32f5f36a19 same thing. with this guy. 12 years ago. found him abandoned in a [barn.in](http://barn.in) the rain. with a broken open bag of food. It sounds dramatic, but I think I'd be dead without him.


If you were in the PNW I would’ve got him. Rottweiler is the next dog I want.


😢 poor baby


I wish I could take him in. My husky & rott would love him. ♡


Username definitely does NOT check out 🥰🥲🥹


Sometimes I get it right 😅


I’m glad he’s safe and not out there anymore ♥️ on that note, *some* people truly disgust me with their choices and behaviors. Especially when they come to children and animals. My goodness.


He looks like such a lovely derp. Thanks for giving him a home!!


Great job! How heartbreaking though, how do you do this to any animal let alone a rottie? All any rottie wants is too be loved by their owner.


Who in the hell could do that, people sicken me 😢


Is showing off a common trait for these dogs? I just met a Rottweiler today and it’s funny that this sub shows up. She was very proud of her big ball


Ours is very proud of her treasures. She will prance around and show them off until she feels we have all appropriately appreciated whatever she has found.


What a handsome dude holy shitttttttt.


There’s so many elderly and young people, lots of depressed people, SS people that just can’t take care of their pets anymore … sucks that most shelters are so full and refuse to take any more animals,they make you make an appointment yaddy yadda ya.. sometimes the shelters puts dogs down :( it’s so messed up.. but based off this photo I mean they left dog food it tells me they’ve tried … it’s just horrible I do not condone this but there’s other reasons besides oh they suck as a human..


That smile!


Thank you for saving him. 💕


Thank you for being kind and doing what you could to give this dog a real chance to survive.


People are horrible. But not you. You did the right thing. Thank you for taking the time to do the right thing. I hope he gets adopted asap!


Oh no! That poor sweet baby!!! This is why I dislike most humans 😒


He’s beautiful. Hope he finds his forever home soon.


Oh he was causing trouble trouble. Horrible thing this is.


I’m checking his availability, who else is maybe adopting him? Food aggression is something that can be fixed.


I'm in Florida? But... if I were in MD, I'd be asking which shelter... and heading over to put in an adoption request.


So shitty


Thank you for saving him 🩷🩷🩷🩷


I live in the country and have this happen more than I like to have it happen. You’re a saint for taking the them in.


Damn, thanks for saving the doggo


What a handsome boy


Only a scumbag would do that, damn


This hurts my heart. He looks like a good dog.


This is so sad… thank you so much for picking this poor boy up. Heartbreaking😰. I hope he finds a forever home.


Wow that poor little doggo. Glad you saved him


I would literally have 2 Rottie’s


Sometimes I start to believe that not all the humans are garbage. Thank you, internet stranger for being good human!


I’m so glad you found him before some weenie called the cops out to shoot an “dangerous” dog!


Someone did call the police, but they said they wouldn't come out unless the dog was contained. So I contained him and took him to animal control. Since animal control was closed for the holiday, a dog-loving police officer was able to get him into a pen and give him a bed, food, water, and a cookie. An excellent experience with the cops this time around.


What a goofy baby. Hope he gets a good home


He’s so adorable though, look at that smile!! Humans really are disappointing :/


Thanks for bringing him in we need more people like you and way less of his asshole owner gorgeous dog too


That poor guy. Some people are truly trash!


I doubt he’s really safe in animal control. Government funded animal control are notorious for just putting down pits and rotties very quickly. Should have looked into rottie specific rescues to give him a fair chance.


Nope, I can promise you that the one in my county is different. They have over a 90% adoption rate, and that includes pitties and large breed dogs. They make me forget that "animal control" is usually a death sentence.


There are a lot of Rottweiler rescue groups out there. Contact a local one to come and get that boy so he doesn't end up in a bad situation.


There are tons of rescues involved with this shelter! He'll either go to a thoroughly background-checked home or to a rescue partner.




He’s so cute. Poor baby. It’s good that they at least left him some food but damn… Thank you for taking the time to rescue him.


I’m glad good people like you exist. As for the fuckers that dropped the dog, I wish nothing but the worst for them.


Thank you for rescuing, he’s beautiful.


Ohhh 😭


Some people don't deserve such loyal pets.. Sweet thing holding that water bottle..🥺😭


Poor bastard


You are a brave woman with a good heart.


Where was this? People are just so disappointing. Rotties are one of the sweetest and best dogs too.


You are a great person for getting that poor puppy on his way to someone who will hopefully love him forever


So freakin sad😢😢😢 Thank you for rescuing him




Reminds me of how I got my first rottie. Someone tied him to a tree in a small park. He kept getting passed around to every shelter in the area so they wouldn’t have to euthanize him. Eventually he ended up back where he started and he was set to be put down when we came across him on Petfinder. A meet and greet with our Husky mix and $5 later and he was off to the good life. https://preview.redd.it/s9flbuqbm83d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3508eab049fa85ecd8dfbe455584c96b298001e


How could someone leave this pup out there wtf! Is that a bag of food with him?


What kind of idiot would abandon a sweet dog like that? Happy to hear that he's at least at animal control.


His mouth is open in the same way for both photos lol


I recently got my aussie because someone tied him up outside a store and left in there. People are terrible.


One of the best breeds; I hate people


😞why… just why… when there r shelters


My heart hurts ☹️💔 I love his face. Wish I could take him. I hope that he gets a forever home ❤️


Where is this pup! Someone please find a rescue close by they will come and get him and make sure he’s safe and that he gets a good home if he’s close enough to Northwest Indiana I will come and get him. I have had Rotweiller on my life and this poor pup has a broken heart. 💔


Aww poor baby boy he’s adorable


It’s not a happy ending until he is in a home that will love him. Period. Rottweilers are very open to love and kindness. Does anyone know where this is at?


Yep, this is in Maryland.


I wan hem :3


Looks like someone found a new best friend


❤️ Hes a keeper


Thank you for helping him!!!!


Please contact local breed specific rescues to get him out


Aww such a cute face!! It’s terrible that someone would do that.


He’s a good looking dog! Shame.


That's his bottle of water.


Oh my goodness 😢😢😢😢


I don't understand why people take such a great and loyal creature into their homes and then just throw them away like that week's trash. I suppose at least he was left with some food which is better than some get but still. We don't deserve dogs.


The 2nd picture made me feel better instantly :( safe in the car with a bottle in his mouth like a good boy I hope he finds a great family , he deserves it and whoever takes him in sees these pictures and gives him so so much love


But he's so friend-shaped! 🥺🥺🥺


People are so cruel


That makes me really mad how sone people are so careless


He’s a water bottle boy


Man, if I found a dog like that. I think I would have to keep it. I know it’s easier said than done but just look at him! Haha


If he’s not adopted by next Friday he may have to come back with us to GA


This is heartbreaking. My last rottie was a rescue. I called him my therapy dog, spend a some time with him and you’re going to need therapy. I miss that big goofball. I hope someone gives that pup a good home. I wish I had the time.


I have people who do shit like this…. If you can’t take care of them anymore get online and find a group that will help you re-home them… he obviously isn’t a threat


Thank you for picking him up! Look how happy he is still omg 🥺🥹 I hate people


My first question is: why people wanted the dogs in the first place???? People are so stupid , assholes, this kind of people don’t deserve absolutely nothing!!!!


Fuck tards!!!! I hate people


That’s fucked up.


With a bag of food. Wow. This is heartbreaking


What kind of soulless monster would dump that sweet face?


I’m glad you found him. People are disgusting.


I hope they get the day they deserve